Shame the memory wipe light isn’t real
I hope this series of continuously failing reboots of successful franchises finally makes Hollywood start investing into new ips
what is more worrying that the only sci fi that makes money now is capeshit. Get ready for dozens of black panther sequels.
Lower metascore than Dark Phoenix.
Guess they won't be changing the name to "Humans in Black" after all
Why wasn't he in this?
It's more worrying that it's just Disney making any real money. They're going to have multiple billion dollar films this year and I don't think anyone else has managed to hit 500mil yet
Because Disney controls the critics and they have an army of "influencers" to herd the sheep.
probably not until the monopolies are broken up will there be any innovation
I'm still interested to see it after reading the Variety review. I really hate people who just reduce a movie to a RT number, movies are not either 100% good or 100% bad.
The sequel no one wanted..with the actress no one likes.
Two of Disney's films have been rotten this year. It's beyond critics. It's the majority of the audience just not caring about anything but Disney
they'll just go back to remakes
they should have name it men in black worldwide and make pitbull the main character
I'm gonna go ahead and say it
That Thor guy can't act, he's only famous because of Marvel, as soon as the free ride is over he'll fade into obscurity
I wish someone would wipe tessa thompson's existence out of my memory
Why does Yea Forums focus on movies that will be successful no matter what like Captain Marvel but never focus on any of the shit Sony produces?
Because there is no need, Sony fucks itself in the ass, as we saw with Ghostbusters
Can we finally agree what's her face is poison.
Dare I say... reboot fatigue? That is something that would scare the shit out of Hollywood since that's all they seem to know hot to do anymore.
she was good in westworld
MCU actors have nothing to offer outside of it.
Maybe. Hard to tell since the love action Disney shit seems to be doing good.
New IP's don't sell for the most part. Inception is like the most recent original movie that made bank at the box office (800+ million) and that was in 2010.
Yeah but I'm talking more about live action reboots of previously live action shit. In particular feminism/diversity reboots. People seem to be getting tired of it which will hopefully prompt more original content. The relative success of things like John Wick tells me that people want good old fashioned original fun movies without agendas.
Perfect impersonation of a retard blue tick, user!
I hope that's the case. And for the original being as beloved, Aladdin isn't exactly setting the world on fire like Beauty and the Beast did. Lion King will probably do a shit ton, but after that I don't see anything as a mega blockbuster.
Agreed. And Thompson is the worst actress in Hollywood right now.
I think everyone is already expecting for this to bomb.
Hint: You can tell when a studio has dud on their hands by the relatively small advertising they are doing to promote it
Sebastian Stand and Tom Holland are exceptions. Both are excellent in everything else they’ve starred in, and their upcoming stuff looks good. Devil All the Time will be kino.
Stan* sorry
Wild Wild West 2 next year??
Is this an unpopular opinion? He's only good when he gets to play a bufoon. That's why Ragnorak was better than the others. He was good in Cabin in the Woods, too, because he played a giant Chad clown.
Hahahahahahahaha, that's funny.
Oh, wait, you were serious?
They could have put a movie about the Great Lakes Avengers in that slot and it would have made a billion dollars.
The next CM movie will be lucky to make half as much.
hemsworth seems like a good dude but he stank in the heart of the sea
WELL THEY GOTTA throw couple movies under the bus so people don't get suspicious.
>That Thor guy can't act
He's not in it for long, but he was great as the villain in Bad Times at the El Royale
make it so that he speaks spanish and no one can understand him so he gets in all sorts of trouble and I would watch it
Pedophile controversy and he's dead.
He's good when they actually have good writing for him and not just writing him as a one note comedic actor.
propaganda is currently more important than turning a profit. theyre not shoehorning certain groups and ideas into their movies because they think that it will be well received and make them money, theres plenty of experience showing that it won't.
Lupita’s Us film did extremely well.
I thought it was illegal to give bad reviews to african americans
Secret life of pets
It did well because of Jordan Peele. Get Out became quite the sensation, so people wanted to see what he does next.
