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The Godfather




But only when trying to rewatch it



The Third Man

I never turn off a movie when I started it because I'm not autistic

2001: A Space Odyssey


How dare you


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2001: A Space Odyssey

Seven Samurai

English shore bee heart

Jesus fucking christ the level of pleb in this thread

Also The Last Jedi

t pleb of all plebs

>these replies
>this fucking level of shit taste
The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums.


I got through it but I admit I was very bored at times. I think the problem might be that the subtitles were sub-par and they ruin the experience for sure, the point is to dig the poetic and philosophical language which you really can't do without Russian


Blade runner 2

I needed to finish it in multiple installments.

Children of Men.

Why would you take pleasure in watching something you're not interested in?

The Chronicles of Riddick.

The Scorpion King.

Awesome sequels/prequels to existing properties, but these movies were terrible when I first saw them. It's been 15+ years, maybe I should give them another shot.

Watched it on magic mushrooms, now among my favourite movies. Really fun but also terrifying experience

Fucking this, I was made to watch this at school years ago and didn't remember it, I decided to watch it again recently and it was one of the worst films I've ever seen

I kept falling asleep. May try it again though.


Fick off, dumb fag.

Scorpion King still sort of holds up, it's in a very unique place as early 2000s optimistic and fantastic action movie

a ghost story

Pirates of the Carribean: The one with Penelopa Cruz


fuck i watched it many times, and fell asleep


How the fuck is children of men boring? They literally shot and killed one of the main characters in the first half hour
And the film only gets more and more intense from then on

Alien 3

Tree of Life
its titled that because it takes life from you

*part 2

actually did this desu

Honest question
Have you fags ever tried to actually pay attention to a movie and not watch it with your face on the phone at all the times while missing everything?

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>being this easily impressed by gimmicks

there wasn't even the escalation of a pure chase movie like the Fugitive.

Any of the harry potters except the first two and the goblet of fire.

Seven Samurai
But then I re-watched it and it was kino as fuck

*insert Terrence Malick film other than TRL*

The point is if you aren't interested you're a pleb

And it's the film's duty to capture your attention

Avengers Age of Ultron. The first movie in my life that i decided to pause and go do something else for a little bit and go back to it later. Smoked like ten cigs during that movie i was so fucking board. Havent watched a superhero movie since

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What is Disney's The Last Jedi.

Children of Men

>Girlfriend is far more into film than I will ever be
>Drags me to a showing of Christopher Nolan's 2001 that was meticulously edited
>I want to like it both for my girlfriend's sake and the sake of the many lovers of cinema that probably worked super hard on this
>Quitting smoking so I'm already pissed off that I have to go 3 hours through a movie I've heard is horribly slow and I can't even have any sweet, sweet nicotine to help get me through it
>Go to some pretentious theater in Portland, Oregon
>More Californian liberal boomers than I have ever seen in one place at one time and I've been to several wine festivals here
>The acid is already kicking in for half of them
>Get the absolute worst seat in the house under a pipe in the back row
>Some hipster douche starts giving a big speech about his extremely small part in getting the movie shown here, one would think he directed 2001 himself
>Movie starts
>Just as I get invested in the tribal ape plotline some fucking astronaut guy comes along
>I watch him float around like the biggest god damned asshole in the galaxy for 20 minutes
>"I can't do it. Fuck this."
>Stand up and do exactly gif related
>Both my girlfriend and the stranger sitting next to me are absolutely staring daggers at me
>Light up a cigarette and take my first drag in the lobby, can't even make it all the way outside because I'm that pissed
>Girlfriend didn't speak to me for like 2 days
>Still haven't seen it
>Zero regrets

I would rather watch my parents die slow, agonizing deaths from the AIDS virus than watch that movie even one more time because it would be far less painful for me and much, much quicker.

On the plus side, being from the generation that saw moon landing footage first and 2001 second, I'm now pretty sure Kubrick DID fake it.

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>children of men

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No it's the films duty to be a work of art and it's up to you whether you can appreciate it or not. If the movie is shit then yeah blow it off, but if the movie is a well crafted work with interesting themes, writing, pacing, characters, cinematography, etc. Then it's on you for not taking all of that in because you cant got 10 minutes without watching something explode.


