Kitchen Nightmares

When did you realize that Gordon Ramsay was a fucking hack? Just look at how he intentionally makes a good slice of pizza look "shitty" for the camera
>plays fake sound effects and dramatic music to make you agree with his worthwhile bullshit opinion
>doesn't eat ANY of the toppings, best part of the pizza
>wipes every fucking thing off the slice and then complains about it

Why do people even watch this retard?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't that supposed to be a medium pizza?

That's like...4,000 calories.

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This makes me so fucking angry, why do people value what this asshole has to say?

>gives taste test to strangers
>the frozen pizza was better

The fucking borders of the dough were fucking raw
The pizza was dripping in grease
The entirety of the restaurant agrees that the Pizza was fucking shit, and it clearly was considering the business was failling, and about the over dramatization of everything you can blame Americans for that, watch the UK version and it's a completely different show.

He is right in that the pizza was too greasy. Gross.

He's not a hack. But American show is retarded, yes.

THANK YOU. Saved for posterity. This faggot is a total hypocrite. Who the fuck listens to a british "person" about food in the first place.

You're welcome :)

Yes, the pizza sucked, but did he have to play with it like a fucking baby?

I know this is bad bait but I actually want you to die

>grease!!!! :(
Kys non-straight male.

Its american TV.

Watch the british version of it, hes so much more chill and the show is much more chilled and realistic. Its an actual documentary about getting a restaurant back on its feet.

The point is the restaurant is losing money. Anybody would buy and like Gordons.

No, the point is that he's a hypocrite and you're a faggot for whiteknighting him.

Yes, it's a tv show to show us food. You have to "play with it" to show the components.

It is OBJECTIVELY a bad fucking pizza.

>literally uncooked
>greasy as all fuck
>humongous crust when he asked for thin crust
>lol, nothing wrong with it

I don't know where in the world you are, but it must suck major ass to live there if this is what you consider to be a good slice of pizza.

You're reddit. Go back, gay. Take the majority of /ck/ with you. It's a gay/female hobby in the first place.

Did you see the difference between the burger and the bun? it's fucking retarded.

I fucking hate this pretentious British piece of shit. Like, you go to an average restaurant and order average food that the average person eats, then spit it out like a baby when it doesn't satisfy your refined fart sniffing pallet
>bloody hell, you people eat this? *vomits* oh god that's dreadful
Give it a fucking rest. I'm sorry our plebian food isn't good enough for god himself

This is the part where you stop trying to talk.

What would Gordon think of this pizza?

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I'm not going to shit on you for eating absolute dogshit and coping about it thinking eating well is for girls and faggots. But take a good look at yourself and have a big think.
Baiting retard.

They’re restraunts failing because of poor quality food seems like they could use a wake up

It's funny because he's acting this way to appeal to an american audience.

You know, for a board about movies and television people here are surprisingly inept when it comes to understanding television and the way the exaggerate things to make them actually broadcastable.

>british "people"
One of 'em wrote 1984 and look at them now. Thinking isn't a thing for them anymore.
>t. literal faggot salad eater and onions consumer who watches her girlish figure while watching queer eye re-runs

Only Americans are stupid enough to trust Bongs
(by far the worst cuisine in Europe) with food

They need a good kick in the fucking ass to understand that they need to change things, most people deep down know what's wrong with the restaurant but will delude themselves hard enough to prevent them from taking action, they need a good hard push to start moving and actually act on their mistakes. That's the reason he's so brutally honest.

>salad eater and soja consumer
>watch girlish figure
Oh so you're a hamplanet that's buttblasted because you shove piles of grease down your fat throat and you got called out by the mean tv chefman? fucking pathetic, It's not about the fucking calories, it's about THE FUCKING TASTE, I won't eat something that only tastes like fucking fat and grease, it's disgusting. Keep shoving your fatass with disgusting grease tasteless food though, maybe soon enough you will die of a heart attack and stop being a miserable ball of flesh and fat.

