Don't mind me, just being the best ship in sci-fi

Attached: Voyager.jpg (1024x656, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It actually is really nice looking, aesthetically. Plus it can actually land on planets too.

Attached: demon planet.jpg (700x526, 38K)

Objectively wrong
>His ship doesn't have motherly instincts to keep her crew alive at all costs

Attached: Moya.jpg (640x360, 66K)

anything Klingons tops even the coolest Fed bullship

You mean give birth to an asshole gunship.

>queef spasceship sounds

I'd kill myself than to be stuck with such a retarded captain and crew. Unless maybe if I got introduced from s4 onwards.

hahahaha fuck off
>"this is the captain can everyone please move to the back so we don't tip over thanks"

It has a great saucer section but the engineering section is way too short, it looks like a small dog with way too big of a head. The whole rear section should have been elongated

Voyager was a fucking 5 star hotel compared to what Equinox had to go through.

Attached: 10482078146_1594951409_b.jpg (1024x765, 67K)

I'm sure the rear of the ship was far heavier because it contained the warp core and all that junk while the saucer was only rooms, corridors, and weapons.

I remember seeing this for the first time and all I thought was they just made an elongated E-D instead of that sexy Runabout-like Sternbach design.

The side view looks pretty shit unfortunately.

Talyn did LITERALLY nothing wrong you fucking inconsiderate faggot, he sacrificed himself for his Mom and the rest of her crew and was a hero, so he blew up a hospital when he was a bit antsy, that's the way she goes

Attached: Farscape - Talyn.webm (512x384, 1.57M)

There's no way that weight distribution would ever work.

>not the actual rotating pizza cutter submarine version that uses magic mushrooms to trip into other dimensions to warp

Attached: star trek discovery spinning plates.webm (1280x534, 2.77M)

>Faggot ships
>Best anything

This is the only good ship on star trek, you hate it or not.


Attached: disgust.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

That one looked fucking retarded with the upside-down nacelles and retarded midsection.

Kek basically Discovery in a nutshell.

*FTL jumps behind you*

Attached: Pegasus (1).png (1175x645, 297K)

>that close to Earth
>not immediately getting swarmed by like 50 heavy cruisers

Can they make like one fucking movie where that thing isn't crippled and/or completely fucking annihilated in?

Imagine jay-jay doing this shit to le millenium falcon. Fans would've had his balls on a platter.

low q bait

I hate the sound design in the JJ Trek movies.

On every movie the fucking enterprise gets shit on, every enemy can fuck around with them and consider that the enterprise is basically the flagship.

Imagine how retarded is the Federation to make these kind of ships and send them to unknown places instead of using ships like the Vengeance that can shit on anything if needed.

the sound design is the best part, nigger

Step aside, shiplets.

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Earth is always super undefended in Star Trek.

It's actually impressive how ill-equipped they are to handle anything outside standard broadside firefights with roughly equal ships.

Remember when the Enterprise got taken out by fucking MINING SHIPS? First the Narada, then the swarm ships in Beyond. Fucking MINING SHIPS. Like holy shit...

Attached: star-trek-beyond-be-ready.jpg (1600x664, 171K)

women piliots

Narada doesn't count. Massive ship from over a century in the future and heavily upgraded with all kinds of Romulan technobabble. Even then, the Kelvin deals heavy damage by ramming and the Enterprise kicks the shit out of it once the red matter starts going off.

fuck off buddy Yea Forums's too smart to fall for you "Culture isn't shit it's actually good" line

Phew, thankfully Lee is in command

Attached: BSG - Pegasus.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

what did the culture use to power their ships?

>small science bitch class
>ugly spade saucer
>stupid warp nacelles
>ugly deflector array
V'ger was more aesthetically pleasing than any intrepid

I imagine JJ is going to blow up the Millenium Falcon in Episode 9 to add to the death toll of Han and Luke, since he couldnt kill Leia and Sheie since the actors died in real life.

Attached: B0572T050_DAD_SWHeroMillenniumFalcon_life62.jpg (1228x900, 245K)

FUCK YOU LEE. They would have been invincible with both ships.
>Ionian Nebula
>"Oh shit FOUR Cylon basestars just jumped in!"
>"We're fracked- wait no we've got Pegasus and we just blew up all four of them."


