Oh no!

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=craft reboot latinas

It's all so very tiresome. I swear normies too are starting to get sick of this bullshit

Could be hot if she still has dick

>I swear normies too are starting to get sick of this bullshit
Nope. Normies absorb the media and shame you for not liking it just because it has >INSERT VICTIM GROUP HERE< in it. That's why movie studios put things in film. The entire point is normalization.

"despite a diverse cast and a themes that revolve around queer otherkin representation, this film proved to be a box office flop"

how do you white people cope with this honestly, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you lads. I've had it with all this goddamn pandering. It needs to stop, why can't things just be things anymore

Speaking of unnecessary reboots no one asked for with diverse casts for the sake of correctness, is this cancelled yet?

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I'm done. All I wanted was goth girl kino but they SJWs piss all over that. I'm so fucking done.

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In all fairness, those bitches in the original being white wasn't relevant to the story or the characters at all.


It will be cancelled any day now

You can tell the same faggot keeps on making fake articles now, because there have been so many of them he shatpost on here you can now instantly tell its fake

I think normies don't give two shits about LGBT people and minorities, but they will hate you if you don't like the stuff that "everyone likes" or the stuff you "should like". I think it's because they are very insecure and are afraid of not doing or liking the norm.

At this point I'm just openly rooting for the destruction of whites, if they want to kill themselves they should just hurry up with it.


They're really remaking every fucking movie ever made before.

CW shows rarely get cancelled

go woke, get broke

I don't want to sound conforming to this shit, but to be honest, the only people I see interested in wicca memes and such are latina girls. More so, latina punk/scene girls.

Quick, pick your favorite movie from the 80s-90s.

That's not the point, user. To a person who isn't white it will be important to notice when all the cast is white. It's only not important to white people.

I'm okay with gays and lesbians, but fuck trannies.

Who was going to watch The Craft remake anyways. This is one of those movies you forget even existed after watching it a dozen times on tv.

Holy shit it keeps dipping

It's on The CW, they don't care about viewership. They're a propaganda network like Netflix

go woke, get broke, get bailed out by rich lefties who give you another chance.

maybe but the fact that the article is all about the trans character instead of you know the actual remake is making me vomit. This is why we can't have nice things

good news, let them desecrate everything

tell your stories that don't fit their degenerate worldview

remember every time they go maximum degeneracy

you counter with beauty

I've asked my friend who's a gradeschool teacher how they deal with it all, he told me it's basically superficial placation of tranny kids and their psycho parents but in reality, no one gives a fuck and most just want to call CPS on the parents. (Can't though because what would the sperg mob on TWITTER Think????)

The world of tolerance these fags have built for themselves is based on lies. No one actually thinks they're some kind of brave. No one actually cares if they live or die.

wokeness stopped reboot criticism for a short time but it won't for much longer

these people are creatively bankrupt

>It's only not important to white people.
It was only not important because it used to be the norm. Look at people flipping their shit over inclusion all the time now.

It's kind of funny how you can see them create the circumstances of their own downfall. I've seen it happen in a few isolated cases. The moment someone has a solid case against them all the supposed sympathy vanishes. They rely on fake popularity, and as soon as the tide turns they have nothing to hold on to.

an iranian, a jew, a sheboon and an irish, not diverse enough.
a negro, a coon, a half-caste latina tranny muslim in a wheelchair, and a chin-boon, much better.

yeah, nordic cultural offshoots are mostly relevant to south american cannibals.

better be jane marie

>another reboot
all the scripts that have never seen the light of day; all those finished books they could have used but instead we get another unnecessary reboot.

I think it's more of a chicano thing.

they should do voodoo instead of witchcraft

>not found

Latinos don't practice voodoo you clueless lard

lmgtfy.com/?q=craft reboot latinas

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cps reports are anonymous though.

haitians are latin

Latinas are literally white, so what the fuck is the issue here?

santeria is the same shit as voodoo

n-no I'm never wrong!

