Dream guests. Go.
Dream guests. Go
Other urls found in this thread:
ben bernanke
Penis hole Mike
Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff
Idris Elba
Xi Jinping
Amy schumer
Joe needs to go after her about her fake tits.
Sam Hyde
Norm Macdonald
Nick Land
Kanye West
and the list goes on
contrapoints and destiny and then one hour in jared taylor and ryan faulk walk in and they bar the doors. leftists would kill themselves in droves,
Unironically Trump.
A clone AI bot program made from his own dialogue in every episode of JRE to date
9 hours of chimp talk
Assad so he can have a chance to defend his actions, and talk about running Syria. Plus fitness as Assad seems slim at least.
E Michael Jones
Pastor Steven Anderson
Owen Benjamin (his other appearances sucked but another one would be must watch)
Jared Taylor
Jesse Lee Peterson
Well my dream guest would have to be none other than me. I mean come on now who wouldn't want to see that right?
>why yes I hate niggers and am colonizing africa what will do you about it
Joe: uhh let's talk about chimps
Nick Mullen
Putin so they can talk about Judo and MMA, and how Russia isn’t that bad.
Louis C.K.
Seeing two of the all time comedy greats talk about their craft and joke around with each other would be incredible.
faced and bogpilled
A bomb.
>John Carmack and/or John Romero
>Dave Chappelle
>Paul McCartney
>Martin Scorsese
>Keanu Reeves
>Donald Trump (not even a magafag it would just be hilarious to watch the two of them interact)
>Louis C.K. (even though i'm pretty sure that Louis hates him)
his CIA handler
Taylor of you read this, imagine how exciting and ironic it would be to go on a date with a neet from the internet. I'll dress up nicely and bring you flowers.
Richard Dolan
Especially with all the recent UFO leaks.
>heh Jaime... more like uh.. GAYmie am i right joe
nick would be exposed for the fraud he is without his fat fuck laughtrack being present for him
Pls consider
Hey jamie pull up fbi stats on murder
>destiny starts sitting up from his booster seat
Wait is that true? 13 to 50? no fucking way
>contrapoints towers over the whole room at a massive 6'2
Holy shit look at these twin studies. What the fuck Jamie is it true that IQ is 80% heritable?
>destiny runs to the window while contra starts tugging on his cock, jamie pulls out his .45 and shoots himself in the head
Arnold schwarzenegger
George Lucas would probably prefer it to be after the new movie
art bell
Nobody's perfect, but hes the closest thing to the funniest person in the western world.
Christopher "moot" Poole
Chris Hansen
Tom Cruise
Mark Rathbun
Gabe Newell
Hideo Kojima
Johnny Knoxville
The dudes from Mega64
Shaun Attwood and Wildman.
Shame it's impossible as they're barred from the US.
kojima barely even speaks english and i doubt that joe would even know who he is
johnny knoxville would be a good fit for joe though
Sammy "The Bull" Gravano
AnnaSophia Robb
a gorilla
The Rock
Hafþór Björnsson (the mountain actor)
Donald Trump (it'd be hilarious watching Joe trying to interpret his stuttering dementia talk)
Joey Diaz
John Carmack
So he could talk the whole 2 hours
tony ferguson
Matt and Ryan from supermega.
The guys from Sleepycabin (oneyNG, stamper, etc)
I thought kanye was supposed to be on before. Im hoping to be surprised one day
I would so hard...
Stop making this thread, you get the same fucking responses every time.
>durr Trump
>durr Kanye
Fuck off.
refn is too autistic for joe
>durr I'm a faggot leftsist
You're a fucking queer low test nigger
I think Trump and Kanye are based as much as the next guy, but these threads are annoying
Dick Cavett
Dick Van Dyke
David Lynch
Christian Bale
Jon Snow actor
Guillermo del Toro
The beautiful ladies from Red Scare
Alex Jones again.
Art Bell's ghost.
Ronald D Moore (Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica)
Matt Furie
gook moot
Nick Mullen
Kim Thayil (Soundgarden)
Jennifer Tilly
Clint Eastwood
Shigeru Miyamoto
Gilbert Gottfried
Mr Metokur
sure you are pablo, sure you are
>Art Bell's ghost
Art Bell would have been an amazing guest.
Randall Carlson with some more+new shit on his asteroid hitting ice sheet melting shit
Louis Farrakhan
Dr. Eugene Michael Jones
> logos 101: the anus is not a sex organ
> "it's preposterous"
> x did this, who was a homsexual/Jew
I would love for him to shit on sargon on Joe Rogan's show
Grant Morrison
Anyone who can genuinely call out Joe on:
1. Not being that good at standup
2. Taking steroids and publicly challenging his alcoholic friends to "fitness challenges" which he naturally wins. Ari tried pointing this out in the recent Sober October Preview vid, Joe either ignored it or didn't get the point.
