Netflix is FUCKED
Netflix is FUCKED
Also in heaps of debt
>The Office
>Parks and Rec
Normalfags are truly subhuman.
jesus man people have horrible taste
They're protected a bit that none of the new network apps are being rolled out outside the US (yet).
>more people watch Frasier than Flash
thats pretty funny but makes sense since the DC shows are absolute messes.
Aren't more than half of the red bars, especially the bigger bars, from NBC and Warner, neither of which have shown signs of wanting to pull their content?
>analyst numbers
friends is good
Disney might give them a good deal for their launch.
They could, but Netflix has enough cash on hand that they could probably give them an equally good deal. Disney's probably calculated that it's not worth their time to try.
Frasier is popular?
did not expect frasier to be higher than black mirror
I'm from outside the US and out of the top 6 in that list the only one we haven't LOST yet is fuckin grey's anatomy
cancelling my account right now
Man do people love this fucking trash
>neither of which have shown signs of wanting to pull their content
Are you fucking retarded or have you just been living under a rock for the last 3 years?
It'd definitely be worth Disney's time to run that price up.
Warner is starting up a service next year
Warner's is launching their own service at the end if this year or the beginning of 2020.
Nbcuniversal is prepping for 2021.
Do you just spout out shit you know nothing about?
so netflix users are women is what I'm getting from this
They're dropping Frasier soon for The Big Bang Theory. CBS is selling the rights.
fucking checked. fuck all the plebs.
I have bigger things to worry about in life than what corporations are planning on doing with their television distribution, so yes.
If it were, they'd have announced it when they announced Disney+.
A lot of women love Netflix yes. They usually don’t actually watch what they have on and keep it for background noise while doing something else. None of those top shows require you to pay attention to understand whats happening or get like 90% of the jokes/plot.
Bojack's the only thing I like on that list. I know it's trash and you all probably hate it, but the show really means a lot to me personally.
The only real threat to them is Disney & I really see Disney going for the kids tv market which is huge and mostly untapped. None of the other networks have the firepower to launch their own service so they’ll stick with Netflix, they’ll just milk them for even bigger money.
It's not trash. Yea Forums hates it because everyone here is a moron.
Old white normal fags love that shit.
Netflix trying to set everyone for life who worked on OITNB is probably what could kill them,
>None of the other networks have the firepower to launch their own service
>they are all working on services
>this is what the average normie likes to watch
Soulcrushing reminder desu. It must suck to be a writer/filmmaker who is personally into well-crafted kino and have to deal with the fact that the audience is this retarded
I honestly dont know a single guy with netflix, its always their partner who has it. They mostly watch old series like grays anatomy and complain there's nothing new to watch.
Whats the point of subbing to services for old series? I dont get it.
women are retarded and will never understand how piracy works, so they actually pay for everything, including music (lmao), men are more knowledgeable at least and most of them pirate/watches online on some streaming service/uses his female family/friend/gf account.
>The Offfice
The absolute state of Amerifags.
The appeal of Friends & The Office is genuinely staggering. These shows have been daily network staples for 15 years and they’re still by far the most watched things on the biggest streaming service.
Was getting kidnapped part of their plan?
Working on yes. But none will have the range to compete with Netflix or Disney. Netflix has got a massive varied library from multiple studios & Disney has got all their stuff & all the Fox stuff now. And Netflix to the average person is synonymous with streaming, look arbitrary Amazon with their pretty huge varied library and they can’t compete. No individual studio outside of Disney will rival Netflix.
I feel like a lot of the views are exaggerated. I barely watch anything on Netflix, I just throw on Futurama as background noise for when I'm doing something else
>All the world's television and films available instantaneously at your fingertips
>Watch the same five shows over and over again
What the fuck is wrong with humans?
I think you’re right. They don’t really watch it but it’s comfy background noise. They’re lighthearted, short, easily digestible comedy shows. Just look at the outcry when it was reported Netflix could lose Friends.
Frasier is the only good show in that list
black mirror is one that dominates viewership for like a month or two and then not as many watch in the off time
Overall lack of curiosity, constantly clinging to what's safe and familiar, never wanting to be challenged.
friends is more popular in the uk than in us
>Being challenged by television
Go read a book mate, if watching some arthouse movie is pushing boundaries for you, you need to go outside more.
>largest bar is 7.19%
lol nice try. The only thing this shows is how diversified Netflix' viewership is when the top 5 account for less than 18%.
Also where is Stranger Things? I thought they would be much higher given how much normies talk about it.
>What the fuck is wrong with humans?
All the new stuff is boring as hell.
get fucked ayy lmao.
they're just braindead comedy shows that you can put on in the background and not really pay attention to it. i really doubt people are like sitting down and doing nothing but pay attention to these shows. you can miss half an episode and it doesn't even really matter
>that top 5
Make housewives fucking work. They clearly have too much time wanking it to their 15th rewatch of Grey's and that other shit
The WORLD is fucked, more like.