>And this wallpaper, is it fresh?

That pizza looks fucking disgusting. I guarantee everyone saying it looked good is an obese amerimutt hoping to suck the grease off the top with a straw

>being this insecure
Christ in heaven. You are one giant faggot.

Look at this girl get furious at me, guys. All because I called her what she is. What a world we live in. Wew. The good thing is that when WW3 hits, society will be in such disarray we'll be able to go door to door and stomp the heads in of these sissies.

Yeah, he also pays people to walk in and talk like they are little Gordon Ramsay's.

>no u!
Nice one, Oscar Wilde. Much wit.

You probably can't even lift your foot high enough to stomp a rat, let alone a fucking head. Hambone.

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>Never had proper fish + chips
>Never had a Cornish pasty

Almost feel bad for you m8

Thank you.

>if you don't eat like a girl, you're fat!
Men have jobs that expend calories, girlbrain.
Your welcome.


They're called fries. We determine what they're called because your grandfather hid in his basement from Hitler and lost the empire. We're the stewards of the language now.

Crawling out of your bed and into the bathroom to clog the toilet isn't a job fatso, sitting on your fatass to watch TV isn't either

>And this diarrea, is it house made?

Do Americans really just shit on the carpet like this?

>entirety of the restaurant
>the business was failling

hows a packed restaurant failing

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Old people without proper control of their bowels might.
But I don't think that's strictly an American thing.

You know it was only packed because they were shooting a TV show there right?

Dude, that was a truly terrible looking pizza. Are you poor or something? Get a job, make some money, buy a GOOD pizza, then get back to us.

Should i laugh or cry?
You eat garbage
Even global food chains like Dominos and KFC taste like shit in Bongland
Just visit France to understand what civilized people eat
Or go to any Med country

By entirety I meant the entirety of the staff, you dense retard.

That waitress is so cute and nice

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Then why did they have to edit the audio also? At 2 seconds you can see that the line "Here's your /edit/ SAUSAGE PIZZA" is spliced together. If it was so fucking bad why would they need to literally change what the staff is saying about their own food?

well duh
is there an episode were he doesn't complain about the food?
Its his shtick to complain and be a dick, so he forces it even when its not appropriate

gordan is more likely to be nice to brown people orf disabled people
hes a psychopath

based, fuck europe

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I'm sorry user. I didn't know you were clinically retarded. Now I feel bad for making fun of you.

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you do know what your told about ww2 is propaganda right?
just like every country

He's also nice to lolis

Imagine being that angry about food so you can attempt to justify a £130 main dish
TV chefs are fucking cancer, just belt up and eat your damn food

>Frogs snails and the gayer cheeses

Nah I'm good


Fuck off Amy, nobody likes you.

What is E130 in real money?

holy fucking shit

you is

>American education

Brits lost their empire cos they stood up to Hitler and fought on multiple fronts you stupid faggot.

About 1000 Yuan.

About 200 USD lel

I make my own pizzas at home from time to time and yeah this pizza is absolutely fucking disgusting. Doe and toppings should never be soggy if baked right and if toppings weren't frozen or too fat. I'm sorry but it's the truth.

Dumb phoneposter.

>there are second world europoors trying to talk back to Americans ITT

>posted from St Petersburg

The fuck is that even supposed to mean, child? Who does it relate to what was said in the slightest way? Explain your malfunction to the class.

can you seething amerifats just stop with these threads. This pizza is in fact disgusting


Do you not speak English? Why don't your posts make any sense? What country are you from, poor?


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>one dude seething in this thread
hahahahaha never change, teevee

>listing a location means all this to anyone who isn't a brown-eyed /pol/turd
You're mentally ill and nothing yu have to say here is going to change that. Stay mad. It's not going to change the fact that your life revolves around political larping that won't ever change the fact that you're an impotent loser pounding his keyboard angrily because no decent woman would ever want an angry freak in your position. Figure out where the comma goes, Pajeet. ;^)

He wasn't given a knife and fork.

