So we are in agreement right? Alita: Battle Angel is thus far 2019's movie of the year. If it isn't then what movie is?
So we are in agreement right? Alita: Battle Angel is thus far 2019's movie of the year. If it isn't then what movie is?
4K HDR 3D torrent when?
>Alita: Battle Angel DVD and Blu-ray release date is set for July 23, 2019 and available on Digital HD from Google Play, Amazon Video and iTunes on July 9, 2019.
>July 23
so fucking far. thought the current theatrical window was like 2 months
Why the FUCK is this movie still being shilled on this board? is it because people are waifuing this bug eyed CGI goblin looking BITCH!
literally any other movie made in 2019?
Avengers Endgame is obviously movie of the year. Also, Captain Marvel, Shazam, Pikachu, and Godzilla were all better than Alita.
You just don't learn, do you.
I dunno about the rest of you, but for me the movie of 2019 was Godzilla: King of the Monsters
For me? It was Glass, The Beach Bum, or John Wick 3
Dragon Ball Super Broly
Maybe John Wick III but not the others. They're trash.
Go back to plebbit faggots.
It's definitely got more heart than endgame
>mfw fresh Alita bread
The movie of the year is soon to be premiere
Alita's cute, I'll give you that but that window scene followed by the heart thing freaked me the fuck out. I didn't believe in triggers and mild ptsd and all that other bullshit people like to claim until I saw that scene. Had a girlfriend pull that shit to me after I broke up with her. Fuck man, that scene fucked me up.
loli on the poster
you'll never appreciate a crazy hot girl stalking you until she's gone
(or you get your limbs cut off and subsequently plummet to your death)
It's actually a really great movie and when you get the opportunity I recommend you take a chance and check it out
Just because something makes a lot of money that doesn't make it superior
I won't claim it's the best. But it's the only one I've continually thought about. It is a true gem and I hope the sequel builds on it.
Every one of those movies sucks and so does your taste in movies.
Name three movies released in 2019 that are better then Alita.
friend I am from /alita/., I'm just being objective. It's my favorite movie in years. I'm sure others can reasonably make a case for why X was better in what ways but Alita stands above them all personally.
haro frens
I haven't felt this strongly about a movie in a long time, it feels good to genuinely enjoy something the way I used to when I was younger
Alita had the best hair of 2019 for sure
it's a slice of action movies of yore. No pretense, no cynicism. I didn't think movies could be this way. Oddly enough, Godzilla even felt like an old school disaster movie right up there with Independence Day or Armageddon. Hopefully we start seeing more movies go this route despite the eye of the Mouse pushing everybody down.
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Yeah, honestly? I for legitimately miss that tight little bundle of crazy. Red drapes with carpet to match too. But shit man, she was gonna kill me one day if I didn't break it off.
Has the bluray been leaked yet?
yeup, crazy red head girl would show up outside my class on her motorcycle
dated one other red-head but she killed her family, got a life sentence, and her own episode of Snapped
it took forever for the release date. I don't know why you'd expect a timely leak.
keep to your discord tranny trash
For fucking real. They say the red hair comes from a broken gene. That gene must break something more than hair. I briefly dated another red head after that one who picked a fight with a stranger in a fucking store.
keep crying
it's exactly on par in quality as any other capeshit.
waifufags simply take it too far
>Jerome's never ending obsession with trannys extends beyond the general to every Alita related thread on the board
Really activates the almonds
Thunder Road, Birds of Passage, Sunset, High Life
Hey, what's your problem?
>it's exactly on par in quality as every other capeshit
Some capeshit is definitely better than others so this statement says more about you than anything
Never heard of any of them. They must be shit.
True. Praise the corporate machine.
Nothing, I'm just correcting the assertion that this is a "great" movie. Objectively it is not.
>this cow turd is better than this dog turd
you're splitting turds my brother
>objectively it's not a good movie
Ok professor why don't you break that down for us
Or do you want me to explain the difference between objectively and subjectively
The Disney merger fucked shit up. Before it, it was meant to be released at the beginning of June.
I miss seeing our blessed holy digits.
You're never going to look like the girl in the movie. I know why you identify with this movie but you're never going to pass my friend.
