Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums edgelord's court appearance
god I hate spics
Yeah, that's the point of the character. This version of the joker loses his mom and is mistreated by society. He is literally crying in pic related
this says a lot about society
t. ICE
>mighty mouse
nostalgia flash
Post the original you dick
what the hell is that on the right?
>smug jesus
this is what americans really believe (no, i'm not british)
Muscle worship
are you fucking retarded? kys
shut up britshit
Why did Jesus allow him to grow that crooked in the first place? Why help the Joker at that point and no earlier?
the devil
Why do british people lie on the internet?
>masks mask things
Why allow the devil to fuck around if you're just going to stop him anyway?
To test the faith of humans. Life is a test of your morals and convictions.
It's a question!
Jesus didn't allow him to grow wicked, he chose to be wicked.
But if you're going to help them out at some point anyway, why test them? Surely it would make more sense to simply help them out in the beginning.
What caused that choice, though? His internal workings? Who is responsible for those?
Whoa. That's deep.
>Surely it would make more sense to simply help them out in the beginning.
How does this test a person's moral character?
Why does God need to test His own creation? Why doesn't He simply remake a man if He is displeased with him?
it looks dumb at first, but when you realize the hand belongs to Jesus then you see that it has a deep meaning...
It's like if a firefighter sets a building on fire so he can turn around and put it out, save the day, and look like a hero. Christianity is all about god causing bad shit to happen but have people worship him when he saves the day at the last second.
Who is responsible for society?
Remaking does happen but God need not do it
Because men remake themselves
Why would a loving God do that?
fuck yuo society
>loving God
>Because men remake themselves
Why? Why not design man in such a way that he doesn't need to remake himself? Why purposefully inflict suffering in this way?
It helps if you assume it's after he's died, after choices in life where made.
the jews
Now this is DEEP. Truly a testament to SOCEITY. RISE UP.
Why create such an arbitrary cutoff point? Why should what a being does "in life" matter so much more than what it does "after death" if it's still the same being with the same inclinations?
Already answered in the bible thousands of years before jesus was born. God gave humanity the gift of free will even if it meant that they might stray from his path. baka Yea Forums can't even read.
Why not? Why not see if your creations have the strength to do good in an uncaring world?
Where's the fun, the joy, of seeing a species mature and endure if everything is perfect with no obstacles?
Are none of you gonna point out that he looks like Mick Jagger?
>God gave humanity the gift of free will
That's humanity, not the devil. Why allow a malevolent being with infinitely more experience to fuck with your latest creation?
If everything was amazing you wouldn't appreciate it, like a child who gets everything they ask for. You appreciate things more when you earn them or have something to compare them to.
Because we create just as God create the universe and we remake ourselves as God remade himself into us.
Amen brother.
>Where's the fun, the joy, of seeing a species mature and endure if everything is perfect with no obstacles?
Where's the joy in seeing them suffer? You only think of this misery as noble because you have been conditioned to do so. You know of no life outside it.
Keep em' coming
Remember that Joaquin and his brothers/sisters grew up in a wacky sect in Puerto Rico, and his real name is Leaf Phoenix
But we are not always the same people with the same inclinations. I am much better at dealing with people than the person I was a few years ago.
>If everything was amazing you wouldn't appreciate it
How do you know? God doesn't simply create materials, He also defines and shapes abstract concepts. It is perfectly possible for an all powerful being to create a species that inhabits a universe where everything is amazing while still retaining the ability to appreciate it.
>Because we create just as God create the universe and we remake ourselves as God remade himself into us.
Yes, but why the need for the remaking if it causes so much suffering?
Jesus was smug as fuck in The New Testament
not everyone on this board is a gay weeaboo
The joy isn't in seeing them suffer, but rising above it. And to god, suffering is less than momentary, a eternity of peace awaits those who remain faithful. You only see it as misery because you don't see the world outside of the human experience.
That just reinforces my point. We have the capacity for change, so why introduce a cutoff point?
>The joy isn't in seeing them suffer, but rising above it.
Why engender this reaction? Why place so much importance on them "rising above"?
wow, big cringe here
When does she squirt milk out of her nose?
>no sups
He would be able to pick that cross up.
