Anyone here remember Zabomafoo?

anyone here remember Zabomafoo?

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animal kino

yea. I watched that show every morning before school.


Absolutely kinography


We used to watch that in pre-school . . . 17 years ago.

>it's a zoboomafoo thread

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Why can’t they have kids shows like this anymore

The kratts were great
>that ep of kratts creatures where they made it seem like sloths are aliens from another planet
The fuck was that dhit? Based kratts


Damn, the nostalgia.

zoomers leave NOW

When I was really young I used to write Zaboomafoo stories of my own with pictures to go along and then I'd show them to my dad and he'd let me read him one of my stories for story time instead of the other way around.

Those were the times. I watched that show fo hours on end. I'd sing the Zaboomafoo theme song if I got scared. And all along the way I learned so much about animals. Those animal facts came back to help me a decade later in high school AP biology. My love of animals has not died down since then and I want to work in zoology and understand animals better, largely due to that show. Thank you Kratt brothers and thank you Zaboomafoo.

kratts creatures >>>>> Zaboomareddit puppet shit

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And to think, some people believe faggots aren't just born that way

8 year old you would be in tears to see what you've become in this life

Why was there so much animal kino in the 90s?

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Nigga I played the PS1 game.

I was secretly afraid of him when I was a kid. the eyes creep me out


I once had a bright blue beta fish I named after him. Pretty sure he committed suicide when my mama was cleaning his tank in the sink. but yeah based