Is this projection or just deflection, I can't tell
no just a fact.
no amount of hormones or self mutilation will make you into a woman
Cool. Now tell us what that has to do with Alita.
I'm curious what your obsession with trannies stems from or if you're even aware of what caused it
More like SHITLITA
imageboards tend to attract anime loving pedos
Is that really the cleverest thing you could think of
>Why yes, I do feel Alita: Battle Angel is movie of the year 2019.
I guess that explains why you're here then
you know this guy's taking the piss right?
or do you redditers require a visual cue to detect sarcasm?
I love her so much, bros
>call others tranny
>get ousted as tranny yourselves
You had ONE job.
There's a difference between trolling and sarcasm
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
You spelled CUTEALITA wrong.
Not even the best action movie of the year. Not sure what I'd call my movie of the year so far, only big action movies get theatric releases where I live and the ones I've seen were Alita, Captain Marvel, Detective Pikachu and Endgame. And it's gotta be a pretty bad year if either of these are even gonna make my Top 10 by the end of it. I guess Endgame is my favourite out of all of them so far.
Based Rodanbro having my back
So many /trash/ moments in this movie, too many to name.
They even went for the 2 decade old freeze-frame-matrix-kick cliché.
I kid you not someones probably got the webm.
i like seeing these threads on the catalog even though i don't ever click on them
Have sex
find something else
They claim they dont make the thread but keep linking them to their discord and encouraging other alifags to participate in them.
so the 'discord tranny' thing is not just a meme?
you got a link to this?
what the fuck was it about this movie that drew them in?
Isnt this spam ?
Sneeda: battle seed and feed
discord T5DWmgn
Constantly posting the same image and complaining about what people are doing in their free time, with the same complaint? Yeah.
It's a *fake screencap but someone with literal autism
*fake as in someone goes through the trouble of creating accounts, making posts like this, and take a screencap to start a conspiracy, much like the "tranny discord" screencaps that coincidentally popped up at the same time on /pol/ back at the beginning of the year
Show me on that screenshot where there is anything to do with trannies
I think the screenshots are probably real but there's no actual conspiracy
Endgame was good but is just fanservice the movie, infinity war was infinitely better and endgame leechs on it.
Alita was really good but maybe I got that impression because I didn't expect shit from it. However, it didn't depend on a big pre-existent fanbase like pokemon, godzilla or marvel.
>Alita bluray releasing soon
I'm so excited
>four hours
mods do your job
>Alita was really good but maybe I got that impression because I didn't expect shit from it
My friend. This is Alita in a nutshell. A 6 is amazing when you're expecting a 2.
What's the over under for the use of nigger?
>Alita: Battle Angel is thus far 2019's movie of the year
This statement is true.
Fuck off. These thread are made by the same kind of people who got banned for being offtopic with their waifufaging. You can lie all you want, your thread is always the same shit with faggot waifuing and you act all inoncent when told to shut up.
Yeah but honestly, I don't expect shit from movies anymore.
They are doing their job. They're leaving a movie related thread be. Cope harder if it helps.
She's an approachable lady that is glorified on screen and has a toon of porn off. Of course you do its been manufactured.
Fuck you, if you donmt consider it spam you cant deny its invasion
We're discussing movie of the year 2019 smoothbrain. Contribute to the conversation or move along.
What if it doesn't help?
Poor Jerome.
This year, Alita has no competitors.
In 2020 she lost to Dune.
Best movie of the year indeed.
I'd boop that tummy if you know what I mean.
The screenshots are real, but of fake discord accounts. Everyone eventually caught on about fake twitter account screenshots so autists moved on to discord.
>Alita probably will end up being movie of the year 2019
The absolute state of Hollywood.
What makes you think those accounts are fake
Who discuss it here ? Fuck you if you cant link a post without a picture of alita
What makes you think they are real
Because he is one of them. Many of them are delusional, still to this day they deny why they got banned. Even in this thread you can see how theyre oblivious to theire waifuism being off topic, they believe its still movie related and tv conspired against them. Im the one who took screenshot, never saw any others, never made any fake discord accounts either. You can go there and see what they are talking about.