>unconditionally loves everyone
>lays down his life for others without a moment's hesitation
>extremely humble
Goku is a textbook christian, this spic is just taking the piss
How do I know about observable human nature?
True but we are working under the assumption that it is a species with free will. Create life and allow it to make it it's own mistakes and successes.
I love when Jesus paints my face with clown makeup and makes me say the n word
>Create life and allow it to make it it's own mistakes
Why must free will necessitate mistakes though? Why not simply create a being that consciously chooses to avoid evil every time?
Idk a couple Roman soldiers were able to get it up with your fatass sitting on the cross, smug Jesus fuck
Me as well
Borderline snyderesque.
Rise up.
he loves us too much. you don't strangle your kids when they displease you because you can just make more
Because that's not free will.
You misunderstand. He wouldn't need to kill you to tweak you. God is all poowerful and all loving. He could work on you without you even knowing it.
Free will is defined by choice. People consciously choose to avoid certain things throughout their life, we don't say they're lacking in free will for doing so. Why can't humans, all humans, instinctively treat evil the same way?
change doesn't mean anything if there are no stakes. the inability to fail cheats success of its value
Imagine believing this in an age when it's well-known that the most important qualities of men, intelligence and appearance most of all, are genetically determined and can never be improved. There is no arbitrer of justice above that longs to see us improve, else he would have given us the means to do so instead of allowing most unlucky men to spend their lives in quiet desperation.
Because how do you know what's evil or not?
If you are preprogrammed to avoid "evil" you don't have free will.
>Free will is defined by choice
A choice is always pre-determined.
Women can act like complete retards and men will still want to fuck them.
you would be a different you. god loves each soul uniquely because each soul is unique. no one other soul can satisfy god quite the way yours does. he can't change your soul but he can give it a boost from time to time, which is what grace is
>change doesn't mean anything if there are no stakes.
Who says? God? Why construct things so that suffering is necessary for meaning?
Cope harder. Most people are the same, the lower the IQ the more similar.
>genetically determined
sounds suspiciously some kind of plan
>Because how do you know what's evil or not?
By viewing it from afar without ever actually engaging in it.
In which case there is no free will.
No plan. Just data. Look at the twin studies of intelligence. Completely different environments, but 85% heritable by age 18.
if you think this is a woman being a retard you clearly need to go out more.
>By viewing it from afar without ever actually engaging in it
What makes you think you have the wisdom to see evil plainly?
The cognitive dissonance of these comics (and this movie) blows my mind; I can name numerous songs and movies by women where they suffer in the hands of (male)society and they come out "stronger", which usually entails they become more calloused and selfish.
But a guy becoming more calloused because of society? It's white male paranoia. Fear. Insecurity.
no, just the nature of things. what's the satisfaction of winning a game you can't possibly lose? what's the pleasure of accomplishing something you had no doubt in your ability to achieve? why do a sizeable portion of people who live in the most prosperous and safest civilization ever so miserable they have to medicate themselves just to get through the day?
>tfw no clown gf
>you would be a different you.
Not necessarily. We undergo changes all the time, but we remain ourselves.
What kinda games do you think Keanu is into?
>removing all the watermarks on each panel
That was the funniest part
What makes you think God couldn't impart everyone with that wisdom instinctively?
that's because our soul is eternal and unchanging. but if god was dissatisfied with our souls and changed them so as to be satisfied with them (i.e. "start over") he'd have made them into different souls. also he'd be reneging on an explicit promise which he doesn't do
Because then it wouldn't be free will.
clown gf or bonbi gf?
>why do a sizeable portion of people who live in the most prosperous and safest civilization ever so miserable they have to medicate themselves just to get through the day?
Such a juvenile mindset. So God created suffering for competition? What about the people born without the ability to compete at all, without even the ability to comprehend competition? Are they simply forsaken, and if so why?
>what's the satisfaction of winning a game you can't possibly lose?
But God is the one who makes it so that you don't enjoy such a game in the first place. If He is all good, why do this?
This, she cute but clearly undateable
Daily reminder the God's ultimate display of love to mankind is allowing them free will.
So our instincts mean we don't have free will?
>but if god was dissatisfied with our souls and changed them so as to be satisfied with them (i.e. "start over") he'd have made them into different souls. also he'd be reneging on an explicit promise which he doesn't do
So, the flood was just a one-time thing?