3. Repeatedly saying "I'm a democrat, I support universal publicly funded healthcare, I'm pro-publicly funded university, I'm pro-legalization" and then inviting on far-right wing guests and agreeing with them on every single point
Especially #3. I listen to the podcast pretty often, I don't really care what Joe's political affiliations truly are, but it's really getting old hearing him endorse every mainstream, center-left political opinion in the book only to pivot to extreme hard-right the moment he has a guy like Shapiro on his show, or to hard-left when he has Pakman on. Being open to many different ideas is fine. Spinelessly flip flopping based on whoever you have in front of you is just boring.
Jasun Horsley
Mel Gibson
Jamie was already a guest
is brian redban still alive
>Assad and Duterte chatting about how best to deal with rebel uprisings
Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsay
Rich Dolan should have been on a year ago.
Rogan's black stepdaughter and whoever his most racist guest (I guess that would be McIness?) on at the same time.
GOAT episode right here
Can I have the episode number, big guy?
He was on within the last year I think. Spoke of his dad getting some mexican surgery and injected with shit and now acts like a 70 year old instead of a 90 year old
Alex Jones
Keanu Reeves
Nick Fuentes
Sam Hyde
>Paul McCartney
I would love this as I'm a huge fan. And Paul is actually quite a weed fiend so he'd have that in common with Rogaine. I'm not sure Joe knows shit about music though
I'd also love to see Tom Cruise but it will never happen because Joe is vocally anti-scientology
Haha based my dude
They would probably agree 80% of the time.
Fuck. I forgot about Mel. When his Rothchild film comes out then definitely.
I'd like a joint podcast with one of Joe's more hardcore alt-right buddies and Joe's wife+her black daughter. Make Joe take a stand on this shit once and for all. I want to see him try to complain about "the left" being too defensive about racism against non-whites or misogyny with those two in the room.
I can't believe he's never had Arnold on. Both are Californians, both into fitness. It's crazy it never happened
Hillary Clinton but her coffee has been spiked with something and Joe takes her on a journey to battle her inner demons
jared taylor
kevin macdonald
andrew joyce
Clint Eastwood
Jon Gruden
Vince McMahon
Lil Pump
Scarlett Johansson
Mr. T
Pablo Escobar or hitler
>I want to see him try to complain about "the left" being too defensive about racism against non-whites or misogyny
>extreme hard-right
Regardless, Rogan isn't a pundit. He just interviews people, and it's easier to do that across a relatively broad spectrum when you're agreeable.
It got canceled
>Joe Rogan
>comedy great
His podcast is pure kino, but his stand up is average at best, and not even close to the same level as Louis C.K.
What does this have to do with trannies? Joe gives a bizarre free pass to guys like Crowder, Milo, McIness when it comes to the things they've said regarding race/gender issues, he just says, no matter which one of them is being brought up "he's a provocateur, he's a troll". I wonder how much he actually believes that, and if he'd be willing to mount that defense with his wife, his black stepdaughter, and one of the aforementioned trio all in the same room.
Shapiro is considered hard-right IRL. I guess here he'd be center-right.
> He just interviews people, and it's easier to do that across a relatively broad spectrum when you're agreeable.
True. Like I said, being open to ideas is fine. But there's a line between being agreeable and borderline mindlessly agreeing with everything the guests say. If you listen to his episodes with Gabbard/Yang and then his episodes with Shapiro/Peterson it's like you're hearing to completely different people.
*hearing two completely different people
Again I like how he's able to entertain different ideas, he was even willing to try to rationally discuss Eddie Bravo's retarded "North Korea and dinosaurs aren't real" hypothesis, but there's a difference between being open-minded and being a spineless flip flopper.
Charles Hamilton (rapper)
Michelle Rodriguez
David Icke
Jack Nicholson
Nicolas Cage
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny
Some good sugestions so far
>Jared Taylor
This would never happen but I would love to see Jared redpill joe. The guy is the best talker in the alt right
>John Carmak
It would be good if carmak could speak the entire time but the conversation would probablt steer into hard drugs
>Robert drysdale
I like bjj talk and this dude knows alot about it and is not a meme like danaher. Would probably kill some myths about the gracies in front of Joe
>The guy from the eric andre show
I just want to see some hardcore autism on camera
Jared taylor would never be allowed. He would instantly be deplatformed and shoved off of youtube.
ajit pai
donald trump
tan mom
omar mateen
chris chan
jacob rothschild
barack obama
jake paul
randy stair
bogdanoff twins
malik obama
jacob sartorious
michelle obama
daniel keem
david bowie
sam hyde
george takei
stephen paddock
kim jong un
amanda bynes
anita sarkeesian
Issei Sagawa
Jane Goodall
Vladimir Putin
Contrapoints, definitely.
