>The Shaft reboot is racist, homophobic, and regressive!
I’m sold, how about you guys?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The way you say pussy don't sound like you like it

I've never seen the original. I'm about to, what am I in for?

nigger kino

Attached: guardian.jpg (379x225, 28K)

Watch the John singleton remake from 2000, it's the one this movie is following up on

>Select your character

This seems way more lighthearted than the 2000 version.

Jackson needs to play the race card on these soibois and watch their heads explode

yes, this one is a comedy

>The Shaft reboot is racist, homophobic, and regressive!

Attached: 93CC01B3-D8B7-4885-8B40-8CD84E539C38.jpg (1440x1425, 189K)

>saw trailer
>shaft’s son is a beta millennial played up for comic relief
Gonna say this is based

>The Shaft reboot is racist, homophobic, and regressive!

Ah-ha... Sounds so much “Exploitation” of nowadays !!!

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racist how?

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liberals are already mad

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I had zero interest in this movie and now I'm suddenly very interested.

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I really doubt that .

Not that I'll see this (in the theater) but the trailer looked like a solid "buddy cop" style action comedy.

so whats the deal here? is it a black guy pushing back on "wokeness" and pc culture?
I remember being a young teenager seeing the first reboot and remember thinking to my self how badly the whites and hispanics were portrayed

Really want to see their reasoning for why a movie written, directed, and starring black people is racist.

it just need to be fun, but some gay bashing jokes are ok, FUCK TRANNIES

bump this. HOW is a movie like this racist now, usually the language used is "brave, strong, powerful"

a kino themesong

It's like they know they're completely out of touch but can't fully grasp it

Hahaha like a cock

>Directed by a black guy

Feels like such a weird direction take it. Might be actually fun though, who knows.

My favorite John Shaft scene

Christina Bale was great in that
Such an underrated film

Attached: shaft christian bale.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Why can't conservatives make good movies?

Guess I'm seeing Shaft

Who is it racist against? Is it sterotyping blacks or is it attacking other races? If it's the latter, I thought black people can't be racist?

Always funny to see "Islamophobic" in the same sentence as someone complaining about homophobia and sexism.

Didn't know onions came in chocolate

There some hope. I was expecting something like the last die hard. Most likely we'll get something like the last crank?

>>The Shaft reboot is racist, homophobic, and regressive!
I can't wait to see how the racism of this black lead, black directed, black written and intended for black audiences is blamed on white people

It must be "racist" against Muslims .its staring all blacks so it can't be racist against them
Can't ba racist against whites because no one would care
MAYBE racist against asians ? (Didn't see any in the trailer)

A conservative made this?

Why does he look like he's about to give me dubs?

How do you guys still fall for made up shit like this.

There’s no reviews for Shaft yet

The son is kinda computer scientist genius so that's kinda stupid tho

You could have at least checked before making yourself look like a retard. Shaft is at 36% on RT right now

What an embarrassing specimen of a black man

I think it's time we had a white Shaft. I think the world is ready.

Holy fuck someone needs to circulate fake tweets from these journalists insisting on that.

>Now, what's my name?
>You damn right

Bravo Vince

Make it a White Homosexual Shaft for more points

>modernity=being a beta faggot

yeah, this.
>I bet all those normal people in society who haven't yet been brainwashed by The Tastemakers (TM) will eat this shit up.

These people are the worst, but faggots posting their shit here give them their power. Best to ignore completely to take their modicum of power away, like Nancy did to Freddy in the first ANOES.

Attached: Kristen-Kreuk-kristin-kreuk-4732932-1024-768.jpg (1024x768, 67K)

I'd watch that

Ok based

oh yeah im gonna go see this tomorrow. i hope its an all black audience and my solitary white ass. i can join in on the OOOOHs and SHIIIIIITs and maybe they'll let me hang out with them afterward.

Bait but here we go anyway

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>putting dogshit films alongside literal masterpieces
>conservacucks on this board will still equate the shit works with being good because some user made this list
Good God you guys are stupid

Welp, looks like it's blaxploitation kino for me tonight boys

>(((Blue checkmarks))) and White s o y boys are losing their minds over a problematic movie

Fucking kek, blacks really are our last hope for masculinity in entertainment

Is it really homophobic? Or is it one of those cases where they they poke fun at everyone & the gays think their group exempt from banter, even though they're apparently "equal"

Why is The Killing Fields on there?

Says the guy who thinks that conservatives don't make good films, sheesh what a juvenile plebian you must be.