I have no reason to believe they aren't
>buzzwords about things that never happen
Sure thing schizo :^)
What never happen ? Whats the point of your picture ? You fucking asshole dont realize your ignorance
I'm waiting for Hobbs and Shaw to come out. Its probably gonna be good. Pretty much my picks for movie of the year will be Alita, Wick and Hobbs and Shaw its looking like. I can't think of anything else memorable that has or will come out this year.
What's Hobbs and Shaw even going to be about
Whatever you say basedfags
Endgame is the best
Didn't beat Avatar so how can it be the best
there have only been 2 objectively good movies released this year and they are
>Alita: Battle Angel
>Under The Silver Lake
all other movies have been simply entertaining at best
The Beach Bum
even the first episode of too old to die young has more soul than this so called "passion project"
Sorry losers and haters, but alita threads aren't going anywhere -and you all know it! So either deal with or keep crying like the asss niggers you are! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not you're fault :^)
At least dont pretend to not know what your doing. Enjoy your battle against the trolls in you dead threads
Too bad about that typo rendering everything you've posted null and void.
Except you understand its a typo and what matters is that you understood what i meant. You can use my bad grammar as attack like the immature child you are, i know im bad in english. At least im not an alifag
>infinity war was literally one of the worst movies ever created
Fixed that for you
Wrong, not when Endgame and John Wick 3 exist
>Under The Silver Lake
>this year
Endgame wasn't good though.
Stolen DVD players, Russian nukes and a super power suit.
Fringe Alita is best Alita
Shut up stupid contrarian
>no fast cars
What's the point of claiming its part of the F&F world?
>not liking a shitty movie is contrarian
The Highwaymen
I like Alita but this one is a pure kino
I didn't see this but I heard it was kind of boring
Looks too much like some thot.
I haven't heard anything about this yet, what's it about?
>Professor James Murray begins work compiling words for the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary in the mid 19th century, and receives over 10,000 entries from a patient at Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Dr. William Minor.
It's about the obsession, that could be turned to right direction
Go back to your tranny discord your faggots
James Cameron has gone on record saying he regrets making this movie.
Literal trannies and namefags obsessing over some irl anime girl
>it was kind of boring
If you like only action movies
source please
Well gee that's funny, he wasn't actually involved in the movie in any way. In fact, the day he visited the set, he didn't even stay long because he was worried his 'tism would compel him to start directing actors and crew members.
confirmed reddit tourists
>implying that's a bad thing
>literal trannies
There aren't any namefags in this thread retard.
The only redditor in this thread is (you).
>being this new
I can tell at least 2-3 of you weirdos were trannies based on the pics posted before
> discord is for trannies
> Alita fags confirmed to have discord server
There’s your proof, tranny
You're not even attempting to fit in here reddo
>I can tell
Oh so you're some kind of tranny expert?
Is it a fetish for you or what
They said
>James Cameron has gone on record saying he regrets making this movie
So I asked to see the record
How is that hard for you
>getting this assmad over one thread in the catalog
lmao at your pathetic life
which was obvious bait you tard
I honestly can't think of any other movie besides Alita that could be in the running for movie of the year. Not saying its that great of a movie but its better then the rest of the big budget trash coming out. Says a lot about how bad things really are in the cinema these days.
>can't provide proof so shitposts
why is she so hot bros
Ghidorah the Explorer will be movie of the year.
sneaky /alita/ general thread, piss off
Yes. Unfortunately 2019 has absolutely sucked for film. Also cute pic. Saved.
What happened to the generals? I was gone for 3 weeks.
based alita
>bad movie flops
>it had a waifu
>now we can never be rid of it
why do you people keep leaving ?
Alita fucking sucked nigger
No that's Brightburn
Shut up, incel
Only movie so far this year I've seen three times in the cinema.
Did the bluray or vod leaked yet?
mods figured out they were waifu threads so they get sent to
Is the anime version worth watching?
the ova is garbage for all the same reasons as the movie.
Yes it is but after the movie
because the movie is nothing but an inferior clone.
>an inferior clone
The movie has the motorball arc
no, the movie has some motorball. which is used primarily as filler.
More laughing Brie
What the fuck? I thought this shit got purged.
Fuck off with your non discussion of this dogshit movie.
Suffering user here, posting from work. Just got banned from /biz/
Why yes, Alita is my current choice of film of the year. Maybe Villeneuve's Dune will over take it but we will see.