>Streaming movies and TV has undeniably made our lives a lot more convenient, and you’ll be happy to learn that it’s actually making the world a lot safer, too. It always seemed like just a sad fact of life that drivers speeding back to their homes to watch a rerun of the hit NBC sitcom Frasier would cause several hundred thousand fatalities in America every year, but with the advent of digital streaming services, the number of fatal car accidents caused by people rushing to get home to watch Frasier has decreased by 80 percent over the last decade.
>It’s amazing how technology can solve the problems we all assumed we’d just have to live with forever!
>Thanks to streaming services like Netflix, drivers who would normally be blowing through red lights and recklessly skidding around blind corners to catch Frasier’s opening jingle and pithy title cards are now driving safely and carefully obeying traffic laws, all because streaming has given them the freedom to start an episode of Frasier at their own pace. Sure, there are still going to be a handful of drivers who die in their mad dash to get home for the Hallmark channel’s 3 a.m. Frasier block, but thousands who would have otherwise met their fate in a fiery wreck have been able to come home safe to their families and an instantly accessible library of Frasier episodes that they can access as soon as they get home from work.
You can be challenged and pushed out of your comfort zone in literally everything that you do regularly, and the content you watch for entertainment is definitely included in that. "Oh I don't need to be challenged in this aspect of my life, because I'm already doing other stuff!" is the logic that semi-enslaved wage workers and single moms use to justify constant mediocrity.
>>all the world's television
Only a fraction is on Netflix.
>Watch the same five shows over and over again
Nothing indicates that they are being watched over and over again. The shows at the top of the list have a large number of episodes. Also what is popularity. What is population.
>Tell my co-workers about shows like The Sopranos and True Detective and how fucking good they are
>One of them asks me if I watched the Office
>I say no
>They all look at me in disgust
>none will have the range to compete with Netflix or Disney
>television and film board knows absolutely nothing about television or film
The general public don’t give a fuck about films. Lol. They want a few specific shows & some Superhero shit. Pretty much everything that Disney have. All those properties that WB own mean shit to the mass public.
Like anyone needs an excuse to speed user...the new generation of nihilists in rent-a-cars will total even more cars because "its doesn't matter"
Wait a sec, so no is actually watching Netflix original shows?
>Being challenged by tv
Again. Go read a book. Tv and film is like comic books compared to anything else. The only movie I've ever seen that introduced a single new idea is primer. It's been mediocre horseshit ever since.
I recently started watching The Office with my gf and it really isn't that bad. it has it's moments, and there's no awful laugh-track like that piece of shit 70s show than everyone likes
How is this possible? I thought Stranger Things was their biggest show. Also all those capeshit shows? Where are all their originals?
Turns out, you can do both.
Not even the same guy, you're just a pretentious twat who thinks too highly of himself
pretty hilarious how this new era of entertainment has been powered almost entirely by the NBC Thursday lineup from 10-20 years ago
You know what's funny with WB starting their service next year? Netflix paid them 100mil just to have Friends for another year. Gotta love this streaming gig. It's money for old rope
Guy here, my dad keeps me on the family Netflix, while I pay for Prime (including shows) and let everyone use it. Some men are providers while others are moral leeches, that’s simply how the world works
That was the golden age of TV, so not that surprising.
user you really sound like you know fuck all. you should write a blog
>so netflix users are women is what I'm getting from this
When WB starts their service Netlix is truly fucked. WB has Friends AND Harry Potter. Fucking catnip for women
>paying for shitflix
literally why
Not really, if loads of different streaming channels becomes a thing, people will turn back to piracy, and less profitable streaming channels will die.
Chuckled slightly. Was this the Onion?
>friends is good
>big mouth made the list
god help us all
Most people will just have Disney+ and the WB service
Those are apples and oranges, user. Your normo friends want something different than what you get from TD/Sop
>women have bad taste
What a shock
Show me three movies that had a unique story or idea.
Why does Yea Forums have hateboner for Friends? Is it a meme to hate on it?
yeah but it could be worse
>that had a unique story or idea.
is this what you look for in books? god help you
It's just what's popular. There's nothing to stop people from watching The Office and then turning on Pulp Fiction. I say Pulp Fiction because Yea Forums has no taste either and that's along the lines of what most here would consider their favorite film.
people watch shows on netflix and not just the small selection of movies they have?
Abnormalfags are disgusting.
Go read 10,000 books
There are so many and they're basically all the same. What's the difference between iron Man and captain whoever, at the end of the day? It's the same shit.
Better than watching the netflix original propaganda though.
Netflix is a joke, they have no institutional capacity to make shows that anybody actually wants to watch. That's what happens when your whole creative department is overseen by 32 year old childless millennial women who spend all day reading Buzzfeed articles.
I hate pulp fiction and most of Tarantino’s work. I just had to get that off my hairless chest
You're just a simple person, nothing I can do about it
how is frasier so big? my local station pulled it from syndication ages ago... now its only on hallmark at 3 am or that cozitv thing
the office and friends and seinfeld are still on tv like 20 times a day on 5 different channels
the soros/obongo/Clinton exclusives will save them
For me it's
Star Trek The Next Generation
Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Star Trek Enterprise
Star Trek The Original Series
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Discovery
and every one of those fuckers thinks they can get away with their own charge service. Fucking retarded
Warner can. They're in a bit of a slump now but their library is huge.
