>evicting fucking aliens from shanty slums
One of the prawns literally says “why am I being evicted?” Was in awe of how bad this movie was. Surely this has to be as bad as film can get?
This the worst movie ever made?
this is the BEST sci fi movie in the last 20 years my dookie
Are you retard? You have autist?
>shooting fucking mercenaries and throwing them from planes
One of the masked men literally says “why am I being shot before being thrown out of a plane?” Was in awe of how bad this movie was. Surely this has to be as bad as film can get?
Why? Go on. I’ll wait.
>pig launcher
>cool mech
>varied and unique weapons
>insane cg for the budget
>the mc is great
>emotional ending
>prawn designs top tier
>african gangs getting btfo
inb4 haters because muh apartheid
Are you even aware of what apartheid was?
Not even one of the two worst films made by that director
>implying he’s made good movies and they aren’t all just equally shitty duplicates of district 9
i havent seen chappie but elysium was fukn great, d9 was better
That's the only thing this movie is. The hamfisted characters, plot, and dialogue that made it a painfully obvious allegory was great for brainlets who wanted to seem smart, but anyone who had any clue what apartheid was could see how hollow the movie was.
What is it with people shitting on movies with obvious allegories? Movies aren't constantly trying to win a smartness contest against you. Yeah, youre a genius, whoops. It was SUPPOSED to be obvious and set the stage for the scifi action sequences. Plus the director is from South Africa. Are you really surprised he made an apartheid allegory?
It's time to give this OP an abortion
chappie is campy at times but not too bad. i liked the mexican
It was a great movie and Blomkamp's best
His other movies suck.
the weirdest thing about this movie is that it presents itself as a found footage thing but then just drops it 30 mins in and then brings it back at the very end. fucking why
A surprising amount of people have nothing going beyond making themselves out to be smart on Yea Forums
>I'm 14 and I'm edgy
Nice bait.
because you can't found footage a good action movie. see cloverfield.
you're right about it not really making sense though.
based post. based digits
I wouldn't have minded if the entire movie had just been a mockumentary about evicting prawns
I thought it was really cool
Fun things are fun.
i had a very conservative grandmother who wouldnt let us watch anything not PG, but she enjoyed this so much she took me to see it... i was only 10 and my sisters were 8. this film scared the shit out of them kek. i always wondered how much she must of fucking loved this film.
genius way to sucker in foundfootagefags like you
>3 years
>I promise
>he was 10 in 2009
i want to go back
based, based grandma
Morons don’t even realize the theme of the movie is NOT apartheid
Case in point
>this is your brain on /pol/
I wouldn't call it an allegory at all. Even a metaphor would be a stretch.
>"I'd like you to record your command, comrade."
>his taste is this fucking bad
why was he being evicted though?
they were moving the prawns to a concentration camp
pretty clear allegory
He was great in that role. Shame about the movie though.
I liked Chappie, it was like a weird remake of Short Circuit.
The movie was great you faggot with bad taste.
Meet The Blacks is easily the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. I let my brother talk me into trying it, but I left halfway through. And I almost always finish a movie even if it's shit.
It looked like a 100 million dollar movie but cost less than a typical romantic comedy.
Because it used the leftovers from the 100m dollar Halo movie.
you just know
Because it’s a shit movie made for idiots, I guarantee literally no one noticed this who thought it was a good movie. Kek.
Nailed it.
So what