God damn, this episode was so bad, what the fuck happened?

God damn, this episode was so bad, what the fuck happened?

Attached: blackmirror.png (960x500, 854K)

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Haven't watched any of the Netflix Black Mirror episodes. What happens in this one?

To be honest with ya, there are only few good Black Mirror episodes.

Miley episode was one of the worst things I have ever seen though.

>Miley Cyrus plays herself, except she's being forced to make pop music by le evil greedy manager and actually wants to sing Nine Inch Nails songs
>Releases small toy robot that acts like her
>Girl who idoloises Miley buys it
>Her sister is a trashy edgelord who only listens to Sonic Youth and Nirvana
>Evil manager puts Miley in a coma so they can tour with a hologram version of her
>Girl's robot sees news report on her coma and malfunctions
>Girl and Sister realise the robots were actually built with an entire copy of Miley's consciousness built in with a filter
>Girl and Sister remove filter so now robot completely starts acting like Miley
>Robot Miley tells them that she somehow know the manager is behind the coma
>They all go on a wacky adventure to free Miley
>Movie ends with Miley and Sister playing a shitty Nine Inch Nails cover in a bar

Should have gone grimdark and offered teenage dancing girl the gig as holo-Ashley
Make her make a moral choice after finding out her hero is a vegetable slave
She can save her hero or become her
But no, a shorty happy ending featuring an actual good song they ripped off all episode
Why did Trent allow this?

ignore the retards in this thread
its like little miss sunshine
kino family adventure romp with some emotional moments

the only good episode in season 5 was smithereens the gay mortal Kombat sex one sucked

I was so shocked to see this was written by Charlie Brooker, not because I necessarily expected better from him but the episode just overlooked so many things in a way that made it seem as though it was written for, and possibly by, 12 years olds
>Hologram technology is new but this lower income dad has developed technology which is cross compatible with organic mice and computerised human brains.
>Nobody working at Ashley Too development considered that downloading the whole brain was maybe not the best way when it can apparently be hacked by the first usb cable you come across
>Robo-miley instantly pulls the plug on herself like a psychopath, who wouldn't at least attempt to free their body?
>It was somehow necessary to drive immediately to deal with the aunt instead of alerting a suitable adult of what happened to her


I want to fuck the robot


I'm probably the only one who liked it.

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did anyone else find this oddly similar to that conspiracy theory of miley being killed and replaced IRL?

can someone post the image please.

was miley trying to tell us something by doing this episode?

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>still managed to be the only entertaining episode out of the entire season
I'll take it over FACEBOOK BAD and gayniggaz any day of the week

Black Mirror was good in the first seasons, but then they ran out of ideas too fast.
Bandersnatch? So bad. I mean *spoiler alert* when your plot twist basically says "you're the one controlling this show cause you're on netflix?" It's pretty sad.
So this season is not really worth it.
The first episode sounds like a joke if you analyze the story.
The second episode is better, but ends up ruining that idea in the end.
And the 3rd episode, well...it's like Miley Cyrus is trying to send us a message about her career? And we don't give a fuck. It could be any other singer and it would still be boring, but the fact that it's Miley makes it still harder to watch. And it ends like a bad soufflé.

she could dance on your dick ^_^

>It's another "consciousness in an inanimate object" episode
This show is a complete joke, made to bait stoners and le intellectuals.

>robots were actually built with an entire copy of Miley's consciousness built in
Oh cool, that's only about the eight time they've done this

See. Homo as fuck

>entire copy of someone's consciousness built in
Jesus Christ isn't this like the fourth episode based on this exactly premise?

Netflix happened.

Which are you?

It's not the premise, it's how it was used. I honestly wanted to see more of an actual person interacting with a copy of their consciousness.

Show was always pretentious garbage, with a few decent episodes every now and then.

based pleb, this episode was great

Attached: AshleyToo.png (550x603, 417K)

They just wanted Miley as guest appearance so all those millions of teens wouldsteal their parents credit card and get netflix accounts

But they didnt know what the episode should be about

>ermm how about like ermm miley is like sing and stuff and ermm there this robot that is a copy of miley mind, you know like we did in the episode White christmas? and the viewer won't think we are not lazy just pretend they take place in the same universe and shit and then just filler like sisters doing daily shit and then saves the day in some stupid way''

>Went in and expected a horrifyingly dark depiction of a girl being indoctrinated and exploited by an AI
>Get a Disney Original Movie instead
What is an actual dark series to watch?

Even normies hated it


Yup, that RT hates it only adds icing on the cake.

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That's how you know it's kino.

so let me get this straight....

miley was unhappy with her career and felt controlled.
she also KNEW that her aunt was drugging her with illegal meds from an unlicensed doctor. she literally KNEW this from before the episode starts.
>does nothing and just takes it
what is this writing

>episode supposedly has a happy ending
>girl still has no friends
>the other girl very clearly has still not gotten over her mothers death as it's implied her attitude is derived from her death
>dad still cares more about work than his daughters
>the consciousness of a human is fine with being trapped inside of a 6 inch tall doll with no arms