>Yea Forums hates Keanu now
what happened
>Yea Forums hates Keanu now
what happened
He's popular now so it's Reddit to like him
I don't hate him, I hate people who jump on bandwagons and spam every fucking feed I have with it.
A bunch of contrarian newfaggots who doesn't know we only hate niggers, trannies and jews.
he fucks ladyboys males
>rich but still depressed
>no real genetic legacy
>visibly suffering whenever hes seen in public
>movie star but has to be drunk to get on stage
We don't like looking into the mirror.
That makes him less gay than you.
I don’t hate him, I just hate the people that keep spamming him
Keanu fucks trannies
Sad Keanu sitting alone on a bench is what made him popular on 4chins. He's not that guy anymore.
He was made pretty again by the chad and stacey reddit
Because a good chunk of people fetishize being contrarians. Get used it.
(formerly chuck's)
>and I fight them by doing exactly the same thing but from the opposite perspective
holy based
I love keanu even more now
So lemme get this straight, Keanu reeves turns up for one press event for some hostile corporate entity and all of a sudden he's your poster boy for the new generation of revolutionist commie hypno anarchism? bite me a new one homo I'm so psyked for your new game I hope it makes you megabucks! Meanwhile, consumerism has eaten holes in rainforests and eliminated entire ecosystems which profoundly impact not only the environment but whole fields of sciences are now no longer viable because some MacDonald's think tank thought it'd be a great idea to partner up with E3 and fire burgers at their promo junkets and cover the whole crowd in special Szechuan sauce because the bosses wife's son is a rick and morty fan and he thinks he can replace real paternal affection with a laugh track and a beaten narrative that puts JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy to shame. Well I've got another think for you dick-cloths how about investing some of the money partnering with community eco drives or funding recycling centres to pay some back for all the fuckassery you've helped inflict on the planet by turning half of it into monocultured pastures so the idiots who live on the other half of it can eat stale warehoused frozen meat products at a minimally waged minimally staffed minimally rated 2 star restaurant while the rain outside slowly dissolves the color on the plastic neon arches above the sign until eventually everything fades to gray and we're living in a world so lackluster only the faceless corporate entities will seem like friends and people will end up fractured along lines of division so seemingly meaningless that concepts like division of labor will seem like high intellectual thought. People will be killing each other over fabric softener and pine freshener and market choices will be determined by fascistic overlords. Mark my words. H-heh, only kidding it's gonna be great.
>Grug like thing
>Grug sees normie tribe like thing
>Grung hates thing
I dont hate him, I just hate that he being forced so hard by the plebs when we already liked him.
just watch the interviews and his cringing at the constant attention and overhype.
his appeal is his modesty, and its like they have to destroy that, next theyre gonna be asking his political opinions.
no one liked my post bros :/
Yea Forums is contrarian central. Anything popular gets the shitting.
Out of pure contrarianism. And it's a good thing. Like, there should be a place on the internet, where people should be allowed to say "fuck Keanu", and be accepted by fellow heartless faggots
a (you) for (you)
Dios mio...
Where did he say that?
Yea Forums is filled with angsty contrarian teens with a desperate urge to rebel, it's as simple as that
>got-tier hair genetics
Don't worry, you don't
>visibly suffering
That's just you projecting your fantasy on him
can we edit this image to say nigger and every letter means something?
The child was stillborn.
I met Keanu Reeves at a bar once
Back in the day I used to keep some recreational herbs in a pill bottle. He was sitting at the bar post show and asked him kindly to sign the bottle. He put it in his pocket. I asked him if I could get it back.
He said, "Get what back?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and sat down with my buddy, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.
who says Yea Forums isn’t wholesome
Being rich and handsome means nothing when you die childless.
Keanu was always a terrible actor. But he's also always been likeable. I believe he only takes on projects he likes himself, which makes him more based than 99% of them anyways. Just look at his filmography. The guy's on par with Stallone when it comes to emotional range, let's be fair. But they're not bad and they're what we like best.
You can die happy and childless, but what happened to Keanu was worse
There's more to life than having kids
You can die deluded yeah.
There literally isn't.
That is literally why you exist.
The only other choice is to do something that will echo through time like Alexander the Great.
he got too famous and in too much stuff now. Now I retroactively hate every movie he's been in, they're all reddit.
In 1991 during the filming for 'Point Break' Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) "The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life". The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. He was later spotted outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean.
normies like him again, so /tv has to be contrarian