>Mr Incredible
>Mighty Mouse
Why Mighty Mouse?
No. If you automatically knew what was evil and what wasn't, you wouldn't have the free will to make mistakes and grow as a human being.
Where's the free will in 80 years of wageslaving as yet another mediocre cog in the machine?
Mexicans love Mighty Mouse
>he'd have made them into different souls
No He wouldn't. You've retreated into abstraction. It is perfectly plausible that God could tweak us here and there whilst still allowing us to retain our central essence.
He cute
HOLLY SHIT the alt right just got BTFO how will they ever recover, /poltards are seething, the culture war is over
Just type nigger you fucking faggot
you choose to do it
>dude I put on this fucking clown makeup every day, do you know how long it takes to do that shit?
>low IQ
>mentally ill
>living under a totalitarian regime
There are hundreds of thousands of people who fit this description. How can they be said to have free will?
very cute boy
Bury whoever made this image alive.
Because they can choose to rise up and change their situation in life.
Why does God define "growth" as living through suffering?
>if you automatically know
Your mind and body automatically know plenty. We don't say you lack free will because of it.
Because growth only comes from adversity.
Exclusively heavily modded Oblivion.
Can't improve IQ, can't improve appearance substantially, almost impossible to get out of the lower class especially considering the former attributes, can't cure mental illness, can't overthrow a totalitarian regime or even contribute while being all or even some of the above.
Well Oblivion has to be heavily modded to even be playable.
that's called grace. but grace doesn't change the individual soul, it just helps it
Studies have found quite the opposite, actually. Children growing up in harsh environments are often developmentally impaired.
is suffering bad if it makes you a better person by its overcoming?
You seem to think not being able to succeed means no free will.
You have the free will to make those decisions. Whether or not you succeed is completely irrelevant.
They can't change their situation. That's the point. Some mentally compromised individual who is clinically retard is not going to ever be able to take down or even contend with complex infrastructural issues that are endemic to the modern nation state or whatever.
We're talking about adults. Not children.
legit kek
So why would God give some men free will when the only choice they can succeed at is death?
>Because growth only comes from adversity.
Why? Why does God make it so? Free will isn't a sufficient answer for the reasons already discussed.
see God gave all men free will.
But adults have already finished growing. You're not making any sense.
the flood was a one-time thing. that's why the real apocalypse will be fire
ironically, their plan to bank in on the joker might have the consequence of completely destroying him. now he's an edgy little bitch, no matter what you come up with, there are examples in the real world of people who went through the same thing or worse and managed
Just because you aren't smart enough to understand it doesn't mean its not a relevant answer.
So why not grace all mankind with the wisdom to consciously choose to avoid evil?
According to your paradigm, why must God create such a sadistic equation as suffering= growth?
I dont get it. There's literally no reason whatsoever to not kidnap Bonbi, (since 2ch and /wsg/ already found her approx location) held her in a specialized garage that you built to be as perfect as her room, tell her the only way out is to shoot a personalized video for you, then just to betray and kill her anyway after it's finished.
Like, seriously, what's stopping you all?
>adults can't continue growing as a person
Because if you are preprogrammed to avoid evil you don't have free will.
why are you all talking about god and shit in a bonbi thread?
But you said here that God gave men free will to allow for a choice to succeed, meaning through struggle. And yet what meaning is there in a struggle that you know will end in failure? It's nothing but suffering. So you're telling me God gave a handful of unfortunate men free will, just to watch them suffer their whole life long? What is that but cruelty, and why should I believe such a god is not the devil instead?
Because you can't give some people free will and not others.
Its all or nothing.
And free will is choice. Whether you can succeed doesn't matter.
>But you said here
Stopped reading there.
That wasn't me.
Then why create men who know nothing but suffering at all?
>Just because you aren't smart enough to understand
>ad hominem
Insulting me at this point only shows you're getting desperate. Free will isn't a sufficient answer because man is comprised of certain instincts - some deeper than others - like the instinct to breathe. Just because man needs to breath doesn't mean he is lacking in free will. Now, why can't man's avoidance of evil be as inately powerful as his need to breathe?
You are preprogrammed for a lot of things, yet you still believe in free will.
Because they have the free will to stand up and end their suffering.
>Whether you can succeed doesn't matter.