Attached: Akira+class.jpg (1200x632, 67K)

the mining ship was massive in comparison. It's like how today a military ships will get wrecked if they run into a cargo ship.

Attached: fat lee (2).webm (900x506, 2.51M)

JJTrek is retarded, film at 11.


Attached: fat lee.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

was Crais based?

personally? I think so

Muh research vessel

Isnt that the ship with unlimited photon torpedos? Of course its OP

Unironically one of the best characters arcs in TV, started the first episode as the main antagonist and ended as a hero to the main cast after 3 seasons of interacting with them

Attached: Iron Sky.webm (1270x524, 2.87M)

Magic, like everything else

>be Iain Banks
>"man I've really written myself into a corner here, how can i solve the problem.... oh yes, of course"
>A Mind/GSV/Droen Does A Thing, And It Was Fine

>His ship isn't powered by tens of thousands of corpses of the enemies of the state

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the infinite barriers of energy that separate infinite nested universes

>Massive ship from over a century in the future and heavily upgraded with all kinds of Romulan technobabble.

Comics don't count, it was just a mining ship as far as the movie explains. Its torpedoes were probably the equivalent of mining charges.

>not refueling into a star

Attached: SGU - Destiny (1).webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

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Reminder that the canonical reason for why the Kelvin was able to hold out against the Narada for so long was because Captain Robau was obsessed with decking out his ship with far more guns than it had originally been designed for since he was always operating so close to Klingon space.

He was basically a paranoid asshole who was always worried about being ambushed so he turned the saucer section of his survey vessel into a massive turret platform with an engine attached.

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So bullshit then

fookin paki captain

Did someone say aesthetic sci fi ships?

>First actual entry so far here you go.

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>launches 600 ton depleted uranium slug at 30k meters a second through your "ship"
Heh, nothing personell... kid

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Voyager was generic garbage.

Now ablative armored Voyager on the other hand...

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>JewJews designs

So pure

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40K has ugly ass clunky ships that look like they were designed to have no real shape in mind.

*naquadah enriched nukes your homeworld*

Attached: Daedalus.jpg (1018x526, 154K)

They look like baroque cathedral container ships

bsg rip


... Broke the setting? Because what it taught us was the a Fed ship, with no shipyard or supplies, can upgrade itself into an Invincible dreadnought in three days if it has the plans for the tech. That makes for a really dull setting.

I came.

literally in the filename

I liked the design but it's a shame that the writers and the vfx guys didn't know where to put the bridge.
It would've been nice to see more of their 302s.

Attached: USS Hammond.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

>Because sleek aerodynamic ships matter in the void of space...

>Not building space ships with insane architectural splendour to show off to xeno and inspire your crew to defend their holy vessels until death.

Attached: Wallpaper-phalanx.jpg (600x450, 67K)


Well at least we got 2 seasons of that beautiful ship.

Spaceships huh?

Attached: Brainiac skull ship.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

this looks good


Why are Star Trek ships so much better looking than all other sci-fi? What went right?


Attached: Daedalus and Apollo destroy Asuran ship.webm (854x480, 1.15M)

Attached: Bilskirnir.webm (850x480, 2.26M)


Attached: SGU - Twin Destinies_4.webm (900x506, 2.11M)

Looks like a fucking toilet seat

I hated the asgard energy beam, it made Earth way too OP.

That is your opinion, nothing more.

I hate that they killed off the Asgsrd just so the humans would get challenged.

It made no sense that they would kill themselves. They've spent centuries trying to perfect their cloning technology and all that shit.

Was Fat Lee the original Fat Thor?

Best ship for traveling to another dimension. Fuck Voyager and Fluidic space.

Attached: event-horizon.jpg (767x431, 38K)

Apparently it had Borg tech.

>*ting ting ting*
>fuck sentients, fuck the prime directive, but most of all, fuck neelix

Attached: 710204.jpg (350x441, 46K)

>Daddy Kirk rams the Romulans in a suicide attack.
>”The Captain would have wanted it this way”

Utterly based quads. I enjoy other sci-fi franchises, but none of them hold a candle to Trek when it comes to the aesthetics of ship designs.

Attached: ncc-1701-a.jpg (620x451, 37K)

They ruined the concept of Stargate with OP tech. They should have never introduced beaming tech other than Goa'uld rings. The Stargates should have been the only way to travel very long distances for all races.

