this happened on your watch
this happened on your watch
Other urls found in this thread:
Isnt Fox Disney now?
>Paramount dropoff
No wonder there has been a severe lack of family kino these days. I was getting so sick of the same formulaic trash
>kung fu panda
>how to train your dragon
I mean... Paramount been making bad movies.
All but officially, yes
The mouse knew where to put his cheese
What about the other percentages?
Welcome to capitalism. The best company makes the most profits.
its not profits, its gross box office sales and that is not at all how capitalism works lol
im 99% shrek, madagaskar and train dragons is universal
>Shrek 1-2
>Kung Fu Panda 1-2
>How to Train Your Dragon
>Bad Movies
Kill yourself
>the best company
Pick one. THE RICHEST company leads the pack, not the (((best))). Disney is fuckin pozzed
So all those ISP owned pieces of Hollywood are leading the pack and Disney is irrelevant?
What is this chart supposed to represent? Gross per studio or # of films released?
I can't even name anything other than Mission Impossible or Transformers (which might even be dead after Bumblebee flopped) from Paramount anymore. They fucked up letting the MCU go.
blame capeshit, that's all
if no capeshit, they would be in same shithole they crawled out
its gross box office, my bad i should have stated
Yeah, Idk?
From Google:
>"DreamWorks films, acquired by Paramount but still distributed internationally by Universal, are included in Paramount's market share."
Meh. If you think those are great films then maybe you watched them when you were a child. I think they're ok, I guess.
What about them? They're generally smaller studios with few/no golden geese. Lionsgate is probably the majority of that piece because the others like A24 and STX put out pretty small films.
I actually want Disney to monopolize the movie industry for it to cannibalize itself and die finally.
Trend drones ruin everything. This isn't new.
Fuck Disney
That doesn't look so bad honestly.
Surprisingly me calling anons plebs on Yea Forums has had no quantifiable effect on the movie business.
I don't get it
Paramount got cucked hard
>>How to Train Your Dragon
The main character's voice alone makes it unwatchable. The other films there are alright.
Im just a man
Im not a hero
Im just a boy
Who has to sing this song
Once they all merge into one, what name will Disney give it?
>popular bad
I honestly don't get why capeshit is so big now. Is it just marketing?
>monopoly good
Look at those Universal gains all because of plebs who actually pay money to watch Fast & Furious movies.
Everyone grew up watching superhero cartoons or reading comics, the characters are recognizable all over the world and the movies are just well made enough to catch the average person's attention.
you just gobble up every cock they give you dont you?
God knows. There is hardly a story in the super hero world worth telling besides The Watchmen. But Hollywood loves money and managed to convince everyone that spandex and capes was cool and very important.
How is Sony still so big? They've done nothing but fuck up for the last decade.
That’s not how this works...
>check local cinema showings to see how bad things really are
>of the 12 movies showing only 2 are original IPs/non-sequels
>both look like hacky trash
Christ it's bad right now.
Ministry of truth, education, religion, diversity, homosexuality and race afairs
>Everyone grew up watching superhero cartoons or reading comics, the characters are recognizable all over the world
Dude, are you for real? No one anywhere outside of the US had ever heard of fucking Iron Man or Marvel Thor. All of the avengers are literally who's.
Spiderman, Superman and Batman were the globally popular, recognizable superheroes and they also had some very successful movies to back that. But the current capeshit craze is based entirely of unknown C-listers.
The average person doesn't really care, as long as they see hot guys and gals in sily costumes fighting bad guys it doesn't matter if it's called xman or yman.
They have a very profitable insurance department that basically subsidizes the fuckups of every other sector of the company.
This but normies outside of USA like to pretend they grew up with USA's comics.
I rarely go to the kinoplex and the times I did in the past 10 years it was never to watch a disney movie. I did my part. Fuck the mouse tbqhwy.
They bought the competition fair and square. You only hate them because you hate their properties and fans.
Whatever you say Mr. Baitman
Maybe zoomers do, vut where i'm from it's the sub-normies who care about capeshit
>favoring government-backed super monopolies
Capitalism wouldnt have allowed Disney to get this big. Obama changing a bunch of laws to help disney did.
Capitalism + Nationalism = good.
Capitalism + Globalism = Marxism + Globalism = Marxism = Globalism = Judaism = bad.
Time for new Hollywood Antitrust Case
founding fathers were very anti-big business/banks
one business that used to make a good product and got big because of it now abusing that power to pump out over marketed, market saturating shit that retards eat up because they don't know any better and don't know how to find even remotely obscure things themselves isn't how capitalism was supposed to be
>b-but it's not REAL capitalism
that's not what i said you absolute homosexual
mouse company bad
What weirdo chart is this? Disney isn't even the largest media company. 27 percent of what? Compared to what? Jesus you people are moronic.