Then there is no meaning to free will which essentially contravines most religious teachings.
only the worst scum on earth could ever think about doing that
>Now, why can't man's avoidance of evil be as inately powerful as his need to breathe?
Because innateness implies nature, and evil isn't natural, it's a man-made symbol with subjective meaning.
Who is this clown?
Moves uncannily like a nu-disney princess, creepy desu
Go back to /gif/ retard
Like only three fags in this board care about your ethot user, stop forcing her. Reminds me of that faggot who memed agatha in Yea Forums
>and evil isn't natural
So it's the privation of good? Then why can't our desire to do good be as inately powerful as the need to breathe?
And if their suffering is inflicted by others, and they do not have the ability to stop it? Their choice to end their suffering would inevitably end in failure depriving the thing of meaning, unless you're implying suicide, which nullifies the whole argument by destroying the life which had free will before it could see its choice realized.
Bonbi is a /wsg/ thing but yes.
Because some people CHOOSE to be evil.
Death ends their suffering.
>Because some people CHOOSE to be evil.
Yes, based on their inclinations and their relative ignorance. How is that free will?
Why is Shaggy a gamer?
>how is a choice free will
Are you serious nigger?
I didn't say choice, I said inclinations, some of which are clearly stronger than others. Now, answer my question, why can't the inclination to do good be as strong as our inclination to breathe?
Because then it would not be a choice, you don't breathe by choice but by need
Is this a guy?
So breathing isn't a choice but a need? Yet we still have free will? Why can't we "need" to do good then?
simpli epik
>calling Bonbi a guy
Can you Bonbi posters stop posting this zoomer shit? This a joker thread ffs.
I'm sorry. You're right. This should have been another epic sneed thread XD
Lord knows the catalogue could do with yet another one of those.
how aobut you stfu and go back to red.dit with all you faggot friends?
That is definitely a female based on her facial morphology. No male could maintain that bone structure after entering puberty, and this person is clearly too large to be prepubescent.
don't give the bonbifag (you)'s and it'll fuck off
I think you might need anti-psychotics. She's adorable, but clearly too young for a sex dungeon. And if you kill them, you have to find a new sex-slave. They don't grow on trees.
>This a joker thread ffs.
if you can deal with anarchy try calling batman
Stop being an edgelord.
Start going to church.
Start reading the Bible every day.
Jesus was a weeb?
was waiting for this. thank you op
Of course he was. After the Resurrection he went to Japan and lived the rest of his life, dying there.
How many wigs and costumes does this whore have?
>facebook filename
You should go back to facebook, retarded beta orbiter.
waaaaaah suffering. god isnt restrained by your petty mortal perspective. he knows suffering is conducive to growth. youre a faggot, he doesnt have to justify himself.
Just one.
I told you to stfu go back to red.dit faggot. Are you to retarded to read?
This is fucking retarded, any dickhead can kneel and pray to god but how many people you see are actually fucking strong or swole as fuck?
>he knows suffering is conducive to growth.
No, He makes suffering conducive to growth. Why? Why create such a sadistic equation?
It's not sadistic you are just a slave minded weak little faggot full of resentment
I'm with you Jesus
>you are just a slave minded weak little faggot full of resentment
Lol. Cope. Why would a loving God make suffering necessary for growth? You have no answer that's why your pissing your pants with insults.
Don't anthropomorphize god you faggot. I have no answer to your false question correct. Suffering is necessary for growth cause life can't be static it must be dynamic. If you don't like it kill yourself or stop speaking dishonestly
You’re the one that’s coping though lol
well, I guess the easiest way would be
1.get a normal gf
2.buy her a clown outfit
3.ask her to wear it
>Don't anthropomorphize god you faggot.
The Bible does this all the time.
>I have no answer to your false question correct.
>I can't answer your question therefore it's false!
Cope some more.
>cause life can't be static it must be dynamic
Why? Why must dynamism be predicated on suffering? There's plenty of movement that doesn't result from suffering.
okay ... now THIS is funny XD
>no u!!
christianity doesn't allow questions bub
>bible does all the time
>cope some more
Your question IS false. You are reducing God to a sole characteristic to try to make the question impossible to answer. But sure even with your FALSE PREMISE i will humor you. A parent punishes their child because its just. Suffering is an extension of this justice.
