Imagine raising a fat pussy like this
Imagine raising a fat pussy like this
His relationship with him is one of the better aspects of the show. Treating your “kid” like shit because he might be a product of your wife’s rape is a based trope.
Is this kid going to go commando and avenge his father who always loved him, or what?
He’ll likely grow up thinking that his dad was a pos because of his mom and news.
it was ridiculous and he looks nothing like his dad
Watching this again right now. Favourite tv show since The Wire
He reminds me of Kathy Geiss
Which is why he doesn’t want to take a paternity test he would rather lie to himself and ignore the obvious. A easier target is the names a fat kid name chad
his name is Chad tho, he has greatness written on his genes
he could become a lesser alpha like Chris Pratt
It in the end it's revealed he is Ray's kid right?
>we're supposed to believe this fat pussy is the progeny of Abigail Spencer
I can't remember because I only watched the show once and then completely forgot about it. I don't even remember who they were investigating. People in bird masks or some shit that had high end sex parties?
Thank god. I know people disliked season two a lot but I really liked Ray.
I think they were just chasing who killed Caspere and that led them to uncovering some shady land dealings that involved the elite.
season 2 shoulda had more fred ward. hell it shoulda starred fred ward.
>lights joint
>there ain't no police anymore
Season 2 should have just been Ray and Frank. Everything with them was good. Ani and Woodrugh were dead weight.
>Imagine... a fat pussy
I will
How is anyone to believe this is velcoro's kid. They must have changed their mind midway or something
You need to rewatch, it's definitely much better when you pay attention.
It's pretty amazing how little attention people paid. Looking at comments during the streams was infuriating.
So why was he given a wrong rapist name, anons? Was it really just an innocent mistake?
>an innocent mistake
It wasn't an innocent mistake. Blake did it to climb in the social ladder, to prove himself useful to Frank while getting rid of a lowlife that was pestering him.
Yep. Season 4 is him and his half-brother all grown up going on a rampage, backed by old Rust and Marty and West
Do you think he wanked to her Fappening vids?
I think it had the perfect amount.
>You were here first
was enough. Could've done the Departed-style last minute execution of one of the corrupt cops though.
You'd have to be gay not to.
Maybe he doesn't like roastbeef.
Colin Farrell is irish
can't raise a pussy if you don't have kids
The few interactions between Velcoro and Gaycop was very good too lads. Gaycop deserved more.
Best scene
Context? Did he get away with this somehow?
Fat Pussy was bullied by that kid, so he went over to the house and beat the fuck out of his dad. He got away with it.
do you think she flicked her bean to his Fappening vids?