Not yet but soon...
reviews probably say she is good but can't save the bad script or some dumb shit, they generally refuse to blame them
This isn't an unpopular opinion. I don't think Chris Evans is a good actor either
I like him, he clearly doesn't give a fuck and just wants to fuck around on set. Boomer Thor was the best part of Endgame and I hope he doesn't go back to being a gigachad in GotG3
True but Lupita’s performance kept the movie afloat.
He's playing a buffoon in this one too, and no one's interested
Just got out of a showing, it's fucking pitiful
This makes me realize, why are Marvel's non-voice actors worse than the ones voicing the CGI characters? I care more for a purple dude with a gold glove that has rainbow stones in it and a talking raccoon than any of the humans in these movies.
Movies don't NEED to be good anymore. You can make a steaming pile of shit and it will still turn a profit as long as there's something recognizable about it - a title, a famous actor, etc. As long as such a movie gets a wide international release, especially if it's screened in China, it's guaranteed to profit. It's all fucked.
Josh Brolin
But Aladdin got a rotten score and no one gave a shit about Dumbo. I think it's the beginning of the end for reboots.
I hated the movie besides her.
He's not dead, he just went home
It's been this way for a long time.
Has Hollywood always been one of the uncoolest places on the planet or is this a recent phenomenon?
this. that was a good film
>change normally male lead to a woman or change cast to all blacks
>movie tanks
When will (they) learn
This. So many Disney shills were here when TLJ and Captain Marvel were out. If you had any legit criticism of either film youd be shouted down.
>We need to pander to this ultravocal twitter minorities dude
REAL NORMIES don't give a shit about twitter, real normies don't care about this diversity shit. just pander to china as hard as possible with super beautiful actors, special effects, a simple yet cute story with a few harmless nonpolitical jokes here and there and you win. The real normies will see your movie, the chinese will see your movie, the kids will see your movie. literally a win win situation. but nope, we gotta pander to dem twitter lunatics bruh!
It is. Did anyone ever see the reviews for wrinkle in time? Saw a handful that said the movie was god awful BUT it was made by a black woman so 4/5 stars.
I completely forgot about that and marry poppins 2. Did those Both already come out?
Was eating lunch with my mega normie co workers the other day and a nu wars trailer came on and all five of them said they were sick of star wars and thought last Jedi was atrocious. I was shocked since I always hear how much normies "loved" TLJ
The sad truth is that this megaflop is probably more a backlash to MIB3 than cultural marxism.
The movie was certified rotten on RT what are you talking about.
At what point did Marvel, Star Wars and Poxar become the only reliably bankable properties on the market? Even stuff that used to make money hand over fist like Transformers is eating it at the box office, at least relatively speaking.
MIB 3 was pretty bad you could tell will Smith didnt want to be there.
>probably more a backlash to MIB3 than cultural marxism.
Pleb spotted. Better than 2 btw. Also too long ago for zoomers.
If you keep repeating it, it doesn't make it true.
State of whoever the fuck thought these two charisma vacuums should lead a movie, let alone one that’s recognised as a Will Smith role. They need to realise that’s Hemsworth is carried by the rest of the Avengers cast & he’s no better than his shitty brothers.
>reviewer has to dance around Tessa Tompson's character being shit
>"t-there's nothing wrong a super genius black woman lead paired with a retarded man!"
>"i-it's just bland! The politics have nothing to do with it!"
They 100% should've gone with that 21 Jump Street/MiB concept.
Universal still has Fast & Furious.
A C C E P T A B L E.
>relatively small advertising
homie, I saw ads daily tacked on to Zaxby's commercials, of all things
I exclusively watch 1960s/70s and early 80s arthouse and exploitation films now out of sheer contempt for these money laundering scheme movies.
You have to remember that these films are the seeds being planted for an zionist-Evangelist-wahabi anti-art, anti-creative dictatorship.
you thought you'd get so many (You)'s, didn't ya?