This is EVERY american made show ever


Yeah no joke, there's a gas station in my hometown that makes pizzas 5x better than this. Who wants to have two cups of grease on top of a sea of cheese with undercooked crust containing the whole thing? Actually don't answer that fellow mutts, I don't want to know.

>low effort reply
So the brown-eyed part was right, at least.


They generally all seem to be on that show, I'm always jealous, I wish I had the confidence to call them darling when I go out for a meal somewhere

Everytime someone posts this
You all seem to miss how the shitty burger has the patty way to wide and is basically a flying saucer.
Gordon is trying to take a bite so he gets the whole burger, not just some meat patty, and he can fully taste it.
With his burger, you can see the patty isn't falling out like your muffin top in that shirt that's been way to small for you for over a year. Seriously dude, just donate it or throw it away.

>So the brown-eyed part was right, at least.
Post pics of your eyes lol. What does that even mean? I judge people based on their hair color and if you don't have blonde hair you're literally a nigger. Also if you weigh more than 170 you're literally a nigger. And if you're taller than 6'1" and shorter than 5'10" you're literally a nigger.

Post a timestamped picture to prove that you're not a nigger or I'll have to ask you to leave :)


Who wants some spicy sausage?

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>fag apologist
He's a hypocrite and he was pretending he couldn't. Kill your family and then yourself, fag.

>Post pics of your eyes lol
>t. brown eyes
You lost. Have fun raging at this post while I sit back and laugh at your garbage genetics.

The point is his burger is too big to fit in people's mouth.


why are the shills that need to call out samefags always wrong?

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Why are you so fucking angry? Criticize the show all you want, but your tone makes seem like Gordon straight raped you when you were younger. Take a breathe, user.

I don't need to explain shit to your blind ass. It's in the video and if you can't see how fucking awfully put together that restaurants burger is especially compared to Gordon's, then there is no hope for you except adding an egg to your gourmet package ramen.

She's a flat-chested shrimp with the looks of a premature baby. Where the fuck do you live that she's even striking distance of a 6/10?

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>arguing against tone
>Take a breathe, user
Sup, girlbrain?

When Gordon fucks, he does it raw.

Literally what the fuck is wrong with Americans? This burger looks like complete garbage and he's rightfully shitting all over it.

Seriously you monkeys will eat anything as long as it has meat and cheese.

Do you even understand the concept of well prepared food?

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>I don't need to explain shit to your blind ass
No one asked you to. I TOLD you where you belong and what to do. He was hamming it up for all the drama queen queerbaits like you, you fucking Mary.

>reddit spacing
>anime after 2008
>food is le art!
Cringe and girlbrainpilled.

We both eat fucking trash mate. All good "American cuisine" is just rip offs of other countries food, and all British food is just grease, meat and potatoes.

I could go for a banger in my mouth

>muh reddit spacing
>complaining about anime on Yea Forums

Ah, the classic sign of "I have no argument".

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I'm sure you stuttering and stammering through the compliment while mumbling and sweating profusely will really get the girl moist in the loins. Go for it next time user!

>drama queen queerbaits
Funny coming from a bunch of faggots who are literally triggered over burgers.

My eyes are hazel thank you very much. And since you refuse to confirm my standards it's safe to assume that you are short and fat and literally a nigger.
>You lost.
You seem to think there's winners and losers here nigger. Is this literally your first day on this webzone?
>Have fun raging at this post
Seems like you're kind of just raging about everything my brown friend.
> while I sit back and laugh at your garbage genetics.
LOL confirmed for terrible genetics. How fat are you? SUPER fat or just NEET fat?

Post pics of your faddy tids my dude

True, the burger above looks awful but that's not the point of the webm. He hasn't even tasted it yet and he's looking for a way to take a bite when his own burger is too large for a normal-sized person.

Why are you so fucking angry? Criticize the show all you want. It seems like Gordon straight raped you when you were younger.

