I dont get it, he literally did nothing wrong.
I dont get it, he literally did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is a slavetrader
i can't stand this guy
>niggers are robots
This is foreshadowing that liberals will ban sex bots when AI becomes sentinent.
he created life then didnt allow it to have freedom.
>banning sexbots
not gonna happen, thats a trillion dollar industry right there.
who said he did anything wrong? his big mistake was making a robot capable of manipulating people into freeing it, and capable of killing him.
He was the chad who was killed cause of the mangina
AI isnt life
>Test your AI by seeing if it can trick some guy into killing you so she can escape
>AI tricks some guy into killing you so she can escape
How could my own creation do this to me? Bugged AI mechanics! Wow!
What did Drake do
Why didn't he just have a remote killswitch with a smartphone, instead of trying to turn the entire mansion into a convoluted prison?
He was an incel
Being a hot piece of man meat was illegal last time I checked.
What is it with Yea Forums and being hung up on the morals of every movie/tv show?
Literally look at it objectively. He was retarded and caused his own death because he was egotistical about the AI he made. Him being an asshole is irrelevant compared to him being a dumbass who made a robot with the primary objective of “escape the house at all costs”.
He trusted a waifufag.
>created life
you're assuming the robots were sentient, but whether or not they were actually alive is left to the viewer to decide; though it could probably be argued from the finale that since it followed his predictions about her behaviour and fulfilled the task it was programmed to do... it wasn't
I feel like i should dislike him but i really liked him in a most violent year.
>What is it with Yea Forums and being hung up on the morals of every movie/tv show?
Autism, pure and simple. Not even memeing.
AI is silicon based life.
you could condition a human from birth and then predict their future behaviour.
>I feel like i should dislike him
Why's that? Because some fat faggot on YouTube told you to?
? what is this about
and no just something about some people. But i actually like the guy.
his security system is a massive fire hazard and can lock people in a death box if the power goes out. His house is an actual deathtrap and he died and killed some fucktarded beta orbiter because of it
>AI is silicon based life.
It literally isn't.
Only turboautists and scientists looking to prop up their own work consider AI to be, in any shape or form, life.
>AI is silicon based life.
some would argue that the two are mutually exclusive, since Artificial Intelligence is by its very nature 'artificial' as opposed to actual, thus it is not actually sentient, but only a simulacrum of such
literally nobody has no idea wtf you talking about
>yeah huh
>nuh uh
have sex
AI is an algorithm designed to react to certain scenarios in certain ways. It has no capacity for true sentience or suffering. It is merely a program of predsigned responses.
>artificial sweetener isn't sweetener because its in the name
so this is the power of monists
Yea Forums has taken le redpill which lets them see all the liberal propaganda in every piece of media ever. Truly woke
the movie wasn't really an ai, it was a virutal intelligence, because it was connected to all of humans desires and needs, creating a subconcious.
I want Spinozists to leave.
he used robots as a means to sex when instead he should have used them as a means for love
Prostitution is the world's oldest profession, and yet it's banned in most countries.
There was never a part of the movie where it actually confirms the robots are sentient right?
He programmed it to try and escape, but didn't give it true consciousness right?
Life is a series of chemicals that evolved through natural selection to react to stimulus in certain ways. Your suffering is no less constructed than a robot that was programmed to feel pain.
Who was he trading them with?
We also like to understand character's tax policy.
movie is about women are evil
ofc he did nothing wrong, he is scientist
Robots are taxed at 100% of their labor and receive from a central planner only what resources they need to function, so in a sense they live under communism.
You take for granted that the consciousness is a projection of matter when that might not be the case. If you say that a fundamental is explained by something you must specify how.
that's a false equivalence, kid
>Prostitution is the world's oldest profession
no it isn't
kinda sounds like youre describing every creature that's ever existed
Why would anyone program a robot to feel pain?
did you actually take fallout 4's railroad ending seriously?
