Smithereens > striking vipers > miley cyrus

smithereens > striking vipers > miley cyrus

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They’re all trash, the only good thing was that one hot asian girl.


Smithereens seemed like it was going somewhere good but failed at the end. Too bad cuz that guy is a great actor


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I dont even remember most of the Miley one my eyes glazed over from boredom. And then at the point they "save" her and go on a road trip Disney adventure redemption I had completely checked out. At least the other 2 actually kept my interest

>”Why are people talking about popular show?”

My dairy induced loose stool > the entire season.

Why is this even popular, is the EU that starved for content. Theres legit maybe 4 good episodes over the course of the series

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This season was good. Yea Forums has shit taste

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Of the 3, both Smithereens and Striking Vipers were better than the majority of last season. Not good though.

Why don’t they make more episodes per season?

They literally just lowered it. The last 2 seasons had 6 each.

Whole season awful. First episode was the shark jump and then they circled back and jumped it again with miley.

is this what heaven looks like bros

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The first two had less episodes though. I guess apparently Bandersnatch was going to be part of this season and became its own thing. Still, mediocre season compared to previous ones, I agree.

There's one redeeming thing in this season, and that's the lead guy in smithereens. His moriarty was so fucking awful. This was much better

>His moriarty was so fucking awful
I wasn't a fan either but I ended up growing to like his version of Moriarty. Sherlock's sister was a stretch though.

Smithereens was garbage and RJ&A2 was the pleb filter

Striking Vipers > Miley > Smithereens

Smithereens just went fucking nowhere. The whole "FACEBOOK BAD" schtick has been done to death by now and it does nothing new or noteworthy.

i've never seen a single episode of black mirror ever except for smithereens because it has sakamoto's music

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You mean the ultra flamboyant, over acted, soft spoken BUT THEN YELLING FOR NO REASON, pansy ass moriarty?

Yep. An all over the place character to question Sherlock's own sanity. T'was an interesting take. I don't know, I guess I had to convince myself of that so I could go forward.

Smithereens > Ashley Too > Striking Vipers.
Ashley Too was my favorite but I see Smithereens as the superior product.

Yeah, the main actor was just incredible. Even the second guy was really good too, despite not having much talk, but the main was 10/10.

she>asian girl>smithereens > striking vipers > miley cyrus

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Did you genuinely enjoy Ashley Too or did you consider it to be good among this season solely? They lost me when they connected the robot to that computer, its brain appeared on the screen and they clicked on a circle and deleted it.

I've only watched season 1 and 2 eps from whatever season this is. What are the best eps not in those seasons?

I genuinely liked it because of the adventure-esque part. I saw Smithereens as the true serious episode of the season. Ashley Too shouldn't be taken seriously. As you said, the computer part was dumb, the overly-fan-girly act of the main girl was too much, but I had fun. It eventually became a "sunday afternoon movie" with the home invasion and all.
Also looks like Lindsay Lohan before drugs.

I guess what didn't help is the absolute liquid shit quality that is the entire show after the first 3 episodes

other way around fagglord


Honestly thought smithereens was crap.

The acting and tension was amazing but it built up to nothing. I wasn't expecting huge explosions/ a hollywood ending but there was no message, no closure no nothing. Felt like a complete letdown.

Anyways, the correct and objectively true order is Striking Vipers>Ashley Too> Smithereens

The first 2 seasons are good. Than trump won the election and the creator lost his mind and openly said his show would get more woke by woke he meant turn to shit. Now instead of having cool twists in his episodes he fills it with black people and women and gays. And no more twists outside of white people are evil.

This was the best episode of the season and one of the better episodes of the show, cope.

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It's funny because I consider the best episodes to be in seasons 3 and 4 (the most recently released one is season 5, which is the one you just watched).
Maybe try Playtest, San Junipero, Hang the DJ, USS Callister and Nosedive.

aw man don't be so frustrated.

