Everyone Loves It

Tell me again why it was canceled?

Attached: SwampGuy.png (564x376, 201K)

why so many threads about this popping up at the same time?

cuz it's fucking retarded ffs

"Hollywood Accounting"

Warner/DC is run by really stupid people.

overarching storylines are bad for reruns

But it looks like it will be a hit

>doesn’t push faggotry, race mixing, stronk womyn, evil white men or holocaust guilt

That’s why


Insider here, DC Universe as a whole is getting canned soon. Titans and a couple still in development shows will go to WB's own streaming service but Swamp Thing and Doom Patrol are history.

unironically correct

Location manager heard they'd get a $40 million tax rebate. It was really $14 m.

Corporate big wigs thought it was too weird and want more cheaply made melodrama filled procedurals like the CW stuff.

Because republicans can't count

Went way over budget. Even Hollywood money laundering couldn't save it

It's almost as if people are being paid to regurgitate talking points. But that would be crazy, right?
It never ends.

Jews have a lot of trouble understanding southern dialects.

what a shame

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How in the holy fuck does this piece of shit have a 92% critic rating?! It's just so bad. I mean, the sfx are fantastic and the sets look great, but the writing, acting, and directing are just...bad. The pacing is all over the place and the plot is nonsensical. The characters all suffer from convenient stupidity syndrome and instantly gain insight when the plot needs a good shove. And apparently there aren't any towns in Louisiana anymore since every single location is isolate and buried in the middle of its own private, backwards swamp. Yet, characters just teleport between every location instantly. It's all a fucking wreck.

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It's breaking my fucking heart. It's fantastic.

because $15m from carolina tax payers wasn't enough free money for them and they thought they were getting more

Now post that 10/10 acted scene where the rich blonde woman is "thrown" across the room during a hoodoo seance with a black mammy stereotype.

>It's fantastic.

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You're wrong on every count. Two of the regular characters are gay. One of those gays is in an interracial lesbian relationship. The main character is a strong female. The main villain is a rich old white man. The main moral of the show is that all life must be protected. Somehow though it doesn't feel overly preachy because it's mainly focused on horror setpieces.

Too expensive and WB wants DC's shows to be like CW flash/arrow.

None of this was in the original comic, what the fuck.

>because $15m from carolina tax payers wasn't enough free money for them
Ironically enough it's the exact opposite problem.
They production posted a profit using the real $15 mil number unaware that the $38 mil number was the original and was revised. There were two separate budgets floating around that posted the same profits (to be taxed) but with a 23 million dollar difference in expenses...

Because Warner bros cant make a good product to save their lives.

if that guy assumed swamp thing's gender, then i'm glad he got what he deserved. rot in hell, history's greatest monster.

The cancellation of this show really gives me hope that the Watchmen TV show will also be cancelled quickly.

Doubt it, that's different since that's basicaly just getting free money for letting HBO do everything. With these shows Warner had to actually work and pay for their internal production.

Somehow I know someone made a lot of money of that "mistake".

Because it cost too much to make it good and television has to be low budget and terrible 95% of the time.


Because it's on a service no one pays for?