Haitians aren't latinos either.

So Neve is back?

CPS is run by activists who have no problem with it

I'm actually starting to hate white SJWs more than I hate white /pol/tards.
At least the latter is considered a joke IRL instead of being pandered to and annoying the fuck out of me.

Just the CPS taking tranny child away would be enough to set them off

Blazing Saddles

Yes they are , they speak a romance language

like indicated, once its proven that its a case of abuse instead of strongbrave, they lose all support.


they do, it's pretty popular in the caribbean, latinos are pretty good at adopting other cultures

This. CPS is more likely to take your kid if you DON'T support their trans delusions.

>white /pol/tards.
That's an oxymoron user

>you were born just in time to have a boipussy fosterhome

I now have a purpose.

No reason to watch it without Fairuza Balk to begin with.

>the movie was literally already well beyond some wholesome, 'old values' film. it was literally a cheesy movie shilling wiccanism
>trying to present the old movie as something from a 'white' or conservative era is ridiculous too, there was literally a black lead and every kid listened to rap in those days and took ecstasy, including me

t.missed his morning dilation because shitposting on Yea Forums

The twist is they will magically make her a woman in the movie

Fairuza Balk was replaced with a tranny.

I'm starting to think the Muslims might be right.
Women, white people, faggots, these groups all seem to be irredeemable cancer.

You're mistaking normalfags for twitterdrones. Most people are pretty disconnected and don't care much about all the sensationalism hyped up by the internet unless it directly affects them.

>t. closeted homosexual who's desperate to pretend he's interacting with trannies all day
Your IQ is under 110 and it show. Imagine pretending there's a subversive tranny discord just because your retarded /pol/ friends staged a screencap.

wrong my iq is 102, get wrecked my man

The only legacy this movie has is tumblr reposts. Why should we care about this?

I will remake it. No n words though.

Let's make everyone trans.


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>Imagine pretending there's a subversive tranny discord
Yeah, about that.
>but that's fake!
Sure thing, bud.

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>jewish producer, jewish financer, whole fucking thing is more jewish than synagogue

>magically, a complete stranger from /pol/ enters the thread to back up his friend with another staged screencap
Imagine how productive you could be if you got a job and a girlfriend instead of playing pretend online political games with oyur other unemployed friends.

that would actually anger trannies, as they like to believe its realistically possible to win an argument with biology.

I have both of those things and I still hate trannies. I mean, I know your double digit IQ can't comprehend that some of us can have our shit together, but hey, that's on you. Now go ahead and say I'm lying like the NPC you are.

>we all hate niggers
What do you think violating global rules makes you? (hint: it's not white)

>i-i'm gonna r-report you

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>I have both of those things
No, you don't. No amount of pretending is going to convince anyone otherwise.
>I mean,
>but hey,
Why do you talk like a faggot redditor? Is it because you got here in 2016 and think that acting like a catty, passive aggressive queer is acceptable? Call your dad and ask him how men are supposed to act, user.

>watches reddit shows for effeminates
Tell me all about the time your spent in generals for The Terror trying to pick up dicks to suck, Mr. Hickey.

flaming is against the rules too but you're overtly gay

Tranny pls go

Like clockwork.

Already renewed for s2. They have a new showrunner who is going to make the show more of a monster by the week and remove the family stuff which was the only good thing about this show.

>came to the thread to grab a ton of dicks on the way to the bottom of the pile-on
Posted from your iPhaggot device, no doubt.
Why aren't you white enough to capitalize or punctuate? What a hypocrite. How poor are your parents, user?
>he called me a liar when i was lying, just as i predicted!
What a genius. Do you not understand that regurgitating the NPC meme means you are one? Use your own words like a big boy, hypocrite.

It's just a matter of time for transgender actors to go out of the closet.

I just called you a faggot, buddy

Calling someone a faggot from an iPhone is an auto lose.

your bum's awful loose

>thinking of another man's asshole
You are the one who is the gay. Every post is further proof.