Yes, there are brilliant actors, screenwriters, directors, and producers who share right wing views. Get over yourself.

Shaft's son is a pussy and he mocks him for it, that's homophobic

The NAACP said the same shit about Superfly fucking retards.

plus he said "Don Lemon" as a putdown, I bet Lemon's people have been slinging the "homophobic" line behind the scenes since the trailer dropped.

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this is awful, there are better films to replace the weak entries

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the gay nigger agenda is real

seems that cat shaft is one bad motha–

A part of me was sold during the trailer over that whole "misogyny" bit where the one whiny little ass gets his ass handed to him by the woman. I think I'm sold even more now.

Shut your mouth!

lol holy fuck Christian Bale is the main baddy in that movie. I never knew.

Why does the Left like to pretend like black people aren't massively "homophobic" and "racist"?

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"Muslims, you mean those jive turkeys who blew up the Twin Towers? Fuck 'em. And the fuck the gays as well."

And it gets even better because it's a word that was cooked up by a """think-tank""" to disarm anger about islam and its obvious political agenda, which runs directly against the grain of western society.

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I had no idea this was coming out and thought I was dreaming when I saw the commercial for it

God I can just hear the lisp in his voice.

They say that Shaft is one bad Ni...

ce guy

>blacks hate other races, women, and are uncivilized

"color" me shocked

Why are these white people critiquing a movie made by and for black people? Seems offensive to me. They should just keep their mouths shut and be humble.

check these dubs

damn right

>36% percent despite being ___

>Liberals aren't happy if their black bull isn't bi.

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Becuz they wuz oppressed n shit


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>ussr dumped millions of dollars a year into agency "unspecified projects" in california for nearly three decades
>people are shocked to know the west coast liberal panzies are in fact west coast liberal panzies

Because the liberal elites think its their job to do the thinking for the minorities. When they don't think what they're told they're shocked.

Attached: Thomas Sowell Welfare State.jpg (338x149, 15K)

>Because the liberal elites think its their job to do the thinking for the minorities.
It's been literally the same shit for over a century now and they still haven't learned their lesson

Dude, western bourgeois liberals are the most embarrassing political category in the entire world. At least ISIS does shit

>It's been literally the same shit for over a century now

Yup. They don't even understand the people they claim to represent, what their problems are or what they want from the society. They just think of them as children who need to be cared for.

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For the chucklefucks confused, here's how it works: SJW idiots function on outrage. Their political movement cannot survive without some opposition to attack, be it an imaginary form of racism or dissenting politics, and its very nature means it must attack anything it can turn into an opponent. Problem is, what happens when you run out of things to fight? When you can't make up more shadows to punch?

Libshit hubs like SF or LA have become so thoroughly SJW-ified, with every single possible piece of opposition removed, that now they're out of targets. White men are a minority. Gay dudes are everywhere. Making an Obama joke will cause people to become physically ill. There is absolutely nothing left for them to attack... except themselves.

SJW politics are an oroboros. Ultimately when they achieve dominance, as we see in hellholes like West Coast Cali, they begin to turn on themselves. They'll attack black people for not being black enough. Women for not being feminist enough. Hispanics who don't actively campaign for their cause. Etc. etc.

What these types don't get is eventually THEY will become the targets. When there's no problematic ebul bigoted whities left in their echochamber vicinity, they'll need something to fight, lest they cease existing, and they'll soon find out their political allies are the only ones left to fight.

It's a movement that will eventually devour itself in increasing self-flagellation, self-loathing, political kinstrife, and oppression olympics.

>millennial masculinity

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>Shaft: Blackout
is that one of the novels?

What about this one?

Attached: Shaft Among the Jews-1.jpg (653x1034, 445K)

Hell nah, fuck Samuel Jackson. Like him in Pulp Fiction but then he was in everything and can't stand anything he's in

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>I've never seen the original. I'm about to, what am I in for?

I just got the WB triple feature bluray with Shaft/Shaft's Big Score/Shaft In Africa. Haven't seen them in at least 20 years. First movie is solid and low key. Second is more of the same but with a bigger budget. Third takes Shaft out of his zone and is decent.

They fucked this franchise. Shaft came out in 71. They should have made a sequel for 73, 75, 77 and the last one in 79!!!FACT!!!

FUCK, this makes me want to actually see it and I hated the 2000 reboot!!!FACT!!!

Black boomer-posting.

