One of these threads

One of these threads

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>bing bing wahoo yippeee

>no books section

Fookin 'ell

make one with a book section then, who fucking cares.


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what are albums 1 and 3?

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>not ironman, supreme clientele or fishscale
fantano drone

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Aren't these kinds of threads for people too ugly for /soc/?

the worst taste in vidya ive ever seen. kill yourself

You're alright, user. I like you.

>new vegas
>like clockwork
based, and overall good taste
best one
>blue note in general
are you a girl?

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Yeah, I know user, I barely devote any of my time into vidya.

Both are top tier anyway. Don't listen to him.

Fucking retard BB is one of the greatest games of all time and mgs is a great series

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cringe-tier taste

you went full reddit my fren

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>guaranteed replies: the post

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>Yi Yi
nice taste