", and that's a good thing"

The CW should be fucking wiped from television forever.

Even the average Joe is getting sick of it. Shit is gonna hit a headway very soon.

if they want inclusion maybe they should start by writing their own stories and stop highjacking someone else's


damn your comebacks are as shitty as your drawers my man

>let's talk about what's in his underwears! :)
When are you going to tell your parents, teen?

im with this guy

also wasnt robin tunney kind of an adrog anyway? not like its a stretch.

im kidding this will be awful, i love the original and its splendid OST

not kiddin abt the dick tho

another great turnabout from the cumback king

>repeating yourself when your hypocrisy is evident to all and you've ran out of banter
I accept your concession.

You're mentally ill.

that one meant that you were the king of having cum on your back since you're gay

ivorians are latinos too ? lmao

Who is Fairuza's contemporary? Someone like the ayy lmao from VVitch but blondie is too wholesome looking.

Robin Tunney was so hot in that movie

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shes got an underappreciated, and underexposed, pair on her

She got cursed irl

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have dilation.

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image a world where the 90s seemed wholesome

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>>came to the thread to grab a ton of dicks on the way to the bottom of the pile-on
Why are ALL /pol/turds gay? It can't be coincidental.

She looks good for her age. Better then her costars


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>improper English
I guess they were right about /pol/turds being brown, eh Pajeet?

h-a-v-e d-i-l-a-t-i-o-n

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i will watch the shit out of it if they use danny trejo with a wig

It’s fine as long as she’s the bad guy.

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>muh joos

have sex incel

Are trannies actually a real thing or just some sort of psyop to see just how much bullshit you can make the general population accept? All of the adult trannies are staggeringly mentally ill and have a ton of other mental issues that they don’t seem to take care of before they decide to “transition”.

In the town of 20,000 people I grew up in, we had a few gay kids who were very obviously gay from a very young age. People speculated that they were gay, the way they talked and acted gave it away, and then when they got older all of them came out as gay. But none of us have ever come across a transgender person, the “trans” thing doesn’t seem to exist in real life, it’s purely a thing that exists in the media and on the internet. Nobody I’ve ever known or met has ever had a sibling or cousin or former classmate or friend of a friend who is “trans”. No kid I’ve ever known or the people that I know have ever known has acted “trans” at a young age, but we all know people who have acted “gay” at a young age suggesting there’s something innate about it. The trans phenomena only seems to exist among kids raised by pushy, weird as fuck parents who convince heir child they’re actually the opposite sex, and mentally ill adults who have dozens of mental illnesses and end up “transitioning”. There doesn’t seem to be anything innate or biological about it.

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based retard

>and it show
nice one

What does that mean? Hit a headway? Please extrapolate what you mean

>Are trannies actually a real thing or just some sort of psyop

the rate of sperging they manage to passively inspire on Yea Forums makes me wonder the same thing

>if I've never seen it it can't be real
Maybe leave buttfuck midweststate sometime smolbrain.

hollywood needs to cast ella hollywood, america’s leading trans latinx actress

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I literally live in there Midwest flyover states though, you’re actually right. Why exactly would trannies be a geographical thing if they’re supposedly just like gay people?

>There doesn’t seem to be anything innate or biological about it.
that's because there isn't. trannies claim that they have "the brain of the opposite sex" which is the root cause of their distress, but that's just a lie:


tl;dr "tranny" brain isn't real. when you take into account sexual orientation it turns out that what researches thought was "tranny brain" is actually just gay brain.

>Mark Pedowitzwas appointed by the network to succeed original president of entertainment.

The first thing i read about the cw. Is like real life imitating memes at this point.

this is the first time a mainstream theatrical release would feature a trans person as a lead, right? Bold move

>trannies claim that they have "the brain of the opposite sex" which is the root cause of their distress

I'd be more circumspect with that claim on Yea Forums, which is rife with men who have the brains of hysterical screeching women.

trannies wish they had the brains of women. alas, they are just dudes trapped in dudes' bodies.