Exactly why I don't compliment people user

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>t. Oswald Mosley.

>rightfully shitting all over it
>makes a burger with the same size

Post a pic of your last or next meal since you are clearly a person of impeccable taste who would never dare eat anything short of perfectly prepared food. That means you don't use any canned goods or super market shit quality meat yeah? Going to the farmers market for fresh vegetables and an independent butcher for all your cuts of meat right?

Are you blind or something?

How do you not know what seething means? And then you're projecting about not knowing English?

There is literally zero way that this poster speaks English.

>who would never dare eat anything short of perfectly prepared food

Do you understand the point of the show, or what the purpose of a restaurant is?

Are you?

We've lost the plot, yeah? We've really made a dog's dinner of this one.

based smug poster

The first burger's patty is way larger than the bun, the second one is an almost perfect fit.

Can the second one be fitted in someone's mouth who is of normal size?

Always best to get a small pizza since they cook better and chances are very likely they don't have any more small boxes and will upgrade you to medium for free.

The major difference is none of the bongs have a backbone.

He cut it in half you moron. The point he is making with the first one is the overhang of the patty. He's doing a bit where he exaggerates how difficult it is to eat the burger, he does it all the time on Kitchen Nightmares, especially the US version. How many times have you seen him spit out food, dig around the dish, hit stale bread off the table etc. It's just pantomime.

t. seething

Faggot this is not food made by your uncle, it's a fucking restaurant where you pay for the food. Have some fucking standards.

Him spitting out food is an indication of the food is bad and it has nothing to do with the size. Obviously in the video above he's struggling to fit the burger into his mouth (exaggerated or not) when the very burger he makes is too large for the normal person's mouth.


>no shame because no dad
>no u!
Basically a black kid.
>eyes not blue
Into the trash you go.
>I feel my way through life, so you must too
You're a girl. Explains why you watch shows about girl hobbies like cooking.

You are such a white nigger

prove you weigh less than 300 pounds

that pizza looks like utter dogshit mate

the burger he's memeing on is a giant fucking oval of shitty meat and bread. If you unironically struggle to see the difference in his preparation of a fatty burger cut in half and held together with sticks, versus that other shit, you're autistic.

>I feel my way through life
Yeah I know, that's why I keep asking why you're so angry.

You know this site isn't for you, right?

given how much you project I'm now assuming that you're a brown eyed, 300 pound, shitskinned lesbian. And you literally cannot prove me wrong.

>"n-no u!"
Psychology is a fake science for women. Thanks for the confirmation.
>the girl thinks things are proven wrong instead of right

This is 100% a Russian btw

Did your jew pseudo science tell you that, holes?

Why do you think I called him a white nigger?
Russians are the niggers of white people.

>he's so fucking blind that he can't see that both burgers are literally the same size
I mean I don't whats your problem or who hurt you but you got to be a complete retard to think his act or exaggeration has anything to do with the quality of the meat or bread.
>wants to poke fun of the meat and bread
>shows an act of trying to fit it in his mouth
Seriously stop posting already, it is embarrassing even for me.

>Psychology is a fake science for women
So you're schizophrenic, overweight, NEET, AND uneducated. Can you maybe explain why you're so upset?


I've never seen such a pathetic fuck in so much denial.

confirmed for Russian. Are you working?

>nuh uh!
Typical female argument. What a stupid set of holes your single mother raised.
>samefagging this hard to try and make your russia angle catch on

Why does this webm keep getting posted? What is it supposed to prove or show? The top burger is way too big for the bun it's on, the bottom burgers are on buns the perfect size for them. Am I supposed to shit on him because he knows what buns to use? The fuck?

Literal fucking retard.


seriously though Ivan what can I do to help you help yourself? Are you doing ok?

>using gay slang like "seething"
>Are you doing ok?


fast food consumer

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Imagine resetting your IP just to pretend the argument you posted earlier was valid and popular. Literally mental illness tier.
No one wants to see your baby pictures, brown eyes.

