Why does this movie get such a bad rap?

Why does this movie get such a bad rap?

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Because people can't appreciate true kino

Why do all mid 2000’s posters look the same

Cause people have seen Excalibur

Cause they used false advertising on the breasts

Don't know it was kino for me.

I dunno, its kino, Saxon dude was spooky af

>Bad rap
A B-rap, if you will
A Brap if you're catching my drift

Felt like a rough early draft the entire movie

because it was dishonest filmmaking

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I can't even tell if I've seen it or not

I know right?! The most memorable mid 2000's villain for me was the Saxon chieftain.

The soundtrack is very good and really elevates the movie.


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I thought it was great. Might be nostalgia.

lol chestlets when will they learn

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I really like Clive Owen.

Is that Til Schweiger on the left?

damn, been a while since I last watched this, watching it this evening, thanks

It is. He plays Cynric, the son of the Saxon chieftain Cedric.

Unironically my favorite King Arthur film.


It's a good film only plebs hate it

>a Roman general and his Sarmatian knights leading Celts against Germanic invaders
Even though this shit is ahistorical as fuck this sounds fucking awesome. God I wish there were more historical kinos

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Don't care unless they make Bernard Cornwell's Arthurian trilogy.

King Arthur being an ex Roman general and Excalibur being forged from a meteor is definitely my favorite rendition of the legend.

It was mediocre, but I liked it