>tfw the woke train is losing all it's steam
feels good. will hollywood double down in the coming years or realise that people don't want politics shoved down their throat in every film.
Tfw the woke train is losing all it's steam
your retarded "get woke go broke" bullshit would probably have more merit if Captain Marvel hadn't made a billion and Shaft wasn't getting bashed for NOT being woke
isn't all the criticism toward shaft 2019 being that it's NOT woke and Sam Jackson's character is so "toxic"? Sounds like it's actually a good movie
Please don't get facts in the way of a nice narrative.
Disney bought all the tickets for that. Get your head on straight and open your asshole because your about to get your ANUSHOLE EXPANDED!
I know I'm not going near any of them this weekend. I'm going to see The Dead Don't Die and encourage everybody here to go see it because Yea Forums is a Jarmusch board
Shaft isn't "woke". check out the reviews on Letterboxd
>a billion dollars when the theaters were all empty
Who gives a fuck?
>Oy vey, the goys aren't coming to our money laundering propaganda spectacles
Fuck kikes and fuck Hollywood.
The MCU can't last forever. And when it finally flames out, there will be literally NOTHING in Hollywood that makes money. The entire industry is gonna tank.
Disney buying tickets to their own movies to "OWN THE RUSSIAN NAZI BOTS" doesn't count nigger.
I forgot how Godzilla, Secret Life of Pets 2, Dumbo, and Hellboy all flopped for being too "woke".
Shaft is a low budget comedy from a franchise that never made a lot of money and it's not even being released overseas
Men in Black is the real flop if it has to compete with it
What is more likely? That you have seen few pics and think every theatre was like that, or that the movie was actually successful?
Holy confirmation bias.
The movie went well. Deal with it.
>and it's not even being released overseas
yes it is on Netflix just like Isn't It Romantic
Piss off Captain Cuck
>muh murvhael
>muh billions
If you still don’t understand why a marvel title managed to generate so much money right before endgame was released then you’re incredibly moronic
How long until liberal hollywood pretends they were never actually woke?
>I believe everything Jews tell me. I'm too dumb to do my own research.
You underestimate their cognitive dissonance
It's inevitable but I sincerely hope millennials and zoomers are ever coming back. Once boomers are dead, mainstream media will be completely gone.
>yfw this is the legit market of movies nowdays and MCU are just Hollywood and Disney putting their own money into the box offices to look like everything is normal
>I believe everything is Jews. I'm too dumb to do my own research.
>yfw you realize Hollywood was just Jewish money laundering all along.
Your "research" is few pics from other mentally ill.
The rest is your confirmation bias.
I did not watch the movie. I hoped it bombed and I dislike strongly Brie.
But it was successful. Accept the reality you dumb parody of a man.
Your typed "Reddit" into your browser incorrectly, dumb fuck.
>Get a load of this silly cunt who doesn't know how media works.
I guess Men in Black really got the Shaft this summer
Marvel's basically been propping up the movie industry for several years now.
You quoted me in but what I was saying had nothing to do with your bullshit.
The MCU makes money. NOW. No franchise has ever been an infinite money-printing machine. Some day Doctor Strange vs. Squirrel Girl 2 is gonna flop and then that's it, mass panic
>isn't all the criticism
who listens to "critics" anymore?
The MCU will sustain itself with Spiderman, FF and XMen, hell they still could retool Daredevil into a proper film series
>22 year old who acts like a 60 year old
(and that's a good thing)
not hard to believe, China does it all the time.
>It really did make all that money!!
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
watch the movie goy
>Deal with it.
*claps back*
>Yea Forums is research
When moderate society starts to turn against them
>Captain Marvel tie-in in one of the popular stories this year. Many people report empty cinemas, many pics taken while its in the first week debunking it to be anectodal evidence
>Shaft targeting woke audience, isnt woke
I am not surprised. Are you?