Will it be kino?
Will it be kino?
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>no lucy liu
old Charlie Angels (both the show and the previous movies) wasn't about that either
>Director Elizabeth Banks
I think I remember something about parents in the previous movies
won't be concerned with making money either hehe
You mean like Ocean's 8 was all about getting revenge?
Why didn't they do a male version of Charlie's Angels?
call your mom you inconsiderate ho. and don't act like you don't want a bf
So why make this then? Thats like making James Bond without the silly spy shit and gadgets or anything that makes the character
in their pursuit of equality women crudely imitate all the worst aspects of men. where is the humanity. take your shoulderpads off
So they aren't human.
>movie gets 20% on RT
>omg what happened???
What's wrong with calling your mom? I call my parents once a week because I want them to know I'm ok and I want to know if they're ok.
sounds really gay
>calling their mom
why the fuck mutts hate their parents?
I can’t wait for more feminist dribble
I don't remember much of them
But I don't think it was such a big part of it
It never was, though.
get thee to /int/ kankermongol
>Good morning angels. Your mission: find user a gf before he turns 30
>Good morning Angels. Your mission: help orchestrate chlorine gas attacks in Syria in order to sell more Axis of Evil war for Israel
No it will be a pathetic pile of dogshit that's only purpose is to launder money of some hollyjew kike
Will it be sneedkino?
What did chuck think of it?
>From the writer of Chernobyl and Scary Movie 5
What does she have against Moms?
Why does she think anyone gives a fuck about Charlie's Angels?
Will definitely watch.
John Cleese was Lucy Liu's father and she was nervous introducing her boyfriend Matt LeBlanc to her father
>Elizabeth Banks
The movies hinged heavily on boyfriend scenes
>no token asian bitch
poos are Asian
I know she can be annoying. But she is hot
>Naomi Scott
Take my money.
The black girl is the only decent one.
>black girl is light skin
Every time. Pass.
>director elizabeth banks
Seriously it's embarrassingly obvious how much women want to be a version of men they've made up from watching movies.
and Charlie was implied to be Drew Barrymore's dad
just make Danger Girl
That's cause her daddy is white dumbass..
>three twinks fight crime and get in to slapstick shennanigans
Set it in miami and we have a deal, i'll give you three seasons.
Do I need to ask? Who will play Charlie???
>won't be concerned with calling their mom
That is a weird thing to deride the original series for. Do they have bad relationships with their mothers now?
Elizabeth Banks
It's a gimmick. It's banking on people coming to this show who are into gender swapped rolesyadda yadda
What do you call this look?
>won't be concerned with calling their mom
.....why not? That seems like a bizarre thing to single out.
Well, this brand of action movie character isn't really supposed to be empathetic or represent any sort of reality, they're power fantasy. You can subvert that to make a better movie, but that's clearly not what they're going for.
It's like wondering why Casino Royale Bond isn't in Gold Finger.
The best female action flick is about to get ruined! Get woke go broke bitch! Watch the original 00s movie!
It should have been three bi curious dudes reboot.
>John Cleese was Lucy Liu's father
I know Naomi and Kstew have cutie feets
What about the nigfu, how's her foot game?
just make a good movie, is all I'm asking
The first movie was great because they just had fun and didn't give a shit about politics or seriousness. They even had the cast play a Blink 182 song at the end. It's simply Shrek with babes and its fantastic.
Elizabeth Banks is a fucking Game Show host now.
You think if she had any faith in her movie's reception she be doing that gig? Even she knows it was shit, but they let her cut her teeth on that shit.
Theyre fucking women, what fucking fault could they find in calling your mother?
Mothers should get calls, wtf?!
that gun looks plastic
No, watching them get equally attractive boyfriends was part of the fun. Imagining two supermodels have sex is the rest.
>Charlie will be a woman
>kstew gets a raunchy girl on girl scene
>the other two swear off men bc of cheating/never satisfied
its a pile of dogshit.
trash dyke
>that cast
>Director elizabeth banks
>it's an actor/actress thinks he/she could direct as well
Why do they do this? Is there anyone who can do both at least decently?
>doesn't cast a single comedian
>already focusing on gender bullshit
>will it be kino?
hard nope
only if destinys child reunites for the soundtrack
>want to appeal to women
>remove 90% of what women do all day
>another Ghostbusters
when will they learn?
To them Ghostbusters wasn't a failure. This crap is a win/win to them, because if the movies just barely does well, it's a huge victory for woman, but if it flops, they can blame "toxic masculinity." And there is nothing women love more than blaming men for their mistakes.
>To them Ghostbusters wasn't a failure.
It lost like 100 million. Producers only care about money. The SJW stuff is PR.
>I want Charlotte's Cherubim to be made
>I want it to tank horribly
>I want to see people try to explain why a gender-swapped reboot didn't succeed, despite the main characters being men
This marks the beginning of McG's redemption arc.
Made me laugh. Heres a (You)
ahh shit pulling an olivia wilde I see.
Although she does have an existing brand power.
>Producers only care about money
Wrong. Not these days they don't. They love pushing agendas because they think it benefits their own people, and they personally get reimbursed
>not making them male
Why didn't they make Totally Spies?