Can I have your gf

She jerked off the stranger next to you

I like capeshit and thought age of ultron was terrible and boring same with iron man 2.

Know I how I know you're a pleb?

Yeah it is pretty fucking bland and like there are no stakes at least not real ones because the big bad thing of the bad guy is going to kill the entire planet if it works so you already know it is not going to happen, and the minion robots are so weak holy shit, even hawkeye destroys them with his bear hands. Also it takes place in some fake communist shithole that makes it difficult to care about.

>liking the last jedi

Guess how i know you make terrible decisions?

I feel this way about Bladerunner. I’ve tried to watch it 5 times and I always give up after 30 min.

2001 is honestly not boring at all and is not even a challenging film. As you watch more movies your taste will grow to encompass slow paced, aesthetically-oriented stuff and you'll rewatch it and love it, trust me

Yeah, that someone finds any merit in The Last Jedi

The script was really bad too. And I like how even marvel kinda tries to pretend age of ultron never happened.

Lack of challenge is what makes something boring in the first place.

Shin Godzilla.

But we know that's not really the reason why you disliked it

the duellists

What is that movie with ryan gosling where he's in thailand and running a boxing gym that launders money for the mob or something like that?

Mad Max Fury Road

Tinker tailor soldier spy

Avengers: Endgame

The Comedy 2012


2001 space odyssey(only kubrick film i despise)
apocalypse now
nosferatu the vampyre
seventh seal

mostly all films by the following people are boring as fuck:
woody allen

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I admit I've checked my phone at times during boring movies. Not a movie, but I found myself with an unbearable urge to check reddit on my phone during the final season of Game of Thrones

I haven't watched it yet, pls no spoil.

the good shepherd

The book is more exciting and it's a book

because I know you fapped to Daisy Ridley before. top pleb

Only God Forgives. What a train wreck. Can’t believe it came from the same guy that did drive.

>I'm a pleb look at me

consider ending it all

It must be difficult to resist the impulse to play Fortnite through all those movies

how articulate


the fact that i watched all godfather films when i was 15 means they are not boring at all.

you must have not seen a truly boring film if you think godfather is boring

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How Do You Know

To this day, it's the only time I've ever walked out on a movie I (regrettably) paid to see.

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I don't turn off movies, If I choose to watch one film, I should finish it no matter what. If you aren't commited to something, you are just a child.

terrible bait

sixth sense

the lord of rings films

i haven't made it passed the first one

>fapping to daisy ridley

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Try watching the Theatrical Cut

More like you were a boring kid

Only movie I have walked out because of how boring it was.

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same. but also
>tfw no taiwanese prostitute gf (male)

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I didn't turn it off but fucking hell 1931 Dracula was hard to sit through, it's not even that I don't like movies from this era, I loved King Kong, I loved Gone With The Wind, I loved Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein but Dracula was just terrible. The first couple of minutes are really promising but after the guy going to the castle dies it turns into a shitty drama that heavily tones down the story

James Rolfe's AVGN movie.

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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the last jedi

caught it on netflix, literally fell asleep 3 times, tried going back and finally just gave up.

Bladerunner when I tried to watch it for the first time ever a couple years ago

And The Dark Crystal when I tried to watch it for the first time ever a couple weeks ago

It's movies like these that show how fucking blinding nostalgia goggles are

Master and Commander

Black Panther

the 1931 dracula film is not nearly as boring as nosferatu the vampyr and the silent film nosferatu

One thing I just wanna say about TLJ, why the fuck is the color pallette of that film so fucking boring? Did Rian just forget to color grade the film so the stufio slapped on a single filter, thought "eh, it alright" and shipped it?

show thy breasts or begone wench

Reservoir dogs
>hurr durr ADD zoomer
I watched heat all the way through without any breaks, because it was a good movie.

Jin-roh wasn't boring exactly but the plot was so confusing I barely knew what anyone was doing in the last third of the film, its probably more the fault of the subtitled translation than the writing though

I mean I haven't seen those so I can't comment but Silent Films should never be watched at home, you have only truly seen a silent film once you've seen it played in a theater with an erchestra playing

This, absolutely this.
One thing normalfags and redditors tend to do is just put a movie on as background noise while messing on their phones, then understand nothing about it and say it's "boring". It's completely alien to them to just sit down, play the movie and pay fucking attention.

