What will the official spin be when this bombs?

What will the official spin be when this bombs?

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I'm one of those tinfoil hat faggots that genuinely believe Disney bought tickets for Captain Marvel. They wont let this bomb. The critics score will be over 90% and it will make more than the Last Jedi but less than Force Awakens. The movie will be shit though.

What a terrible fucking name

dead at conception

it'll be the lowest grossing of the sequel trilogy, which Yea Forums and nerdrage contrarian youtube channels like Midnight's Edge will trumpet triumphantly and shout "IT'S A FLOP, DISNEY IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!" casually leaving out that it'll still be the most profitable movie of the year just like TLJ was

One (or all) of these:

>Muh fatigue
>Muh reviewbombing
>Muh racist/sexist incels

Alt right nazi Russian spy incels hacked the ratings

This. People will barely see it on opening weekend, but ticket inflation rates and Disney fuckery will ensure that it places in the top 10 highest grossing films of all time.

I thought Solo was gonna be a $700 million disappointment like Amazing Spider-Man or Justice League

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I believe that shit too, I don't even care about being a tinfoil fag. I'm a proud wearer of a tinfoil hat and Disney bought out empty theaters for Captain Marvel for sure, there's too much photographic evidence from around the word for that to NOT be true. So yeah, Shitsney will buy out empty theaters for Episode 9 to ensure that Episode 9 makes at least a billion dollars at the box office.

Please user, just let it die

* world

Disney won't allow negative reviews again, this is flagship franchise, they need you to like this regardless if its good or not.
They will probably hire viral marketing companies to post overly negative reviews themselves with blatantly recycled alt right lines so they can justify banning negative reveiws.

you were warned.
there will be consequences if you don't like this movie.

That's not tinfoil hat, they absolutely did that. And they did it with Black Panther too. Neither of those movies were legitimate successes, no one watched those shitpiles. They are also doing it to a degree with Aladdin because it is flopping too, but nowhere near as hard as Dumbo and they know Lion King will save the live action remakes again.

The fandom is racist and sexist

what, they'll openly not care about making money (because media is a giant monopoly at this point) and push more demoralization on old fans to pave the way for demographics who don't give a shit and abandon it as soon as the spark is gone? let them, there are no properties left to ruin i give a shit about and movies/tv is for nerds anyway.

Oh fuck off nigger. Take your time foil hat with you and die.

Putting "Rise" in your sequel title is a sure sign of creative bankruptcy.

This franchise is dead.

>"The Best Since Empire"
Screenshot this, not hyped for it myself at all but this is what normies will think.

>rise of the guy that just died anticlimatically in the last movie

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unless Luke Skywalker rises from the dead like fucking Jesus they can go fuck themselves

After the fortune they invested in the Star Wars sections of Disneyland and Disneyworld, they will NEVER allow negative opinions of this film. It could sell zero tickets and the official record will still state that it is the highest grossing film in the franchise history and that it is loved by all. Quite simply, dissent will be silenced and erased from the internet at all costs. They will accept nothing less because the theme park revenue must flow.

they did. they don't inflate every movie they make but select few they absolutely do. TROS is going to be one of them.

Maybe, but then why didn't they do this for Solo?

not gonna, they even fired a director trying to do exactly that. disney can hire one competent guy to figure out why people hate this, but it doesn't matter to them. obliterating the old archetypal hero and replacing it with a open ended sandbox world to be mcu 2.0 is what they want, even it's a money loser. they have a message to stay on point with

It's not like we saw him physically die or anything. For all we know, this was a new force power and we could see him rematerialize in another location. It would make Luke insanely more powerful, but I would be up for it. Maybe it was even a one-time thing that has clearly taken a lot out of him.

If Goofy made a cameo appearance in Episode 9, would it save the movie?

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it will make over 1 billion and be a huge financial success. the critics will love it and RT will show a high score.

alt right boogey man, russian bots, etc

live action goofy?

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Fpbp The Mouse will never allow too many of their shit movies to flop, especially Star Wars.

Luke dying wasn't the problem and you are faggot fanboys for thinking that.

This is true, but the Mouse will allow some of his garbage movies to flop, like Dumbo and Mary Poppins. But they won't allow their bigger movies like Captain Marvel and Episode 9 to flop, no way, there's too much at stake for Disney ideologically with those movies.

just give it a couple years until Yea Forums's contrarian cycle deems it kino

look at the movies they inflated. they all had some political narrative. not the case with Solo. plus, Solo must have tracked really poorly so they knew nothing could save it. I've no doubt that CM and BP would be hits due to hype, but Disney definitely inflated how big hits.