The writers themselves admitted beaming was a mistake because then they had to think up a reason the team couldn’t beam out of every bad situation.

JJ hates space battles, thats why he always breaks the enterprise 30 seconds in so kirk has to punch people to victory, and why all of TFAs are in-atmosphere

Lexx is pretty much low budget canadian sci fi porno, there's an episode where they all get their junk swapped and the male lead gets raped by the female lead, it's an odd show

The writers didn't care about worldbuilding either.

I was going to watch this show but then


opens eyes.

its a shovel

beyond isnt JJ trek. JJ had nothing to do with it after crashing the franchise with no survivors into darkness.

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if you love that you'll love this, every star ship is that aesthetic.

Attached: Star Trek Nippon.jpg (256x230, 33K)

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>gets its ass kicked by races thousands of years less advanced

as long as you dont mind losing your flesh and sanity on each trip.

what is this from?

Everyone knows that Antimatter weighs twice as much as matter.


bird of prey is the only good trek ship. feddies suck.

Didn't that ship end up catching an STD after getting fucked by another ship? You just want to be inside a female ship while it gets dicked.

Attached: Flesh Gordon Ship.jpg (474x272, 7K)

Nothing about those designs make any sense. And it is fucking ugly, but it hilariously looks like a fidget spinner. That is the worst Ship in all of sci fi history, including softcore porn sci fi.

Wasn't it tungsten?

It's both according to the wiki I pulled the other info from. Depleted uranium just sounded cooler and reminded me of Hellsing

I don't know, tungsten sound cooler for me since it's a very strong metal so it can just straight rip through spaceship armor.

I think anything that fast and heavy would tear through a ship like nothing. A volley from a few ships would probably cripple the death star too

Just a regular sickness I think from some kind of space mold, she got pregnant but that wasn't related to any kind of sickness, they only ever come across 2 other leviathans I think, one is dead full of cloned cannibals and the other is some random one prowling leviathan burial grounds.

Bullshit. The ending of Voyager they had dozens of starships, including their new warships, ready to confront them in minutes.

And the "best part" is still shit, retard

I see your Voyager and I raise you a BC-304 Daedalus class battlecruiser.

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Attached: The Orville (2).webm (900x506, 2.23M)

*blocks your path*

Attached: White Star.jpg (617x408, 46K)

bitches leave

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The Orville actually looks like it could be a decent experimental science vessel in Star Trek.

>trekki shit

Attached: tumblr_p4o4iahx9K1wn362xo1_1280.jpg (900x600, 110K)

disregard that, meant to post nostromo

Attached: nostromo.jpg (1024x768, 331K)

wouldnt mind riding that ship

Christ what an ugly ship. worst part is... it's a canon ship too.

that's okay, user

Did they ever say what the spinning saucers were supposed to accomplish? And what happened to the hallway bridges between saucers when it went into spinner mode?

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I think comics count. This is fucking Star Trek, so I think it's pretty acceptable to delve into written works. The Narada was massively overhauled with Borg technology. The movie doesn't make sense without acknowledging that (not that it even makes sense anyway).

Not to mention the fucking insane nuclear arsenal aboard.

Nice, do you have a source for it?

The early designs really looked like a trek ship.

"it looks cool" might have been the only reason. I doubt that there's science behind it. It's like the turbolifts and the huge empty space inside the ship, they make no sense.

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>one shot from a plasma pistol and it goes up like cheap Chinese fireworks

Why are the disc decks randomly spinning...why is the whole ship randomly spinning as well? It looks so cartoony and bad.

>a Fed ship
This is the important part.

STD is like JewJew Trek where looking cool takes precedence over actually making sense.
Not that other Treks didn't exploit their cool factor, but they had a whole team of people making sure it fit together.

>teleports behind you

Attached: 3D458195-7072-4965-8A5D-9A80FFE3722B.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

Step aside, plebians.

Attached: 2001-2_0.jpg (1920x1244, 204K)

Could the Borg infect a culture ship?


>be a space truck driver
>star destroying weaponry
>ship is smarter than you

Attached: 18428205.gif (540x270, 135K)

Tell me what was "Borg-like" about the Narada other than being greenish and huge. I'll wait.