Box office revenue is my guess.
>muh pozzed
you better be pretending to be retarded boyo
Capitalism's problem is that it's politically untenable. Communism's problem is that it's economically untenable.
>Kung Fu Panda
>How to train your dragon
yes its gross box office ticket sales. it was mentioned earlier in the thread
you should thanks to NPCS, SÖYBÖYS, and pic related who watch this crap from disney.
Then maybe label your fucking aspie graph? What even are the sources?
shhhh you're just embarrassing yourself now
Are you actually retarded? The graph isn't even labeled...
>Properly sourcing information is "le spoonfeed" now
I'm not a /pol/nigger, I don't just accept an image macro.
Most enlightenment figures are very clear about this: plebs aren't supposed to have a direct influence on market forces or politics, they are too stupid and will ruin everything.
you could have attempted to read the thread before jumping in. just a suggestion
yes. Disney is bigger than the chart would let you believe.
Do you even know what damage control is?
Why? Do you not?
Asking for clarification on a fucking graph isn't damage control, I held no opinion on the info, retard.
Your Jewish history distortion won't work on me, buddy guy
you need to relax and learn to read what people type.
Look! He did it again!
>it's because of muh soiboys that Endgame made billions
>I'm an edgy "against the grain" individual who only watches the most kino films ;)
>I use words like "normie" to describe general audiences
You'll grow out of this phase, buddy. You'll learn it's OK to like dumb movies.
>muh Jewish history distortion
>But don't call me /pol/
are you pretending or something?
Why? Are you not?
>it's OK to like dumb movies.
It literally isn't.
>this quote undeniably proves that you aren't allowed to like different films for different reasons
How fucking one-note are you in real life, user?
>This is literally not how reading or reading comprehension works
>no u
Based faggot
One day you'll be old enough to understand
Why am I being blamed for this? These are multi billion dollar corporations, how could I possibly influence their market shares?
That chart can have you imprisoned for anti-Jewish hate speech and no, not even joking. Apparently the mere idea of Jewish people being in charge of massive, rich corporations is PUUUUUUUURE EEEEEEVILLL
you bought a ticket to every avengers film between 2008 and 2018. dont pretend you didnt
Not stupid, ignorant
Big difference
>retards actually believe this
I sincerely believe you don't even know what your point is anymore.
Irrelevant when pointed at a brick wall
Sure, bud.
>retards have been told this for decades, yet refuse to learn a lesson because at they end of the day, they're just retards
I'm not your bud, guy.
I knew Iron Man because of that cartoon with the awesome opening
Also Hulk, Fantastic Four and X-Men were pretty global too.
Told what for decades? There has yet to ever be a single arrest in the entire Western World, for Holocaust denial. Or antisemitism. There are fines for "hate speech", but not jail time, nor arrests
>oh no disney is slightly bigger than WB were 10 years ago
? who cares. monopoly only causes crashes on themselves. see: star wars
Could you BE more new? Where the fuck are you living?
no the government is supposed to stop this stuff
>ugh I can't even
Almost everything you probably think about muh Joo on here is the product of oldfag trolling from over a decade ago, actual stormniggers who fell for memes, and you rebbit types who are so new, you probably didn't even realize you've been spamming the same info on ten different infographs like the retard you are. I'll reiterate, there has never been a single arrest for antisemitism by irself, or Holocaust denial.
I literally didn't though. I just pirate everything I watch and I rarely see movies in the theater. I haven't seen a single Marvel movie in theater.
Want to know how I know you don't live in Europe?
First result for me lol
That's a good distinction. The big enlightenment debate of the time was actually over if the plebs were too stupid or were just ignorant and could be taught. My opinion is that the 'stupid side' has largely won empirically, but over time the 'ignorant side' managed to politically win everything anyway.
Looks like we've got a couple of bad book enthusiasts here.
Read what they were arrested for, retard. The arrests didn't even produce jail time.
Want to know how I know you are misinformed and get your news from /pol/?
Hulk and X-Men were kinda popular in the 80's and 90's respectively, but a tier lower than those 3
Fantastic Four were never remotely popular
Want to know how I know you don't?
Though, I guess you could be a Brit, but a pretty retarded one
Please give me an objective analysis on what makes literature "bad", and I'll give you a government grant large enough to fund an empire, since you'd be the first aspie in human history to do that.
Neither, the slave caste is foolish.
>Paramount’s suffered the biggest decline, and Disney’s grown greatly
Out with the mountains, in with the castles it seems.
>disney makes movie about guy who wants to balance all things
>when they're the ones fucking up with the balance
it's like pottery, it rhymes
>write a thesis and I'll promise to give you money I don't have
Really!? Wow! I'll get right on it!
No wonder you like bad books. Even your shitposts have unbelievable plots.