Is Fargo the most kino show of the past decade?
Is Fargo the most kino show of the past decade?
Don't know
S3 > S1 > S2
S2 > S1 = S3
garbage opinions.
Sure, why not
Fargo characters who are literally you. Pic related
i love heavyset redheads
the 1st season would be panned as an incel male fantasy if it came out now
even though it was great
Fuck, I need to rewatch that kino.
>tfw always watch shows and want the stereotype deadbeat dad/man who is nagged by his wife to put the bitch in her place
>the madman actually fucking does it
>Breaking Bad is the best show of the past century!!
>Mad Men is the best show of the past century!!
>Fargo is the best show of the past century!!
It really it. All seasons are 10/10.
>Wife talks about how she made a mistake and married the wrong brother
>Bashes her skull in with a hammer
Netflix would have had 9 episodes of his wife being railed by black guys and then him turning himself in in the finale for thoughts about killing his wife
>I watch dramatic television!!!
>past century
amc fags are always shrieking about how Breaking Bad and Mad Men are the best shows ever which is why he more than likely worded it that way.
>Netflix would have had
It's a netflix show.
s1 villain was reddit.
also, i've never seen a show with so many ugly people in it.
didn't watch s2.
I don't believe you and won't look at any reply you might make to convince me
25 posts and no
yet? The best meme of 2018 really is dead
i don't give a fuck
>What are you doing here wierdo here to bang our mom?
>Hehehe yeah...wait he's not really gonna bang our mom is he?
>The problem is not that there is evil in the world, the problem is that there is good, because otherwise who would care?
>A fat woman is inherently untrustworthy as she is a sensualist who sees no real difference between a pastrami sandwich and a dick in the mouth.
>Human beings, you see, have no inherent value other than the money they earn. Cats have value, for example, because they provide pleasure to the humans. But a deadbeat on welfare? Well, they have negative value.
What did he mean by this?
Not from the show but still Fargo
I would give “The Americans” to go with THAT !!!
Lester was a fucking Chad unintentionally
Not only that but it's the most kino town as well.
>Thinking S2 is in anyway good
No that is The Leftovers
i don't want to imagine the type of pleb that would make your post. walk into traffic.
Post THAT webm pls
Turns out you dodged a bullet there.
I want to be her slave so much :_:
Lester was the bad guy though.
Anyone else thought Varga was Russian posing as Brit all the time?
>tfw instantly attracted to any woman with this hairstyle
>>Human beings, you see, have no inherent value other than the money they earn. Cats have value, for example, because they provide pleasure to the humans. But a deadbeat on welfare? Well, they have negative value.
this is a qoute from a real guy. can't remember who tho or in what context he said it. gonna have to look it up somehow
What was his fucking problem?
I know that feel brother
I thought he was the guy in the beginning
People were racist against him according to Jewgle
who was in the wrong here
definition of soulless
i couldn't make it past the first 5 minutes. seemed to be trying too hard to mimic the movies style, but without pulling it off. i was ready to give it a chance, but couldn't handle the pretension.
It definitely is.
The Aliens made him do it.
Every season is pretty fucking good.
This place went crazy when Mr Wrench shown up in season 3.
Favourite part maybe the Black Sabbath montage and the shootout in S2.
Realistically speaking, Sy.
No that's The Leftovers.
Yes. And credit to the guy for knowing when to stop. Unlike the Duffer brothers or whats-his-face, with the overstayed welcome.
literally me
>mfw this pleb
Go watch Avengers, kid
user, its not over. It just takes 2 year long breaks in-between seasons.
Don't worry user, your gut was right. It was an FX show.
he was a cunt but i can't help but feel sorry for him.
I loved the movie
Marge is ma waifu
Movie sucked, t b h. The three seasons were far better than it.
Wait what? Are they doing a 4th season of Fargo? Or are you referring to S3 of Stranger Things taking its sweet time?
there's gonna be a 4th. set in the 50s if i remember correctly
Cursed image
I could watch fargo the movie with my family. There was no analingus in fargo the movie
Its coming out 2020. Chris Rock is going to be in it.
no, s3 is garbage
I literally want her to kill me
zoomer, newfag.
mongrel shit-cunt
calm down riley
what does this feel like bros
Eh, sorry, sweetie, but season 4 will be filmed this year
Nothing when they've had a menopause and shat out two kids I imagine.
>is called meme
>is a loyal mute autist
I'm in love with Carrie Coon
That isn't from Fargo. Though you do get to see MEW's butt in a scene.
>Sorry Ray, money's just not there. Maybe next year.
The casting of this show is incredible. Every role is perfect.
How was he a cunt? He was just in way over his head and at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Was I supposed to hate bitch lead of the first season? Her entire character can be summed up as "she is right", Key and Peele's characters exist to say to Saul that he is wrong and she is right. Sauls character also really makes me hate her more, he is unbelievably dumb just so we think she is smart.
>Show suddenly and inexplicably becomes Hotline Miami
he had it in for ray. he meddled in the feud out of pettyness and made it all worse.
>He was just in way over his head
this is why i feel bad for him. itwas sorta pathetic to see him lose his mind together with his control
his death was such bullshit.
I want to be reincarnated as a kot
The Leftovers is better this past decade though
are you being ironic? the leftovers was garbage
go back
show had great a great soundtrack, too
It was a mistake to give him dialogue.
you feel stupid if you have nothing chadly in you, stay with missionary
*repeats the question*
>Did you know the human eye can see more shades or green than any other color ?
What did he mean by this ?
He was a kino character though
The voodoo hotel episode was the kinoest episode of any TV ever
excellent response, honestly though that show was so bad
salty coins and milk
Was it, dare I say K I N O
He means that Humans are prey, since we can spot predators easier in the trees and bushes.
was he God?
>tfw she will never be your mommy
fuck this gay earth
Glad I'm not the only one who thought she was a total MILF
the wandering jew
demiurge maybe
why would you be the only one? shes attractive
This is the ideal mommy. You may not like it, but this is what peak mommy looks like
If you've been around long enough you would know that Yea Forums is a solid Coon board. Between Fargo, Leftovers and Gone Girl she has made many fans.
>Black Sabbath montage
Good choice.
Patrick Wilson in S2 was great all round too.
Do you have the porn actress serial killer one?
I regularly go back to this still.
Fuck off, she's mine (from the Leftovers)
typical racist wh*tes
First season is the only good one.
Is VM Varga the most accurately depicted AnCap in television history?
Was he gay for Emmit?
>The goal is to get enough money to become invisible
Unironically based and redpilled
>Mad Men
>Breaking Bad
>'same' fanbase
I dont think so, Tim. Mad Men is the greatest series ever made and BB is absolute reddit tier dog shit with an equally shitty fanbase. All breaking bad fans are literal man children.
>coalburning bitch is depicted as an idiot and subsequently murdered for betraying her family
>feminist is also depicted as a lunatic and goes to jail
>badass injun doesn't take the high road with racism depicted toward him and instead goes on a killing spree
>cool monologuing black guy overplays his hand and ends up working in a cubicle
Is season 2 based and redpilled?
I don't understand the love for season 2. It's good but most people rank it as the best season by far.
>not posting the best song to grace the Yea Forumserse
Mike Patton wasn't in that. I don't think he's ever acted, actually.
Mew died with Nikki tbqh