Nostromo? More like no homo

>helps you meet your God

Attached: Halo 4 - Infinity.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

Come in Joker, ground team to Normandy, we need evac
Loud and clear, commander

Attached: EnterpriseE_10.jpg (1200x900, 675K)

>the best scifi space ship isn't the Millennium Falcon

raping my neighbor
with a type 2 phaser

Attached: 1504596336942.gif (325x334, 1.68M)

>tfw humans catch up to the covenant in tech
The last few games sucked, but goddamn I love the Halo universe.

Thought it was a USB line.


Attached: archersroad.png (1000x602, 1.74M)

>Tarankino is actually going to create post-capitalistic satire of the franchise by turning it into a seedier version of DS9

Hehe! Just another new installment in real canon from 2009+!

Attached: GoodbyeCruelQuadrant.gif (233x226, 1010K)

>being such a shitty weapon the best way to use it is to overload it and chuck it at the enemy

The setting had long since been broken, let's not kid ourselves.

>Okay, Captain... we did kill those aliens. We used up every last isogram of the little bastards until there was only useless husk left. We had to bury the merchants under a barrel of drugs on a Vidiian controlled asteroid. High and dry, the EMH cooked up some crank in a refurbished cargo bay and we've been tweaking ever since. Good enough for Kat?

Attached: Captain_Rudolf_Ransom.jpg (640x480, 19K)

For the republic

Attached: 4A8CA138-BB2C-4EA8-93C0-3DB5695FD99A.jpg (1080x1338, 192K)

Ransom was based. Shame that the show wasn't about him and his crew.

Peacekeepers were hardcore jobbers but they had some neat ship designs

Attached: CommandCarrier.jpg (1024x768, 85K)

Lighthuggers are pure kino.

Attached: tumblr_pec9yufNvf1xplaumo4_1280.jpg (1000x838, 119K)

>fleetporn spam
OOF may I direct you to one of the following

Attached: NX01EnterpriseDamage.gif (400x231, 3.98M)

All your ships in this thread can come at mine, at once. I still win.

Attached: Andromeda_Ascendant.jpg (1920x1200, 169K)

I kinda dig Energy-based ships.

Attached: x1080-nZa.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

Gayer than traps.

they discovered cloning in a long term multi millenia capacity was unsustainable and causing biological defects

they tried to fix it but then they fucked their genetics even further, they chose to meet their inevitable fate on their terms, and insure all their knowledge and tech went to their closest living ally, and take a few thousand Ori followers with them

have sex volcel

Go dilate with an energy-based dildo, you fruit.

>hurr look at muh ship it looks like an undersea creature with led lights
thats you

yikes someone's sexually flustered

I was waiting for someone to post this. You are a man of culture, user.

>had fleets of these
>still ultimately lost to a zerg rush

when will Terrans and Protoss players ever learn

Based ship, cringe crew, boring show.

>no bodies
Guess they escaped in time.

Captain was not aware of his plot armor back.
Also nova bombs were forbidden.
Seriously, you don't fuck with someone who has not one but two black hole girlfriends.

You're welcome.

Attached: 1553074771999.jpg (4911x2988, 1.59M)

The quality is shit, you can see bodies in the bluray version

you literally can't have sex

Attached: AllamaraineHDWEBM.webm (720x480, 2.77M)

But I'm having sex right now


fuck the nx-01, shit ship

Attached: Star Trek ENT Battle of Azati Prime.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)



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This. Many lesser shows would have simply dropped him once a more popular villain was found.

*"REEEEEEEEEE!" in shadow language*

>"white" star
>destroying the black race
Remember when holywood was subtle?

The republic ships get rekt by pretty much any other ship in this thread.

Anybody want to take a ride?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Just fucking vomit.

the design is good but the whole Stargate series fucked themselves so hard by making Earth so overpowered by I think around S8 of SG-1
I remember really liking when Earth first unveils the Prometheus as the show had been teasing for seasons at that point that Earth could never capture a Ha'tak

Farscape overall has some great designs, always find it shocking to remember it was fairly low budget as compared to other shows as the sets and costumes look loads better than SG-1 for instance

For real. The show had some serious talent tho, so it kind of makes sense.

