Just watched Venom, and I'm trying to understand why it was so hated. Aside from the pacing...

Just watched Venom, and I'm trying to understand why it was so hated. Aside from the pacing, which could have been slowed down a bit, everything in it was pretty good. As for Venom 2, I feel like Woody Harrelson is a pretty perfect fit for Cletus Kasady/Carnage.

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only problem i had was when the symbiote was like ok, were frens now! fuck my home world and all my species! after like two seconds of being together with Brock

Mainstream media hates Venom.
No, it's got nothing to do with Disney, it's just that for a long time there was this narrative that Venom was an outdated product of the 90s so everyone shat on Venom because they assumed that's what the groupthink would tell them to do.

Less screen time of Venom, the lack of distinction visually for the symbiotes. Eddie Brock not being an asshole who was cocky. Eddie was not Eddie but someone with his name.

The human side was too prominent and also Venom needed R rating at least to get the most out of his anti hero motive.

I enjoyed it but those are common issues ive heard.

Symbiotes hate each other and they cut out a lot of the bonding.

Yeah. They could have slowed the movie down a little bit and done a better job of providing reasoning for that. Still, I didn't find the movie awful like everyone has made it out to be.

It was a silly but fun movie, It skyrocket after Tom Hardy gets Venom with his duality conflict.
Venom 2 is announced for 2020/2021 so let's see how it goes (Harrelson it's bit old for the character, yet he's good)

Best moment was when the black girl wanted to ask a question to the paki rocket science boss and they just jumped foward forgetting about it.

>they cut out a lot of the bonding.
Couldn't put my finger on it but yeah that IS my main issue. Still thought it was a fun movie.

Boring as fuck

Tom Hardy said there were like 40 minutes cut from the film tho.

hopefully they were more of his shit scenes

It took 45 minutes to get venom. In the mean time we get the cheesiest acting by bane, and most predictable exposition scenes. Then when the action does start, its cgi blobs punching each other.

I did enjoy bane taking a swim in a lobster tank tho

He said "They cut my favorite minutes" of the film, so I suppose it were his scenes yes

>No, it's got nothing to do with Disney, it's just that for a long time there was this narrative that Venom was an outdated product of the 90s so everyone shat on Venom because they assumed that's what the groupthink would tell them to do.
Yeah this is true. Ironically perpetuated by Marvel comics themselves.

>Eddie Brock not being an asshole who was cocky.

But he was.

>tom hardy cant fucking speak or act
>generic villain generic plot
>uninventive PG-13 action
Venom himself was fairly faithful to the comics but should really be in a better movie, felt like the kind of by-the-numbers capeshit you got a lot in the early 00s like the first Ghost Rider, they really had no good ideas trying to do him separate from Spider-Man

Because it's just wet Spawn.

imo best marvel movie

wait so hey went with pg13 even though they learned twice in a row there's demand for another r rated capeshit? jesus fuck that combined with the fact they gave Dark Phoenix to the same guy that faked it up first time makes them even more retarded than Sony.

>why it was so hated
Because of unfunny redditplebs, nolantards and marvelfags.
Venom was great.

Agreed. Fucking refreshing.

What's so good about it? Not being facetious, I haven't seen it yet.

its because now he was near all them white women, why go bakc?

making Vemon out to be a superhero is retarded

It was done out of love for the character and not out of love for some sort of overarching franchise

Feels like a 90's film. Tom Hardy is pretty entertaining. And Venom actually looks good and like the comics.

Shut up Petter

It's fun.
Something that is completely missing from modern movies.
>another great fun modern movie

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>It was done out of love for the character and not out of love for some sort of overarching franchise
>Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters

He becomes an anti-hero in the comics, though, and even becomes a hero who fights against a Carnage possessed Spider Man in one timeline, iirc.

Venom was great but I want to watch the cut scenes that were Tom Hardy's favourites.
also kek at the scene in the trailer being the last scene of the movie

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They don't even exist within the same universe

Disney shills

>I'm trying to understand why it was so hated
It's not Disney
That means it's bad
The most exquisitely crafted marketing machine ever created has done its work

Venom is part of Sony’s own extended universe called “Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters”. I don’t know where you got the impression it wasn’t going to be part of a larger franchise

It's certified KINO unironically, FUCK anyone who hates on it. It's the best cape-shit kinography on the market.

What other characters do Sony have? do they share rights to Spiderman with Marvel?

>What other characters do Sony have?
They own all Spider-Man related characters.

>do they share rights to Spiderman with Marvel?
They basically loaned Spider-Man to Marvel in a mutually profitable contract.

Venom and Upgrade are basically the same story but with different tone.
Both are great in my opinion.

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