Sell me this pen

Sell me this pen.

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Wanna buy a pen?

You couldn't afford it.

Can you write your name down for me please?

This pen can transform into a hyper-dimensional loli catgirl who will serve even your most seediest sexual desires with fervent lust and ardent perserverance. No demand is to great, she is also the perfect wife and has culinary skills that rival the greatest chefs in the world.

Let me tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you my personalized pen for only $0.01. You don't even have to pay shipping or tax. Because with success we all start from the pen. The pen, my friends, is mightier than the sword. The pen, this pen won't write on its own. Your dreams won't happen if you stay asleep. You have to commit yourself to success. When you receive my personalized pen in the mail I want you to watch my youtube videos, take notes with the pen which will cost you only one penny because it takes money to make money, folks. That one cent pen will be worth its weight in gold a million times over when you're signing personal checks for the life you've always wanted. The freedom you always wanted by being your own boss. Then after you're through watching my videos, come meet me at the next 10X conference because I want you to succeed. I want you to be surrounded by health, wealth and success. I want you to tell Uncle G that he was right, I want to personally autograph my books that you'll want to study, so don't be a little bitch, order this pen and let's make opportunites happen right this second!

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Sure, let me just get my pen from my shirt pocket that I carry everywhere with me because pens are ubiquitous and cheap

It's a pussy dilator.

Supply and demand... a daring approach

It's cheap, it's a pen and it works.

This pen is 18 years old.

I actually sold a used pen on eBay for $40. It belonged to my mom, so I had nothing in it.

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Buy this pen and I'll give you another pen for free

It’s under 25 years old

This pen belonged to John F. Kennedy. It was given to me by my grandfather who died 3 days ago. Now, I hate John F. Kennedy, so I'm willing to sell you this pen for $5.

There is no way for anyone to verify whether the pen actually belonged to John F. Kennedy, and most people would be willing to spend $5 on the offchance that it did in fact belong to John F. Kennedy.

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Thats john wicks pen

*steal pen*

what pen

it's been in your favorite actresses' butt, then mouth. in that order. what say you

There are quaaludes inside

No. That’s my pen. You can’t have it! Get away! GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM MY FUCKING PEN RIGHT NOW YOU MANIAC!!!

This pen has been in Ana De Arma's asshole

why didn't this movie achieve more meme status here? it seems like prime meme material

Sneed me this pen

This pen can be yours, formerly mine

That'll be two dollars and forty nine cents. Did you need a receipt?