I never really cared about the others.

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Guess there *are* at least some genuine grounds for claiming trannies envy Yea Forums neckbeards then. Who'd have thought it?

no but them being WOMEN IS literally vital to the plot
>all the female imagery they draw from
>goddess goddess goddess
>magic shop owner tells her shit about all women and magic and period shit
oh no yeah definitely - REALLY WANTING a period and actually going through one are TOTALLY the same


The show has been insufferable IMHO. Only somewhat likeable character is the oldest one.

I bet you and your friend live in a flyover state.

If trans is a delusion why is it no longer classified as a mental illness by the world health organization?

All they had to do was cast some big tiddy goths.

why did doctors give pregnant women "medicine" that deformed their babies?

>staged screen cap
did the transitioning take away your sight?

there was a clerical error and they ended up gouging out my eye balls instead

Everyone’s moving out of coastal cities, sweetie, especially San Fran. “Flyover state” isn’t the insult you think it is anymore.

It will be another failed attempt to normalized this sickos...

Because now gaming is...that's how serious the WHO is.

>the cancer is being diluted with actual humans so it's not longer pejorative
hmm, that's... that's an opinion I suppose

Wait is she trans or a trans to Latina

Who cares? The Craft is complete shit.

maybe leave your backwoods hick flyover town

>being trans is geographical

No I won’t stand for this, as a trans women myself I refuse to let other people spread misinformation. We exist and we are real I live in missippi and there’s millions of us here. I live in a city full of transsexuals. Well not really a city but a forest and it’s gorgeous.

I live in a city of 20 millions and i had the same experience.

Latina girl with not tits to latina girl with big tits

a forest full of trannys in Mississippi.

This sounds like a horror movie

>turn all male movies into female movies
>turn all female movies into transexual movies
Any transexual film they can remake with white male actors instead?

I mean what even is the point? There is no way they can find someone who is both bat shit crazy and cute as Fairuza.

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they're a real thing, but they're literally less than 1% of the population and you'll almost never notice them in real life unless they're extremely... not passing. i live in a metropolitan area of just under 1million in the US and I've only seen one noticeable tranny in my entire 30 years living here.

>Why exactly would trannies be a geographical thing
because different geographical areas of the US have varying acceptance of queers, which also causes a lot of them to shift where they live. this is why you get a 2% gay population in the heavily conservative and violently bigoted south but a 7% gay population in san fran, while the national average is closer to 4-5%.

wasn't she already a trans latina actress in the original? why is the OP headline such a big deal?

What is it with leftists and their obsession with categorizing everyone based on their ethnicity and sexual orientation? They can never see a human and just... not do it. Is it untreated autism?

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the black girl got racist shit from Marcia Brady

Hold on white men you ain’t the only ones being replaced in Hollywood! (((They))) are coming for you too hot attractive women in Hollywood! Mentally ill men playing dress up are
Gonna take all your roles now! Why now??? Actullally this is sorta a win for men then too now I’m conflicted on which side to root for what to do????

maybe you need to get off the internet for a little while. none of this e-politics will matter in any way either than draining your humanity and wasting your life clock.

This is all just a massive adult form of make-believe. Part of the "pretending" is that once you declare yourself trans, you suddenly gain the biological traits of your new gender.

Pic related on Supergirl is openly trans (so born a dude) but gains super powers from "her" mother that are only passed down mother to daughter.

If you try to object to this notion that a trans "woman" can suddenly alter their own DNA then you get called transphobic and the mobs come after you. Clown world.

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considering most trannies are white males, isn't that redundant?

wouldn’t that make him a wizard instead of a witch lmao

>Hey, straight white men, you are pure evil and can't have anything anymore... unless you chop your dick off.