Dynamism includes suffering you retard
Please for the love of god tell me that if I live a good Christian life when I go to heaven I'll be able to get a bonbi gf.
>why are people allowed to make unique choices i wish God had made us all autonomous robots with no control over our lives
>You are reducing God to a sole characteristic to try to make the question impossible to answer.
In what way?
>Suffering is an extension of this justice.
Why does it need to be?
>Dynamism includes suffering you retard
It doesn't have to.
Look at her top incisors. Does this bitch have some asian in her?
>loving god
even shitty anthropomorphize of god includes more qualities. reducing god to "love" is lukewarm theology
because that is what justice is rooted in you moron. people pay for their actions.
>it doesnt have to
in order to be fully dynamic it must. you cant just censor aspects of reality to pamper your sensibilities
Why offer free will if you're just going to show him the right path at the end anyway? If you think he can still remain free with the knowledge of this path, why not offer aid at the start rather than at the end?
You’re the one crying about raped kids or whatever though, soyboy.
I don't see how it could be heaven if we don't get bonbi clones.
I unironically want more of these.
tumblr nose
Be we don't want it to.
Because he knows you faggots would be here bitching more about a lack of free will than you do about the presence of it. he sees through your dishonesty into the heart of your arguments. which is resentment.
>why not offer aid at the start
pic related. hes with us the entire time. always offering help. WE walk away
>even shitty anthropomorphize of god includes more qualities. reducing god to "love" is lukewarm theology
No-one is reducing god to love, but benevolence is one of his primary attributes. You know this. Your argument sucks, dude.
>because that is what justice is rooted in you moron.
Why? Why must God make it so that justice is rooted in suffering. He could root it in anything. God doesn't simple create the matrial universe, he's also responsible for forming and shaping the abstract concepts that underpin it. Why predicate so much of the human experience on pain when He could potentially have predicated it on anything?
>in order to be fully dynamic it must.
Only because God deems it so.
speak for yourself
>You’re the one crying about raped kids
>Because he knows you faggots would be here bitching more about a lack of free will than you do about the presence of it.
Are you ESL or just very pissy? This sentence makes no sense.
>primary attributes
no its not lmao. and you literally reduced god to love soooo
Cause its the best method for it! your screeching doesnt change this his infinite wisdom knows much more than you.
>cause he deems it so
yes cause its the best method.
Why no more bonbi?
I'm not exactly religious but pictures like these unironically stir something inside me. It's nice knowing something really loves you if you have nothing. I'm not trying to be edgy when I say I don't know if I believe it and I'm hesitant on the whole thing but it's a really great feeling.
It makes perfect sense holy fuck how can you be so dumb.
>why offer free will
>because you would bitch more about having no free will than you would bitch about the presence of it
you need to read some fucking books if that sentence was complicated to you
It's portugese, dumbass
Go to a local small church (maybe do some research to ascertain their social views, liberal ones = bad church) and ask some questions friend. theres no harm in it.
>no its not lmao.
Benevelonce is one of God's primary attributes. Learn 2 theology 101, my pin-headed friend.
>Cause its the best method for it!
Only because God makes it so. Why engender this equation?
>yes cause its the best method.
Only because God makes it so.
Not that user but I agree. It's actually a pretty nice comic that illustrates the sentiment.
Still spic since they can't speak
tumblr has a movie??? wtf?
You initially said "do", not "would". Why tell such an obvious lie, shit for brains? It's there in black and white
Why would you remove the two watermarks he put on every panel? It loses the charm
No, its not. You don't really know what youre talking about.
>only cause god makes it so
Cause he knows its the best method for us. Your perspective is corrupted and tainted by material desires. you have no care for your spirit so of course anything that will promote spiritual growth is negative to you. you are lost friend.
Why are you lying cause you misread?
Hey, im Portuguese and no we are not spic. Spanish have a much higher admixtre of North African DNA, making them literal niggers. We are much closer related to the original Celtic tribes of pre-roman Europe.
Jesus died so that man wouldn't be judged harshly for the original sins, and this was because as humans progressed there was a 100% certainty that at least one of the ten commandments would be broken in some form or fashion
>No, its not.
Yes, it is. God's all loving nature is one of His primary attributes. Go google it. This is one of the most fundamental aspects of theology.