>p-please don't say the n word

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Of course it’s a white beta devil

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Now how the fuck is Shaft racist? You're telling me that somehow a movie production company roped in a bunch of black men and women and made them do legitimately racist acts and somehow nobody complained or just walked away?

People like this remind me of "Straight Arrow Gays" of the 90's, who would essentially dress in drab suits and desperately tone down their "faggyness" while calling it "how far we've come as a homosexual society."

I bet this guy struggles every day to not drive to KFC to pick up a bucket.

It's racist against Arabs apparently

Now THIS is black millennial masculinity

Attached: black-mirror-striking-vipers.jpg (618x412, 79K)

>films that couldn't be made today

Black people cant be racist

You aight whyte boi

/pol/ and Yea Forums only want pretend white racism. They dont actually have the balls to talk to a black person irl

Not according to Rotten Tomatoes, fucko! The time has come for black people, bow to your film critic masters!

>tfw you have the exact same muscle mass and frame as these niggas, but you're carrying typical white boy fatties along with it

gotta cut bros, but it ain't helping, and I always need dat cheeseburger

Chef isn't playing the title character. No sale.

kino confirmed

it was complete homosexualization

>Really want to see their reasoning for why a movie written, directed, and starring black people is racist.

>bump this. HOW is a movie like this racist now, usually the language used is "brave, strong, powerful"

Because unless it shows blacks in a 100% positive light niggers complain that it's "racist". They did the exact same thing when the original came out almost 50 fucking years ago!!!FACT!!!

the opposite.



Well said!!!FACT!!!

>is that one of the novels?


Here's a list...

Shaft (1970)
Shaft Among the Jews (1971)
Shaft's Big Score (1972)
Shaft Has a Ball (1973)
Goodbye, Mr. Shaft (1973)
Shaft's Carnival of Killers (1974)
The Last Shaft (1975)

Ernest Tidyman, who created Shaft, also won an Oscar for his adaptation of The French Connection, based upon Robin Moore's novel.

I just have this fixation on Times Square 42nd Street and I'd LOVE for them to make a Shaft movie set during that time and place. The reason why I'd call it "Shaft: Blackout" is because I'd set it in the summer of 1977. Had this idea that Shaft is hired to find someone who is going around and killing women ala Son Of Sam. The climax has the killer pointing a gun at Shaft and just before he fires the famous New York city blackout happens. Lights go out, you hear a scuffle and *BANG*. You hear a door open and close. Cut to someone walking down some stairs outside while everyone is rioting. It's Shaft. He lights a cigarette and walks away. Cue credits.


kino climax

80% of this is garbage jewish surface level bullshit for trump-supporting judeo-christian cuckolds
imagine being this uneducated about good motion pictures

>söyboys absolutely seething at having their faggotry called out

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The tweeter isn't the one who wrote that, that's from The Guardian review:

literal fairy dust made up word that means nothing
jews and christian do not go in the same sentence
every kike should burn and do not deserve life



Is this because the black people "act too black"? Cause if I've learned anything from the coverage of FFVII remake from white journos, it's that they hate it when black characters are too outgoing or boisterous. It's "racist" to them.

But I'm talking about Shaft!

what is exactly homophobic with this movie?

lack of LGBT+ representation

They make fun of Don Lemon.


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Dragged Across Concrete

Just reading your green texts make me want to spam it all over these comments, but I don't have a Twitter. The disconnect with these types is insane. There's no way they've ever seen any Blaxploitation films.

>Like old Shaft
>Like Samuel Jackson's Shaft
>Hate Tim Story



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he cute

Then I can dig it

Why are people suddenly pretending like SLJ's Shaft was any good?

Kino of the year 2019 right here bros. Go see Shaft if youre not a low t betacuck nigger faggot.

I know what I'm seeing next week.

>most of the movies have a progressive attitude
what did the creator mean by this?

>Black people can't be so-

Looks like nigkino is back on the menu

About this, he was not wrong.

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-005113_Chrome.jpg (1080x1426, 473K)

I loved Christian Bale's character and it was pretty over the top with the violence. That pepperbelly didn't seem all that intimidating as a villian though. Solid 7.5.

Critics are so fucking disconnected from reality.

>I can't believe in 2019 that John Shaft isn't a strong trans islamic woman.

Thumbs Down!

>go see Shaft
>wtf why isn't it woke?
Have these Jews seen any Blaxploitation movies?

>3.5/5 = 70%
>RT fresh = 60%
>3.5/5 review classified rotten

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-005646_Chrome.jpg (1080x420, 134K)

Now accuse them of being racists for hating on a black movie.

