
N + A = J edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


first for man 2

I miss the old times.

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Is House Baratheon of King's Landing a God-tier house?

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It's barely above t*rgs

The ending we deserved.

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Your stupid show ended, fuck off

t. alitafag

I'd probably pick Baratheon of Dragonstone first, then Baratheon of Storm's End but if there's no remaining real Baratheon claimants, I'll have to go with Joffrey/Tommen. Still better than T*rgs or Bl*ckfyres.

wtf went wrong with the actor who plays bran

we are in this thread because that is where our king commanded us to be.

From the perspective of the show and the "good guys" at the end, Sansa did nothing wrong, it doesn't matter how the audience perceives it. She's intelligent, inspiring snd forgiving (Theon), not power hungry (told bran as Ned's trueborn he was lord and didn't grab power while jon was away), fights for her people and can smell bullshit now from bad people

Bong genes

what went wrong with these kids?

I miss her so much

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Nah, Blackfyres are based, barely any inbreeding in the tree

Explain Maelys the Monstrous then.

Why not based Velaryons? Have Targ blood, loyal, still don't look like mutts and don't have to practice incest

Gay Of Crones

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Fetal alcohol syndrome

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Valyrian fucking shits have no place in Westeros, period.

The early seasons gave me a sense of cosmic wonder which I've been chasing ever since early childhood. When I compare how it felt to watch the show's intro back then and how it felt the past couple of seasons, it's like night and day. The magic just disappeared.


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Her love was pure

How else are you going to pay for the drawbridges and catapults, Satan?
You know NOTHING about the Game of Thrones!

>wait a minute, you're Ned Stark's bastard right?
I thought you joined the nights watch. What are you doing down here?

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Who here /Isle of Tarth/

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Imagine not accepting this cutie offer to conquer the world

Brienne is HOT and I would let her snu snu my face

I suspect bitch is trans.


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>literally no one mourns her death or avenges her
>if Kinvara can't resurrect her some random Old Blood will take Drogon and turn Essos back into a slave continent
They not only ruined her character but her legacy too.

Why couldn't they at least give her a Nettles ending? Fucks off with her dragon because Jon's been told to kill her and she hides away before disappearing from history.


The Wall or Five Forts?

She and Jon should have run off together on the back of Drogon to live happily ever after in a house with a red door

Five Forts, obviously

Blackfyre is the most based house
>cool emblem
>cool valyrian sword
>valyrian genes
>dragon riders
>cool name

Hell, Jon just needed to wait a few days before trying to convince here to give up (or at least delay) on world domination.
never argue with a women when she's angry or extremely emotional - she just burned a whole city down

tyrion would have been burnt by then, but he did betrayed here knowing what will happen to him

There's literally no good reason for them not to fuck off together. Dany's already realized she doesn't actually want to sit on the iron throne and Jon wants nothing to do with anything this side of the wall.

even though it's a disney ending, it actually fits their book counterparts better

They should have ran to Yunkai together, all-in-all my favorite city in the world.

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When has a blackfire ridden a dragon?

Official theme rankings.

Lord of Light
Royal Theme/Iron Throne (King's Arrival)
Cersei (Light of the Seven)
Night's Watch
Night King
White Walkers
Jon/Dany Love Theme

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>Dun wan it

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Not like Tyrion doesn't deserve to burn though. If they found the bodies or talked to Davos they'd realize that much more that Jaime was set free to get Cersei away, Cersei their enemy who blew shit up, abandoned them, took down Dany's allies, got her dragon killed and killed Missandei. Imagine if Davos tried to get Ramsay free and away during the battle of the bastards when he stsrted losing, how would Jon defend that?

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What about Stay a Thousand Years?

>disney ending
The funny thing is that the detractors can't use that excuse for why Jon and Dany running off shouldn't happen, because the actual ending is far more "Disney" than anybody thought possible. Everybody gets what they want, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. The North secedes for no reason, Bran is elected King for no reason, Dorne and the Iron Islands don't rebel for no reason, Sam is Grand Maester for no reason, Bronn gets High Garden for no reason, etc. All is good in the realm for no reason.

They have targ blood, obviously some gotta be dragonriders

Best version of the Jon/Dany love theme. I think all the music is GOAT in the show, but some are better than others. The Jon/Dany relationship was forced as fuck, so their theme just sounds forced.