Shapiro is a leftist in America and center-right in Israel. Common perception of the difference between left and right is messed up in the modern West because everyone is a "civic nationalist." Really the only issue he's anti-liberal on is abortion. For Israel, Shapiro supports ethnic cleansing of Arabs, because he's a jew.
> there's a line between being agreeable and borderline mindlessly agreeing with everything the guests say.
You can split hairs about it if you want. Rogan isn't there to fight, he's there to talk to people calmly and find out what they think.
>Rogan isn't there to fight, he's there to talk to people calmly and find out what they think.
Unless they suggest that weed isn't a miracle drug, then he'll fucking go after you. Just ask Crowder.
David Paulides to talk about Missing 411. Avoid bigfoot questions.
By her own admission, Contrapoints is awful at speaking in real time. There's a reason all her videos are so heavily produced. Even with a host like Joe I think she'd struggle to come across well.
A chimpanzee.
Reuben Langdon
good post
"Joe, I want to talk to you about human pineal glands, and how they'll extend my life by years if not decades. Did you know they can partially grow back?"
>leaps at Joe and bites his face off
She's fine with speaking in real time. It's the debates where you have to talk over other people that she isn't fond of.
He needs the based rape victim on so he can draw plenty of dimes.
Doug Walker
Weedheads are shockingly aggressive when they're not high, like koala bears.
lol, tranny
Rent-free, baybeeee
Mike Enoch & Eric Striker
Jana Goodall
Do you seriously think that people like jared taylor would absolutely face fuck psueds like contra? You are lost man.
Biggest faggot ever. Loves those donkey dongs and big big schlongs.
user I...
His beard looks so off
What's the matter user? Triggered because I used the wrong pronouns?
Hi Joe
Facial hair goes grey first and he dyes his hair. Guy's almost 70.
As I recall he left like, 20 minutes into it and then we were left with some uninteresting fag for the rest of it.
ngl this would be kino
Only if he asks her if she ever fucked the chimps.
Interesting choice of words user. Who made you think of facefucking, Jared or Contra?
My boi Ted.
Some ISIS dudes.
Keith Reineri that NXVIM guy
Some memory holed people like people investigating the Vegas shooting
An alien
Came here to post this.
Nigel Farage
This would be a great opportunity for Joe to learn where England is
Sam Seder
Louis C K
>Over an hour of Bernanke answering questions while providing no answers.
all good.
>natural blonde
>fuzzy blonde fuzziness all over her body
do you think her tiny asshole is sorrounded by golden fuzz too? :3
Sam Sneed.
Norm Macdonald
Donald Trump
William Shatner
I never saw it, but was the Steven Greer episode any good? I could see that getting weed bro weird pretty quick.
Have Refn and Alex reunited on the same show.
David Lynch
Karl Pilkington
Jerry Seinfeld
Alan Moore
Genesis P-Orridge
David Byrne
John K
Richard Herring
Danny Baker
Frank Zappa if he was still alive
Tony Ferguson, I'd like to hear about all the crazy shit that goes through his mind, including the clinically insane shit. Eddie bravo could join them too, could be great.
Tom Segura with Theo Vonn
Good picks.
A conversation between Joe Rogan and Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory woud be priceless.
Adolf Hitler
>Tony contemplating decapitating the mini-Khabib with an elbow, his heart filled with joy.
Yes, Tony and Bravo would be fucking legendary.
david lynch
billy corgan again
fuck yeah man
>Clint Eastwood
Hopefully he'll be alive for it
I like hearing fighters talk about mental illness, there's been a few on the podcast already like Tyson Fury and Justin Wren.
mike mew
michael mcgregor
Elliot Rodger
Lily Lynch
Emilia Clarke
>clicks pen in your vicinity
Elliott Hulse
R.A. the rugged man
The Hodgetwins
Tom Cruise
Timothy James Byrne
Alex Jones vol. 3
Jack Ruby, so hopefully he'd say what really happened and then shoot this faggot so we never have to see him again.
Hell yeah
Jared taylor
Sam hyde
I'm sure it is and that it smells like strawberries
Rogan agrees with anybody he has on his show, dude has 50 personalities. Literally have the most ridiculous guest you can find just to watch him find a way to agree with almost anything they say.