The only reason I see half the movies I do is for the eye candy hot actresses now they’re gonna be replaced with dudes in dresses? Movies are really
Gonna suck 10 years from now when it’s ill to put cis gender women in “hot girl” roles


them being female was. you can't have a witch boy

>Trans Latina.
She needs to be a paraplegic with no limbs before it's even CLOSE to being diverse.

Ban white man
Ban white women
Ban cis male and female
Ban all people not on wheelchairs or without some kind of deformity
Make at least half the main cast mentally retarded because INCLUSION

Lol movies in the future are gonna look hilarious with nothing but freaks in every role

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I live in a major Canadian city, over 1 million people, up until recently I never saw any. But the last two years I've seen a ton when I started to spend more time in the richer areas of the city. The big give away I found between super butch dykes and somewhat passing transsexuals, is that the dykes will talk to you, but the transsexuals know their voices don't pass so they'll never talk or just mumble. I noticed this especially when I spent a summer working a service job.

Yeah, cause it worked so well for "Heathers"

Fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Craft should be four fuckable babes just like the movie and go on for 12 seasons like Supernatural.

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Were you the one going to dilate?

Haha making the heathers a fat bulldyke a flaming fag and a black was some grade a leftist trolling gotta give it to them on that one well done

I had to look it up because I can't remember where I originally heard it, but yeah, being trans let her inherit powers that only a daughter can inherit.

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Right? It was so bad that the studio used the Parkland shooting to shelf it altogether and then they released it when nobody was looking to zero fanfair.

I never saw it but I know Selma Blair was in it, she needs to be in more stuff. You know, before she dies.

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They mean latino, surely

t. Cinema Robert

>Blazing Saddles (1974)
based retard

did they remake the goonies yet? except this time it's a group of fags and trannies from an LGBT middle school in california.

>Fast Times at Ridgemont High
>Phoebe Cates scene
>except now when the girl comes out of the pool you see an obvious bulge, and the reveal is her dick.

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The Last Starfighter (or Krull).

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Bahahahahahahahaha. Just embrace the madness. Watch them burn it all to the ground, there's nothing you can do, anyway. They're so fucking greedy and lazy, they're "rebooting" shitty 90's movies now.
Their augering into the desert floor in flames is way more entertaining than the shit they're pumping out. I just can't wait for the soul-searching, "where did we go wrong?" articles when the studios start going bankrupt.

It's not about what WE want, dummy, it's what THEY want. They obviously want to get a tranny into a lead role, for SJW points. So they have an actor, and they need a part for him. "Hey, we own that magic movie from the 90's, right? How about we cast HIM as the head witch?" Greenlit, everyone gets bonus checks, the diversity awards are worth the bath they'll take on the movie itself.

Stop thinking like a normal, rational person. This is Hollywood. Think of the worst reason why this movie is being made, the idea you go "that can't be it" - and that's usually what's going on.

The only reason anyone watched the Craft is you were an edgy emo girl, or a dude who wanted to see tits and ass. Nobody wants Jazz in a witch hat.

I miss the days when WB/CW only cast white hotties that showed their teenage titties in films between seasons.

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"while the first few weeks have the film underperforming at the box office, critics have the heaped praise on LEAD ACTRESS's stellar performance and the film's unique take on culturally relevant themes. JEWISH DIRECTOR believes that the film will make up lost financial territory when it opens worldwide later this month"

Why is Yea Forums pretending they care about a shitty movie from the 90s made for teen girls?

They have to pay for those unfilmed scripts. They own the Craft script and movie. Why pay for new, when they can reboot everything? Wake up.

I don't think you know what an oxymoron is, fag.

No, it's not. At all.


The original movie didn't really have good story, characters or writing either.

She is a qt.


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>craft reboot
Nobody asked for this. It was not needed.

Hey, are you Leon Thomas from Renegade Cut? I thought I recognized that pseudo-intellectual passive aggressive response. How's your butt plug doing?

latinos finally getting the representation in movies they deserve

literally what difference does it make to you
>inb4 muh strong sense of morality and delicate sensibilities

Kill yourself

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did you think this post was good for some reason?