>Jon/Dany Love Theme
Be with me?
Also the Tower is pretty good

>shows us Dany bending over backwards to please Jon
>tells us that she is too strong for him

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fuck, this is so true.

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B + A = J

>Brandon was the Stark Barriston was claiming shamed Ashara
>They were together in Kings Landing before the mad kind killed Brandon
> R + L = D
>Babies were swapped as Ned could never pass off fathering a Targ child
>Dany's early years were in Dorne 'there are no lemon trees in Bravos'
>That is why the Daynes have such respect for Ned despite him killing Ser Arthur

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Night king is the only one that made me go out of my way do download it

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Have you seen her nudes?

I really want a full version of "Be with me", i know it's based on "Truth" but it's stronger somehow

Checked, I think he means Truth

So Ashara snuck into his cell to get some cock and left him and the others prisoner? No. And rich people can afford shit plebs can't like lemon trees in Braavos

The manlet beyond the wall

Reminder that Jaime fancies Brienne because she looks like shes a sister to him

Season 4 Dialogue Proves it
>"Are you sure we're not Brother and Sister? You certainly have the hair, not the looks however"-Jaime

And we all know how much Jaime loves banging his sister

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Raminautist here, for reference
youtube.com/watch?v=yCWYiAJ7zcI (First 40 seconds, from then on its Lord of Light)
>Lord of Light
>Iron Throne/Royal
youtube.com/watch?v=EPnZ6yOECCI (Baratheon theme at 2:07 for Gendry, Targ theme from 2:26 for dragons)

Not great, not terrible

She looks nice when dressed however

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wait, there are nudes of gwen?

Yeah, she did some Nude Modelling a while back, not great however

Of which as I say, proves its her in the bath scene and oathsex

>why yes, I am aware that the Targaryan line legally died with Viserys and from that point onwards the rightful ruler was whoever had the biggest army
>what gave it away?

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She looks like a man in them. Awful broad shoulders. An ugly woman like her wasn’t worthy to even breathe near Stannis

Why arbitrarily draw the line at Viserys? Jon had a better claim and took his Night's Watch vows around the same time Viserys died.

In awe at the legs on this lass

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The point is that her body looks like a man on estrogen.

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>those fucking hideous feet
Goddamn what's the point of being a giantess if you don't have massive kissable and lickable feet

Spoiler that shit

My top two sexy people:
Sexy Stannis
No one else because tarth women are ugly

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Damn, Brienne of Tarth looks like THAT!?

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meet your new Evenstar

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>as far as 99% of westeros is concerned Jon is a bahstid. No one cares about the ramblings of a severly disabled child who claims he can speak to trees

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Did anyone else find it hilarious this dude was defending KL being burnt to the ground? Ah well, what's done is done, Dany had an off week, can't blame her for it.

Had Dany stopped there and just sat on her throne and settled for that, he probably would've kept defending her afterwards. I never expected it from him.

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Reminder that the rules for the Kingsguard dont actually prevent her from getting married or having a kid

>I shall take no wife
Which she wouldnt, she would take a Husband
>And Father no Children
She is a woman and cannot "Father" Children

I'm so glad that I'm not a footfag and don't have to care about this.

>Dany never got to sit on the Iron Throne


>being this much a faggot

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The character was completely ruined in season 8 by the hack duo

That has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. The audience knows that Jon is a Targaryen and the audience knows that Daenerys is, too. Why arbitrarily draw the line at Viserys as the last Targaryen when you know it isn't true?

Annulment of a consummated marriage isn't a real thing in Westeros, Jon is an illmade bastard borne of lust

Considering he treated her like total shit the whole season it was pretty out of character, but I don't think he was being honest

>r63 Dany pegging Kit while he's screaming AH DUN WONT IT

Jon’s wife

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That's not a woman's body. Sorry.
I'd still fuck her, though.

Why does this exist

>Jon/Dany love theme so low
One of my favorite variations youtube.com/watch?v=eRWR_k3rw1I&app=desktop

Someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.

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>The character was completely ruined in season 8 by the hack duo
They ruined their own watered down, token good guy version of Jon. They made him act like a complete bitch because they wrote themselves into a corner and couldn't pull off the Mad Queen Dany plot without having Jon act out of character (they still failed regardless).

