Cast it
They were going to make it with Belushi but then he croaked. Will Ferrel was also considered.
Joaquin Phoenix getting fat after Joker would be kino
Super Mario
never read it. what's the character like, i'll find a good casting for it
What a great fucking book but honestly no idea who could pull it off,dream scenario, PTA Directs and Bale stays fat and plays him
Read the book no one can describe a full novel to you in a fucking Yea Forums post
The character is basically an autist 4channeler set in 60’s New Orleans.
Zach Galifianakis.
I swear to fuck every fucking clueless executive would try to get Sarah Silverman to be Myrna but that would ruin it.
You literally can't understand it without being a Southerner
John C Riley probably
Jack Black if you could afford Riley
a fat Yea Forums neet but he's obsessed with medieval philosophy instead of anime
>That passage near the end of the book where the butch lesbians prison-rape Lana Lee
Shit that couldn't be filmed in current century
it doesn't belong on film. it's even hard to describe to people.
like how do you portray how fucking funny it is that ignatius gets a job as a hot dog vendor but just eats all the hot dogs and abandons the cart? or the moment of pride as he finishes his shitty banner for his pants company strike? or his revery for the totally incompetent elderly secretary? or the mancuso's impotent frustration when dealing with the reillys? or ignatius's internal monologue of absolute disgust with everyday ongoings?
even the description of the donut box that ignatius damaged in his haste to eat its contents is impossible to convey.
but to answer your question michael k williams as jones
some fat guy lives with his mom, rants about mid-century american degeneracy, causes constant awkward confrontations in public, drinks almond soda, jacks off to memories of his childhood dog, has a room filled with papers for a book he's working on about how much he hates the modern world, and then theres a chapter where a black guy's character perspective is narrated entirely in jive and i had to jump off.
In a perfect world this was the big studio movie by PTA staring Joakim Phoenix or Val Kilmer or Nic Cage.
Who would habe been best Minka? I say Winona.
For some reason Hollywood says this internationally known book is unfilmable and I dont know why.
>cast it
It's like Catch 22. You could make a great, faithful movie of it, but it would always pale in comparison to the book.
Ignatius Reilly is literally me.
>For some reason Hollywood says this internationally known book is unfilmable and I dont know why.
like 90% of the protagonist's portions are bizarre trains of thought. his silent consideration of the people and events around him is important preamble to his voiced contempt.
Mancusso is literally me.
wow spot on
im sure the movie would be shit but yeah great choice. even liked him in his bit part in barry
This site is famous for its gamblers, prostitutes, exhibitionists, anti-Christs, alcoholics,
sodomites, drug addicts, fetishists, onanists, pornographers, frauds, jades, litterbugs, and
lesbians, all of whom are only too well protected by graft. If you have a moment, I shall
endeavor to discuss the crime problem with you, but don’t make the mistake of bothering
oowee it's famously yat
>cast it
Chris Chan
Yea Forums threads are the most boring threads on Yea Forums. Who fucking still reads books in this year?
I just ordered The Western Lands by William S Burroughs. What quality of reading is A Confederacy of Dunces, and should I order that too?
Vincent D'onofrio
it pretty much has to be gilliam
Not a very good book. It's only as popular as it is because the author killed himself
a proto-NEET living in mid-20th century New Orleans, the main plot is him trying (and failing) to find steady work while his mother threatens to kick him out
It kicks the living shit out of most published books.
I can't help but imagine Ignatius having a Brooklyn accent. I feel like Louisiana is just a bad setting for him.
It's shit. People in this thread like it because the main character is an incel but the writing is awful. Never trust anyone who says this book is good
If you're talking modern day pulp garbage then sure but that's not saying much. The prose is terrible and this is coming from someone who really wanted to like it
It's the funniest book in the world after Don Quixote.
I personally find Gatsby to be much funnier.
I'm not talking about "modern day pulp garbage", I'm talking about 90% of all genre fiction going back the last two hundred years.
his mommy had to bed publishers to give it a shot lol
>I can't help but imagine Ignatius having a Brooklyn accent
Not far off for some parts of New Orleans.
>I feel like Louisiana is just a bad setting for him
New Orleans is so different from the rest of the state that it's almost dishonest to peg 'Louisiana' as the setting. Also the story wouldn't work anywhere else.
wow, they wrote an entire book about me
I feel so honored
It’s one of the funniest books I’ve ever read
Yea he reminds me of Mario from the super Mario brothers show
“I refuse to "look up." Optimism nauseates me. It is perverse. Since man's fall, his proper position in the universe has been one of misery.”
I’m glad I thought it was overrated garbage, then.
Hiring an autist to play an autist, nice.
>my wife owns literally everything Vincent has ever been in, on DVD.
>even stuff that’s not on his IMDB page.
>she’s attracted to me because I resemble him both physically and socially
>whatever, at least I get laid once in a while
Lena Dunham in the lead because I want her to die.
I would cast Jonah Hill, force him to gain a bunch of weight for the role, and then once he's obese again I'd cast someone else.
This is the script of death. Belushi, Candy, and Farley all were attached at one time. It wasn't the fatness and drugs that killed them, it was this haunted ass script.
How can we get Amy Schumer to sign on?
Nick Offerman was in a solid stage adaptation, but I think John C. Reily could work really well too
This is perfect
I'm giving Terry all of my energy
A Yea Forums poaster if he left mom's house occasionally
I was going to say the fat guy from Cobra Kai S02 who was just cast as Richard Jewell in Eastwood's next kino, or Sam Hyde in 5 years, but goddamn this is literally perfect.
For the director, I'd get the guy who made Donald Cried. 70s Coppola and Belushi would have been brilliant too.
Yes, it's considered the funniest book ever written and remains fresh and relevant, although it's number two to All You Need of Hell by Harry Crews imho
what the hell is it with women and dinofrio? man they seem to love the fucker. from him in happy accidents, to him as "thor" in adventures in babysitting. It's weird.
>skipping the most kino part of the book
No you're confusing it with that eskimo goes to the city movie by National Lampoon writers. Only Belushi was seriously considered for this, and much later Will Ferrell, who literally refused to star in the Eskimo movie too due to its cursed reputation. Elf is actually a ripoff of the Eskimo screenplay whose title eludes me.
Whoever user wants dead quick. That shit is cursed.
Reilly and Offerman are too old now
>Zach Galifianakis.
It almost happened then it fizzled out. Zach is now too old to play him now.
Some good recs in the thread but I'd go with pic related.