>user, this is serious
>i need you to name your favorite patient of mine in next 20 minute or you could die
User, this is serious
The junky from Ohio who acted like a mental patient from about 3 weeks ago or so. She abused everyone around her and failed completely while high on opiates. Great episode
for me, it's tamy lyn murrell
didn't see her ep when it originally aired, but watched the rerun last night. i liked her immediately because she had more self awareness than most patients starting right in her introduction scenes where she was thinking about all the reasons that led to her eating like that in a completely honest way.
later in the ep her ogre-looking husband was being a complete dick, probably because he is a stupid fat fetishist who was mad his wife was losing weight and getting healthy. she even took some responsibility for it, saying that they should be husband and wife but she is less of a wife and he is more of a caregiver, which doesn't excuse the husband's shitty behavior but was still true. the shameless honesty of her was refreshing to see.
glad she made good progress it her episode, googled around for updates and apparently she is still doing well with the weight loss but she also got diagnosed with degenerative bone disease which is unfortunate. hope she gets an update episode soon.
Schenee, so great to hate
I am legitimately upset he isn't dead.
Logical and wholesome.
I don't remember his name, but that Italian dude with the bushy eyebrows who died was one I was really rooting for.
Most memorable patient was Penny. This woman was completely crazy to the point where she could point at a knife, call it a spoon, and believe what she was saying.
The more you watched the episode, the more you began to get drawn in to her web of crazy. As Goebbels said, any lie becomes the truth if you repeat it enough. She was shovelling down 7,000 calories a day and had convinced herself it was 2,500. Somehow, she gained weight after the surgery. Famously, her excuse was that nobody told her she had to lose weight and that was the point of the surgery.
I promise, I will never die.
Unfortunately she had a young son and her husband was probably in the area of an 80 IQ so he couldn't stop the madness
ITT fatties watching people even fatter to feel better about themselves without having to lose weight
James King all the way
he just don't get that kind of intelligment
Not sure about the other anons, but that's true in my case.
Is there an episode guide for the times people got better? I can't stand the people who waste the opportunity given to them, I just don't have that hate in me anymore.
The one with two brothers, one was batshit and causing all kinds of problems including ordering food to his room
I like that one where the Canadian brothers fix people's houses
Benji and David was pretty nice. I like to see people do well.
there was one young girl who did really well, forgot her name though
The red headed young guy from South Carolina did great. He's a computer programmer or something so he actually has a functioning brain. He followed the instructions and got down to his goal in one episode
His name was Justin S7 Episode 4
I still have a lot of eps to watch but schenee is my favorite right now.
>water weight
>jesus will save me
>I live in this body for x years so I know better than doctor
>her face
>her beta husband