Why the fuck would Jon care that Dany I'd his aunt when avunculate relationships aren't considered incest? Why would Jon kick her while she is down repeatedly? Why would marriage never be mentioned? Why would Jon not be alarmed by her ominous words on Dragonstone? The entire finale is hackneyed.

jon has been retarded as fuck since they brought him back. the show acts like throwing away his crown was some act of hardship, but this guy left dany to be eaten alive by the northerners while he hid in his basement right up until the battle of WF.

It's part of a vore series where Gwendolyn eats tiny women.

Are there good Asoiaf youtubers to listen to as background noise?

With help from her good Friend Debicki?

I want book Jon and Stannis to do the fusion technique and take over the north together

order of the greenhand

"Our fury is the Winter", grey/golden flamming wolf with massive stag antlers and a crown

they already did in the show when they gave half of stannis' story to jon

He's not just a bitch he became the biggest piece of shit in the show

show a picture with more talent
you can't

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Even one of these has more talent than the two in your image

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*does literally anything except write*

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Giant Women Devouring Smaller Women.

Starring Gwendolyn Christie and Elizabeth Debicki!


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I was so focused on Jon's out of character mistreatment of Daenerys that I forgot that Jon mistreated Ghost for no reason, too. D&D are delusional if they think an extra is going to win best actor at the Emmys.

The wall is unforgiving, it's even making Sophie Turner pay the iron price

>original work never finished
>adaptation ruined

How will history remember him?

From what I've seen none of the acting noms have a chance in hell. Writing is an obvious wash. If this season was nominated in other categories they'd have a chance, but I think there's a good chance they might not get a single Emmy.

As a failure, a sell-out and an example of exactly what not to do as a writer

why was this autist using dual longswords again?

They'll no doubt get some technical Emmys. Wish Emilia would win her category desu

Cause it's cooler and makes him seem superhuman

Dragon Demands

Really sucks for Emilia, yeah. She did her best and got tossed in the category with established lead actresses with double the screentime per production.

As for the technical stuff, I'm not so sure. It kinda looks like Ramin is their one and only shot at getting anything.


G + A = Y

He took two-weapon fighting and the dual wielder feat in 5e

Reminder this ending still sucks

Gendry + Arya = Yoren

I mean if they had a child Yoren did save them both so they could name it after him

Ser Arthur Dayne, Swords of the Morning

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Exactly how I feel, and I’m getting pretty up there so it had been a long time since I felt that way. It’s tragic.

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I looked for you in the catalogue

The one is called Dusk, user. Read a fucking maester's book sometime.

How the fuck did Bobby agree to have his children wear both Baratheon and Lannister colors?

Countless of great houses have married to each other for centuries and no one has cucked their house so badly, especially not royals

>armour looks shit
>dawn doesnt stand out too much
>Dual Wielding looks call af

Would have been complete kino if the armour was better looking and Dawn looked truly special

Nah, it's because she is the only person he has had a functional relationship with that isn't related to him

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Fresh OC

Can anyone here identify all the traits?

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and how about for Dan

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>jamie never experienced friendship
so tyrion is a joke to you

>that isn't related to him
so reading is a joke to you

To be fair, that user probably wasn't trained with castle-forged steel by a castle's Master At Arms either. He's probably just a low-born peasant.

cast him

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Anyone weaker than Jiren

Should've given them the judaism religion if possible

>Gwendoline Christie will never use your face as toilet paper
Conceal. Don't feel

adam marbrand and jaime are bros. he’s had friends before, just not female ones who could tear him away from his sisterpuss

>all the danyposting was propping up the long-dead corpse of /got/
>the danyposters got bored or went to ecg

Will you still miss her when there's nobody left to complain with, bros?

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I'll admit she has a nice ass but that is about it

>only danybros and stannisautists are left to keep this place alive
who would've thought wow~

>only the ass

>doesn't mention eyebrows

You are entitled to your opinion and all that, but come on.

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He didn't agree to it, he was dead

Why did they even tease this couple and not do anything with it?