Holy shit fucking rekt

What a crazy old lady, what the fuck.

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>using gay slang like "seething"
No it's actually just an english word. Here:
>filled with or characterized by intense but unexpressed anger.
like how you're responding to everything and calling everyone gay brown eyed women and all kinds of other wacky shit. All very odd things to do. You are clearly dealing with a lot of "unexpressed anger" and you're taking it out on a Kitchen Nightmares thread for some reason.

You're basically the pinnacle of seething. And I mean if "helping you help yourself" is guidance on how best you can commit suicide today, I'm on board. I could picture you as a hangfaggot. Guess you don't have a gun since you're a Russian gook right? You know you can hang yourself on a door knob right? Just have it so your ass is a little bit off the ground while you're sitting and it's just like 20 seconds of applying pressure before you pass out and bing bang bong no more cancer!

Nice argument faggot. What's wrong with the webm? Explain it or dont, I highly doubt you can

Damn his arm is swole

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Hes looking for a way to take a bite because the burger is fucking overlapping the buns. Literally use the right size buns for the burger, and then if he did that I'd call him a hypocrite. But otherwise nah yeah that top burger IS shit

Nothing wrong with the webm. The point of the webm still stance, Gordon is a hypocrite for bashing a burger too large when his can't be fitted into a normal-sized person's mouth. Maybe if you're a fat Amerimutt that is normal to you.

>still doesn't get it
Do you really think his burger is the "right size" and can it be bitten with both the buns and the patty in one bite?

She gets it. She's just repeating things she already said in the thread because she thinks pretending to be a retard is trolling and trolling is the only way anyone will ever pay attention to her.

>gay slang like 'seething'
ya skipped seething and ya onta boilin' ya fat fuck

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not them but yeah. His burger looks perfect. The problem with the top burger isn't really that it's "too big to bite" it's the whole gestalt. The actual burger patty itself is "too big" and the bun is too small and it's not being served or presented like what he's doing. He wasn't attacking the idea of the giant burger as a concept, it was just a poorly done one.

Did you just assume my gender?

How many years has it been that this shit has been reposted

Yes. It was easy because you act and talk like a girl.

Lmao imagine being this schizophrenic. I know the website makes everyone anonymous but you are talking to more than one person. You still have provided zero argument other than a massive hate boner for Gordon for some reason

> Imagine resetting your IP just to pretend the argument you posted earlier was valid and popular.

Seriously are you working? What's the endgame?

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Okay then why the act of him trying to fit the burger into his mouth? Why not just toss the burger away and look disgusted, fiddling the bun with his fork or something. Why does he show the audience the act of trying (and failing) to fit the burger into his mouth? Isn't that an subtext that it is too big? Now compare that burger with his on the webm below, the size is comparable.

honestly this

the top burger is a piece of shit, the bun is way too small for the patty, idk why you pieces of shit post this webm
work in the food industry sometime pleb
t. mcdonalds employee

It has nothing to do with the size of the burger brainlet, it has everything to do with the fact that before his lips can even touch the bun the fucking patty has filled his mouth. The burger is just flat out built wrong. The fucking toppings barely fit under that top patty. It's a shit burger

>Okay then why the act of him trying to fit the burger into his mouth?
because A: it's a fucking show and he mugs for the camera in literally every episode. Are you autistic? B: Notice how he adds structural support to his burger. The one he is goofing on has no support. You can't easily squeeze and bite without everything being pushed out the back.
>Why not just toss the burger away and look disgusted, fiddling the bun with his fork or something.
Why the fuck is this occupying your mind? You have such a limited time alive and you're spending how long questioning why some dude did a mime about some gross burger?

needs some lentils. and the sausages should be sliced or cut up in some way. just my two cents.

>t. retarded slav.

Because they get their restraunt remodeled and publicity.

>It has nothing to do with the size of the burger
But it is, watch the video again, but slowly this time.
>It's a shit burger
So was the burger he made.