These last 2 seasons have been absoultue sjw garbage

Yeah, it sort of was the Disney adventure segment that was so weird about it. The ending specially bugged me, I didn't feel like a Black Mirror ending at all. Anyway, cheers mate, also agree on the Lindsay Lohan part

Its just annoying that everything has to be political correct at the cost of quality

he dabbin

Cheers! Have a nice day.

>movie posters for individual episodes of a tv series
how pretentious can you get?

I honestly did not notice such a degrade in quality and also when was it ever a politically incorrect show? The first episode was gross and over the top and all with the pig narrative but it's not like they were pinching any particular group.

How so? Which episodes are pushing an agenda?

>I honestly did not notice such a degrade in quality

Its gotten worse and worse each season. Are you legit blind?

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dont, just dont

Smithereens > Miley > Vipers

But honestly they're all quite bad and since it became a Netflix show I haven't been all that into Black Mirror at all.

Seriously? This has to be bait. From USS calister on its been a woke mess

>And no more twists outside of white people are evil.

citation needed

I thought Ashley Too had a lot of cool stuff in it but the execution was kind of bad.

This. The quality has been getting down with each season. Also they keep trying to make everything politically correct at the cost of creativity.

they all sucked but striking vipers was decent

>tfw continue to be the only person in the world who liked Waldo Moment

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What makes this ep good? There was little to care about

Season 3 was pretty solid. Nosedive, Playtest, San Junipero, even Hated in the Nation are solid. I don't see any problem in those episodes. One is a critique on social media and validation addiction (that was also present in 15 mi Merits at a degree), another one is a horror-thriller about videogames and industry secrets, another one is a warming relationship in a virtual world, and the other is just relationship revenge and technology gone bad once again. Literally Black Mirror, what does political correctness has to do with any of them?
You might like the first or second season better because of the stories or direction or whatever, but your argument for the quality decrease does not hold much ground, please enlighten me.

I don't understand how anyone could like the Miley ep, can someone help me out? Maybe I missed something awesome.

this season was trash. striking vipers was the only good episode but it was also gay as fuck

also i can't believe i literally have to share this board with people who thought smithereens was a good episode

You're trying too hard.


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Remember the plot of the first episode. Shit from the get go.

You sure can enjoy some episodes more than others but that has nothing to do with a political leaning

>missed somethig awesome
Reminder that there are literal shills here

wot if computah woz alive
wot if computah woz bad

is most black mirror episodes

wot if me mom ran on batteries?

I enjoyed it the most simply because it was the most entertaining episode out of a lackluster as fuck season. Smithereens didn't have enough going on in it to be stretched out over an hour and the conflict in Striking Vipers never really boiled over into anything meaningful.

wot if things seem loike they are but they arnt

Yes, shills often say how they don't like the product they are supposedly shilling.

>Smithereens didn't have enough going on in it to be stretched out over an hour
As soon as I realized the whole episode is going to take place in a parked car in a field and be a standoff I kind of rolled my eyes. I had read the synopsis and assumed he would kidnap him and go on a wild goose chase with authorities. Kinda dampened the ep a bit because all the stuff with the police was really generic. The rest was fine though and what the episode was trying to say was pretty interesting Not the worst episode or anything.

So painfully cringe to watch man its like its low level internet satire

Yeah but at least it was a more or less single story in a single episode without some overarching evil super genius going on for 2 seasons. It was still a Sherlock mystery

Something that really took me out of it too was the fact that the police snipers can't get a clear shot when it's a fucking car sitting in the middle of a field with no cover obstructing it whatsoever. All they had to do was just shift around until they were right in front of it. But yes, episode was a huge amount of wasted potential. I thought from the episode description that there had to be some grand reveal to it or some kind of leverage the hostage-taker would have over NotFacebook that would manifest itself into a huge climactic reveal at the end but it was just some fucking crybaby wanting someone to listen to him

remember what she said when she killed off her teenage alter ego?
remember how she said she will never go back?
oh look, she's back