You liars told me this was good. All it is is just saying offensive things.
You liars told me this was good. All it is is just saying offensive things
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This was a touching scene, and showed the sensitive side of Kenny.
Don't watch anything else Danny McBride is in.
Watch vice princapals
dude haha I too don't like anything
This Is The End is nice
OP sounds like the name of a guy who has absolutely nothing going on
Op, I love you... but you've got opinions like a fucking dickhead.
And you watched.
this is the only narrative driven (somewhat at least) show I’ve been able to watch in like a decade
Mcbride is a genius. That's all
fuck your donkey bitch!
Steve has got to be the best sidekick in tv history
this scene where he starts acting tough to impress Kenny always makes me lose my shit
His commitment to the joke and staying in character, no matter how rude or ridiculous, is what I respect about his work. He never half asses anything.
mcbride, little, and daly is a perfect comedic trinity
it is you fucking queer
Danny can't deliver those convincingly though. Seth Rogen could, like Observe and Report
He didn't ruin Alien: Covenant.
The gay robots did.
It is good. Your opinion is wrong. You're fuckin' out.
>You liars told me this was good
wrong. i told anons that this is edgy reddit humor. you're fault for not listening.
It's a Yea Forums essential. White man kino.
I was very surprised at how funny that movie was
McBride killed it
suck my cock, nerd