Dick Cavett died a few weeks ago.
Really no kayne yet?
Only if the machine is there too.
For me its Karl Pilkington. They could talk chimps for hours
Joe said in one of his recent podcasts that they ended up cancelling it because "a podcast wasnt really the best way for kanye to Express himself"
Tila Tequila
Ted Kaczynski
Mel Gibson
50 cent
Ron Paul
Mike Enoch
has he learned to read since hosting fear factor
Billy Connolly.
Steve Hughes
Winona Ryder
Tommy Robinson. I would pay to see it.
hmm that would actually be pretty good
David Duke
Mark Collet
Brother Nathanael
Varg Vikernes
Adolf Hitler
Chris Benoit
For me? It's Dr Now
Sam Seder
Anyone from Chapo
For god sake he's like 95 he's ready to keel over whenever and he's still writing books Jesus Joe.
David Stay from PHOTON please. Jim's interview was Kino but JRE would be amazing too
Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice
Cenk Uyger
Norm MacDonald
Dane Cook to hear about his whirlwind stint from top of the comedy world in 2007 to being forgotten in 2008
Sam Hyde
Coyote Peterson from Brave Wilderness so they can talk about animals fighting for three hours
Gianna Michaels
Matt and Trey
Louis CK because I think Rogan discretely doesn't like him because he's a joke thief
Conor MacGregor obviously
Alex Valle
You know a overlooked videogame guy is Lord British from Ultima Series, he basically conned EA to buy his “franchise” and used the money to create his own fantasy castle and North America’s greatest collection of morbid medical collections including horrific freaks.
Best list. Especially Norm.
Sam Seder
But we all know Joe wants a safe space where his little buddies don't get blow the fuck out.
why did he do it?
compromised NWO shill
Norm Macdonald
Jared Taylor
fucking this
and marcelo garcia
This guy
Werner Herzog
Chris Langan
Donald Hoffman
Ryan Dawson.
just joe and a fleshlight on the table
The one on the right
this guy is such a faggot
Just six episodes where they feed Alex Jones progressively harder drugs
Johnny Sins
Sam Hyde
The 8-Bit Guy
Sean Connery or Tony Sirico would make for good senile kino
all the constant debating and sperging out really did a number on him
last i heard hes a druggie now, and moved halfway across the country abandoning his son, and is now marrying some 19 year old swedish fan girl he flew out to his place since he was so lonely
Robert Plant
Dan Carlin
Kim Jong of the Week
The fucking lunatic John Bolton
Laura Ingraham and Sam Harris at the same time
Bill Oreilly and a Brown Bear lcoked in a room together.
Bill Burr and Doug Stanhope drinking together
All the Trailer Park Boys in character.
Okay user, I've decided to give you a go!
Pick me up tomorrow.
have sex
Fuck yes, Norm.
rate me out of 10 boys
this is what a steady stream of ONIONS does to a """MAN"""
Bari Weiss a second time
dude can you please fuck off
your really starting to annoy me ..... .. .... ..
I could listen to Herzog read shipping labels and it'd be the most fun i've had all year.
i prefer to watch
Oh yeah he's crazy now it's sad he's just fucking some random 18 year old now
Jon Carmack
rate me out of 11 boys
the steven army has arrived le d.gg army is here
_____________________HAVE SEX
I just did today acutally, GODSTINY
Destiny and Joe can dunk on trannies together
very quick and very based reply
Thank you AYAYA
what is this screenshot from?
Destiny sexting with his child's mom
cunnyposter would smash on jre
they dont speal english
how recently did he show this?
This is what they want you to believe
couple of months old by now
this looks pretty fake, do you know what video it's from?
yikes. at least he has some self awareness tho
A gorrilla / chimpansee etc. that knows sign language
>Seeing two of the all time comedy greats
>Joe Rogan
this nigga.
Joe touches on bigfoot every once in a while but he has never had anyone on that is as knowledgeable as David Paulides.
go list to some of his appearances on Coast to Coast radio, he's not a big bombastic guy but a good story-teller that has thoroughly researched everything he is talking about.
Any scientist. I love listening to Neil and Brian and Krauss and whatnot.
>knowledgeable about bigfoot
Crispin Glover
Scott Horton
Chris "Pepper Hicks" Stanley
Pat Buchanan
Joe Redifer
I became obsessed with Missing 411. There was a playlist on YouTube with 24 hours of interviews & podcast etc. interesting stuff. Paulides needs to stop being such a dishonest faggot and tell what his theory is. He clearly has his own idea of what's happening but he pretends to be impartial by reserving his opinion, when in reality he is mysterious only to sell books.