>Cause He knows its the best method for us
It's only "the best method" because God, being all powerful, makes it the best method. Why? Why make a method that uses suffering "the best" for us?
>Why are you lying cause you misread?
>Because he knows you faggots would be here bitching more about a lack of free will than you do about the presence of it.
>do about the presence of it
How are you this stupid?
Jesus dude. You are not white, get over it.
>Jesus died so that man wouldn't be judged harshly for the original sins
Why did Jesus need to die? Why could God not simply forgive us and send His son as a teacher?
This is the best one.
God doesnt have primary attributes. Your understanding of metaphysics is laughable. Im guffawing at your life rn
>makes it the best method
no, he knows it is the best method. he knows all the ways this could be done, and he knows this is the best method for it. again your perspective is corrupted and tainted by materialism all you can think of is momentary pleasure. your spirit is dead
>how are you this stupid
>do about the presence of it
this makes perfect sense please pick up a fucking book
I support Portugal national team.
>taiwan here
Because god isnt a post modernist little faggot who has no sense of right and wrong or justice. a crime was committed (by humanity) and a price must be paid. Jesus paid the price for us. God doesnt have to justify himself to slave minded mentality
mods deleted my post what a bunch of QUEERS
>Why did Jesus need to die?
To show that the son of god loved man so much he was willing to die for them, even when they cursed him
>Why could God not simply forgive us and send His son as a teacher?
Look at what happened when the Catholic church was just randomly 'forgiving people of their sins', it lead to debauchery and sin because people thought that all was immediately forgiven, and he did send his son as a teacher. He taught the apostles which they in turn taught others
>Yea Forums has resorted to post ironic discussion on facebook memes
where will it go next?
>God doesnt have primary attributes.
Ok, I suppose you know more than the likes of Aquinas and pretty much every other theologian who has written on the subject of God for the past 2000 years. God is regarded as omnibenevolent. You cannot get around this.
>he knows all the ways this could be done
He CREATES those ways, you tard. He is the one who says that 1 is ultimately different to 0. How are you still not getting it? He could predicate anything on anything else, so why predicate so much of the human experience on pain?
>again your perspective is corrupted and tainted by materialism
I have literally been dealing with abstract concepts all throughout this thread. My whole point is that God governs principles that are beyond the material. For you to conclude that I am preoccupied with materialism in the face of this is beyond stupid.
>this makes perfect sense please pick up a fucking book
Then why did you change the "do" to "would" when you quoted yourself, you little weasel?
Hopefully Sneed
It seems you just don't understand what you read. God has no primary attributes.
as ive already told you, he sees how it works without, and this is the best method. sure he created a method without suffering and without choice and you know what? the souls in that attempt were not in an environment conducive to growth. there is absolutely nothing wrong with suffering except it hurts your feefees. To me suffering is beautiful and a universe without it would not be complete
>im not materialist
Your sperging at momentary absence of pleasurable sensory input proves you are a materialist. cry more
>why change the word
I didnt but nice try youre both just retarded, the first half of the sentence had would, the second had do in all the times i typed it
Friendly Reminder
Shut up you fucking moor
What kind of retard made this? Judaism became christianity. Judaism after christianity is satan worship
You cant sage a post. And yes I am but there are a lot of porkchops from the south that arent, same with southern italy. But thanks to rapefugees none of europe will be white in 100 years
>Yeah, that's the point of the character. This version of the joker
>It seems you just don't understand what you read
Go look up the term omnibenevolence. If you're too stupid to look basic points up, there's no helping you. Obviously God is singular, but the term "primary attribute" is used by philosophers and theologians alike throughout history to describe His all loving nature.
>the souls in that attempt were not in an environment conducive to growth.
How do you know? Anyway, this is a stupid point. God is all powerful. He could simply have made this conducive to their growth. He doesn't need to experiment because He controls the outcome entirely.
>Your sperging
The irony. I'm having a discussion. You're the one shitting your pants with the ad homs every second sentence.
>I didnt
Why tell such an obvious lie?
You are still considered a spic and you will always be
I know what it means. God doesn't have any attributes though. We just give him them to make him more relatable.