From the guy behind Bone Tomahawk. Watch this. Super tense slowburner. Best thriller in recent years.
/alita/ trannies are actually real. a handful of faggots keeping this actual trash afloat.
fucking hell mods, do your damn job
Based comfy cot
The Battle Angel, Final Champion, Ultimate Berserker and Bearer of the Legendary Damascus Blade, we shall partake in the sacrament of chocolate and orange flavored Kool-Aid and sing praise to your name. Open your hymnbooks and let us sing "Big Generator" as we prepare our journey.
Tfw gonna buy a 4K bluray for the 1st time to play in boneX
Have you received the new artbook?
i've had my bonex for a while now with a 4k tv and haven't bought any 4k movies yet. planning on picking up alita and bladerunner 2049 first chance i get.
Kys namefag
I agree
Bunch of faggots being gay over some live action anime
>the "hero" of the story is a neo-nazi mass murderer and war criminal
>it's okay though because she's kinda cute
>moral of the story
She looks fucking weird how is she even cute? She has big eyes. You have to be mentally ill to think that’s cute
>You have to be mentally ill to think that’s cute
you have to be homo to think she's not
> you have to be homo to think she's not
So not only are Alita fags racist trannies. They’re also homophobes
Nice. Kys
it was released in the US in 2019
believe it or not I couldn't make it to France for it's 2018 release
>racist tranny homophobe
How's that working out for you?
nothing wrong with being homophobic, it's just natural
Pre-ordered 7 steel books and 2 Blu-Rays.
I'd love to kick Alita in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch her with the full force of my steel capped toe under her chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.
As she lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on her own blood, her jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of her skull, I stand over her and laugh wickedly. She looks up at me in fear and pain, her eyes searching, begging me for mercy. She finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting her skull like a melon and finally ending her pathetic life.
The op looks worse every time I see it, what are you talking about.
It’s literally every uncanny valley mistake in the book (overly large eyes, small mouth, small teeth, V shaped face starting at chin, eyes too far apart, straight nose bridge) except done on purpose for the sake of being appealing.
Horror movies use these tricks to make their creature designs seem unsettling.
>begging me for mercy
Not with this disgusting uncanny CGI.
Thrd time was the charm it seems
I know but it’s ironic considering you Alita fags are trannies
Pretty pathetic. Are you a virgin?
What do you need 9 copies for?
It’s not fair to your family and friends if you want to show them this garbage
And it’s autistic as fuck to get 9 copies of anything for yourself
Have sex.
You mad, little virgin boy? Gonna Cry? Gonna Piss Your Pants Maybe? Maybe shit and cum?
yikes, the projection in this post is off the chart
>What do you need 9 copies for?
1 copy for mom
1 copy for dad
1 copy for each of good friend you've never had
There's a few parts where she looks a little weird because she has been reworked a few times, but I forgive it
because they were trying expensive new tech and techniques, and ultimately it looks great for the most part.
I, for one, would like to stick my thumbs into Alita's eye sockets. I want to feel her ocular organs squish into a bloody, viscous pulp beneath the soft, yielding flesh of my fingertips. I want to hear her screams of absolute terror and pain as she realizes she'll never see again. Then, I would remove my thumbs from her eyesockets, giving her a brief respite as I grabbed a pair of barbeque tongs and a dull butterknife. with the tongs I would pluck out her ruined eyeballs and sever the optic nerves with the butter knife. at this point I would already have a hot plate going with a buttered pan ready to crudely sautee Alita's juicy macula. As they sizzled in the pan, she would smell them, and after having been starved for days on end, she might even have the nerve to comment about how good whatever I was cooking smelled - not being able to see what it was, of course. "Here, try some." I would offer, giving her a heaping spoonful of the fried, well-seasoned sight-flesh. She would gobble it down eagerly, begging for more like the deformed goblin she was, still not aware of what she was eating. I would feed her the rest, and only after she had eaten it all would I tell her what it truly was. As she screamed in horror and retched, I would put my thumbs into her empty eyesockets for the last time. I would drive them deep, deep into her empty ocular cavities, until I broke through the fragile bone and began to push my fingers into her brain. Her musical shrieking of pain and terror would abate as her brain becomes too damaged to operate her vocal cords, let alone comprehend what is happening to him. At this point, I place my massive, throbbing erection in front of her vegetative face and begin to powerfuck her eye sockets. In and out, in and out, over and over, until her brains are nothing more than a mess of dead cells and tangled dendrites. As I climaxed, I would push myself balls deep into her skull, seed mixing with ruined neurons in a perverse cocktail.
