Watching some prime kino
Watching some prime kino
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I've always thought it was kind of boring
>t roastie
Why is everyone in this movie 10/10?
i always thought you were a faggot user
Really makes you think huh?
haha thanks, guys. Showgirls is better
it's a fascist meritocratic utopia where the smartest, strongest and best looking strive. the dumb, weak and ugly are cannon fodder or left at home.
>All the women aged like milk
>Casper aged like wine
Every time.
They're not? Half the cast are fucking uggos. Dizz, Rico and Carman and that other dude who gets his brain sucked out are the only attractive people in the whole thing.
If Jamie Lannister had a regular, normal bother, and some midget abomination; this guy would be it.
how did they get away with this?
Get away with what?
a straight white male in a crypto fascist society
it was "parody"
The perfect film.
Verhoeven is a known leftist who hated the source material and decided to put his own twist to it. There are three kinds of people: the ones who treat Starship Troopers as a mindless action flick, the ones who got the joke and the ones who severely misinterpret the movie because they're simpletons. If you fall into the latter category, it's especially telling what you're dealing with.
The book is far superior.
He attempted to make satire but couldn't cover up the glory that is galactic fascism. So none of your options are correct.
so you're saying the movie was only pretending to be retarded?
>couldn't cover up the glory that is galactic fascism
You absolute dumbass. You're watching fictional propaganda. Of course it's glossy.
>ywn have that jawline
why even fucking live?
imagine liking this shit
Nope. He totally missed any satire and made it look great. Humanity is conquering the galaxy and value in society is a pure meritocracy.
>propaganda is dishonest promotion and intentionally misleading and would never depict the government as the totalitarian nightmare it is
>"hurr I don't know it looks great"
If only you fags would put your money where your mouth is and take it out to the streets. If only.
Women and minorities were equal in that society. It's all the sjws want, right?
No because they actually have to work to get any standing in society
my roommate for a period of time (just 1 year) saw this with me and generation kill and joined the marines. he browses /fit/ (only cause i told him about it)
flesh and blood > robocop > starship
Casper is married to a co workers niece. Fucking goofy fuck who wears white socks and white new balances with jorts asked me last year "you ever heard of Casper van Dean?" and goes on about how he was staying at his house. Dude never even saw Starship Troopers.
The true answer to every one of the weekly Starship Troopers thread.
Playing some prime pino
dudes jawline is impeccable
I always thought the high school "football" game was a pretty clear indicator that eugenics was in full effect with this society. At the very least perhaps genetic engineering ala gattaca, hence why the kids at the "rich kid school" are able to do near Olympic level acrobatic feats.
The only thing I remember about that movie is Casper's primo perfect 10/10 ass in the shower scene.