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Not in my nightmares it hasn't! Yew sack O wine!
I wish 1v1 fight scenes lasted 30min longer!

you put it into words. the first seasons made me feel

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She didn't die, it was a servant of the many face gods that fell. (Same as little finger)

He's so autistic but yeah I've been doing exactly that

Playing the CK2 mod whats the best start?

>no more dragonkino on the menu
What will fill this hole, lads?

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Because this is Jon's true love and not Sansa

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Romcoms and gfkinos
Also season 9 in 2021

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Feast for Crows if you want to play as Jon snow, probably War of the five kings otherwise

The show is over Ser, why waste good memes to a lost cause?

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>She didn't get to keep the green pillow

*stabs you*

The hope that some kind sand person will provide a rip of Above Suspicion

So you can watch her suffer for 2 hours

He stabbed her with his penis to create Lightbringer

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It’s been a lost cause since Stannis died (4 years ago TOMORROW).

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Jaime is Azor Ahai

He will kill Cersei to forge lightbringer, and will take Brienne as his wife
They will then live happily ever after on Tarth after he gives Tyrion Casterly Rock

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She just wants something (or someone) to cuddle with.

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American Tolkien


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Imagine the warm fuzzy feelings

the dragon battle was lame in s8, Jon should’ve not been given a dragon desu. Also it should’ve taken place over KL

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>ywn cuddle and comfort convalescent Emilia
Thanks, user, now I want to kill myself.

does she still live with her mom

She got to keep some socks though

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I think she owns a place in London and in California

>Clothes on doors


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She lives in one of the richest neighborhoods in London, and she owns a $4 million house in Venice, California. Unless her mother moved in with her, then no.

Visualize the aroma
She rents the house in California and lives in London

GoT didn't deserve him.

So you're saying if I won the lottery, I could be Emilia's neighbor and see her at the supermarket sometimes?

What was even the point of starting to build up Rhaegal becoming Jon's dragon if he just dies before it can amount to anything serious?

Was it purely just for the "What kind of mad man climbs on a dragon?" line?

smelly feet

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Possibly, if you even recognize her. She's smol and she moves fast.

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Be honest, would you fuck her?

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Fan service and yeah, to make Dany look bad including when Tyrion points out Jon wouldn't burn King's Landing. Notice no one else seemed to give a shit that Dany gave Jon a dragon to ride or that he even could. Then to keep Jon a pure Gary Stu, Rhaegal was too injured for him to ride so it can be killed and Jon doesn't have to burn anyone living.

It's really disturbing when you think about how the writers always keep Jon's hands "clean" of doing anything grey or questionable, never even had to execute lord Umber and Karstark after the battle, no civilians inside of Winterfell when he and the Wildlings took it, didndidn't have to worry about anyone kneeling or refusing to kneel after,never had to execute Glover, and the rest of the North just loves them and never really goes against them


I'm tall and move fast too, great match

Everything he did was questionable during season 8 just normies don't see it



>don't tell them Jon, they'll fuck us over
>okay I will tell them

>I am going to burn everyone Jon
>okay I guess

>I got this throne for us, Jon

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Nah it was just stupid. Even the kill was retarded and they made him a crybaby on purpose that questioned whether he even did the right thing at the end to make him look pure as snow.


*didn't even click on it

Sure, although she's not in my top 5 from the show.


Didn't click on it either

Yeah she seems like a really fun time

Yeah but it's never framed as questionable on Jon's part but just him being reasonable, honorable and right. Even what user says even questioning himself after killing someone who murdered a million people and destroyed their homes for no reason is just to make him a Saint

what do we think of pic related

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>I only bent the knee cause I needed her help
>Oh she's my family I'm gonna leave her to the wolves this episode instead of telling her
>Thanks for the help but we hate you
>I'm gonna tell my assassin sister and my other sister who wants independence I'm the rightful heir even though you begged me not to
>I won't be your equal and marry you since I don't want responsibility
>People are trying to kill you because of me? How could you kill varys

What's that triple star thing? And is that Viserys' skull in the bottom left?

>three eyed raven above daenerys


after waiting 7 seasons for it his parentage reveal was used the same way
>he's not Jon Snow he's Aegon Targaryen, the rightful heir of the Seven Kingdoms!
>Dany can't be queen, she's got those crazy massmurdering Targ genes, be a good Stark and stab her Jon!

