Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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Leslie Jones

Tekashi 6ix9ine

This is truly hilarious

Extract money from people using threats. Yassss!

female spic #37402

how to redistribute that milk?

>Age of consent

Or fucking cane them in streets

just quit congress and be my mommy

Is this the leftist version of trickle-down?

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>stop politicians from becoming lobbyists

that's not what a lobbyist is. For fucks sake, put polisci 101 on the degree plan for women's studies majors asap.

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that PR chick that was in everything like 10 years ago

The fact that they can’t live comfortably on $170k is a sign that they have a boomer mentality when it comes to money not that they aren’t earning enough.

Instead make it illegal for the boomer generation to hold office and our problems are solved.

i just read they earn 174, 000 a year. australian senators earn 200,000 aud which is 138,000 in burgerbux and even theyre overpaid.

Isabela moner in 2035

>$174,000 a year isn't enough, pay me more if you don't want me to take bribes

Don’t most people in Congress make 6-digit incomes? Why the fuck should they be paid more.

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>b-but I have to live in DC! I don't want to live near POOR PEOPLE!!

Replace those cunts with computers already

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Lmaoing at americans giving seats to latinos
We are the corrupt race in this planet.

Had a job at a carwash, we would pocket the money for washes if customer didn't want a receit or said keep the change, in order to cirumvent this theft, the company gave everyone raises. Nothing stopped.

That Star Wars girl with the horse teeth! You know, from the new movies lol

>$174,000 a year isn't enough, pay me more if you don't want me to take bribes
>*proceeds to take bribes anyway because holy shit those plebs really believed it*

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Wasn’t she the one campaigning how down to earth and not like other politicians she was? And how she was for the poor folk? Lmfao what a joke of a kike. When will liberals just kill themselves for falling for this shit time after time

Bullshit. Those fuckers are millionaires and we want to pay them MORE? And we're acting like this going to stop lobbying unlike, say, making it illegal? Fucking hell. I was more or less with her before but this shows she's just another wolf in sheep's skin.

what would happen if they got zero dollars

The issue is really that most senators and congressmen come from jobs as leaders of industry or high-priced lawyers, and are not used to earning less than 300k per year. Lobbying is not direct bribery, but are mostly corporate and private contributions to re-election campaigns. AOC is right that lobbying is a problem, but shelling out many more millions of dollars a year to people who bicker all day and raise money on the phones at night is not the answer.

Well that was fast.

she's talking about the endless list of politicians who retire from congress to become lobbyists, seems like your degree didn't stop you from being a retard

Fucking this.

Almost as bad as dumb as dirt rust belters voting literally in the interest of corporations

>tfw you realize that Trump could easily beat Biden, Warren, or Bernie, and we are going to be living in orange clown town for another 4 years because liberals couldn't get their shit together and think they can win the election by giving people lots of shit for free

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>Lobbying is not direct bribery

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Is that worse than voting to import millions of shitskins to replace yourself

money shouldn't matter in a commie utopia

and don't come back, nigger

I am honestly going to vote for her just to trigger /pol/.

>implying Kanye won't swoop in to win it all

she's just being a realist, she's not saying gib me more money but she sees all these congress people taking pay cuts and then when offered a cushy job as a lobbyists after a term, they are inclined to do so and then cause havock in the system by using their connections to push through bills that serve only a few

Fucking kek. Is it really serious or the media is shitposting bigtime ?

In order to stop me raping you you need to give me sex

>vote republican
>get fucked in the ass by corporations
>vote democrat
>get fucked in the ass by government
>vote third party
Too bad Americans are too gutless to revolt again.

yeah they didn't realize giving them healthcare and a promise of a future is not what people want, they apparently want tax cuts for the super rich while they sit on their thumbs waiting for trickle down economics to work its magic

>gibs mo money and shit not be so corrupt dawg
>violates half the PAC regs on the book

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imagine being the sort of person whose life is more inconvenienced by /pol/ than the millions of niggers and shitskins undermining everything good about america lol

Sadly, between neoliberals and neocons, there are very few politicians that aren't for giant corporations. At least with Trump we get a president that dunks on Jeff Bezos and AT&T on twitter.

Vienna black
Best girl

Better than getting literally fucked in the ass by revolutionary militias. At least the status quo only financially rapes me

You're not taking up arms either, and if you live in anywhere in the West you have just as many reasons.

one in the same my friend. Companies fucking love cheap illegal labor. Look at every agricultural buisness in california

>get fucked in the ass by government
DUDE the guvment is bad so we should just let corporations rule over everyone, they definitely have our best interest at heart

Revolution fucking when? Hang these dogs from the lampposts.

hey it's the left's mentality with blacks, gibs welfare or we riot has worked well for them so why not politicians too? this is rent seeking at its finest

fucking this

How will giving them a raise stop them from becoming a lobbyist when their term is up?

Or just ban lobbying

>giving greedy fucks more money will stop them being greedy fucks
what could go wrong?

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Kind of looks like Emilia in that pic.

on the other hand trump has no convictions either and is perfectly happy to let neocons run amok and pass regressive legislature

wasn't it literally two days ago this dumb retard was saying congress was paid too much?

holy shit please tell me this isn't real

>When will liberals just kill themselves for falling for this shit time after time
They never will. If you allow left wingers to keep doing their bullshit, they'll just merrily drive society into the ground.