Are they making a comeback?
Are they making a comeback?
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no their time has passed
they had their chance and they fucked it
Jay and Silent Bob
Sam who? MDE what? Never heard of it.
probably just reminiscing and reflecting on what's it's like to be sociopathic retards who can;t stop living their gimmicks
So incredibly based.
brother why have you grown somber
I defy you to post a picture with more talent and mirth
>not perversions... of the feet
no joke, it was fucking good
those three plus the angry office guy/police officer
Holy shit Shawn got old
the best MDE series
imagine liking this talentless faggot in the current year
I wish they would team up like Dylan and Kyle and shoot up Buzzfeed's headquarters desu
take the nickpill
inb4 that tranny posts all his infographs exposing Sam
Is there anywhere to watch their new shit for free or is it all buried in Goytreon
at least hyde enjoys tobacco the way a man is supposed to
Hey sam I pirated your latest kstv and crush500 and fuck they were terrible. What happened to you?
i think nick and charls had the strongest sketches on WP.
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
>Sam "Redditmaster" Hyde
Go back
Jews always come back
they're like cockroaches
Sam is, always has been, and always will be our guy. He is the hardest of reddit filters
This skit puts me in stitches now matter how many times I watch it
>not calling him Eric
Come on. They look closer plus they're both midgets.
>dilation temporarily stops
>uploading exclusively on jewtreon
Say bye bye to any relevance.
no one cares about your shitty reddit thread
look at these fucking hipsters
I'm glad Charls realized that he was too talented to always be Sam's leech. The kino potential is about to finally manifest it's destiny.
Charls and Garrett might actually be the perfect duo
wat is this some sort of podcast
It's like a call in show they just hang out listen to music and play games it's comfy
They havent released anything in almost a month.
racists pigs
thats how it goes, on the 15th new major release
then either before or after maybe a hydelwars
Where are they from? Sam is always dressed like it’s the dead of winter.
They from the norf where its real cold
I don't think anyone outside of the Yea Forums and reddit bubble knows who these guys are
A few normies I talk to do.
New England.
Sadly no. At least there's BG Kumbi.
Can you guys please answer this question
What the fuck is this guys gimmick? I’ve watched his current stuff he’s making for his Patreon donors and it’s a bunch of incoherant gibberish with terrible slapstick involved
I’m 54 and if I saw my son watching this shit I would beat his ass
i cant look at these guys without laughing. idk i theyre serious or not which is so fucking funny.
>le ebin tween girl rhetoric
fascists btfo!
you know you're funny when you have a discord full of homos raid another comedians thread to gain e-fame
Sam isn't funny anymore
Nick, Charls and Andy should do their own shit without him
its ironic
It's called fashion sweaty
iI have no idea, his older stuff was somewhat clever, now it's just "dude, I'm a douche lmao"
I'm guessing Charls was the brains behind the operation
guess what dad, I am watching it
how many eps of the new KSTV are out
One episode. Every 2 minutes is behind a progressively more expensive paywall, or you can get the bundle deal of all 12 minutes with only 2 built-in Huel advertisements for $300
When did you realize Charles isn't funny at all without Sam?
When you consider it took him 4 years to make the episode, $300 is actually a steal
who is the person on the right and why do i always see him posted here
The christchurch shooter
I'm pretty sure Sam just says some schizophrenic lines mixed in with political dog whistling and his fans think he is god. I legit believe it's an inside joke among his fans to pretend they understand his humor
holy fuck when did this happen?
That's E3, which is this week.
holy shit kill yourself you fucking newfag retard
The whole "living" series on his youtube channel is gold.
He's only put out one episode? It came out months ago.
Go back to your subreddit where you belong... oh wait
I want them to make more car videos.
tell me.. why does he do the graphics? why does he spend what must be several hundred hours to make motion graphics for every minute of sketch time? is it because he feels like he needs to get value out of his degree?
Do people who pay respond positively to 99% effort going into graphics?
he gets fanboys to do the graphics for him because they do it for free
no he doesn't he does the graphics himself painstakingly and obsessively and he spends all his time on it.
who is this person?