Is there a name for that emoji face he's making? :söyboi:

lmao Zahler's not a conservative. he just wants to push as many buttons as he can.

>Make banter about Millennials being overly sensitive and effeminate
>Millennials counter this by being overly sensitive and effeminate

same but i'll never watch it

Team America is fucking satire and I won't even get into Dredd and The Incredibles. whoever made this is a retard

i-is this to trick us into liking it? It's working desu

>a bunch of aged white men decrying a black film
So where is Brie Larson in all this?

Being protected by every outlet, website and form of social media.

blacks are always the victims in the white mans's society

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damn i might need to see it then

Imagine the butthurt!

Attached: Ouch!.png (715x73, 24K)

Sounds based as fuck

Who's the black private dick
That's triggers all the Twitter blue ticks?
(Shaft) Ya damn right

Who is the man that would risk reviews
For his faggot quips?
(Shaft) Can you dig it?

Who's the cat that won't cop out
When the basedboys scream and shout?
(Shaft) Right on

They say this cat Shaft is not progress... - (Shut your mouth)
But I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft - (Then we can dig it)

Attached: SHAFT.jpg (692x390, 51K)



The fuck happened in this movie

I'm gonna hazard a wild guess it's because black people are sexist, racist, and homophobic. Surprise, woke America.

That's the Dreamworks face isn't it?

Attached: LuYTe.jpg (821x1024, 199K)

>no Hillary's America

>every kike should burn and do not deserve life
But we won't and you know it, white boy. Your race is finished.

The white race was a mistake.

I wonder what our boy Armond White is going to say about this one.

*California was a mistake

Amazing soundtrack
Poor production values
Overall forgettable
Aka every single blaxploitation film

So exactly the same?

Are they really trying to play out Lieutenant Lagarta or whatever as a hot hispanic woman?

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Why? I can easily think of a statement that is both islamophobic, and homophobic.

>this faggot raghead bitch needs to go back to where he came from

Not too difficult. Why would it be weird?



>whitey journos get offended at this but millions of Madea movies are fine
Dave Chapelle was right
its the fucking dress

Attached: madea-family-funeral-clip-e1550166977474.jpg (640x360, 58K)

Why do they call everyone hacks? Did some skinnyfat idiot in a flannel shirt use the term recently?

These statistics are false, lmao. White on black rape did occur on record in 2003, among other things.

Can ya dig it?

are these buzzwords auto-generated?

It's a common tactic used by SJW's when triggered.

They don't want to ADMIT that they're triggered and that their outrage is based on emotion. So they instead pretend that they hate what offended them because of its supposed low-quality. If they call something they hate "problematic", people know to ignore them. But if they just say "it sucks" instead without specifying why, people don't instantly know to ignore them.
It's the same shit with Leftcucks endlessly squealing about how Donald Trump is "dumb" or "incompetent" which is supposedly proved by a typo in a Tweet he wrote or something. It turns out that the billionaire President of the United States, in fact, isn't dumb or incompetent; he just triggers a lot of retards and they don't want to admit it.

Attached: TRIGGERED Face.png (300x258, 177K)

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Madea is a strong, empowered woman which is always popular with critics


These motherfuckers say 'Fuck Cops' on a tuesday but then wanna play police on wednesday

Tyler Perry has a strong fanbase but his movies are always terribly reviewed

Watched this on AMC last night first time in like 15 years. Talk about films that would never be made today... Also, I miss the 1999.-2006. era when niggers were actually niggers and it was actually hilarious. How High comes to mind as well.
Post some golden era nigger kinos

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Checked and true. It's only a matter of time now.

Is this a viral marketing campaign? I kind of want to see Shaft now.

And it's launched in Pride Month. Fuck this movie is gonna be my litmus test with girls from now on

Excellent. Very nice

Speech Laws only apply to the right-wing underclass, not God's Chosen; the Left, you fucking bigot.
They can say whatever they want without consequence while we can't because they are ALWAYS right.
Did the James Gunn incident teach you fucking nothing? The rules only apply to us, not to them.

fuck modernity lol

Gangster shit.

Attached: 1551311186476.jpg (1920x1014, 153K)

Liberals are usually always mad about anything

This seems right

This but unironically

>Shaft Among the Jews (1971)

Attached: Happy Merchant The Goyim know.jpg (782x782, 108K)

fast nigg

i agree they should have introduced the son with a 5 minute long gay sex orgy

>homophobia, islamophobia, and toxic masculinity is bad
why do these people hate black culture?

