Why does Hollywood incubate insanity?
Why does Hollywood incubate insanity?
Let the tards kill themeselves
Hopefully their kids will die and we can end their family lines
wait so LA elites are just like Christfags in the south now? Man, what a time to be a live
No, they're like niggers in South Sudan only they have no excuse for their retardation
>Christfags in the south now
Jews in the north*
Imagine what it's like going to a wealthy la school?
>TFW disease will redistribute the wealth
Huh, guess war of the worlds really was about socialism
White people nation-wide realize how stupid it is to constantly inject new vaccines into your veins every few months. The "whopping cough" is just their bodies gaining back an immune system.
>not vaccinating against weird tropical diseases that were wiped out in the west half a century ago
Ok, good, now bring it home
>importing millions of third worlders from shit-hole countries rife with the same diseases
> The disease is a sign their health is getting better
It's only the really crazy ones
Unironically based. Fuck big government nosing in what you do with your body
You are a goddamned retard
It's becoming harder and harder to come to a social consensus on anything. I wonder what it's like living in a small, homogeneous country? It must be great, there's so much less shit to worry about
How ironic since reddit has probably the strongest pro-vaccination bias. Keep voting democrat though. Uncle Sam knows what's good for you!
What's with all the cucks on this board today?
> just like Christfags in the south
please be vaccinated please be vaccinated
Fuck the left and fuck autism sticks
Was it ever confirmed that this tweet is about his son?
> bias
Medical science doesnt have a bias. Its just a fact. Vaccines are in no way harmful and people shouldnt be allowed to have unvaccinated children because of some insane belief.
If you dont get vaccinated you should be banned from school and university.
this is so true it's super true
the belly on her
it's the best explanation.
But also could be about himself cause he's the biggest autist savant there is besides kanye
The fact that the left silence anybody who question vaccination is all the evidence you need to know that it's part of a larger left wing conspiracy.
Anything they tell me I'm not allowed to believe, that's what I believe. No one would care what I said unless they had something to gain by keeping me quiet.
Yeah, the same science that reasons it's okay to cut off your dick if you think you're a woman. Okay.
No, not the same science at all. You are talking out psychology whereas I am talking about biology.
You really are a dumb fuck.
the science of appeal to authority has it on VERY good authority that everything is fine and questioning something makes you a denier
You know how the worst part of the internet is that no matter how stupid and wrong your opinion on something is, you can find people who believe the same thing? The money and population of LA makes that possible to do in real life and because most normies only get information from facebook and twitter, this type of insane shit happens. LA was much comfier in the 00s
Dude, you're not supposed to question that. Just take the medicine and tell your friends to or else you'll die.
No difference between a farmer and a city slicker these days.
>elites are not using the vaccines they tell the masses to use
The wealth will go to the state.
Yeah it is strange though how all those people who promote vaccines all have kids with autism and yet nobody on the planet who is an anti-vaxxer has a kid with autism.
But yeah they're probably just crazy conspiracy theorists though haha
>gender reassignment surgery is the same as vaccines
Except those elites are telling people *not* to use vaccines. Keep up
Oh the saint in me doesn't wanna laugh but fug who am I kidding
We can only hope they all get polio and die so that Hollywood's next generation might be wiped preemptively
>based and redpilled Pasadena and Hancock Park anglos vaccinate their kids
>batshit insane Jew yorkers on the westside end their family lines via measles
pretty based ngl
Except Christfags in the South vaccinate their kids.
So which one of you sci major heroes is gonna slingshot a petri dish into the playground?
>Man with whopping cough
>"I am getting stronger."
who else here /626/?
There is no science in that, that's humanities.
theyre the same faggots that support open borders so it's pretty funny and ironic
>Medical science doesnt have a bias. Its just a fact.
did you take your daily dose of mercury yet? what about bloodletting? were you lobotomized? If you thrust in everything a doctor says just because he's an authority figure you are a retard
Vaccines are for plebs that can't afford proper healthcare and a healthy lifestyle.
with villainous intent
>all those people who promote vaccines all have kids with autism and yet nobody on the planet who is an anti-vaxxer has a kid with autism
This is false. Actually, many anti-vaxxers, the most hardcore, become such because they cannot accept the son got autism.
Those of you that voted Trump yet are somehow pro-vaccine, explain yourselves right now.
blah blah jews blah conspiracy blah homeland for aryan people blah
>No one would care what I said unless they had something to gain by keeping me quiet.
My kid not contracting polio from your kid during recess would certainly be enough motivation for wanting you to shut the fuck up and get your kids out of my school district.
>My kid not contracting polio from your kid during recess
You know how polio is transmitted right? Does your kid typically eat other kids shit?
>retard agrees with other retards
Wow that really changes my mind, retard
>The government should have the legal precedent to inject children against the parents will!
>trusting pharmaceutical companies and big government to routinely stick needles in your child.
Who‘s the retard?
> Youre right to be retarded outweighs my right to safeguard my child
vaccinate it then faggot?
Its like you instinctively know you're genetically inferior.
>Medical science doesnt have a bias
>upper-class California people: "Trust the scientific community, trust the findings of literally millions of medical professionals and scientists who study global temperatures"
>*smoke cigarettes, refuse to vaccinate their kids, fly around in private jets*
What the fuck is wrong with them? The ideas they're trying to promote are valid and supported by a scientific consensus. How are they so goddamn selfish as to not even pretend to follow those ideas in their day to day lives?
>getting your news from click bait
Vaccination isn't a left/ring thing you know. There's plenty of people that don't do it for a variety of reasons. From reasons like to muh autism or muh jewish control to shit like muh natural medicine and whatnot. Anti-vaxxers come in a colourful variety of stupidity.
Can you disprove them?
I wish viruses worked this way, but they don't. Healthy adults can survive the diseases, they become carriers though. A 6 month old getting whooping cough could be fatal. 6 month old is too young to vaccinate. They're not just putting their own tard asses at risk, but also people who plan to vaccinate.
>ignoring reality because it's inconvenient
based retard perfectly conforming to their idiom
True. Orthodox jews and fundamentalist muslims also refuse to vaccinate their kids, which is why many developed European countries are experiencing a weird resurgence in a lot of diseases previously thought to have been wiped out.
>The government should have the legal precedent to inject people who could pose a threat!
Trump changed his mind
Good. We need to stop preventing stupid people from killing themselves.
Thats psychology. We are discussing biology. Do you not see the difference?
They are fake.
Think about how they talk about human rights and have certain political views then they go and do stuff for dictators like Kadyrov.
>On 5 October 2011, he celebrated his 35th birthday in a lavish fashion in the presence of several Hollywood stars, including actor Jean-Claude Van Damme and actress Hilary Swank as well as British violinist Vanessa-Mae, singer Seal and many others. When asked where the money for the live-televised celebration were coming from, he reportedly laughed and said "Allah gives it to us", before adding: "I don't know, it comes from somewhere"
Or how they shit on Drumpf because of Putin, then they go and have a dinner with him when invited.
>inb4 some putinbot
I don't care which side are you, but these people don't stick to their position and words.
They are fake. Fake people, and not particularly smart. Just well connected.