what are some good russian/udssr kino?
What are some good russian/udssr kino?
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literally none, the Russians have no taste for kino, its always pure propaganda schlock and even when they make the rare kino, its for propaganda reasons. There are only a handful of genuinely talented Russian film creators and there is not a S I N G L E good Russian film about WW2 because it is always unbelievable garbage made for the peasant masses of Russia.
>the Russians have no taste for kino, its always pure propaganda
as if 90% of the hollywood movies arent propaganda lol
also it seems like you never even tried to watch russian kino
Dead man's letters
Man with the movie camera
The green elephant
Come and see
Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter
russian kino exists and so does american kino but the american film industry is far larger and is far "freer" so its more likely to produce actually good films. The Russian film industry is awful with rare high quality artistic films. Anything covering the war is always complete dogshite made to woo the russian audience about the patriotic war.
The only good russian film is STALKER, but even then its slooooe
Brestskaya Krepost is the best ww2 film of the last 10 years
maybe if you have an iq of 70 and live in a russian village in he ural mountains
The only good film
If you don't think Night Watch/Day Watch wasn't kino, you should fuck off.
It had its moments, but it is kinda shitty with all that product placement for nescafe and stuff
The entire Liberation series. You can find all 5 films on youtube with English subs. Basically follows the Soviet offensive in the later stages of WW2 leading all the way into Berlin. Fantastic action scenes.
I wouldn't voluntarily watch anything that has 1st channel logo on it
Shameful compared to the books
Just a couple from the top of my head that I didn't see posted here:
Dersu Uzala (from Kurosawa but it's technically a soviet production)
The Idiot TV Series (2003), low budget but fine acting and probably the most authentic Dostoevsky experience on film
The Ascent, pretty neglected anti war classic, a miserable watch
And the newest Zyganovski film Loveless was pretty good
Great show, especially if you played tabletop RPGs.
I was rather talking about the movie from 2014
Oh yea, this one wasn't too bad.
This movie breddy gud, watch it in russian with english subs
Forgot image I'm a nigger
It's fucking terrible. I bought into the hype when it was first released and it's one of the worst war movies I've ever seen
lmao nigger please what the fuck? how much of a brainlet are you?
>Night Day
>Watch Watch