What they call racism, homophobia, islamaphobia, and sexism is essentially just grievances and criticism over certain groups and their recognized qualities and patterns. It's a real shame that so many have fallen for the lie that it's some monstrous evil. Literally everyone has likes and dislikes when it comes to different groups. It is undeniable that males and females are different, the races are different, homosexuality is different, Islam is different. Whether or not someone likes or dislikes those different qualities of any particular group is completely their own prerogative. That's how it's always been. It's really just an ordinary and common facet of life.

300 is the only conservative, unless ur murrican and tginks conservative is pro war.

The Progressive hive mind is hard at work to make sure their favorite pet objects are off-limits to jokes. But people are beyond tired of the dishonesty and double standards.

I think there are a lot of people just waiting to see enough blood before a gigantic outpouring of anti-PC material. Its coming.

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It's literally a reinterpretation of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, the most influential anti-Commie novel of the entire Cold War.

This. The reversing of the pendulum's swing is going to fucking monstrous after how hard the Left has pushed it over the past three decades.
They didn't understand that the same swords they were sharpening to execute their enemies could eventually be used against them. No authoritarian movement ever seems to.

Thank dog there is still burger

Based black people fighting degeneracy

>autistic vegan artist and his band of the worst flavor of goyim make you ride the holocoaster for 6 years
>barely make out alive when they run out electricity at the very last second
>75 years of non stop kvetching to literally the entire world

>h-heh, you mad goy

Usually I hate niggering around in movies, but this here doesn't phaze me in the slightest.
Why is that?

Dude, you not American or something?
The pic has name edited, but this is how evangelicals are in real life. They compose their bible according to talmud. They unironically ready to fight and die for Israel, and i don't mean the Church.

that pic*

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didn't they do a Shaft reboot in the 90s?

I hate jews so much holy shit

in the trailer shaft compares his son, to don lemon, the black faggot news anchor on CNN, then he teases him over whether he likes pussy or not, Blacks hate faggots
We don't need a 20-year-old $0ybois dudes to tell me what didn't work about Shaft. It wasn't made for them

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You do know that once they win, half of the Jews die while the other embraces Jesus as their saviour, right?

I do not realize that.

They know what they're doing. They boo at anything that isn't woke enough

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Don't start nothing, won't be nothing

why is she so pretty

Yet it's YOU who seethes about being dominated.

Woke blacks are rad.

Featuting Dante from the Devil May Cry Series


Fucking traitor oreo

It goes against their programming of course they don't like it

It was alright for what it was. Pretty forgettable besides having a good cast
I like sam but he's really not "shaft"

what's muslim opinions about gays

Irrelevant to the post.
You can be islamophobic, homophobic and sexist in the same sentence. Its not "funny to see". Its quite common.

>Irrelevant to the post.
It's not
You're only focusing on the minority aspect but ignore the beliefs of the two things. You try to group them together against the "phobics" despite the fact that homophobia and sexism is something prevalent amongst muslims too

You are building a narrative.
Not only is it normal to have someone be homophobic and islamophobic at the same time, it is also common. These two traits pair together well. Ask on /pol/ about it.

I can hear the wrist crack through the screen.

Libs only love blacks as long as they comply to their SJW culture. Listen and obey.

Just look at the rap that libs listen to. Logic, Tyler, Gambino, all gay ass "woke" rap.

what a fucking faggot that bitch is. would love to stomp his head in a la gosling in Drive.

>Why does the Left like to pretend like black people aren't massively "homophobic" and "racist"?
They've been told for decades that Blacks are a lock-step Democrat voting block. And are just living under an assumption that all Democrats are Democrats like them.

i.e. they live in a bubble where they don't interact with these groups. And therefore don't know a damned thing about them.

Why dont we get a trans chinese shaft? Are they all racist shits over there?

kino literally confirmed

Based & Kinopilled

That actually looks really good, or maybe it's average an everything has been so shit lately it looks better

has "woke" changed meaning while I was away?

it changes every week

>You are building a narrative.
yeah cause liberals aren't already doing this. Keep being ignorant bro

>da liberals
Why do you keep bringing foreign stuff into the conversation?
>ur ignorant
Not an argument, my fine dude.

Kino incoming

>taking this stance
is this entire board just made up of /pol/acks trolling each other?

talk about a category 5 chimpout... all the more reason they should be in shackles with a ball and chain

>IGN movies
Are they legitimately considered "top critics" on rotten tomatoes?
Jesus Christ.

it was a good time. shaft waifus are top tier

Reading these tweets and screencaps I legitimately hope this is a box office smash. Might even go buy a ticket myself.

