movies about being past the point of no return?
Movies about being past the point of no return?
>still in your 20s
>point of no return
Even if you were 25 youd still have at least 10 years to turn it all around. You kids dont even know. Holy shit.
I’m 32 and my girlfriend is 20. I’ll probably just put a baby in her
long as he's white
maybe if you're an ugly poor fat fuck in atlanta
I tried that. Will never do it again. I warned close friends never to smash a single mother and get too close.
Everyone knows it 26 for women and 45 for men.
would rather live in the woods and jerk off the rest of my life. fuck that lol
I'm almost 30, never having had a gf.
only made out with a girl once
why? elaborate because I need specifics if I'm gonna be convinced by a Yea Forums post.
if i ever have the misfortune of marrying a single mother that kid's getting left in the woods real fucking quick
Get on that ASAP
The same, except it’ll be the mother left I the woods and I’ll marry the kid.
Based and tedpilled.
This is valid only for women :^)
tick tock whores
>he didn't take the pancreatitis pill
Lmao not if I just fuck college chicks
Im 30 and can confirm this. Literally ALL women have at least one kid. And theyre getting younger too.
This. They're single moms for a reason. I dated one and will never do it again. Her and the kid were insane.
Make this one yourself lil guy?
>If you are +24 and single right now you have to become a cuck
What the fuck does this have to do with television or film???