Yeah, no Jason. Still the best. Great atmosphere. First person killer shots. Harry Manfredin score. Location shots of Hope NJ and and Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco as Camp Crystal Lake
The best Friday
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Part VIII has the best intro.
Part 3 is the best
A good sign a series is going to shit I’d when they put contemporary music in over a musical score. Elm Street 3 did it and it was downhill from there
So did Jason rape Chris in that flashback scene?
Part 4 is where it's at, but I do think the first one is underrated at this point.
3 is so close to being the absolute best but falls short
Yikes. You really like it better than Part 2 and 4?
thats the Dokken track right? Not sure I'd have called hair metal contemporary
It was for the late 80s
It's significantly worse than 2 & 4
>Shelly is annoying. I know people are like /ourguy/ but he's just pathetic in an obnoxious way
>shot in a Hollywood backlot not in the east coast cozy location shoots of the first two movies
>all the 3D shit is annoying if you aren't watching it in 3D, hell it's probably annoying in 3D too but I wouldn't know
>biker gang is annoying and ruins the cozy innocent atmosphere
4 sucks, 2 is pretty good though, but 3 is the best
You are high. 4 is the ultimate in what people are looking for
>copious nudity including doublemint twins
>still has the cozy campmosphere of the early movies and early '80s natural vibe
>Crispin Glover and Corey Feldman being their weirdo funny selves
>good kills and an athletic Jason who smashes windows and doors, has the hockey mask the entire time
>cool ending w/ Feldman acting like a nut
It kind of sucks that Part 3 only really has the house and barn as locations. Plus it was really obvious they had moved to California and “Crystal Lake” was clearly just a small manmade pond.
I am high, but that's irrelevant. Corey Feldman sucks. Part 3 has the hottest girls.
Part 3 has hot girls but very little nudity.
They all kind of blend together in my mind. I remember the general premise, but I don't remember the kills.
Part X is unironically the most based and redpilled
It’s aged really badly though. It looks and feels like a cheap Syfy Channel movie.
Saw 5 last night and it was utter dogshit. Watered down violence. Hardly a plot to speak of. Crap.
Jason Lives all the way. Jennifer Cooke is the best Friday girl.
More creative kills than any Halloween movie
It didnt age, it always looked like shit
Have just seen Part VI. Really weird tonal shift to comedy shlock. Like what the fuck were they thinking with the paintball scene, the bike couple, the lack of sex scenes and the children sleeping in the cabin while Jason avoids them for "PLOT".
Part III is still my favorite. The final girl is cute and the final survival scene is very tense.
I hate how they didn’t even try to keep Crystal Lake consistent. They could’ve atleast don’t scenic shots of Hope New Jersey and splice it in
Depends on what you want I suppose. I think Part 6 is well made, has a very likable cast and lots of creativity. I also liked seeing an actually functioning camp with kids involved.
There's something specifically tri state about Crystal Lake. It doesn't have to be NJ but at least upstate NY or rural PA.
Exactly. Same deal with movies like Sleepaway Camp and The Burning. East coast summer camps have a distinct look to them.
6>4>2>3>1>The Rest
6 is pure Hammer Horror kino with a dash of Friday the 13th camp and gore. Lack of nudity is the only tiny knock against it. 6 is the best of everything else the franchise has to offer.
Agreed. Some people hate the meta humor but I think all of them had a decent amount of comedy injected into them.
whatever, man. i perfer hotter girls and less nudity over meh girls and more nudity
Favorite Friday Girl
This but unironically. Why do plebs always rank it as one of the worst in the franchise?
I didn't hate it, I actually really liked it and I agree with you most points of your posts but the paintball scene is still the low point of the series for me (as of now).
A shitty scene in an overall good movie (with some really good kills)
Part 3 has better kills and more likable characters than either of those. The harpoon death is legendary
Because it's more about mood and setting than some giant hulk teleporting around and turning teenagers into paste. The same people probably prefer Aliens over Alien
This right here
4 had the best early girl in the Feldman's sister.
This is the best kill in part 3D
What’s his deal
he's dead
But was he a perv.
Halloween was great but the summer camp setting of Friday the 13th sets it apart from the other knockoffs.
I liked seeing the camera and crew reflected in a car window
based and chrispilled
>caring about movie mistakes
Come on.
>4 sucks
Vera is the superior Friday 3D girl.
The mom was smoking hot too.
For me 2 will always be highest ranked because the mickey mouse girl's body was just so UNPH
He's right you know