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when I got an Intrepid-class ship in the star trek mmo I called it the U.S.S. Lenneth. Valkyrie names work well for ship names

The Jim Henson company doesn't fuck around, man

talent and a willingness to take risks were obviously a big part of it
I'm not one of those Farscape fan types that wants the show back even to this day but I'd like to see something that out there again


That never happens IRL.

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I agree user. The show + finale left me wanting more, but having been so long since the end and seeing more than one attempt to bring the franchise back fail, I'm fine with Farscape being looked back on as a hidden gem. More shows like it are always welcome in my book, we need scifi television to take big risks again.

It never happens in the show either. The war is an almost stalemate where the younger races would lose eventually but then the old guy steps in and stops the fighting.

how I've always felt about it was that it's seriously a shame a proper s5 wasn't made as the show feels like it needs a few more episodes to it, but *not* that much.
I guess it was the success of the campaign that got the miniseries made that has left a lasting impression with fans who think that the show is going to come back even though it'll be twenty years since it ended before you know it

Why do the bussard collectors look like the headlights off a 1952 Buick?

*weebs behind u*

Attached: outlaw-star-front-view.png (720x540, 384K)

>not gigantic flying gothic monasteries

Attached: Battleship_warhammer_40k.png (1280x755, 2.11M)

>blowing up peggy to save Galactica
>not engaging the cylons in a 1v3, that peggy could definitely survive and might be able to win while Galactica escapes

Did his nostrils suck up that explosion? Dude looks like he's hanging a kirby off his face.

The Boom comic series, written by Rockne S. O'Bannon, continued the story where the finale left off. Some people don't like them, but I thought they were very good.

Attached: Farscape-comic-1a.jpg (388x600, 53K)

Attached: Star Trek Television Series Ranking.png (1480x1126, 169K)

was coming to post this, 5/5

fuck this chart and fuck you

I prefer triple tapping split-lip ships. Much more effective than throwing haymakers around

Attached: Pillar of Autumn.jpg (1600x1200, 213K)

>autist tier: Star Trek
>not autist tier: anything but Star Trek

>not timing your missiles to hit at the same time as the final shot
Kek good going "captain"

The skull's a bit tacky but the rest of the ship is pretty kino.

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>the non-conformists tier list

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*3 stooges whooping noises*


Attached: Archer and his bitch.jpg (653x564, 24K)

>muh nigger
I love this ship.

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am still amazed nobody posted this, when i thought star destroyers couldn't get any bigger, mind blown.

Attached: Star-Wars-The-Last-Jedi-Snoke-Mega-Star-Destroyer-Supremacy.jpg (1400x700, 76K)

>mind blown.
You mean the ship blown.

It's just an SSD that has been stretched out sideways. Someone post the webm, I'm still at work.

>the non-communists tier list
Fixed that for you.

Attached: Mint Ice Cream.jpg (1000x562, 147K)

the finale, not the miniseries? I thought the miniseries ended on a good and decently satisfying note

That's not the Raza

Attached: raza (8).jpg (280x133, 10K)

the bridge always bothered me on this
I *assume* it is on some sort of track and pulls far back into the ship during actual combat and they were just getting a good view on Halo

I'm assuming that the finale WAS the miniseries.
So yes. It continued the story beyond the miniseries, including some very interesting twists, turns, and back stories as well.

Attached: Farscape-comic-9a.jpg (400x619, 54K)

This was address in ENT aswell.

They needed those weapons and alot more.

Builds a ship out of stone and wood.

Slaps ship, This thing is held together by faith and our gods.

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Fucking hated D'argo.

>top ten deadliest toilet seats

>I'm assuming that the finale WAS the miniseries.
Because since the miniseries was made, I simply think of "Bad Timing" as the series' cliffhanger.
That one tells the backstory of how he lost his son.

I might read them sometime
not much for comics, and not much for continuations of series in a cheaper medium
also heard they were a bit generic at times and brought back Scorpius as the villain

Don't give a fuck. D'argo is a fucking savage, and not in the good way. I 100% believe his wife was somehow mentally deficient.

Yes. Scorpious has his own side-series, but he isn't involved with Crichton, as far as I recall. In fact, I think he plays somewhat of a protagonist role with regard to another race.