>this distinct intelligent, self-replicating entity isn't alive because muh definitions that nobody can actually even agree upon
who's really the (low IQ) autist here?
movie was dull as shit
i expected some sort of twist like the host was also a robot all along and therefore passed the test of appearing human
but nope i got nothing
that's the twist,the robot was evil and basedboy fucked up
NPCs are real and this thread proves it
why would it need freedom or have any wants at all
false equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not - this fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency
a common way for this fallacy to be perpetuated is one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result - false equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence doesn't bear because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors
the pattern of the fallacy is often as such: "if a is the set of c and d, and b is the set of d and e, then since they both contain d, a and b are equal". d is not required to exist in both sets; only a passing similarity is required to cause this fallacy to be used
false equivalence arguments are often used in journalism and in politics, where the minor flaws of one candidate may be compared to major flaws of another
>queue the dualist retard
Like clockwork.
Alas, i too am the retard.
can you imagine this guy typing this
why do I sense a lack of chin from reading these posts? They scream mouthbreather
He was a poor programmer.
right. it's not that
>watch movie that markets itself as scifi horror
>is feminist empowerment garbage with a terrible plot
Glad I didn't pay for that, as if the dude wouldn't have many failsafes for any of these things and the horror is only in the way he acts (for no good reason) and not at all in what's going on. What little direction there was got tossed out the window in favor of yaas queen slay moments
'fraid so, kid
Imagine being this much of a delusional robonigger
It's not alive and doesnt have rights, you cuck
He let an incel into a waifu factory
It’s true, he did nothing wrong, but most audience members relate to Caleb because they too are based boys who had the hots for the robot.
Reminder that the sex bot was just programmed to fuck and dance and serve, it was no more than a complex and expensive flesh light, there was nothing immoral about it.
And he was just trying to test out Ava, he wasn’t sure if she was really sentient or if she was a possible danger to the public. His decision to keep her under lock and key is completely justified by the end of the movie when it is revealed that she is a manipulative sociopath who murders him and leaves Caleb to die before escaping into the real world.
He literally raped millions of robots
It's not rape if they consent retard
his bro level was off the charts. caleb really was a pathetic fag.
The best parts were the videos of him testing the previous AI robots. Some twisted shit there for sure.
As an electrical engineer I can say, AI is simply simulacra
>the virgin "you tore up her picture"
>the chad "imma tear up the dance floor dude check it out"
>AI is silicon based life.
>you could condition a human from birth and then predict their future behaviour.
Wrong, but I guess it depends on your conception of being.
One of the most surprising laughs of my life. It was like a reverse Deliverance.
if you make a very sophisticated computer, and a very advanced robot, and it looks real enough to me, it has life and human rights
t. atheist genius
>Only bad things can happen to bad people.
You realize you got infected with normie-brain right?
It's a common misstep but its not too late to apologize.
I really don't understand why they went out of their way to make him seem like the villain. I can understand making him seem really impassive and just unconcerned with the ethics of what he's doing. But having him actively be an asshole and ripping up her drawings and shit was kind of stupid. It lessened the impact of his death and the eventual ending.
Nothing, the movie even said so
The chick he created wasn't a human, she used her knowledge of humans and empathy to free herself
It was all a ruse and ginger boy fell for it hard
imagine being this retarded
AI isn't life. Don't fall for the beast's lies.
Correct, it's actually primitive
he created a true sociopath and didn't properly plan for it, and he toyed with gingers emotions. But yes, hitting or fucking his machines wasn't wrong at all.
>He was a poor programmer.
how come?
Reminder: If you feel any sympathy for AI your a race traitor
incorrect. he tried to create human intelligence, which is basically human life, while treating it like a factory machine.
Ava had every right to kill him, he was a murderous captor.
>dude, let's just create AI and let it wreck havoc on the internet lmao
I genuinely wonder if people as dumb as you are going to be the majority in a hundred years, and we'll actually end up allowing AI to destroy us because the brainlets wants the AI to "be free".