Dinner scene

>Dinner scene
>Group of people share 1 pizza

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>Breakfast scene
>Breakfast is a fucking feast

If hungry enough I normally eat 1 entire large pizza by myself

>Daughter brings ethnic BF for dinner

>diet coke


I thought this was normal?

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I know it's in movies all the time but growing up my family never had time to sit and eat breakfast every morning
we always had dinner together but in the mornings, starting in middle school anyway, my siblings and I were up at 6 and out the door by like 6:40
even before middle school my mother and father had to get to work early and rushed us out the door

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There is a reason why the saying is "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" user. You're supposed to fill yourself up on breakfast so it can give you enough energy and nutrients you need to last you for the day. Depending on how much you eat for breakfast, lunch may not be required at all and you can just have a midday snack or go straight to dinner.
So be sure to eat a lot for breakfast (unless you plan on going to the gym in the morning)

fat frogposter

what do you define as a group?
it is very well possible, 3 people could definitely share a single pizza

stop eating

>train me in your secret ways oh Mistress Jabba

>tfw sore throat and everything tastes like shit

How fat are you

me on the left

I literally can't eat more than half of a medium sized pizza

living the american dream

This but I run 6 miles almost every day.

This. I had to get on the school bus early as fuck. Realistically we all would’ve had to wake up at like 4:30am to enjoy the giant family breakfasts you see in movies.

This but I never leave my chair.

Breakfast is a kike-fed conspiracy, nothing more than a big meme along with three square meals a day. It does not make a difference, if anything it fucks you over depending on what garbage you force feed yourself. You would be amazed how your body responds to going a few measly hours without food.

>share a pizza
>there's always that once slice left over
>fat people

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i usually have two slices at most.


I split it up. 3 in the morning and then another run in the evening.

It's okay I lift weights so I need a lot of calories. In fact I struggle to eat enough

you run at 3 in the morning?

Sorry I meant I run three miles in the morning. Usually go out around 5:30 during the summer months.

This but I never leave my bed.

to be fair an american pizza has about 5x the calories of an actual pizza

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That’s Chicago style deep dish. Most pizza places in America do the thin New York style.

>chicago style deep dish

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>Everyone stressing me to "GET UP ALREADY WE'LL BE LATE"
>Get up 10 minutes before we have to go
>Spitbath, get dressed
>Eat sandwich in hallway, fully dressed
>Ready before everyone else
>Step-father comes running into the shower, screaming: "WE HAVE TO GO IN 5 MINUTES!!!"
>Me, mom, and siblings get into the car
>Step-dad still in shower
>Mom cursing
>"Every fucking morning he does this"
>We're already 5 minutes late
>Mom says: "FUCK IT"
>Old V70 roars as the gravel is shot onto the house
>Speed-drop little sis at day-care
>We're going way past the speed limit
>Mom keeps swearing at step-dad
>He calls
>She throws the phone on the floor
>Get to school 5 minutes late
>Car literally slides onto the parking lot
>Get out of car
>As the old V70 burns rubber yet again, mom shouts out the window

Man I miss those days.

>bar scene
>character has 1 beer then goes home

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This is why I loved Malcolm in the Middle

Despite being a comic show that features characters regularly being set on fire and being arrested, Malcolm is the only show that reminds me of what my own childhood was like.

>"Give me a beer"
>is given a beer

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>character goes to a bar
>he doesn't over drink by a large amount and then try hitting up girls drunkenly only to be rejected and kicked out of the bar then go home and cry on the toilet

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>dinner scene
>move their knife and fork around
>don't take a single bite

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Do Americans really do this??

Yeah, the reason is that cereal companies pushed that fucking to sell you more sugar loaded breakfast. Meal timing and frequency is essentially irrelevant. Whether you do OMAD or 6 meals a day doesn’t matter.

Pussy I eat one meal a day and I never eat breakfast. I 100% can deadlift and power clean more than you, you breakfast needing faggot.

this but i eat two pizzas

Kek user six miles isn’t a lot. I had a bro in college that would knock out half marathons(12-13miles) daily except on sundays he’d smoke a ton of weed then.

>adult character
>still drink milk

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In college I would eat an entire large pizza in one night, but I can't eat more than 2 or 3 slices now.

you sound like such an insecure faggot. kill yourself immediately

what an absolute unit you must be.

faggot not drink tasty nutritious protein drink

You eat boyfriends?

You sound fat as fuck. I’d say kys but you’re doing that already you obese cunt.

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stop projecting fatty

>tumblr gif of niggers laughting

You lost this one, mate

>lamenting about needing to eat breakfast
>I’m the fatty
If only I had consulted you first. Shit

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So how much you deadlift and power clean?

This, but i eat one everyday.

Moving your legs

What is the size of the group? I understand a pizza can't be shared with like twenty people at a party but among 3-6 people everyone gets a good amount of pizza

This but i vomit the pizza afterwards

same. But im 6"5 and chubby so i need a lot of fuel

It's easy to eat a large pizza alone. Anyone who says no is insecure and telling lies on an anonymous board.

Not in the USAs

this whole fucking thread is just people who think a large pizza is 14inch arguing with people who think it's 20inch

>tfw been eating whole pizzas by myself for years now
>tfw still underweight
>tfw everytime i go get checked doctors say im perfectly healthy
feels good to win at life lottery

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>main character just swigs some OJ and holds a single piece of buttered toast in his mouth and runs out the door

how old are you?

>>tfw still underweight
That's not gonna last unless you're some genetic freak. You should hit the gym or eat better unless you wanna end up looking like pic related

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I just pick one piece of ham off the top and then throw the pizza out because I'm full.