>Luke dying wasn't the problem
>shame based insults
>disney-mom posters

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Lion king won’t

>Palpatine laughing in trailer
>”No ones ever truly gone.”
>Title is the name of a dead character
Fuck. The Force is going to start resurrecting people, isn’t it?

Sadly, it'll be Kylo being resurrected (not Luke) if the latest rumours are true.

can't bring back luke cuz a girl gotta be the strongest and have all his shit for free

they are not gonan resurrect a character played by 70 years old actor that can't keep his mouth shut about how much he hates every decision made in ST from TFA onward. and that he keeps salty most likely means he isn't happy with the size and content of his role in TROS.

I don't think that's a crazy theory at all. Living in California I've learned how much money people are willing to burn for reputation.

Based Mark is an audience surrogate at this point. He's saying what we're all thinking about Mouse Wars.

i don't think it's likely but jj was crying over tfa being a mess weeks away from it's release date so maybe

no one is a bigger fan of star wars than mark,
it absolutely sucks what the mouse, round head and kkk did to the man

yes but they don't like it and have the power to neutralize whoever says something they don't like. from based Mark to not so based Harloff.

Vladimir Putin.

Russians and the white devil

People are forgetting that Disney is taking a 3 year break from SW after this film. And even then, it's likely that the next 3 films will be the Old Republic trilogy made by the GoT guys.

2022- ToR EP 1
2024- ToR EP 2
2026- ToR Ep 3

We won't see Rey, Finn, Poe, etc for 7+ years. There's no chance they view this film as a chance to build momentum for these characters, but rather as an opportunity to get the taste of piss and shit out of the mouths of audiences. My prediction is that this film will be a 140 minute long apology to the fanbase for TLJ

The last Star Wars film that hit theaters - in the summer, on a holiday weekend no less - made less than $400 million and was a nine digit loss for the studio
There’s approximately a zero percent chance that this film is in the top 3 most profitable of the year - which will be Endgame, Captain Marvel, and Frozen 2 - and it likely won’t even crack a billion

This user gets it.

Skywalkers, Rise Up!

Solo flopping helps push the narrative that audiences don't like straight white cis male protagonists anymore. The movie was sent out to die on purpose, once they realized pretty early on they had a massive stinker on their hands.

>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?

It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.

Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!

>We won't see Rey, Finn, Poe, etc for 7+ years.

there's no point of bringing these characters back ever again. they don't have pop cultural significance. I'm sure some of those careers will be in dogshit so they'll come back for cheap but there won't be nostalgia effect that TFA produced.

>Solo flopping helps push the narrative that audiences don't like straight white cis male protagonists anymore.

And that's why Cuntleen Kennedy deliberately sabotaged it!!!FACT!!!

Why did they let Solo and a Wrinkle in time and Nutcracker bomb

they actually fudged Wrinkle's domestic boxoffice to cross 100M. But it was a flop anyway. Mind you, they are not omni-powerful. they can beef up boxoffice that already delivers , they can't save a complete flop.

>not so based Harloff.

Fuck all the Collider dickheads, man.

>People are forgetting that Disney is taking a 3 year break from SW after this film.

They're taking a 3 year break for a franchise that's already on life-support? Yikes.

So you're saying cap Marvel made 1b and Disney etched it past 1.1b?

What a fucking flop 1b on a 175m budget hahahaha can't believe Disney tried to hide that one

It still disgusts me to this day how badly Nu-Lucasfilm treated Based Mark.

We didn't fail fans, they failed us

This board has been consistently wrong about box office performance this entire year.

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How long do you think Disney's been buying tickets? I'll bet they've been doing this in some degree foral at least a decade.

I can easily believe Nu-Lucasfilm continuing to attack the same people they expect to pay for their shitty products. Wow, that's a great marketing strategy, Nu-Lucasfilm! It sure worked for Solo, didn't it? Why is Nu-Lucasfilm so fucking retarded?

CM didn't flop and wasn't about to flop. but they definitely inflated the opening weekend and its run though run was helped by relentless cross-promotion with Endgame. It was about to drop hard both domestically and in China but Disney dropped the spot/trailer/other that focused on CM and boxoffice started to rise on Thursday already.

>How long do you think Disney's been buying tickets? I'll bet they've been doing this in some degree foral at least a decade.