Attached: Farscape_Comics_(48).jpg (250x375, 52K)

D'Argo's an odd character, for some reason I find him alright overall but he has a weird character shift
where he goes from being this uncontrollable savage to being flamboyant and feminine in behavior in S4
yeah but his wife was probably a stupid whore

Whatever, dude. Not going to argue with you.

Kinda, but no so. They only have one Infinity Class Supercarroer with another in construction and their engine's systems can be hijacked by Forerunner systems.

fucken based
>t. Crais

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I really like the Odyssey class

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step the fuck aside, nerds

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never forget that the klingons were supposed to get genocided during the dominion invasion

what in the hell

>hes spaceship is aerodynamic
biggest pleb filter

would be based if he kills off leia's ghost or whatever the fuck that was in the last jedi. that shit was ultra cringe

It looks nice, but looking at that scene from a physics perspective, just about everything about it is horribly wrong.

>Why are the disc decks randomly spinning...why is the whole ship randomly spinning as well?

The ship has an experimental drive that can basically jump anywhere in the universe instantly by folding space (in addition to it's standard warp drive). The outer hull spins to bleed excess energy or something along those lines. The spinning is just the funky visual to show a jump instead of a warp effect.

That clip just looks extra weird because it was a deliberately failed jump intended to get them 'stuck' halfway.

Attached: ent-dis.webm (1280x536, 2.29M)

Culture have a small section that keep Borg-like infections contained when they pop up around the galaxy. People who want to blow stuff up join it for fun.



I always loved Gou'uld ships

ok thought experiment

who wins

Voyager vs a goa'uld Hat'ak mother ship

Voyager. It's clearly superior.

Voyager is stupidly powerful for it's size, so it probably does.

It's JJ cannon, real trek cannon is dead

The effects were top tier, I got used to a main character being a puppet pretty soon since they interact with him so much

Attached: Farscape - Eyes.webm (1440x1080, 2.97M)


Q'apla! An STO player with uncommon taste?

>not including the vor'cha.

Attached: superiorship.jpg (1025x539, 61K)

Heh. DS9 is so fucking cringey and bad.

I only agree with the objective fact that DS9 is for the taste-deprived. And space-yids fucking everywhere.

I never liked SGU that much, despite torrenting each new episode and following it obsessively. They tried to make it a lot more personal, like Lost, instead of following the tried and true formula that Star Trek essentially started and SG continued.

It was kind of chasing BSG's tail since that had ended and the channel wanted more of that kind of thing

Not the best match of property and style. Although I dmn't think it was ever straight up bad, just something I watched more out of habit than enjoyment.

I'm not going to lie, this scene is pretty well done. Would have shivers if I were watching this show (whatever it is) late at night.

Best ship, and worst cast, worst writing, and worst everything. Actually killed any hope of star trek as what it's best at, a tv series, forever moving forward. Good job Voyager, ya fucking turd.

A simple comparison would be shield strength. Voyager's photon torpedoes are about double what real life hydrogen bombs in yield. I think there was an episode where a naq-enhanced nuke was said to be able to destroy a Ha'tak in one shot. A salvo of photon torpedoes would be able to take down a Ha'tak, but Ha'tak energy weapons may not take down Voyager's shields. Ha'taks also have no teleporters beyond rings, while Voyager has transporters.

Adding to this, an Asgard ship, even a Beliskner, the ship that Thor had in season 4, would be able to take on any mainstream Federation ship without challenge.

Dan Mac's ships.

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We'll get an animated adaptation with a lighthugger ship, after the success of Zima Blue and Aquila Rift. R-right guys?

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I have a 1 meter scale model of Voyager and I can confirm that it can stand perfectly well.
Additionally, its made of super strong and high tech stuff (not the model) so it wont break.
The nacelles perfectly balance the ship its a thing of beauty.
Additionally (2)
Please enjoy a bowl of my delicious Leola Root stew crewman!

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>Creates planets

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Don't take it personally, kids.

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I loved that song as a kid, no matter how gay I think it is now.

>inb4 I was gay as a child but am somehow not anymore

I wouldn't even doubt it, the Culture are that fuckin advanced.

Well no. You're still gay obviously.

>looking at anything sci fi from a physics perspective
do you hate yourself?

