Brad Pitt transcends the chad-cuck paradigm. The guy is a super-mega-ultra-chad. When you're in his league...

Brad Pitt transcends the chad-cuck paradigm. The guy is a super-mega-ultra-chad. When you're in his league, you don't even have to maintain "alpha" pretensions. The world is yours.

Imagine walking down the street and knowing any woman you look at will go moist instantly. Even the most forthright, loyal, happily married women would gladly sacrifice their family lives to fuck you just once. Even a glance would fill them with validation and be remembered as a highlight of their lives.

Pitt is so off-the-charts alpha that he's probably bored with it. The things he says and does make no sense to people like you and me. We still have brass rings we want to grab. Pitt has gotten them all, and he's probably drifted into a strange form of insanity.

For all we know, the guy flies to Taiwan and fucks kids dressed as firemen. Maybe the guy gets off by fucking animals on the endangered species list. He grew tired of pussy so long ago that his tastes have likely grown ever more bizarre and gourmet.

The guy could simply say the word, and an army of 10/10 women would volunteer to be his live-in slave for fuck's sake.

The guy is way beyond Chad.

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have sex

That picture honestly saved Yea Forums. It was the absolute worst it had ever been until that image came.

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idk man
what if it won't feel good?


>i tried do that with my bike
i fucked my knee

It's not fair he can wear a white t-shirt and sweatpants and look Ultra-Chad effortlessly.

bless up

i still don't understand how he did it


#blessed post

Daily reminder that this is shopped

I don't know why but I literally laughed out loud for 3 minutes looking at this picture.

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so how many posters of Brad do you have on the wall faggot?

Why the fuck would you think it's a shopped image?

Brad pitt is the sunstealer

It's clearly a razor scooter removed and a bike put in. That's impossible to do otherwise.

>being so fat you never road a bike this way

dumb phoneposter


He's able to do this because of the skateboard shoes, right?

lol try it yourself and see what happens

He's an old man with a small dick

literally learn 2 ride noobs.We all used to do this shit as kids

Cool story bro (only oldfags will get this reference)

>that bike move
I would do that shit as a kid and thought it was so amazing.

what movie is this from? those special effects look pretty damn real

Yea Forums is still pretty much as bad as its ever been given 75% of threads are just fetishes and /pol/ being outraged at literally everything

>What...what'd you say? Hold on, Ange...a why-a why foo? What the fuck's a why-foo?

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>it means you cute *blush*

I'll bite, but I think it's just a picture taken just when he's jumping off the bike. I've done the same maneuver countless times, even though I probably didn't look nearly as good doing it.

is it a meme to be impressed that he is able to roll down a bike on a steep incline while he is standing with one foot on the pedal, or are americans just this stupid?

t. a dutchfag

no one is impressed by the photoshop, that's the whole point

He has a bunch of black, adopted kids lmao

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hes a rich and powerful man riding down some street doing kids bicycle tricks on a shitty hybrid bike while wearing cloths a poor irish father would beat his kids in, he just doesnt care and its all ridiculous

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>has barely any kids
>forced to adopt shitskins by crazy wife
>wife treats shitskins better than own biological kids
>as a result one kids becomes a tranny
>spends all day smoking weed to cope

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are you offering?

what the hell is this ?

Your post is oozing with jealousy my friend

Fuckn lmeo

I'm only jealous of his wealth, otherwise I would not want his life.

>Fat Americans think this image is shopped.

Holy hell literally WHAT?

>it took this long for someone to post the unshooped version

>I've done the same maneuver countless times
Why are you lying?

This image is physically impossible
t.actual steam-scientist


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My old boss was allergic to steam. It meant she never had to work in the kitchen she managed.

I have, many times, and it's piss easy. Then again, I'm guessing that you're some sort of 400lb amorphous blob creature that rarely ventures outside.