John romero - charls game dev hero for 25 years
>MDE Never Dies
>Dies because they can't remain friends
dude is never gonna make it, he got JUST'd by that unfunny queer and his jew buddies
he fell off so hard he's begging notch to talk to him on twitter lmao the only people that still like him are greasy high school incels with no hope so they can relate, kinda sad desu wit you senpai
Biggest question is why would nick still associate with Sam? Tranny and ex gf shit aside, it would seem that Sam was shitty to Charls. Possibly skimed him out of money too. Why would Nick knowingly still keep in touch with Sam? Nick makes money and if he wants internet fame, he could just work with bombstrap instead.
Nick's store closed down and Sam paid him 5 figures to appear on hyde wars.
yea cuz nicked hated that shit and he makes money flipping houses. besides his wife makes good money too.
someone on the mde 8ch said those pictures were taken over a year ago. the last video of them was taken over a year ago too so im assuming they don’t hang out too often and that nick does it to help sam out and to keep the illusion that mde isn’t completely dead yet. it won’t be the same without charls.
What did we think of Mr. Pregnant?
i just checked out his twitter. it looks like he’s trying to reinvent himself as mr. positive. i guess that’s easy to do once you’ve abandoned your old friends and scammed people out of money. i wish charls would do his own sketch comedy but he said he’s done with that. sad, to be honest.
T. Sam
that sounds plausible
why are you fags always spamming this fucking no-talent zero
you just dont get it. that's okay
>t sam
you idiot i'm saying it's fucking stupid or at least incomprehensible that he does that. He improvises a throwaway gag then uses it as a pretext to lose himself in 200 hours of graphics therapy but then when he releases the skit all packaged up it's regarded like "lipsitck" whereas if it was sent out raw as an off the cuff vid it would be like hehe this guys pretty funny
>it would be like hehe this guys pretty funny
except it's not 2011 anymore and he isn't
Wtf are you talking about?
This is like 80% of his entire fanbase just in this website.
no idea, it's pointless shit most of the time
the only time it works well is in that skit with will sasso
whats funny about this?
Sam really triggers the fuck out of kikes and shitskins, huh?
this was touching tho
>Do people who pay respond positively to 99% effort going into graphics?
I questioned that too last time I saw his stuff posted and thought its a zoomer thing or he needs to evolve with his fanbase. The other new videos could be different.
no it wasn't
half the people he tagged are literal faggots and obese incels
this reads like the script to a shitty motivational speakers speech. pathetic
Mega 64 w/ guest star Charls Carroll when?!
did you watch it?
some gawads itt critiquing not generating, reaching in and downwards. better go check what daisy ridley is doing
get a load of this clown
i always trust a guy who sounds like a motivational speaker on twitter and a menace in private. cool that’s he’s encouraging his fans. i wouldn’t say touching.
what is the proper name of this sketch?
I just call it "Dinosaur Man"
Friend simulator.
Imagine not being able to be a woman. An actual real life woman. With a real life pussy. Sucks right?
imagine being one of the idiots dumb enough to pay for some shit like hyde wars
literally just this bitter shithead ranting for 30 minutes
I miss world peace
I’m depressed
Comedy gold!
Oh shit the guy who made doom and quake? Damn I bet Chuck was happy to meet him
I dont see him as being positive. He is still saying weird low key racist hateful shit in a cryptic manner. Btw I am a mde fan so dont call me sjw
wow! so unique!
He’s become the $700 chair/silver Audi guy from ideas man
Everything’s fake. Something’s missing.
this guy gets it
he's had a prepackaged vibe for awhile now
what the fuck is wrong with him?
beyond all the edgy graphic design shit that he does attempting to make himself look deep
is he on drugs?
or is he actually mental?
it's what happens when you take too much hgh but don't tren enough and end up looking even more like some homeless person
The MDE sub got banned, so it's clearly not for reddit
too bad Guy Heaven Gym isn't a real place
I’d say that it’s partially because his audience is no longer his peers but 10-20 years younger than him. He preaches down to them like your parents do to you before you’re old enough to realize they’re flawed humans and just as fucked up/uncertain about life as you are. The online community is less like a group of friends and more like a personality cult revolving around Sam now.
