Why is pedophilia being normalized?
The teen here is 15
Why is pedophilia being normalized?
The teen here is 15
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n-nani?? the Jews run the Japanese film industry??
Not sure if Yumeaki is a boy or girl.
>15 years old
>American education
is that show any good?
15 years old is past puberty, so it's not pedophilia.
It's Netflix. What do you expect.
only male sexuality is bad
because the word lost all meaning by you dumb retards screaming about how everyone who has certian symbols or whatever on their person is a pedophile
I wish I had a cute 30 yo gf when I was 15
Hollywood loves their pedos
What's with the normalisation of chuck?
Man this is a really good fake.
holy shit
I found it on this board minutes ago
Ok Hollywood pedo
based japs
why can't americans be as cool?
because it's okay for a woman to love a youth boy
its literally OK when women do
italians made the best /ss/ kino back in the 70's
catering to the hordes of muslims and they're brand new supply of child brides
she looks like a roastie
oldfag here
starting browsing 4channel 2 days ago and its one of the oldest memes i remember
This seems like the most likely explanation.
>japanese woman milfing it up when you're 15
she's doing god's work
Japan has been doing this shit for decades, but with male teachers and female students. In fact, that J-drama didn't perform well in Japan and the main cause seemed to be that the audience wasn't comfortable with switching the genders
Watch Sensei/My Teacher
>implying this is normalising it
Have you even seen it yet?
I watched this show. It was alright. Kid and woman had some sex scenes
wtf i hate japan now
wtf!!! i thought japan was bass and reppelled??????
there is a CDAN blind item that talks about how the bosses of Netflix are brazenly putting paedophilia stuff on their platform.
No one k
he's really hot though. any person could easily fall for a boy with these facial aesthetics. i don't blame the woman at all.
why does every right-wing incel on here larp as a pedo?
This is standard Japanese shit. The fuck are you talking about?
why do asians chop their hair like a 6 year old with palsy
Totally normal in the East.
Guy aged 39 married Girl aged 17.
>movie with the same concept
Except the series doesn't display their relationship as normal in any way. That's part of the drama.
Watch Chugakusei Nikki.
this manga need to go sexual route real bad. the kid already confessed may as well step to the next base
This legit looks like some kino
Published 1955. Calm your tits.
that'd spoil the purity of it
was he just zoning out and forgot he wasn't with his girlfriend?
those are his daughters
I love you, Suzu!!
17 is ok in my book. 16? ehh, if you're 19, sure. 15 just doesn't feel right
Just another shoujo manga live action adaption. There are lots of those around in Japan.
I loved how the series portrayed character thoughts, feelings, and development through stylish directing. The montage of the main character's trial and error in obtaining a job spliced with Street Fighter footage and video game sound effects was cool. As well as each part of the movie-within-a-show playing after every episode during credits, including other parallels involving filmmaking.
Sucks that the series takes a dip in quality halfway due to the characters becoming more unlikable due to their actions. One of the most aesthetically appealing Japanese TV shows I've ever seen. Wish there were webms.
I imagine the series is like a nightmare for Japanese males seeking a fulfilling marriage though.
>15 years old
Want to know how I know you're a graduate of the burger education system?
if more girls are like her, maybe I don't end up being gay