>I watched heat all the way through without any breaks, because it was a good movie

Do you think watching a movie is some sort of accomplishment you stupid piece of shit?

This one is in every one of these threads, is it really that bad?

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feet or gtfo

except all of those are subjective anyways

Inland Empire poopoo

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>nosferatu the vampyre
Okay now I know you're either memeing for replies or a braindead retard. anyway here's the 9you0 you bastard

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows


The Tuxedo

>The Goblin

Fucking slow, boring as fuck. Get to the dragon fucking stupid tiny niggers.

I didn't turn it off, but I came really fucking close.

Horrible, overrated movie.

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saw it in the theatre, I fucking hated it. and I normally and nerdy about art films, it was just shit esoteric propaganda trying to get white women to do porn or something

>It's a "Chad sends his gf out for a pack of smokes in the middle of a screening of her favorite movie" episode

chungking express

like most non-kung fu chinese films, it was boring as fuck

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is that your face when you bust a nut

The second star wars movie. I swear to god I almost fell asleep.


herzog is a boring as fuck director. every single of his films are boring as fuck

The village
Pirates otc 2

Goodfellas and reservoir dogs are both so fucking overrated and boring. Nothing happens for 30 minute stretches in both, just filler that makes fags think

Donnie Darko.

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It took me seven tries to finish it. Hands down the most boring movie ever made. And god bless rian for somehow taking a star wars movie and making it bland and un entertaining.

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Zoomers need to be exterminated

What's the story here?

zoomers are really hamstrung by their comulsive addiction to smartphones, cut him a bit of slack BUT ONLY A BIT

Never seen Blade Runner 2. I reccomend Blade Runner 2049 though.

This thread has been done a million times before so let's change the subject: What's a long movie that you really enjoyed and never thought of turning off?
Pic related

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Captive state

>How the fuck is children of men boring?
It's not boring

its straight up demoralisation propaganda.

bladerunner 2049

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I disrespectfully disagree, with prejudice

The Bridge on the River Kwai

That stupid movie of the magicians with mark ruffalo

and suicide squad

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

I hadn't watch A.I in years and years. Went to watch it last night but I had to turn it off because it was so cringe in an uncomfortable way. Not even talking shit about it, I recall liking it. But it was just fucking creeping me out and making me feel awkward.

I have actually managed to watch it in one sitting and it isnt bad, just boring as shit

Lawrence of Arabia was captivating from start to finish, in fact I wanted it to last longer

Inglourious Basterds.
I love the first scene but holy shit I just can't slog through that movie

you could press that charge against many movies, but few happen to be as good as Children of Men

Not the guy you asked but I'm this guy. I tried watching this movie 3 times but I couldn't get past the 10 minute mark.


How inept are you. There are a number of starwars film and then they are organized in trilogies mostly, now, moron, what do you mean by "second"?

Event Horizon

sue me

The one after that first one.

The second one that ever came out retard

Tree of life

it's a garbage movie user just watch something else

this to be quiet honest with you guys and gals

ur mom getting gangbanged

imagine being such a zoomer retard that you don't recognize the Empire Strikes Back as starwasr 2

never even watched it because the first Blade Runner made me turn it off from boredom

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

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The Assassin. I just kept waiting and waiting for something to happen but my patience ran out after 1 hour of this borefest.

Tha is Star Wars episode V(five): The Empire Strikes Back. No one refers to it as the "second" precisely because of the confusion it would produce. And by the way, that just happens to be the highest rated movie in the whole series, so you just outed yourself as an absolute idiot.

A.I freaked me out as a kid, I don't think I could ever willingly sit through it again either.

>in fact I wanted it to last longer
That's the best feeling

The Da Vinci Code


full metal jacket

i can't watch any movie on my own without spacing out, and i can watch any movie however boring it may be if im watching it with someone.

The tourist

Battle of the Five Armies anyone?


Ready Player One


Blade Runner 2049

2001: A Space Odyssey, I was about 70% into the movie and literally nothing had happened yet, and I actually enjoy slow movies but this is fucking boring

>but dude the cinematography
I just don't care about pretty shots that much.