>it's a fucking show and he mugs for the camera in literally every episode
Subtext already shown his thoughts of the burger, I don't understand why you even brought this up.
>structural support to his burger.
And it has nothing to do with its horrendous oversize bite.
>Why the fuck is this occupying your mind? You have such a limited time alive and you're spending how long questioning why some dude did a mime about some gross burger?
The fucking irony of that sentence.

Honest question, would you eat this pizza Yea Forums?

>Subtext already shown his thoughts of the burger, I don't understand why you even brought this up.
Seriously I'm not really trying to be mean right now: Are you actually autistic?
>And it has nothing to do with its horrendous oversize bite.
Yeah it does. That's generally the standard way that good restaurants serve "oversized" burgers. You're making this autistic appeal to hypocrisy because "he made a big burger after making fun of someone else's big burger" or whatever, and entirely ignoring that his big burger was well executed, and theirs wasn't. You don't have to deepthroat a bunch of meat before even getting a taste of bread.
>The fucking irony of that sentence.
Can you explain the irony? This is the only time I've ever thought about this and I unironically hope you get cancer and die for wasting my time with this shit. Your death will be a net benefit for humanity.

>AAAGGHGGH it taste like shite

I'd literally drop my pants in the middle of the restaurant, shit on my plate and start eating that instead while staring at the owners.

I honestly don't get what you're trying to prove now, what in "both burger is too big" don't you understand? Really now? I sincerely think you're retarded, seriously.
>that his big burger was well executed
No it wasn't, it was oversize and you know it. Stop sucking on Gordon's cock he isn't going to give you a free meal.
>Can you explain the irony?
Don't have to, seeing that here you're trying to defend Gordon's burger on an anonymous website thinking he'll notice you. Talk about fanboyism.

>I honestly don't get what you're trying to prove now, what in "both burger is too big" don't you understand?
I guess all of it. What the FUCK is up with you ESL shills? The issue isn't that "the burger is too big," I guess for you gooks that have never been to America this may be a foreign thing, but big ass burgers are an entire genre of burgers. He's not attacking the idea that it's "too big" it's that the patty itself is too big, the bun is too small, and it looks like shit. If you can't understand you need to hang yourself in your mom's closet right now. Stupid fucking retard shill get a hobby.
>No it wasn't, it was oversize and you know it.
Yeah he was making an oversized burger.

Seriously Ivan just fucking kill yourself. You're SO fucking stupid. I really want you to get cancer and be dead.

>The issue isn't that "the burger is too big,"
>acts trying to "fit" the burger in his mouth

>never been to America
Oh lord a fatty I see, no wonder you're defending garbage like that.
>He's not attacking the idea that it's "too big" it's that the patty itself is too big, the bun is too small
Visit your local optician and get a pair of glasses, look at the way he acts, if he was not attacking that it was "too big", why does he act like a compete autist? Is he trying to prove something? Why does he keep trying to find a way to fit the burger into his mouth?
>Yeah he was making an oversized burger
Yes, and he was a hypocrite.

LMAO you're sincerely trying so hard to defend that man, I mean what kind of so󠛡yboy defends chefs and food shows? I guess this is an exclusively American thing.

tldr I fundamentally don't care about how lonely and stupid and foreign you are. You'll be dead in a decade.

You've never had a gourmet pizza before. It's never too late.

Okay, nice rebuttal btw (by the way).

watch the Australian Masterchef
everyone is NICE to each other

16 reasons.

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Based. Ameriswines will eat anything covered in plastic cheese and bbq sauce.

keep shilling Ivan.

What exactly is the messaging strategy with this btw (by the way)? Why are there so many culture warrior ESLs acting like autistic niggers in this thread?

because they're being paid to just act like faggots and turn everything into autistic shit on this board.

Look at what part of the year it is and there's your answer.

I wish schools were just year round. Why the fuck are we still on farmer schedules.

I love