I love this webm but what does it have to do with the thread?
I spun out of that orbit dude
he's just not funny anymore
I hope Charls/Andrew/Nick keep doing funny shit
Sam just seems out of it
All their comedy becomes cheapened once you find out that Sam and co are a bunch of trust fund babies, oh wow I'm so sad about society boohoo
the guy from the op photo is in it
Yeah I didn’t even know about mde until pretty recently but that was my sense after watching all their stuff in close to chronological order
I mean the old stuff is relatable and funny and impactful. The new stuff is depressing. It doesn’t really matter how rich any of them were starting out. Sam isolated himself online and among sycophants and developed a God complex. You don’t need to keep up with faggy e-drama to tell he’s a dick to people irl.
I don’t keep up with the new shit anymore either.
Powerful energy in this picture.
Sam is basically out of his mind
which genuinely makes me sad
but yeah
the only hope left is Nick/Charls/Andrew
Mr. Pregnant (Charls and Andrew) was funny and also pretty deep
Sam is lost
literal who?
Sam definitely is, don't know about Nick, but Charls is definitely from some white trash background
>Powerful energy
Please fuck off back to normie twitter.
yeah im thinkin hes back
Sam’s father is a wealthy WASP lawyer. How tf do you come from someone named “Whitcomb Hyde”and stillfuck up
Sooo where do I pirate KSTV2, Hydewars and HWD?
If you unironically use the term “dog whistle”, you deserve death by firing squad and certain belong nowhere near this website. Try twitter, tranny.
WASP only were successful because they were propped up by Jews and used as their whores for centuries. They’re basically extinct now save for a few secret societies and even those are nothing like they were even a few decades ago. The only place to find American WASP anymore is on 4ch sperging out like faggots on everything and everyone in a last ditch pathetic effort to maintain the facade of a non-existent power.
i dont get it. they were making funny content and then at some point sam just became not funny at all.
this is so fucking weird. they said they are going to stream playing vidya together next wed
wtf is this reality
Possible related search: wood
Goddamn those joke LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR AUTISTIC CHARLIE posts really fucked that board up.
top 10 crossovers
>you guys
Jesus Christ
Gotta say, real classic looking photo there
I sincerely hope so, but doubt it
why they no frens no more can't they be just frens again?
>mentions C-grade accounts like kantbot and le AI man
>no mena
boomer confirmed
Sam has always been a shit poster you fucking retards
So many faggots in here gossiping like girls lmao go watch his phone videos and tell me why you take anything he does seriously
neck yourself boomer
Lmao that fucking strawman. What a faggot.
I don’t know much about Sam but his subreddit was pretty funny and based before it got banned
I win, you lose
I win, you lose
There's nothing to fucking get. His old shit was funny. Now he just spews random garbage and you idiots eat it up.
>people are forgetting that Sam tried to hide behind a paywall
nice store nick...shame if it ever got...shut down
Fuck that's so close to me, should have visited when I could have
>lost his antique store
Nick didn't deserve this.
>makes video shitting on his customers
>drops cigarette ash all over the merchandise
>says it's all overpriced shit
>wtf why is my store unprofitable
Genuinely the best yt video I’ve seen in years and leagues above anything MDE ever did.
You just know that first girl would be a loopy hellride (in a good way)
You’re not recovering from that btfo lol
>banged the hottest women
You mean banging teenage girls that have Encyclopedia Dramatica articles about them?
man what the fuck, the graphics are the coolest part of his shit, nobody else us using this new, offbeat, colorful, internet retrofuturism, i don't know what the fuck to call it style. i guess sadworld and parts of adult swim are like that, but it feels like the next step in aesthetics to me i dunno. i just wish there was more creators doing it.
he dropped out because he hated dealing with boomers, he does houses now and mde.
he made it
We're all gonna make it, bros.
i like sam because hes the type of content that you wont find anywhere soon. MDE was tiers above hydewars but HWD isnt bad. hes bowguarding the good episodes hes teased in his preview videos
>worked my ass off
sitting at a desk all day drawing and clicking with a mouse
Charls is a talentless schizo