You share a board majority born after 1997.
In 5-7 years people are going to miss their overpriced cable service when they have to subscribe to 37 different streaming platforms that each have 2 decent shows and 400 gutter trash no budget bullshit shows. They'll all be like Hulu with ads too, pay an extra 15 for the ability to skip the ads after 5 seconds.
I'm in the wrong timeline.
Tina Fey was so dumb to put 30 Rock on Hulu. That show will be forgotten forever.
born 91, never liked it
warner plans to charge ~$20-25 for their service. I doubt it. No one is watching their back catalog as it is
stranger things has zero re-watch value, the mom character is like nails on a chalkboard without the actual mystery in play.
>Star Trek AIDS
you have to leave now
What % of the people watching this shit are just people who have it on in the background while they do other shit?
Don't @ me depressed boy
>They usually don’t actually watch what they have on and keep it for background noise while doing something else
I do this, but I just do it with free stuff. I will never ever pay for TV.
>white knighting for the cable companies this hard
I can't wait for Netflix to go bankrupt. Their originals are all shit
>No one is watching their back catalog as it is
>whiteknighting studio streaming services
To be fair you need a high iq to understand Bojack Horseman. You couldn’t understand the depth of character a depressed millionaire talking horse possesses. The nihilism and existential dread is TRULY the epitome of LIFE and bojack is the EMBODIMENT.
For real though it’s a fuckin cartoon about a horse who talks and is rich and sad. Why should I feel bad he can’t buy happiness? As bad as every fuckin woman on the planet.
Somebody tried arguing with me about this the other day. I can't wait for Netflix to be destroyed
Ever heard of pirating? Haven't paid for media in over a decade.
That's even worse
>moral leeches
what's that, precious?
ITT: wahhhhhhh people watch things that *I* don't like! People have different tastes than *me*! Fucking "normies" ah bloo bloo bloo ahhhhhh
>I'm in the wrong timeline.
Holy shiit unironically check your privilege, we still have means of pirating TV shows without real retribution. Once they find a way to take that from us we can start bitching. The fucking cock between your legs
What is a boy to do
Waaah people don't like the normie shit I like waaah why do people have different opinions
>movies and TV are limited and lack substance compared to books
>books are challenging and push boundaries
watch something else besides Primer, faggot
>i'll show him by saying the exact same thing he did
How's he ever going to recover?
thier shows are all contrived sjw garbage
Right, like drive 8 times?
Give me three movies that are on the level of even average books
He won't. He actually deleted his post, that's how badly based user BTFOd him
Well, fair enough. If it works it works.
>Man of steel
>Batman vs Superman
>The Cranes Are Flying
The absolute state of normies.
Tina Fey had nothing to do with that decision numbnuts. NBC pulled it from Netflix because they have a large share in Hulu. Simple as.
Because Frasier's fanbase is savvy enough not to suffer through commercials or wait to watch it at the same time every day, where turbonormies who watch reruns of friends and the office aren't
30 rock sucks anyway
sjw crap
>frasier that high
very nice. I guess all netflix users aren't total plebs. I've watched through the series twice on netflix. Notice how so many of these shows are relatively cheap comedies/sitcoms. Why doesn't netflix attempt to emulate those shows? They have a few comedies but they are all awful. They are so cheap too, that neflix could fire off like 20 of them in a year and see which ones stick.
How can people enjoy the office? No offense to the overuse this word of it, but that show makes me cringe when I watch it.
>Also what is popularity. What is population.
bing it instead of asking us you retard
>ken burns civil war not number 1 because of me alone
i think they're lying altogether because i've watched that show more times than there are atoms
they have limited brain capacity and no unique thoughts, interest in The Office (US) is a fine way of measuring a person
Arrested Development and That 70s Show are co-owned by Fox, they'd probably be taken away too
I don't hate friends, I never watched it growing up and just assumed the only people who watched it were women and gays. That's just from person experience though. The only people I remember talking about it growing up in the early 2000s were chicks and this one guy friend we always has a suspicion of being gay.I like the office parks and rec and frasier though. I wonder how much netflix offered for seinfeld? Seinfelds on hulu right? Did they have to pay anything for that or was that their property?
>Criminal Minds
why the fuck would people pay for a streaming service just to watch this shit? I was a poorfag with a digital antenna and I would occasionally try to watch this dreck because at least it was something but I would always just give up and play a game instead because it was awful. And I was getting it for free.
I tried was the US office for the third or so time last weekend and it was w/o hyperbole the worst tv I've ever watched. I can't understand why people like it
What is a better streaming service than NETFLIX? I'm tired of now having to slog through Korean, Turkish, Czech, Swedish, Hindi, Brazilian and Arab movies trying to find something to watch.
the office is a terrific show with tons of rewatch value. What shows do you consider great comedies?
>The vampire diaries made the list
I'm honestly kind of shocked at how many foreign language shows/movies I get recommended. Surely NETFLIX should realize that most americans are too lazy to read subtitles for subpar shit. If it's some super critically acclaimed thing than yeah I've got no problem with that. But I've gotten some B movie horrible shit recommended to me in all sorts of random languages.