What's the appeal?

What's the appeal?
>le chicken is spicy xD
Why does this attract so many celebrities?

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lol did they cuck that bald faggot out of his show?

People want to prove they aren't weak.

Its kind of like watching someone take a drug trip imo.

because its free publicity, millions watch these shitty videos

it didn't at first but Youtube obviously liked the idea of having there own talk show funny segment so they pushed the channel and now its reached max levels

No Sean was there for the bit

What is the appeal of any talkshow?


dunno why you faggots are hating on this so much, the host is asking better questions than pretty much anybody in mainstream media

It's a satanic ritual

The Alton Brown episode was great. I can take or leave the other ones.

Industry plant.

would be more epic if they taped them answering questions while taking the inevitable hot liquid shits the next morning

You guys must be a blast at parties.

The appeal is that you might see an unscripted, less curated side of a celebrity's personality come out after they've eaten something hotter than they can handle. It brings in a level of unpredictability that you don't get from a typical interview.

Its somewhat like a talk show, where its very casual, the wing stuff is just to keep interesting.

Because it's gimmicky reddit inanity and he is a wet willy who asks dull questions.

Exactly this sure he isn’t a character like other talk show hosts but he doesn’t ask cookie cutter questions

Except this doesn't happen. All you get is famous people swearing and winding. What an insight.

>wet willy
ironically most reddit post i've read all day

>Jimmy Fallon is such a shit host he needs to get other interviewers to do his job for him
Is he gonna get Conan to interview his guests next week?

This show generally sucks but the Guy Fieri episode was kino.

is he the only one who breezes through all the sauces without any problem? i dont remember seeing anyone else do that

Most rappers do as well, specially one named YG. God why have i watched all of those.


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Normiecore shit.
if you watch it you don't belong here.

>Why yes, I do have a large collection of hot sauces at home. How could you tell?

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hot sauce is based though if you don't like it fuck off. the only time it gets gay is when people have to eat extreme mega super hot sauces just to prove they can.

I hate that this is true. These are the same kinds of people who drink beer and pretend they're more intelligent than other people who drink things that taste like robot piss

>hot sauce is based though

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I prefer the other version.

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rachael ray was hot


Guy Fieri also did it and didnt have a drink. Based

yes you are

It’s like watching a talk show with actual interesting questions and without the dumb audience.

i hate the current level of celebrity worship. the graham norton show is the epitome of this. i don't want to know movie actors this much, they will never be your friends, it's as fake as the stiff interviews from the 70s, yet normies eat it up endlessly

post this on /ck/ if you want a permaban

Except he asks the most boring questions possible. I like the show and I like Sean, but stop being such a yes man already dude, it got old a long ass fucking time ago.

It's true

>It brings in a level of unpredictability that you don't get from a typical interview.
You aren't dosing them with sodium fucking pentothal, it's just hot sauce.

Hot ones was fantastic
Then they started shilling their own sauces
Then they started pushing the complex inc agenda: basically retarded rappers and basketball players
Then they started inviting a-list celebs and music industry plants
Then it's basically a taped shit show, totally made out of cut parts and fake people
Sean is obviously burnt down at this point, and the last qna video shows
It's not funny anymore

rate my collection

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I want to try the Hot Ones sauce. Every guest compliments it.

To get people to ear more chicken

No da bomb

That's cause it's Guy Fieri

Now this is fucking epic

I thought she was taken by some disease or something mupus or something

Sean does a lot of background research and is a bit of a goof so I like watching him interact with celebrities. In the old days he would have literal who negroes on the show and now he has people like Halle Berry so I am proud of Sean's success

No sean was there and Cucked Jimmy out of his show

state of the tonight show wow

I must blast inside you're mome pusy

I'm not a fan of her but Rachael Ray just did shots of each sauce off a spoon so she didn't have to eat cold shitty wings which is a pretty big dick move.

DUDE, Halle Berry didn't fucking flinch either.

No milk or water either.

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>trevor noah is this weeks guest