It's an interdimenional demon Bigfoot in case anyone is wondering
fuck you user
Jared Taylor
made me check
It's from when he was having a panic attack from his shroom trip
Pastor Steven Anderson wouldn't go on the show, and I doubt Joe would want him.
>It would be Kino though
>race realist
>thinks hispanic is a race
John Romero
Jason David Frank talking about how trannies shouldn't compete with biological females.
How many dicks you think she sucked if you had to guess?
>Pastor Steven Anderson wouldn't go on the show, and I doubt Joe would want him.
he may go a bit far a few times
Richard Spencer
Sam Hyde
Jared Taylor
George Lucas
Richard Garfield
Tom Cruise
More Alex Jones
The Donald
The Queen
Trump and alex jones at the same time
>comedy great
look man, I love Joe and I listen to him constantly but he is no comedian and I really don't understand why he keeps at it
Kanye pressured into smoking weed that triggers his psychosis and results in him trying to fight Joe while jaimie calls 911.
that would be cringier than Elon
This bear.
Already done and Mel came across as a fucking boss but all they did was promote some stem cell therapy
Soph would be an interesting one
He's actually pretty well spoken in interviews.
he's a massive dork though
I want Joe to talk to more leftist people. Heavy leftists. A tranny, preferably. I'm sure there's some tranny out there that knows how to argue.
I wish there was more interviews with George Lucas in general.
Especially young Lucas.
one more special guest added and this would be pure kino
You think Kanye is living a drug free life?
Contrapoints would be a great starting point. I like her even though I disagree with most if not all of what she says.
>Sam Seder
Looks like a girl, speaks like a girl, would put my benis inside her. Why wouldn't you call her a she?
I don't know why Nick Land is, but the rest would be good.
Chris Stuckmann
unironically kys you fucking retard
He needs some real normie celebs to attract more normies to his podcast, that way some more fringe views will get more attention.
but none of it matters if his challenge will be deleted before the 2020 election.
Would be cool to see him interview Trump and other presidential candidates.
I'd love to see him host a presidential debate on his own channel.
>le you have to be white to identify with republican ideology meme
male has penis and female has vaginer... it's not hard user
Because she isn't and you are objectively gay.
>Looks like a girl
Goddamnit, I'm starting to fall into this clownworld spiral.
based and nice
Norm and Kevin MacDonald
Hes the only youtuber i’ve met in real life and liked even more. Lovely guy.
>being born into the wrong body isn't a wrong thing
Nature fucks up sometimes, user.
>Being attracted to the female form is gay
ok kid
>being born into the wrong body isn't a wrong thing
Isn't a thing, I mean.
ah yes
look at this fine specimen of ''''''female'''''' beauty
A real live 800lb sliverback gorilla
they speak all languages
This was years ago and before FFS.
>female form
it will never change the chromosomes, it will never change the bone structure
the dude is a guy, from birth to death, he can mutilate himself all he wants, it will never change
ok shapiro now go tell people to sell their house in case it floods
i'm just pointing out why i find it hard to imagine not calling her a she when she ticks all the boxes for being a woman except for the chromosomes (and penis) which both are things you'd never notice at a first glance.
>she ticks all the boxes for being a woman
You are legit dumb.
>looks and sounds like a woman
>you'd never notice without pulling her pants down or doing a DNA test
>ticks all the boxes for being a woman
and does that shrink "her" bones?
>you'd never notice without pulling her pants down or doing a DNA test
Surely you must be trolling. Do you miss the module in your brain that recognizes gender traits or something. Now I'm genuinely wondering whether you are (a) trolling (b) lying to yourself (c) legit have some disability that makes you not capable of seeing the obvious physical differences between a mentally ill man and a woman
Does it make any difference in you noticing what kind of fucking chromosomes she has? God you're dumb.
I bet you feel so fucking enlightened about your HURR HURR FACTS OVER FEELINGS MUH SCIENCE
You're just a cringy asshole.
You can cleary see that it's a man though, his youtube videos take advantage of lighting and angles but if you we're to see it in real life it would be obvious.
Just accept your gay. The fact that you're acting like you're not gay is the only cringy thing here.
Carl Sagan or Hunter S. Thompson
>explain clearly why i find it hard to believe you'd call her a he
>hurr durr u're gay lmao
New thread btw
Contra points is the most frustrating shit to listen to because how much shit he cherry picks. And the fact that his fans think he a fucking genius. Destiny I can take or leave he really doesnt bother me much.