I fell asleep during Cloud Atlas.

i literally will

Titus (1999)

Absolute pleb. I hope you die a painful and slow death.


What is Star Wars episode 2

Tree of Life

Maybe film and visual mediums just aren't for you?


John Wick

star wars 8

>this thread

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all of them

>pleb status: filtered
I'm better than you, don't @ me.

Jupiter Rising.

Its psychedelic kino

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Same. I really tried to watch it because I love Kubrick, but this one is not for me

Pans Labyrinth. Del Toro is a garbage director and deserves no acclaim. Fat spic faggot.

>There will be Blood
I cant be the only one
Fucking Snoozefest
Also Sopranos but i actually watched til s3 hoping it would get better (it didnt)

Wow, well it's a good thing you don't kiss anyone with that mouth


>Black Panther
same. I don't understand capeshitters' enthusiasm for these movies.

jesus fucking christ and to think i share a board with you mongoloids. i can't imagine you've ever read anything more complex than a young adult novel either.

Escape from New York

Sorry I prefer movies that are good.

This movie is so fucking contrived and boring. The only people I know who like it are all women.

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ITT: plot point mental midgets letting off steam to better cope with their inferiority


It's nothing but sad to imagine you're being serious.

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I respect yor opinion but I don't understand it at all

this rarely happens because i'm 32 and developed an attention span before smartphones ruined everyone. but avengers age of ultron did it for me.


Suicide Squad

Having a singular favorite film is a pretty retarded thing to have.
Let's say I really really enjoy Paris, Texas.

Chill nigga, just because I didn't like your favorite saga doesn't mean you can trash talk me. Fucking cunt
And I was talking about the second star wars movie to come out. I managed to watch the first one while kind of enjoying it but the second one was boring as fuck.

>highest rated in the whole series
>therefore I'm an idiot

I didn't like it. I almost fell asleep because it wasn't captivating for me. How retarded are you to be unable to understand that not everybody likes what you like?

With these two posts alone literally reeking of arrogance I can see that you have at least 10 different r*ddit tabs open right now

IMAGINE being a cigarette cuck lol

>ITT: Plebs and mental midgets out themselves en masse

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Can we apply this to TV series?
>Make it through season 1 despite all the stupid libtard SJW horseshit
>Like we would literally be in an episode revolving around the politics of this satanic cult and how Lucifer himself is trying to get Sabrina to sign her soul over to him in one scene, and then we'd be subjected to ten minutes of a high school tranny complaining about how people don't treat her like a man, as if we're supposed to give these two things the same amount of gravitas
>Anyway, make it through all of Season 1 with all that horseshit, only for them to double down on it in Season 2
>Except on top of it they've gone full mary sue with Sabrina
>One episode in particular, she basically plays a game of chicken with fucking Satan, pretending to go along with his plan for her to burn down her school for him until he says "Okay breh that's cool it was just a test, you can stop now"
>As if fucking SATAN gives a singular solitary shit about whether this random mortal school burns down to the ground or not
>The literal next scene is one of her friends telling her how awesome she is
>Turn that fucking garbage off in disgust
Everything except the SJW shit was JUST interesting enough to keep stringing me along, but then this stupid cunt starts one-uping fucking Satan when he has absolutely no reason to not push her to do his bidding. It actually made me so mad.

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Drive. Literally the worst movie ever.

nice projecting dumbass. I've never been to that site. And please keep posting, your low IQ oozes through your words.

Barry Lyndon

Takes nearly a full hour before the ghosts show up.

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solo: a star shit story

what is Doctor Strangelove; or How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb?

Kill yourself, pomo wanker.

What is Ocean's 8?
The pacing was just terrible

jesus christ this thread. the absolute state of Yea Forums.

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Friday the 13th (3 & 5)

Captain marvel

This but unironically


I am one YA FOOL


Name of the rose

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maybe the sequel

The only movie I ever stopped before finishing was Inherent Vice. Am I a pleb?


Some celestial bitch that stabbed her boyfriend cause she loved him so much or some crazy shit. Name is Yuko Takaoka

Zero dark thirty


One of the narnia it was absolute crap.