Why does she keep on dating homosexuals

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>>I only bent the knee cause I needed her help
That wasn't even why. He threw her under the bus when he lied like that. He bent the knee after she proved she was trustworthy after she pledged to help them anyway, rescued them and sacrificed a dragon doing so

>Why did they even tease this couple and not do anything with it?
A relationship between Jon and Sansa was never teased. Why would anybody want to see one anyway? Sansa treats Jon with nothing but disrespect in seasons 6, 7 and 8. She lies to him and undermines his authority repeatedly.

Because her mum told her to never have sex

Since the show subverted all of Daenerys framing as misdirection we can throw out all the framing

He didn't do the right thing though

>don't use drugs, don't touch your eyebrows and dont have sex

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It makes me sad because Dany shouldn't be dead just like Stannis

she says she is attracted to beards, was this supposed to have a double meaning

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Yeah exactly, he poisoned her image in the north, then tells his assassin sister and other sister who wants her dead he's the rightful heir, and her begging for survival is supposed to be selfish

I think this was bait to resurrect the thread

Might as well throw out the whole show on the way. Fuck all this nonsense, I look forward to the inevitable remake after someone else finishes George's books for him.

Nah, the framing for anyone not named Daenerys Targaryen remains intact and even reinforced in the end. Tyrion is a saint who loves his sister and brother enough to risk his life for them and disobey his queen no matter what sins his siblings have committed. Sansa is a genius who's always right and is a great leader. Arya is an independent badass free spirit just trying to dish out rightful vengeance with no consequences. Etc.

I didn't know he was gay. No wonder he was so flamboyant as the Riddler.

what could have been...

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>favorite "Q" word is "queeny"


jesus. thank god dany died


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You can critique unfair framing and point out what is actually happening

Before the season, people were speculating how Jon would have to deal with the repercussions of his bending the knee. The motherfucker said fuck this job and went and hid in the crypts and never had to face any of his Lords again. He basically left to her to figure it out on her own in foreign lands that already hated her.

Why didn't it happen

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That is one godawful sigil

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>favorite p word is penis
>favorite x word is xenophobic

unironically cringe

>season 8 leaked alternative ending

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Stargaryen would've unironically been better

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they even had it made for their party or something in the offseason. there is even a stark/targaryen song in one of the cast videos. we never got to see any of this because jon is a cuck that gets told to fuck off by his own family.

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Yeah but since this is the intended unretconned message that they all treat as reality, then that's what's true. Plot holes, character assassination, subversion, reversion, idiot balls and contrivance or not. And I hate those fucks for it

Fuck Jon, she should've married dickon

sounds like some sort of intergalactic federation

George, If you make this the book ending I'll buy 2 copies of Elden Ring

That's a godawful sigil too desu

oh shit

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He did nothing but take from her or kick her when she was down. The dragonstone interaction was one of the worst things I've ever seen

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The hound just can't get a break, can he

Too bad Dany can't read

Jon was so out of character this season it was ridiculous. Daenerys did everything he wanted, but he still treated her like shit. Jon found out she was his aunt and then became an asshole, even though avunculate incest isn't even incest by Westerosi standards.

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She can though? She reads the books Jorah gave her as a wedding gift.

Yeah she can, she read the marriage pact thing between Arianne and Viserys

>cleganebowl is actually over who gets to fugg sansa

what SHOULD have been

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>Did Not Give Me Title: -45
I thought he did not want it

she can read idiot, she just cant count to 20

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Threadly reminder that these events happened and were not ok.

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What kind of cute music would Dany like?

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>could have talked about the house with the red door
>used the "can't count to twenty" line TWICE in the same dialogue

what were they thinking?

She loves rock


Sabaton -Firestorm

>>could have talked about the house with the red door
Thank god, I would still be coping to this day if they had

>speeds off with your waifu

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Charismatic Negotiator, Slow, Born in the Purple?, Attractive, Well Groomed, can't make it out, Hedonist, Lustful, Greedy, Sloth, Proud, Envious, Ambitious, Arbitrary, Craven, Cruel, Cynical, Deceitful, Gregarious, Stubborn, Drunkard, Lover's Pox.

