Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
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Jew Pit Er
it's saturn
some occultist/satanic shit
That's Neptune.
Probably some secret talmudic kike shit
It's Venus, morons.
Only a reptilian would call that Jupiter. Nice try, Saalakk yt-Tuuloq
its Saturn and what this user said is correct
secret pedo symbol. the shows creator Larry David is a jew
pizzagate reference
he's a night comic so the logo reflects that
Jupiter also has rings retard
>american education
Is this bait?
fucking jews goddammit
uh ok? it's still saturn
Seinfeld is a comedian
Comedian = nightclub
Nightclub = night
Night = stars
Jupiter = a star
Oh you guys say that about everything
>Jupiter = a star
>Saturn is the only ringed planet
>It's not Jupiter filtered blue
It's Saturn. Saturn was the ancient sun God El. El was the Hebrew's God. Seinfeld is a Jew. The six pointed star literally means Saturn. He's rubbing it our face. The rings of Saturn are why we exchange rings in weddings. Saturn is literally the original Lord of the Rings. They rule us still, if only we open out eyes.
That's UrAnus lmao
yfw Seinfeld is a bunch of talmudic lessons on how to exploit the goyim
It's an allusion to the name of the show's main character, "Cosmo" Kramer.
>From Ancient Greek kόσμος (kósmos, “world, universe”).
Because the show is out of this world!
Which episodes use that version of the logo?
Also, friendly reminder: Jerry Seinfeld dabbled in Scientology.
close but no shofar
Jerry Seinfeld = celebrity
Jerry Seinfeld = jew
celebrity = often referred to as Star
Jupiter = star
ju = jew
>main character
>jupiter= star
space was big in the early 90's
It's a fake planet made up for the logo. A ring like that would be pulled into it's gravitational force, obviously
It's pluto
it's not
yeah but they'd be too small to be noticeable on a scale like that
Jew = Star of David
David = Larry
Star = Jupiter
Why arent there any jews on Jupiter?
Because its a gas planet.
satanic black magic. sick shit
Jews on Jupiter should be a band name.
> too small to be noticeable on a scale like that
you'd know a lot about that I'm sure