>could have just done this
your entire argument is hinged upon your subjective feelings and god removing all agency from humans. neither of these are good foundations.
you dont know what an adhom is buddy
> faggots would be here bitching more about a lack of free will than you do about the presence of it
I changed none of this, please quit lying you demon.
But it says right there you are 82.3% moor
that comic is literally FUN BAD
go back to hell you demon
If evolution is real why do Jews still exist?
Hulk is catholic so it makes sense for him to do that.
Christianity is kino
And for the fedora tipper posts who get upset at it all just try to envision what they look like and the squalor they live in
What’s “primitive” Pauline Christianity?
how can god be good if bad thing happen?
how can parent be nice if they take away my phone :(
>We just give him them to make him more relatable.
No shit. You're still obfuscating. Omnibenevolence is fundamental to God. Every major theologian and philosopher for the past two millenia has agreed on this.
>your subjective feelings
This has nothing to do with my feelings, you just wish it did. Why would an all loving, all powerful God choose to predicate so much of the human experience on pain when it is within His power to predicate it on anything?
>you dont know what an adhom is buddy
It's ad hom, as in ad hominem... I am seriously beginning to wonder about your overall intelligence.
>I changed none of this
You changed the "do" to "would" in this post () Again, why tell such an obvious lie?
Wow this is really tricky for you isnt it. God IS. Full stop. Any further qualities we have imbued upon him.
cause pain is good. I like pain, i think its a good part of the human experience. It seems like your subjective opinion is what its rooted in you fucking moron.
>its an ad hom
Ad hom is when you attack someones character INSTEAD of addressing their argument. What I have been doing is insulting you.
both sentences are 100% correct and read the same retard
Actually the first is more correct cause we DO have free will so there is no would involved
>He could work on you without you even knowing it.
He does, it's called divine grace, and people reject it all the time in favour of sin. That's the whole point of reconciliation through confession and of "being in a state of grace".
Why are americans so illiterate about Christian dogma?
because bad thing happen and when my peepee feels good thats positive
is this cracky chan
>just imagine they're ugly and it's like you''re right
Galaxy brain
Has capeshit finally surpassed OG sonic christian art?
>tá pesada, né?
yucatecos purge when?
>Wow this is really tricky for you isnt it. God IS. Full stop. Any further qualities we have imbued upon him.
>I know more than any theologian ever, including the Apostles and prophets who claimed that God was all good
Based schizo.
>cause pain is good. I like pain
Based schizo.
>i think its a good part of the human experience.
That's your subjective opinion. It has nothing to do with this question: "Why would an all loving, all powerful God choose to predicate so much of the human experience on pain when it is within His power to predicate it on anything?"
>What I have been doing is insulting you.
>Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself
By your own admission, you've been doing nothing but avoiding my arguments and attacking me. Again, in all seriousness, how are you this stupid?
>both sentences are 100% correct and read the same retard
It was one sentence that you quoted incorrectly. Why are you such a rat liar?
If sin is wrong, why doesn't He provide us with the grace to avoid evil as surely as we would avoid suffocation?
How the fuck is Islamic so low a when it was after Catholic?
>no argument cause his theology knowledge is from quick google searches
>no argument cause his subjective experience is easily denied
>subjective opinion
nope. its gods opinion. your question is nonsensical because i dont see pain as bad. its just you screeching about not having a constant dopamine drip going
Yeah ive responded to and rebutted all of your arguments this is embarrasing. In order for it to be an adhom i have to insult you as an excuse to not address what you are saying, so long as i address it its not an adhom go back to school please
>it was one sentence
It was two. I wrote out the correct sentence, and then the ESL retard complained about not understanding it so i paraphrased it again to showcase how much sense it made.
>why doesnt he provide us with grace
he does lmfao you literally have no clue what youre talking about
>cause pain is good. I like pain
There's only 1 N word allowed in this house and it's NIGGERS, FUCK NIGGERS.
>nope. its gods opinion.
>I speak for God. It doesn't matter what the apostles or the prophets say
Based schizo.
>Yeah ive responded to and rebutted all of your arguments
>I've spat the dummy at every instance and kept avoiding the one question that matters while firing off a load of insults
Based schizo.
>why doesnt he provide us with grace
Read the whole sentence. I know it's hard for you, but do try.
I think she's a trained mime or some shit, those movements in general are really good.