I doubt it but it is a fun watch. nice change of pace from all the more "epic" blockbusters out so far


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>make the son gay when his love interest was a solid 9/10
now that would've ruined the film


Millennial masculinity is an oxymoron

Jesus you are an annoying faggot


>any non-white people
>going to KFC
Only white people got to kfc, mexican go to churches, and everyone else goes to Popeyes

Popeyes has the best chicken. It’s so nice and crispy, but they seem to exclusively build them in black areas

I accept your surrender. Be more graceful in defeat next time you lose.

>They've been told for decades that Blacks are a lock-step Democrat voting block.
They are
>And are just living under an assumption that all Democrats are Democrats like them.
The only thing accurate In this post

I lucked out with Popeyes. They did build it on the border of our township and the neggar city. But it's safer. I feel okay just going there and picking up some chicken and biscuits. Also their Cajun fries are extremely based.


bout to get DABBED ON

I'm honestly thinking about converting to Islam
just grow a beard,change my name and start wearing a shalwar kameez
I can hate faggots and women and claim its part of my religion
feminists will never be able to criticize me or be accused of Islamophobia

Attached: Pashtun_Amir.jpg (2595x3510, 3.18M)

Not the same user, faggot. You patched onto a semantic technicality and shit up the thread with it. Go back

Proof before you deny how fucking annoying you are

Attached: 4B831E7B-5459-486E-A47C-784DD8139CD1.png (750x1334, 281K)


Again, not the same user you were originally annoying. I highly doubt you have any friends, so enjoy your internet smugness, I guess.

The world would be a better place if we unleashed alpha male cops like this in black communities

You should write a story about something like this happening. I’d read it. Hell I think a whole fucking lot of people would read it

I’m in brother

Again, read

So this is a NIGGER REBOOT?

>Oh it's OFFENSIVE? Then it MUST be great then! Take my money! That'll learn them SJWs!

You are all reactionary retards with no sense of taste whatsoever. Just like the SJW boogeymen you hate you so much. Have sex

Pick one.

What if you just want to show that you support politics like these in movies? SJW go see movies because of politics which makes their creators assume putting leftist politics in everything makes audiences like it more. If you can't beat them, join them

literal tranny seething

Good post.

Foxy Brown is not forgettable

Attached: foxy_brown.jpg (401x600, 108K)

now let's see their other reviews....


he cute

Attached: 1556125858112.gif (775x510, 824K)

>the metrosexualisation of a generation

Attached: 1404316919277.jpg (193x237, 12K)

k i n o
hope the best stuff wasnt in the trailer though

I would watch it but I don't understand a single thing they're saying

pic related the movie

Attached: 1536974266837.png (970x340, 177K)


Attached: 1543727221971.jpg (618x588, 77K)

And it should be anthromorphized with animals and shit and set on a farm

I think we could actually see some good movies if niggers just made all-nigger films that didn't dwell on their hatred of white men and their desire for white women.


BASED. Gonna go see this movie in Atlanta and sneak in a big ol bucket of kfc and join in on the shieeeets and hollers in the theater till the darkie girls start shouting "he cute!"


Attached: 3Q7iXtQ.png (645x729, 51K)

>if niggers just made all-nigger films that didn't dwell on their hatred of white men and their desire for white women
Well this movie clearly is not about any of those.

>words justify murder
sure thing kid

What does needle drop mean?

>that’s sexist
>you’d said you’d hit a woman
>yeah but I’d do it because I don’t treat people differently, it’s sexist that you won’t hit a woman
desu he’s got a point lads

Are there ANY reviewers who aren't raging liberal faggots? It doesn't have to be Conservative - I'd be more than happy to settle for an actual moderate. I just want someone who isn't going to give me contact gay just by being in the same room as them.

Unironically, did she die? That looks pretty fucking fatal right there.

What about the fucking movie, you pricks, is it good?

he's an equal opportunity ass whooper

I think Shaft should be played by a white guy next after this movie, I think it's time.

thats a man you fucking faggot bitch.

Is their a blacksploitation film where the foxy black ebony queen gets the BWC I would watch that.

>so enjoy your internet smugness
isn't that what you're trying to get? lol.

>what's my name
>mace windu
>there's a kid live down the senate block about 18yo named Anakin do you know him
>wrong answer

Attached: Shaft Windu.jpg (1280x720, 114K)