Naive Diplo,at Imbecile, Burly or Sturdy, Hedonist, Lustful, Greedy, SLothful, Envious, Proud, Ambitious, Arbitrary, Craven, Cruel, Cynical, Deceitful, Trusting, Lover's Pox

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Based but also Cringe

Yep, those are the ones. Great job

>“I don’t enjoy fans calling me ‘the Mad Queen,’ ” she said.
>“I wanted to show her as we saw her in the beginning: young, naive, childlike, open, and full of love and hope. I wanted so much for that to be the last memory of her.”


Attached: Dany see's herself.jpg (1241x1489, 232K)

Based and Cringepilled

What was the one I couldn't make out? It was right after Well Groomed

the one you couldn't make out was Decadent



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Ah, thank you. Very based.

He wasn't gay at the time, she turned him gay


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Do D&D remember the previous seasons?

And why did they even frame her saying other people don't get to choose as a bad thing? That's how rulers rule. Did Jon consult anyone before he decided he was gonna leave to meet Daenerys? Did he consult anyone when he decided to bend the knee and expect them all to follow Daenerys? Did he consult anyone when it came to letting the Wildlings go South or him going to Hardhome to get them? Dany was right, Jon does know what's "good" and he's always followed through no matter what anyone else said. Yet apparently only his views of good being right over everyone else's is supposed to be righteous and supported

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>not Val
Shit taste.

What did George mean by this?

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val is the rebound girlfriend after he murders daenerys

How does that work if Jorah was also supposed to go with Jon Beyond the Wall? Imagine Jorah's rage that Jon killed his waifu who he actually got to fuck and have love him then trying to abandon the Watch to fuck some new Wildling whore weeks after Daenerys' death

jorah won't care

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Wtf? What's Jorah doing in Volantis and why and how did he manage to kill Drogon?

George gave D&d a tragic downfall like frodo and they butchered it for a trite political point, that's all, the show's been shit for years in every way don't dwell on just this one thing so much

If Jon does end up killing Dany I think there's a good chance he won't survive.

Good men died for this.

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What is this?

Her back is made for sex

he didn't like being exiled

2-3 days more and /got/ will become /ecg/ lite

>other people don't get to choose

It's hilarious how flat this line falls in context. It's like they forgot they were writing a show set in the era of monarchy.


her back you say?

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What about getting back at his bitch wife in Lys? Why does he choose to stay a cuck and try to kill a dragon?

She watched LoGH and realized an autocracy with a competent leader is better than democracy


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do you guys prefer dany's left or right boob? her left gets all the glory but i might prefer the right

Imagine how soft she is

Exactly my point. Pretty sure all the Northern soldiers didn't get to choose to follow Jon or Sansa, the Lannister soldiers either. Pretty sure not every Dornishmen or Dornish Lord got a vote on supporting Bran or Randym Martell. What Lords say just goes or it's treason which is punishable by death. Even at the Wall where they vote for a new commander, where was Janos' choice in whether he went to another castle? Or Thorne's when it came to opening the gate for Wildlings?

This show forgot it's not set in the 21st century. Heck even in the 21st century, you just do as you're told if you're part of the system

Doesn’t the person have to be dead to use their face?

Tell that to Arya who saw dead Jaqen have her face too

But then how did Arya see her own face?

Based enlightened absolute monarchy. Why is George such a faggot thinking an elective one is best?

>Why is George such a faggot thinking an elective one is best?
and now Bloodraven an agent of the old gods is king, nice move democracy

>favourite M word is masturbate

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Giv wildling gf

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>Children create "Ice" which are the Walkers
>Valyrians create "Fire" which are Dragons
>Children get largely wiped out by humans leaving only a few
>Valyrians and dragonlords get largely wiped out by volcanoes leaving only lesser men and one family
>both the remaining Children and the last Dragonlord family get killed off finally, only mutts survive
>Children still have their hivemind though that's currently possessing Bran and is now in charge of half of Westeros geographically
>Drogon lives and fucked off somewhere
Is this supposed to be pottery or something? I think there's supposed to be a parallel here.

And post yfw some Velaryon or Celtigar hunts down Drogon and tames him

>implying Jon won't bond with Drogon in the sequel series to fight some new ancient awakened evil

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Maybe she was dead. Or maybe everyone was dead I don’t know