>Shut it down, SHUT IT DOWN
Shut it down, SHUT IT DOWN
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Sad since it's such an important film. Very diverse. I guess most of the critics are white.
The critics are complaining because it's not woke, literally
Sam Jackson is based and redpilled
I can’t fucking wait to see this shit.
Do people under the age of 30 even know what Shaft is anymore?
Are they really remaking a film from 2000?
Black people do. Why would anu black person want to take their son to same nlack gey fesr like moonlighr?
>Uncomfortably outdated
And there's the smoking gun.
Worse. It’s a sequel.
I think it's a sequel.
I know he's a cop because I saw the film advertising once. But I never watched it.
>same nlack gey fesr like moonlighr
.... You okay user?
You OK?
how is that worse
based stroke poster
>we need to talk about x
>x is uncomfortable and outdated
Two calling cards for this kinda shit.
It gets taught in film courses a lot. Blaxploitation is taught as part of film history these days.
>white "critics" bashing a black film
kinda cringe
that makes two of us
What the fuck is metrosexualisation?
Stupid faggots making up new words
>tfw too zoomer to know what a metrosexual is
It’s acting gay without being a homo
At least that’s what South Park said
So what's outdated about it? Is it because the black people "act too black"? Cause if I've learned anything from the coverage of FFVII remake from white journos, it's that they hate it when black characters are too outgoing or boisterous. It's "racist" to them.
just watch this, you'll understand
Looks fucking great
Straight out the gate he's making fun of that asshole Don Lemon. Hilarious.
>Fragile white bois can't handle gettin' told off by Shaft
Soiboi sees film that makes him realize that he’s anything but a man, gets understandably mad. Hardly anything surprising here.
>Yea Forums: the motion picture
I like how this is a Far Cry 5 effect where leftards came expecting pandering to their side and praised it, then didn't get pandered to, and are now attacking it.
I like how you're so sclerotically fucked up you can't understand anything except in terms of second-guessed political agendas any more.
anything without subversion gets low ratins
How do you explain progressives bashing on it then faggot
>"James Bond is sexist"
>"Shaft is supposed to be woke"
in what world do these faggots live in?
1 virtue point awarded
aside from glass, all those movies are shitty
holy shit this is actually based
I don't, dumbass, the principal reason being I'm not so sclerotically fucked up etc
doesnt matter about quality. it's about subversive elements.
Death Wish is hilarious if you view it as a parody of the right
Well im gonna go see it twice
>I like how you're so sclerotically fucked up you can't understand anything except in terms of second-guessed political agendas any more.
Probably because political agendas are being shoved down our throats 24/7/365 through movies, tv, games and the media in general!!!FACT!!!
are you trying to make any point at all?
that* you [...]
Don't worry, English is hard.
Based !!FACT!! schizo
He’s the exact kind of white man who’d cross the street when he sees blacks
He just wanted to use the word sclerotically in a sentence.
Look at this gay faggot. Look at him and laugh. Shaft is based. Go dilate lol.
Does anyone else invariably struggle to read what film critics write? I had to read this shit three times it's barely legible
>that feels like the result of
Glass was very shitty, especially compared to Unbreakable.
lmao at normiebox pasties being upset that the team of black people didn't make a WOKE enough black people movie
I like how pissed you fags get whenever someone calls out your gay shit lmao
what if it is a tragedy of the right?
It's also because of all the buzzwords they use.
Niggers hate fags. Don't lefties know this?
>im not gonna judge a film on whether its quality or not, im gonna judge it on the political ideology it implies
(((critics))) everyone
They thought if they campaigned for their rights and metoo'd hard enough that blacks would be their friends. They didn't know what fucking neighborhood they were in.
This says a lot about how our society isn't woke enough
>What the fuck is metrosexualisation?
Basedboys and the average city dwelling modern white man.
Bassically that's what the critic is, and he got triggered the movie was mocking people like him. Even more triggered considering its blacks mocking him, and he thinks they are on his side.
>What the fuck is metrosexualisation?
It's when you vote liberal, act gay and date rape your women friends.
Just saw it. How could a movie be so based? Every real ass nigga is gonna love it.
Imagine thinking Shaft should be "woke". It's a sure sign that these people have never actually seen the original
At best, they want black people to be a drinking buddy. But don't actually move into their neighborhood and drive property price down.
dat file name
This. I wish I hadn't watch the rest of the trilogy.
Ok, so the movie obviously make jokes about insane liberals and gender-pronouns in some way, which make the reviewers see red.
That's pretty racist of Benjamin for not respecting African American culture.
>The movie expends a lot of energy offering evidence of Shaft's misogyny and dinosaur-like attitude about computers and millennials.
>Do people under the age of 30 even know what Shaft is anymore?
try 50
Woke SJWs don't actually talk to black people or watch black movies. They only pretend to be "allies" on social media to get attention and gain social score. They have no idea what black movies are about.
How is this failing and Black Panther.. probably a worse film.. Idk I'm not a nigger and wouldn't watch either... allowed to to be successful?
Why do black action movies fail but black capeshit gets a pass?
Reminder that Death Wish only got bad ratings because it came out after one of americas bi-monthly school shootings
'Bad timing' is considered a legitimate criticism now
I'm usually not a fan of african american shit in general, but goddamn I love me some black titties
Because this isn't part of a $25 billion mega franchise.
Wtf I might have to go see it now
White bad.
Black good.
These are the laws and they can't be questioned or violated. If you observe any evidence to the contrary you must ignore it or be punished by the Party.
and the one day, for no reason at all, everyone just voted for Hitler
based as fuck. I'm gonna catch this one
Death wish was fun as hell. You'd have to be a fuzzy faced soi faggot to not kick back to that one
>Shaft is a bland requel that sacrifices the qualities that make this franchise relevant, in order to crack tired jokes about millennials instead.
Millennials are butthurt
This is like the Black Mule. Instead of Based Clint we have SLJ dunking on soi culture.
This is ironically the best publicity this movie could have gotten. I'm 100 percent going to see it now when I originally had absolutely zero interest in it. Thank you onion boy
We need to allow boys to get bullied otherwise they turn into soiboys. Literally worst than roasties because they should fucking know better
Zoomer here. Why was the original Shaft so notable? And where do I start with Blaxploitation?
this actually looks good for a modern sequel
Because he was a no nonsense black character that didn't take no shit from Jive turkeys, ya dig?
- Superfly
- Black Ceasar
- JDs Revenge(personal favorite)
- Hell Up In Harlem
- Black Belt Jones(Second favorite on this list)