Based choco-pepalita poster
She looks weird in every second she’s part of the movie. The best that can happen is you’re able to ignore how weird she looks. Then any one of the faces you autists constantly spam happens and the audience winces.
>I excuse a failure because it was expensive
Look at this pic.
Try to read the whole post you literal retard
disgusting. go back to 8ch.
this movie sucked
a lot of people /critics who have seen the movie (aka not you) and didnt like it still said the character worked and weren't bothered by the apperance, it was actually the highlight
The only autist here is probably you
>reference end of post
>r-read the wh-wh-whole p-post!!
Why do fat neckbeards always obsess over anime shit? Pathetic
It’s one of those things that look worse the more you look at it, but looks okay when it’s far away or quickly cut from.
>go back to 8ch.
Why not discord?
shit movie
She didn't say that /pol/cel
Point for you. I forgot their filenames look similar
Ok well learn to read then? I know you're retarded but make an effort
I don't see anything wrong with that. Anyone that kills normies and jews is good in my book.
I want to watch it but i went to a brook and it was dry , where can I find a good brock.
I can watch kino by the following creek it is how i live now.
It really doesn't, I'd say the opposite
Not everyone accepts what is new right away, some take longer to adapt
Actually try to watch to movie, you'll see it grows on you
water kino is best kino , i do only watch kino by the riverlet. the free flow is so relaxing,
>If it isn't then what movie is?
Sneed: The Movie
I did watch the movie. It was shit and you are wrong.
I think it's time we start numbering these threads again now that janny has settled down
She said you are retarded stupid faggot
>I forgot
You're faggot
Someone can find pics by google
>using google image search
Two tickets for Alita, please. Thank you Robert you're truly a master of your craft.
Go back to your reddit discords and stop shitting up the board faggots
What's wrong with you? You never use google to find pictures?
>shitting up Yea Forums
pissing into an ocean of piss etc...
A janny admitted he had been protecting the threads and he got fired but angry trolls still made a giant fuss about it and then sneed and gore posting got way out of control and the mods killed the threads.
Haters are responsible and the generals weren't doing anything wrong but they still acted like they were some anomaly on Yea Forums that needed to be destroyed.
Most people are on the discord now while we wait for the bluray to drop.
>tranny - 11 times
>trannies - 9 times
>faggot - 10 times
>faggots - 6 times
>reddit - 4 times
>discord -12 times
Jerome has been hard at work shitting the thread up I see.
Hey what's up SA we miss you
Stop lying you assmad incel.
*someone claiming to be a janny
>b-but muh head cannon!
There is literally zero ways of proving whether they were a janny or not you faggot.
>Boomer movie starring a has been that should have retired 20 years ago is in the running for movie of the year
I don't think so.
don't make me post the screenshot showing bitches was the janny, user.
based tripnigger
name one movie that came out this year
Hey user, I'm Bigfoot. You better screencap this for the future, because what I've stated is clearly a fact and not unsubstantiated claims.
this but unironically
>he isn't disgusted by homosexuals
>man claims his waifu gets more appealing the more he looks at it
Surely you posses the self-awareness necessary to understand “waifu” is an extreme outlier condition.
sneethe more bitch nigger
you really need to fix that stutter
would be more fun to do this with Judy Hopps to be honest
>mobile poster uses google image search
Mods did Yea Forums a tremendous serice by kicking you freaks to
And yet...we're still here...WHOA
At least your shitty generals are dead faggot LMAO
>absolutely seething
Wasn’t a sequel supposed to be announced soon
I'm pretty sure they're waiting for it to come out on bluray before they announce anything
Your religion don't allow you to use google search on your phone?
Once again,
> leave /ALITA/
> few days later it comes back to Yea Forums
sneethe more bitch nigger
that is so fucking retarded it's not even funny