Definitely since TFA. Remember when the media was claiming that TFA was sold out EVERYWHERE for three weeks! I went opening night, 7PM and the theater was half full despite the ticket counter saying that it was packed. That was when I knew something was up and they've been doing it more and more ever since, especially when they have a lot riding on it!!!FACT!!!

>extremely successful series that has historically had amazing record breaking openings
>new movie in series has an amazing record breaking opening
>this can't be real!!!! it must be a conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!!

because they don't know what bomb really means and can't see further from their bias. CM was never going to bomb even if Disney didn't buy tickets through "help a girl see CM" charity that was just a front for their buying tickets for their own movie. they were never going to buy all or even half.

tell that to Ant Man and the Wasp. definitely a movie that Disney didn't care to inflate. No wonder Rudd is now throwing shades.

nah, people just use hyperbole to troll shills here. user sees the chink in the mouses armor, and since most people are still pissed about tlj they're just trying to get marketers to eat shit. i mean, imagine someone who uses Yea Forums caring about accuracy. most people aren't going to articulate as clearly as this user
because shills pop back with posts like these
so we just say your shit movie flopped lmao suck a dick

it won't bomb. There are enough people that will watch it because it's the trendy thing to do on christmas. The story it will be ok, because abrams knows what he's doing. And they will leave it open to make money on the future.
Accept it, the idea of Star Wars is dead. Disney won

Hard to believe a Marvel movie that is tied to endgame would flop. My dad who has seen and bought the dvds of all the movies didn't see Captain Marvel. When I asked him why, he just threw the question back at me.

for me personally, i still hope for the vidya to be good despite the battlefronts being beyond meh-tier. the movies are gone into capeshit territory long ago. thats what they clearly wanted.

You know I have no clue what to expect with this spinoff trilogy. The 1st one was more or less a retelling of a New Hope with a Mary Sue portag. The 2nd one was just random shit thrown together with no real reasoning or story progression. In fact I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to justify the events that let to the Force awakens. There is no good reason why Disney threw away the ENDLESS supply of books games and other intellectual property that could have seamless merged from the end of ROTJ. This recent one even having skywalker in the title makes no sense since it has had no significance in either of the two films. Honestly what contrived bullshit will this finale bring to not be considered a total flop.

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Assuming that this film is the incoherent disaster that it, so far, promises to be, the initial critical response is likely to be favourable, but guarded. The inevitable scene where Han, Luke and Leia appear as force ghosts, smiling benevolently upon the new cast, will be praised a a nice touch that provides closure to the saga as a whole. Nobody will dwell too much the dreary characters and the incoherencies that riddle the over-arcing plot.

A year on, you will begin to see articles by the usual suspects attempting to score social justice points by openly criticising elements of the film.

Inevitably contrarians on /tv will begin praising the final three entries in the Skywalker saga as a trilogy as the among the greatest contributions to cinema.

At least the Collider dickheads keep up with other films besides capeshit and starshit

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No one cares where you live faggot

You said yourself their powers are limited?

Ant Man 2 made more than its predecessor, how can you be sure they weren't '"""inflated"""

it should be more coherent than TLJ because we won't get unnecessary POVs. There's Rey story with Finn, Poe, new girls tagging along, and there's Kylo story with KoR tagging along and they converge. so instead of each character POV, we are down to only 2 which should make things at least easier to follow and less all over the place. but since it's JJ and Terrio who wrote it, there's going to be some epic stupidity.

remind me of any event calling for donations and ticket buying so that under-privileged minority could go see the movie. Unless they did it for ants and wasps, nope, never happened.

racism, white bigots, star wars extremists, OT "fags" and neck beards. That will be the exact reason they blame the audience for its failure

The usual.

Oh, you mean that gofundme that made a staggering....

Absolutely, Cap Marvel can definitely thank that fundraiser for its $1,180,000,000 gross.

Nah no need for that basedsóys do it for free.

"When I read the reviews, I felt like I was raped!" - star wars nerd

Sheev has saved EP9 from bombing

However, the series is running on empty and the next entires will flop

>they did it with Black Panther

na BP got the Obama effect where you market an thing to blacks as a social statement of solidarity or some such identity politics nonsense. you can only do it once though.

BP2 wont hhave that luxury

Kylo is not getting resurrected. He will die permanently. Driver doesn't want to do SW anymore. Rey will adopt the Skywalker name. And Disney will make a new trilogy with Ridley, Boyega and Isaac.