I wish she did mocap for cartoons or some shit
Im not claiming to speak for God. You yourself are the one who set up the universe this way... why would he do it twere it not his "opinion" (if God could have one)
>based schizo
Lying about me answering your arguments doesnt change reality pal
>to avoid evil
he does. we deny it. its that simple. its funny how you dont realize these are questions childrens ask in childrens church, the difference is theyre smart enough to understand the answers.
>your question is nonsensical because i dont see pain as bad.
"This is nonsense because I believe this really nonsensical thing"? Not him, but, wew lad!
Explain how its nonsense without subjectivity right now. You don't like it so its bad? It doesn't feel like an orgasm so its bad?
>You yourself are the one who set up the universe this way.
I am not setting anything up. I am simply asking a question: "Why would an all loving, all powerful God choose to predicate so much of the human experience on pain when it is within His power to predicate it on anything?"
>answering your arguments
Your answers consisted of you mouthing off like a retard with a full diaper. Try actually answering the questions posed, without repeating yourself and without throwing out weird, out of the blue, insults next time.
>he does.
A great many people, the majority, instinctively avoid suffocation thanks to the grace of God and His design. A great many people do not avoid evil as instinctively as they would suffocation, despite sin supposedly being the worst thing.
Honestly though since Hulk has the larger mass and stronger legs he should be at Mr. Incredible position while he squats the cross up. The others should do the same when some of the weight is on the Hulk's back.
>im not setting up anything
>a question with a world set up within it
In your own question it is clearly gods will so yes, i am agreeing and mouthing his opinion
>mouthing off
nope i pretty much shut down every braindead question you asked. you not liking the answer doesnt change that sorry!
>people dont do this so god isnt offering it to us!
based retard. also your meaning of evil is rooted in resentment so im just going to flat out deny most the things you call evil
The fuck do you mean? Explain why pain is bad without recourse to any internal state of the sufferer? Why?
If this is some nietzsche-tier 'pain/suffering/struggle causes growth' stuff even he didn't argue it isn't "bad"
Also the absence of pain isn't orgasmic bliss.
So you cant justify your position? Got it thanks.
Can you give any good reason at all why "subjectivity" is inadmissible here?
>it is clearly gods will
What do you mean?
>nope i pretty much shut down every braindead question you asked.
No you didn't. You claimed it was a "false question" (lol) and proceeded to insult me to try and cover up your own glaring insecurities aand inability to answer.
>people dont do this so god isnt offering it to us!
Do you not know what an instinct is? It's something most people can't avoid, for a start. If our desire to do good was as instinctive as our desire to breathe, via God's grace, the world would clearly be a very different place. Why does He not offer this grace if the avoidance of sin is paramount?
>feigning stupidity cause he knows i met all the criteria and he just doesnt like it
You can lie all you want it won't change reality.
>muh instinct
how can you be this dumb. all this grace is offered, we reject it. god did not create automatons. quit bitching at god for the decisions of your fellow man
because ill just say "no, pain is fine"
Unironically kino
>You can lie all you want it won't change reality.
This is pure avoidance on your part at this point, and you know it. You're resorting to saying "y-you're lying!" rather than addressing what I am saying.
>all this grace is offered
Our instinct to breathe is offered by the grace of God. Most accept it, some do not. You would not call someone a robot for accepting the grace of breath, however. Why then, does God not grace us with an instinctive avoidance of evil as strong as that instinct to breathe, if sin is the ultimate negative?
>Explain how its nonsense without subjectivity right now.
Explain perfume without mentioning the sense of smell. Right now!
Fucking lol
You arent saying anything now other than lies. You have constructed a world in which i haven't addressed every point you have made. This is flat out false and there is no purpose in any further conversation.
>breathing is the same as metaphysical conundrums
Based retard again! They aren't even remotely the same. God gave us free will, if you are mad at people for sinning get mad at people and tell them to return to God who prevents our sin. That is literally the quality of his grace. You would know this if you ever actually read about things you hate and didnt just sperg blindly at them
explain how being perfectly fine with pain is nonsensical. You cant. Thats why you cant stay on topic you have to construct some ridiculous, unrelated scenario
>being perfectly fine with pain
Sounds a bit subjective to me, wouldn't you say? Ten yard penalty.