Why is every remake of this film dogshit? Even the guy behind fucking Lord of the Rings couldn't make a remake that comes even close to the original
Why is every remake of this film dogshit...
you just can't catch lightning in a bottle again, the people who worked on Kong were almost as extraordinary as the characters in the movie. People like Merian C Cooper do not exist anymore or at least not in movie making.
Peter Jackson is retarded
He isn't
Rear projection is such an interesting thing
>King Kong 1933: Respectable 104 minute runtime
>King Kong 2005: An extremely bloated 187 minutes
Longer, more satisfying fight scenes than in KotM. KotM could have been great if they had only followed this model of framing and length of scene.
Something so interesting to me about the people in film of that era is it seems they thought of it as an art and purely creative before thinking of it as a business so they constantly pushed boundaries just for the sake of seeing cool things on screen, and it also seemed like few people ever specialized in movies like you see today and they actually lived and experienced interesting lives on their own while also happening to be involved with movies.
'76 is shit. I like Jackson's, mainly because of Kong and the island, but the length and New York bits in particular drag for me. Honestly, it's just a movie you can't remake with the hope of capturing that feel and quality. It's why, for all the issues it might have, I love Skull Island because it decided not to try and remake it.
CGI visual effects companies work hard but yeah, the artistry of practical effects is something that can't be duplicated.
Peter Jackson kong is great
The 3 hour cut of Kong 05 is pretty damn good. The only downside is that it's 3 hours.
Jackson Kong is a disgrace that is only liked by plebs
Piss off, newfag. Yea Forums has always preferred Jackson Kong
>Sitting your ass in front of a computer polishing some model and moving it's legs and arms (Scratch that, people now use mocap anyways so all you really need to do is move a virtual camera)
Yeah "hard work"
What if you like both the original and his?
Liking Kong 05 is already enough to be a pleb
>Jackson Kong is a disgrace that is only liked by plebs
>except for that one magical scene with the bugs where, if only for a moment, we glimpsed the peter jackson we once new shining through
>and the bit with jack black trying his damndest to deliver the "twas beauty slew the savage beast" line with a straight face, and failing utterly
Why was it "It was beauty killed the beast" and not "It was beauty that killed the beast?"
>Jack Black
>Adrian "skinny tough guy" Brody
some of the worst casting this century
Well put. This is the problem with hollywood and marketing
>Tfw Son of Kong could have been even better but RKO were cunts and gave them only one year to finish it because they wanted it to be done by Christmas