When will the madness end? When?
Honk honk!
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Hopefully it'll bomb and this toxic box office poison will slink back to the obscure from whence she came
nigga what about all the aliens
Nice dubs but she's in Marvel, Westworld, Creed, and is one of the postergirls of SJW black Hollywood (Sorry to Bother You, Dear White People, etc.) . She is protected and here to stay. They wouldn't dare throw her under the bus.
>future of men in black
heh, nice one
I bet she's a moron and doesn't know what Men in Black is even based on or a reference to.
2 men in Black suits?
Give it to them, who give a fuck anymore
I hate that ugly nigger dyke!!!FACT!!!
>not allowing the ayys to join
quite racist desu
It just doesn't look interesting enough for me to get off my couch, hop in my car and go to the movies to see it.
Doesn't look interesting enough for me to steal it.
it's based on men (identifying as white and also groomed as white) wearing black (signifying white) suits (also white)
God I hate zoomers. It's a paranormal topic about mysterious government men in unmarked vehicles harassing people who have witnessed ufo activity or abduction into silence. They're always straight laced white men, women are added to the movie with no basis in the actual origin stories, jesus fucking Christ read a book you relentless fucking retards
I feel bad for Hemsworth. This sheboon single handedly makes Ragnarok unwatchable and now he has a chance to have his own franchise and she has to be shoehorned in because of "HURR THEY PLAYED SO WELL OFF EACH OTHER IN RAGNAROK!!!"
Chris deserves more.
Yeah...don't aliens actually work in the MIB? Calling it HIB would be fucking idiotic and speciest.
>shitting on your own movie right as it's coming out
What did she mean by this?
This ride doesn't end.
Took a cue from Olivia Munn, women love to feel intellectually superior, when in proper context her statement is sub 50 iq levels of retardation, it's based on a fucking urban legend but I would bet money she only knows of it from the old films and doesn't get how unintelligibly stupid her assertion really is in context
>sheboon singlehandedly destroys capeshitter C-grade actor's career
Absolutely based.
i love when they release things like this right before the movie hits as if it's some kind of positive publicity. Same shit with Dark Phoenix and the "X-Women" trailer
No sight of her in the new Westworld trailer. But she probably is there somewhere
imagine being a nigger and having a 85 IQ
Black is racist.
It needs to be Humans in african american.
The funniest part of that headline is this dumb bitch thinking she’s got a future with this franchise. The trailers usually try to include some of the best bits, but all the trailers I’ve seen have to offer is either dumb shit or painfully unfunny shit. She doesn’t have the chops for comedy. It’s debatable that she has acting chops to play anything but her own personality. That works for guys like Will Smith, but mainly because he comes off as extremely laid back and personable. She comes off as if the core of her personality is the arrogance that’s born of stupidity.
I'm really starting to like these desperate clickbait attempts at viral marketing
In general? When the streets are wet with congealed blood and rotting flesh. In Hollywood? When flop after flop results in staggering losses bringing companies to the brink of bankruptcy. In either scenario, there'll be much fun to be had.
men means human. Why are niggers and women so retarded?
shes right tho
Didn't it bomb? Why would they make another unless they blackmail Smith into coming back to sell more tickets?
>t. normie
You haven't watched enough of Chris Hemworth.
Why is she honking him?
Based tessa trigerring all the alt right nerds
It’s like they tried to make a female version of Agent J but without the charm
Funny how Hollywood turned the men in black into a benevolent group that should be trusted. Even the original comic had them more shadowy and questionable. The men in black were always considered by conspiracy theorists as part of why the government should not be trusted. No wonder the leftists in Hollywood want to milk this franchise forever. Good thing they're disappearing up their own ass.
WTF is wrong with her? Humans in black, really nigga. To think that Marvel has been infected by the likes of her and Brie Larson.
this actually is a important point about this whole stupid representation concept
the premise of MiB was that the agents were non-descript and hard to differentiate, because they don't want to be noticed
stupid audience members think they're in black because it's cool, and then the stupid women in that audience think "I wanna be a man in black too!!", when that wasn't really the point, and then they think they should crash the franchise
they do the same thing with every action franchise
they want to usurp unnecessary "representation" for themselves, all because they've misinterpreted the characters as role models and power fantasies instead of taking the time to think about the context those characters they're watching exist within
pretty sure they have some aliens working for them. She's a fucking species-ist
She should eye a future where they make a sequel to her flopbuster (thanks mike)
Pretty sure they were infected from the start
i saw it today. its not good. and the "twist" was clear to everyone when the first trailer arrive months ago.
They really need to hold Actors' tongues when they're talking about their movies, at least before reception of said movie is known. It just makes them seem like massive douchebags
I hope you really liked that little comic relief alien in the trailer because he's going to be the only alien element for most of the movie.
HUMANS? there are aliens in the MiB too
such human-centered bigotry is unacceptable in this current year
She's 35, no children.
We win.
is that movie already out? in other words has it already flopped or do we have to wait a little bit?
What's the twist?
they must be spending several hundred million marketing this shitty movie alone. Honestly, who even asked for this trash? The MIB movies are all pretty much dumpster trash outside of a few moments in the first and second movie.
it's based off of legit spooky stuff with g-men who interrogate people who claim to be abductees
fucking this
surely they are limited to only humans being in the organisation, or agents? that seems pretty discriminatory
[/spoiler]Neeson's the bad guy[/spoiler]
but it's so obvious it doesn't even really deserve to be spoilered
the mole inside the MiB
even the synopsis on the trailer description
"The Men in Black have always protected the Earth from the scum of the universe. In this new adventure, they tackle their biggest, most global threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization."
and the trailer itself, says it all
in the first trailer it was clear
they fixed it in the second
so I don't mind that I fucked up the spoiler tags
Whats the twist nigger?
I don't think anyone cares either
i wont spoon feed you anymore user.
race genetic
That doesn't even sound cool at all. Just change the name to MIB stand for Martian Inspection Bureau
How does it feel to live in the generation where they change the name of our race, humans, to stand for something more inclusive. Because it's going to happen very soon
"men in black" were kind of an urban myth from people who believe in ayy's
>huMANs in black
She didn't think this through, it's still gender-skewed.
Or investigation
they can change it to "Agents" so the non-humans agents can be included.
but agents in black is similar to agents of shield and thats a problem.
and that's kind of like calling a movie Officers of Police
It has a 26% RT score, it looks like a bomb.
the whole neuralization thing fucks your whole post
Does he bash the Men In Black with his cosh?
This. But it’s his own fault for playing along.
it already is bombing
Good answer, and Brie did the same thing just in time for Endgame and so now everyone is sick of her, even normies.
The MIB franchise is merely a psyops by the CIA to discredit real sightings of the actual men in black phenomenon.
>she thinks they will make more after this one
>she thinks they will make more with HER in it after this one