We created it

We created it

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It didn't happen

Honestly, It's not funny

It's completely true not

It was a fabrication.

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This one is true

Did those 6 million really die?

Nope we fooled you. It was total fiction.

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>If you think Ann Frank wrote that diary, we gotcha. It's a fake. It was written by a Hollywood screenwriter.

Minorities destroyed it.

this is a good thread.

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Not this time.

Reported this post to interpol.

>Moon landings? Yep, we made that one up too.

This time it's fact

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>you worked hard and you saved and earned
>now all of its going to burn

collected in camps and gassed and electrocuted instead of just letting them dehydrate?

pure fiction courtesy of our writing staff

i ordinarily would not spoonfeed but you're obv BASEDAF
stop the reddit spacing

I got banned for 3 days for making this exact joke a while back.

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What part's a joke?

yeah i got banned last week for discussing jewish psyops

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The female orgasm? We made it up.

Keked and checked

>The story about the alien abduction that ended with a quadruple anal probe? This one... is true

What the fuck was the point of this show? Interesting concept if executed legitimately but every story was made up.

Have you called a plumber to your home lately?

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>We spoke to the experts and found out...that was a lie, made up by a tranny

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This and the Woman seeing her deformed face in the mirror we're the spookiest shit.

Anyone remember this mid-2000s show that was basically the same 3 stories, 1 true format?

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Probably because repeating the same joke over and over again makes it spam. If you want to be a jokester then get some new material.