would this be controversial in 2019?
Would this be controversial in 2019?
Other urls found in this thread:
>“Another time was, we were looking at the section of The Jungle Book where the little girl comes out and gets in the water, and the little boy’s up in the tree, and he falls into the water. She senses that he’s following her, so she drops the jug after a ways, and this continues all the way up, and the boy looks back at us [the audience] and shrugs his shoulders, and then he turns around and looks at the little girl, and she wrinkles her nose up at him. That’s one of the best drawings I ever did. And Walt turned to me and said, ‘That’s a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie.’ That was the last time we ever had a meeting with him.”
didn't Wall die after this film anyways?
He’s not wrong
Walt was a true c*nnyseur
I don’t give a fuck about your stupid pedo thread, OP. I just want to say that classic Disney animation is absolutely gorgeous.
I'm a gay faggot
>I must fetch the water
>'Til the day that I am grown
>Then I will have a handsome husband
>And a daughter of my own
It’d be controversial, but not for the reason you think.
I hate this part. He left his friends for a random female without even thinking. It's like Disney implies that we humans aren't better than dumb animals which just want to fuck. It's disgusting.
for what reason then
is cute user...
>>I must fetch the water
>>'Til the day that I am grown
>>Then I will have a handsome husband
>>And a daughter (male) of my own
There, fixed for modern sensibilities.
fuck off Kaa
Didn't your friends left you to have families of their own? its just natural, pussy is a powerful drive force.
She probably wasn't even a virgin. It was 19th century India, girls like her were already married and I bet rape was even more common than in modern India.
He joined the humans where he belonged and had a future rather than fucking around in the jungle all his life with a literal pedo bear.
Baloo is based nigger
Mr Cunny, I'm FBI.
>Mating press
So just missionary then? Imagine having a fetish for the most vanilla sex position imaginable.
Based sexy little girl poster
EVERYTHING is controversial in 2019.
wow you must hate huge swathes of real life
walt was based as fuck
>would this be controversial in 2019?
Come on, is there anything that isn't controversial in 2019?
It's all just so exhausting.
Everything is contraversial nowadays, that's not even a question
It would be bontrabersial amirite?
all me