Totally Spies, but they are 40 years old, Clover is black and the indian one looks like Aziz Ansari
Not a chance in hell, I’d bet good money on a sub 40% RT score and underperformance at the box office.
Cint, Ron Howard, Quentin Tarantino.
Are you a teenage girl?
>>kstew gets a raunchy girl on girl scene
>its a pile of dogshit
These two statements heavily contradict one another
Because they are kicked out of their home the second they turn 18.
This so much, these woke girl movies are supposed to be for women, but real women don't care about that crap, they alienate males and females at the same time with their retardation.
No, it’s the money. They push the agendas because they think that’s where the money is, but social media posts do not equal revenue.
Jews are not as smart as you give them credit for, they are just insanely greedy.
Chuck's devil's?
Yeah I'm sure when the head of ADL gets together with the Youtube CEO and hollywood producers they discuss profit margins
>don’t call to check on parents
Based Xi would be subtracting 50 SCP (social credit points) for such an infraction.
>Charlie's Goblins
>raunchy girl on gurl
>NüStew tells some tranny to take off her boots
>one of them grins and starts rubbing
>quick cut to next scene
even TnA-less flicks from 15 years ago had sideboob, but theres no saving the current gen
wtf take better care of your firearm
Doomed to fail. Women can't beat men in combat and reusing what the previous movies did would just make it out to be a comedy.
It'd be more realistic if they genetically enhanced super soldiers like Idris in Hobbs & Shaw. But the less realistic the better when you're trying to change the concept of reality.
>Director elizabeth banks
Take me seriously! I'm wearing my oversized non-prescription director glasses!
>....oh, you're here. Listen, I'm not really feeling up for it today. You girls just go do whatever. It don't matter. None of this matters.
Produced by
Elizabeth Banks ... producer
Doug Belgrad ... producer
Elizabeth Cantillon ... producer
Christoph Fisser ... co-producer
Max Handelman ... producer
Matthew Hirsch ... executive producer
Henning Molfenter ... co-producer
Charlie Woebcken ... co-producer
(((Producer))) is the most meaningless title in (((Hollywood)))
It will be something that I never watch
Pour one out for The Chad
Is the dyke market really that big? Seems most of these all-female movies are geared towards masculine women
>expecting men to pay money to watch women be ugly
lol ok
if that was the case there'd be a lot more titty on screen
Fucking holy based I remember jacking off to this
Formerly Sneed's Devils
Is there even anyone alive that gives a shit about Charlies Angels?
The 2000 one banked on 70s. No one going to the theater now is old enough to have nostalgia for the original, so what is this new one banking on? Nostalgia for the 2000 film?
Also they know why people watched the original, right? It wasn't for strong independent women, it was for the titties.
70s nostalgia*
they didn't get that message with the new Charmed you think it's gonna come across for Charlies Angels?
Hell I'm just waiting for them to remake Golden Girls with Tina Fey in old lady make up
>t. Mommy's boy
Put your parents in retirement homes and only visit them on Christmas like a real man
>Elizabeth Banks
Wasn’t the whole point of the original that it was a subversion of the formula? Instead of the smooth secret agent, you had a group of girls that acted like they ought to, yet were still capable?
The strong independent woman who don’t need no man got tired years m ago, Meaning just following the original formula would still be a subversion.
Why are feminists pushing women to hate men and disregard their boyfriends? Have they not fallen in love before? It's a great feeling.
Why do they erase Asian representation aka the only reason you might wanna watch this film?
I guess I'm just gonna stop watching movies now.
They fear the geishas
someone mentioned at a board room meeting as a joke and everyone else said, "hey, why not go with that?" that's all it is. nothing suspicious going on.
they should do an all-male reboot of Charlie's Angels where they're fairy ass fags
starring Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and Lundgren with Seagal playing the villain
>jews are oversexualizing everything!
>jews are trying to get rid of sex!
Another fine example of /pol/'s doublethink
So in this NWO, I get to have annual sex? That's more than what I'm getting right now! Sign me up!
Orwell was a socialist commie, 1984 was just yet another "stalin bad, lenin good" spiel
tell me what you think about me
there are far more virgins than in the past. people have less real sex, it's more and more just masturbation. it doesn't happen all at once user.
They did. It was the A team
They don't look the part, for some reason.
>best female action flick
>not The Villainess
>show about three supermodels fighting crime
>Reboot it to have two average women and Kristen Stewart with the most Butch haircut of all time
Jews run the USA inside and out, all this achieved without firing a single bullet directly. I'd say that's smart.
Why do they not look the part at all, it's so bewildering.
>calling their mom
she hit the wall and is probably immature, insufferably neurotic and an arrogant slut
so, her character from Wet Hot American Summer?
WTF do women nowadays hate their mommies?
poos are asian though
If I can't fap to it then its not a Charlies Angels movie and won't be kino.
I would rather see Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, and Drew Berrymore try to relive their previous roles instead.
>she's pretty hot
>scene were they all cut their hair to look like men
>scene where charlie tells them to smile and then they smash phone against the wall
>the bad guy is a transparent trump analogy
>the movie bombs hard but the critics give it glowing reviews
>or calling their mom
wait what? when did that happen in the last movies?
you mean hack reviewers who are bought and paid for.