Based Keanu

Why is Yea Forums trying to destroy him. He's just an all around good guy that is being appreciated by everyone in a world of clowns, and Yea Forums has to hate him now that he's "mainstream". fuck off, why be unnecessarily contrarian?

Sure theyre gonna make him come back to the matrix and theyll ruin it.

But thats not a reflection on Keanu.

Regardless of the "tragic backstory, and muh millions to the matrix crew" memes.
The guy has been in alot of iconic Kino and has been a joy to watch regardless of acting ability..

learn to love wit everyne else Yea Forums

Attached: gettyimages-1981871a-1560281723.jpg (640x641, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He sold his soul to microsoft for a few bucks
/tv is a GNU/Linux board , or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux

Also he is the anti-Dano and tv/ is a Paul Dano board

Nobody is trying to destroy him you fucking astroturfing autist.

if you stop making threads about him people will stop calling you a faggot. we don't hate him we hate spergs that shit up the board with the same threads every day. same shit happened with Gosling.


>Why is Yea Forums trying to destroy him.

Yea Forums hates anything Reddit likes or is popular, usually there's a crossover between the two.

what's funny is that only a redditor tourist would not know keanu has been our guy for years

>Yea Forums is one person
anyways, hes fucking reddit now

No OP but there is a small group of zoomers that is. They just won't be able to.

>keanu literally doesn’t change his personality in the 20+ years he’s been working
>he’s Reddit now
You’d know faggot

I thought sad keanu originated from Yea Forums? If anything we should be cheering his happiness


He's popular on Reddit right now.
Yea Forums is full of contrarians that must hate thing because it's popular with "normies".
That's literally it.

>Be famous and loved since the late 80's
>Now that zoomers love him too, it's time to hate on him
You faggots would turn on Arnie if he would ever have a resurgence too

*dates your sister and sucks her dick*

I legitimately hope Keanu Reeves kills himself. And soon. Here's a guy who's benefited from the fruits of some VERY poor labor. Here's a guy who's made squillions of dollars from having the same facial expression. He probably gives all that money to charity too, so parents feel bad for suing him for fucking their kids. And yet, here we are. Equally-untalented zoomers with the same poor work-ethic, sucking his cock wherever he goes. What a clown world.

When it finally hits your pea brains that you know I'm 100% correct, you little faggots, be sure to literally eat shit and die.

He's too lovable, disregard contrarians:

It's Zoomers hating him not boomers or oldfags. The cancer group that always distorts things based on misguided perceptions of old Yea Forums are always the latest breed of newfag.

everyone on Yea Forums is a contrarian

This is quite possibly the most autistic post I've ever read.

he is popular so Yea Forums hates him

its contrarian culture here

Jesus loves you user.

>Everybody is a contrarian unless its anything I hate it
the absolute state of this board

Ive been here a long time and i like keanu

I think Yea Forums and twitter are alike. When some users get restless they want something new to attack as a whole. Sometimes its other posters. They create a new term for them like something-fag or x-let and go to town, not stopping until its fully forced.

Ive seen it happen. This place is like a bottomless well where people just dump negativity. Be careful not to have it splash on you.

>its contrarian culture here

whats up with this? why does Yea Forums have to be opposite to every popular sentiment

>contrarian culture
Internet really allows normies to express their weird, anonfaggot side on Yea Forums.

Stop trying to force that Yea Forums hates Keanu
It will never happen

because liking what everyone likes isn't unique for a culture that considers itself niche and knowing better than the masses


>Yea Forums hates him

>Yea Forums hates Keanu
You said it right. Keanu is no longer /tv guy. He's a reddit guy now.

>people who clearly have been here a couple years to a couple days are Yea Forums

Can we stop this meme?

Keanu is a swell guy.

Zoomers ? as far as i know zoomers like him


If you can't give a good reason to hate something or someone you are being a contrarian just for the sake of being le edgy unique fag.

Contrarian opinions for the sake of being contrarian have little to no value and these kind of people on the board should be ignored.

user, you're delusional
Indeed, the poster is surely a supreme autismo to write such a thing and then actually post it

It's definitely not 30+ year olds suddenly discovering Yea Forums.