Non-shitpost question here. Endgame was a sequel. How much of an impact did that have on its box office numbers? It would seem that people might think they’re obligated to see the previous 4 avengers related films in order to see this one, but at the same time, you really didn’t have to because everyone recognizes these capeshit heroes
>How much of an impact did that have on its box office numbers?
that was its whole selling point, because its a conclusion to the 22 MCU movies. If it wasn't it would've made a billion dollars less
Why is FFH projected to make so much money?
Only Yea Forums cares this much really
its MCU
first movie after Endgame
everyone knows Spiderman
Why did Ant-man "fail" so bad?
When will they take Endgame out of theaters? I just want to see MCUcks cry.
Exactly. It made like 1bil in a weekend because everyone HAD to go see it to finish a fucking 10 year ordeal. We were practically obligated in order to not be spoiled. Incredibly frontloaded with no legs other than rabid capekeks that are emotionally committed to seeing it take top spot.
Imagine taking 10 years, 22 flicks, and the marketing budget of a small nation's GDP and STILL coming up short.
I want to protect that smile
based jimbo literally took an unknown IP that was his personal passion project and turned it into the highest grossing film of all time. then he just fucked off to the bottom of the ocean for a while waiting for the tech to improve so he could raise the kino bar yet again. a true artist that puts out soul rather than some corporate group testing schlock.
Jimbo wins again
>bunch of incels hating films that obviously have a good track record and have been commercially and critically successful
>based patricians
its not a very known superhero at the time. It did very well considering this
>second highest grossing film of alltime
seethe harder dcuck, your tears are delicious
Pure Spirit and Iron Jimbo I know you’re in this thread you little cock suckers. If I didn’t spend all of my time grooming the twinks in the telegram chat I’d hunt you down and flay you both like pigs. Much love, Telemachos
it will beat it this weekend
my tears? even at second highest adjusted for inflation it puts spendgame at footnote status at best. gg faggot see you next time.
What do you call people who get this excited over how much money someone else makes despite never seeing a dime of that money and it having literally no effect on their personal life?
Considering I'm Quinn Cameron you're objectively wrong.
I don't care that much, I just want capeshit to die in a fire. Anything to shit on it is my life's work.
They're called bootlickers.
Less than Cap Marvel despite being a sequel.
Capeshit deserves a terrible fate. It's contributed nothing to cinema nor pushed any boundaries it's purely safe formulaic trash meant to please the lowest common denominator.
>based jim made a 3d gimmick
>made the record
>forgettable and no cultural impact
>no memorable character
>marvel made a blockbuster out of ironman
>made a shared universe
>had commercial and critical success consistently
>normies love fucking capeshit
>made c list characters memorable
>merchandising profitable
>made like 20 more films in the same timespan
kek jimmy good marvel bad
A literal cuck financially
If only they spent less on shilling it they would've beaten it.
>no cultural impact
Avatar literally reinitiated this whole 3d movie shit. Muh cultural impact sure helped out at the box office huh
>quite literally already not talked about anymore
But reddit loves camcoon
Marvel fans
Endgame will win on the second release that got Avatar where it is in the first place.
Holy fucking based.
Captain Marvel made so much because of pre- Endgame hype and muh first female movie
Wrong. Jim has been /ourguy/ since Yea Forums was an infant.
>tfw Nolan will never breach 2b or even 1.5b unless he makes capeshit
It aint fair
>seeing a auteur succeed over a soulless committee
does it really need to be spelled out for you, friend?
>t.console war faggot
Marvel and Avatar are both shit. No amount of money they make will change the quality of the movie.
Avatar has soul, and Jimbo pushed the boundaries of film with it. So you're wrong.
Was Winter Soldier shit?
>Avatar and Capeshit will dominate the box office list for decades
kill me
the run time is what killed it for me. it's a meh movie. infinity war was my ending to the 10 years. the villain won...i've moved on
i guess NPCS? or maybe bootlickers. Pic related.
>Avatar has a soul
>implying Marvel doesn't
All Marvel films have their own soul. Winter soldier was a political thriller for gods sake.
Why does Marvel Studios presents: Avengers Endgame throw Avatards into a seething shoot so easily?
Based and Redpilled.
>Marvel films have soul
is this nigga serious
Not him, but although they do have the Marvel formula, mostly each film has it's own distinctive flair
Pretty huge. For the first time, a bunch of sequels and spin-offs maintained quality (although opinions will vary on that) throughout a decade, leading to great hype at this latest sequel.
It didn't break new ground though, Harry Potter did the escalating sequel box office first.
>implying reddit is worse
Ooof redditor normie who pretends to be a based contrarianfag on Yea Forums hating capeshit. Kek
>Harry Potter did the escalating sequel box office first.
the first Hary Potter made more money than every other sequel except the final part
Lmao like Endgame was original. I don't even like Avatar and haven't seen it since it was in theaters, but pretending Endgame was high art is embarrassing.
Are you dumb?
i haven't seen it. i didn't even think it was still out
>this thread
Woah, marvelkeks are really assblasted
>Endgame was original
Well, it was user.
they're reaching levels of SEETHE that shouldn't even be possible
So fucking based. Disney made 20 more films while Cameroon was making his sequels.
When you come for the king you better not miss