Movies, yes. Phone-checking happens when ""watching""" trashy tv shows

-Legend (the young tom cruise one)
-The Ugly Truth

Very based opinion

Stupid frog people are allowed to have different taste although most post are baits

That movie's always been about the soundtrack for me anyway

There's nothing more pretentious than some nerd saying 2001 is complex. It fucking sucks

Correct answer.

What is nightcrawler?

Goodfellas. Just one useless Italian killing another useless Italian over and over. This is why movies and shows like The Sopranos, Sons of Anarchy, and the Godfathers were all panned. Literally nobody wants to see a movie about a cast where they do nothing of importance for anyone, their gay little club is laughably lame, and it would be better if they all just died anyway.

Lord of the Rings

He should have waited for the Director's Cut

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Nah fuck that pile of shit of a movie.

Fight Club. Im not joking.

>watching movies

Star Wars episode 1, 2, 3

I couldn't finish that one either. I tried two or three times (and skipping the part I had already seen) but always gave up.

bait as fuck

The Dark Crystal

People don't always like the same movies you do. Get over it, faggot.

very true

literally how

you watch your mouth you fucking nigger

I fell asleep during Rogue One.

>they didn't finish my imdb-reddit top 250 movie!

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What is a boy and his dog

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Mission Impossible on VHS 3 weeks ago nice """action movie"""

What is Zoolander

John Wick

The first one is direct to DVD tier


Into the Wild

Grand budapest hotel. Andersons humor did not do it for me in this one

you just know

do you like his other ones? i've only seen tenenbaums and absolutely loved it, had to turn off moonrise kingdom. i think he's very talented but i can't get past the style sometimes

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


>What is Guardians of the Galaxy

English Patient

Godzilla 2014

I tried to watch some marx brothers and laurel & hardy movies.
I just couldn't make it.

Superman Returns

I fell asleep during most of King of the Monsters

Not gonna lie, it's aged pretty poorly and it's also a love letter to crime financed by criminals and only succeeds by being an essential montage of the lessons learned from classic movies.
I don't know why Americans are still so obsessed with it and get offended when you say this.

This happens with more movies than it doesn't. Most notably, I suppose, every single one of Disney's Star Wars movies have been this to me.

>mad that someone thought his favorite movie was boring

It was S H I T hehe. A boring mess.

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back to livejournal, zach

Under the Skin

Mulholland Drive

Yeah that bitch put me straight to sleep


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I have watched it like 5 times and I almost always have to try hard not to fall asleep. I really don't see what's supposed to make it "the best movie of all time". It looks like exactly the type of movies I would love, but I just don't. I don't get it.

I agree with most people's itt, but Bladerunner is great.

I put off the glasses because I was annoyed such a bright colorful movie looked like a dark mess in them. Also made it hard to read the subtitles. Either way, even without all of that it would have sucked balls.

first man

and anything star wars, I dont get it, can someone explain it to me?

I was really looking forward to this one, too. But yeah, it sucked.

Anything with Jamie Foxx in it.

This poster is a woman

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NOBODY better say no country for old men
And 7 Samurai I can kinda understand but you have to be in the right mind set it is high kino

Star wars is overrated. The force and the lightsabers are cool though

The Last Jedi
stopped when they landed on the casino planet
I was a Force Awakens apologist, but The Last Jedi was unforgivable

You know what... I agree with this. Maybe it was because the TV didn't have the best picture, but all things considered this movie is pretty fucking boring. The dude that played black manta was so fucking hammy. The rest of the cast sucked too. No chemistry between the leads. The fights sucked. Ah fuck it. Fuck Aquaman. Fuck that movie.

I used to think this way until I saw Solo.

Isnt it right? cause I try very hard to follow the plot but was really bland, I get that at the time the fx were awesome but not much more. Alien is way better as a scify

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Literally the lamest thing two people have ever acted like jack-asses over.

>all these fags in here that have no idea how Jeopardy works

>implying we weren't baiting each other to bait other people into replying to us

You did exactly what was expected of you

>The Watchmen
oh boy

Sure you were...that's why you kept it up that long before anyone did. For one person to (you) you.

Meet Joe Black


Check'd. Here is your well deserved (You).

I want to watch this sometime, but fuck it's 4 hours long. Is it really that good?How much screen time does James Woods get?

That's what you get for watching /trash/

never fail user never fail