Fun Fact: The writers ripped off that stupid idea and a bunch of other shit from an indie game called Tardigrades. Now they're getting the shit sued out of them and they're almost guaranteed to lose.

STD is a train wreck in every conceivable way.

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I love this design.

I love scifi but have a heavy physics background. How fast are those shockwaves moving?

Project Rho. Read and enjoy.

I think the screenshot for that is on one of my hard-drives. Expanse has some nice realistic designs too.

Revelation Space would make a fantastic movie. Hopefully somebody will see that one day. For now, perhaps they’ll adapt some of the Rev. Space short stories. Glacial, and Diamond Dogs, would make great episodes, I think.

So close...

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No they didn't and no they're not.

It's ironic that the same writers who mocked teen drama in "200" ended up doing the same thing for SGU

Sexiest Star Trek ship in my opinion is the Romulan Warbird Type D. B'rel Class Bird of Prey Klingon and Vor'cha are my others.

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>market the entire show as "the crew is isolated on the other side of the universe!"
>only Stargate that shows the characters go FUCKING CLUBBING ON EARTH
I will never stop being dumbfounded at the retardation of those stone plotlines. A guy using another man's body to go on shore-leave and fuck his wife. And everyone's fine with it. What the fuck.

Andromeda is a sexy design.

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Dude, the guy wrote a story about a giant blue tardigrade that can fold space and time years before Star Trek Discovery aired.

There's no way that Paramount is going to be able to convince a judge that such a wacky insane and random idea came to them independently.

They're boned.

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so what makes this so good dearie?

The first season was so fucking retarded with all the shit like the Chloe chick crying all the time and banging Lt. McChad.
Then the writers told the fans they were wrong for not blindly accepting it, which was the end for them.

Nah, Acclamators are pretty much just troop carrier ships. Venator class ships are much more formidable
>Can carry about 7,000 Clone troopers
>Can staff up to 2,000 crewmen
>Can carry hundreds of fighter craft and dozens of LAAT drop ships
>Has a compliment of eight heavy turbo laser cannons and two medium turbo cannons for cruiser to cruiser combat or planetary strikes
>has over one hundred close range cannons for anti-fighter defenses
>Has multiple arrays of proton torpedoes to punch through shields
>Has numerous hangar bays to allow for air traffic flow
>Has two bridges for specific functions for Combat Information Center, Operations, Air Traffic Control, etc
>Has additional ATC centers to help direct traffic control
Venators are the Swiss army knife of cruisers. The biggest weakness is apparently close combat with them, so a Victory class can defeat them up close, but couldn't do so if a Venator enters a star system from a distance and immediately deploys fighters, boarding parties, and keeps its distance while using its armaments.

Admit it, you only like them because "muh aircraft carriers in space." There's a reason they were replaced by the Imperial class.

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Nice inside job

Design, concept and meta. It's a sleek, advanced deep-space exploratory vessel that clearly indicated the changing design philosophies of its setting and was forced to fend for itself in unknown space. Basically "The Terror" but among the stars.

The characters and stories fell far short of the promise but the ship itself still holds up.

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Nope, I like them because they're a jack of all trades and are good for logistics. And considering that the fleets in the thousand or so years had used fighter ships as part of their naval combat tactics, it makes sense to go with more of them, especially if the CIS deploy hundreds of their vultures.

>best sci-fi ship

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Think you meant to post this, fren. :)

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Tyr is by far the best character in any medium ever.

Wait a minute, when did Stargate have Battlestar style space shakey cam

And why isn't that 303 roasting those things with beams

Tardigrades were in the public eye as the example of a living thing that can survive in space. There is no great leap of imagination to suggest a thousand different sci-fi authors independently using tardigrades for space-transportation stories because they all heard about tardigrades from the same science documentaries and science articles.

>microscopic organism can survive in space
How the fuck do you even get to this conclusion?

Event horizon for me is the best ship


They don't even work the same way

Also, the thing junior law expects who just hate that show forget: you can't own ideas. The Star Trek people are free, completely, to use the idea of a space animal being the secret to space folding drives or whatever, even in the implausible and insane situation that someone at Trek HQ somehow saw some unmade piece of indie garbage on Steam that had

Out of the way clunky explorer luxury boats

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>space documentary says organism can survive in space by curling itself into a little ball.
>physics documentary says string theory has little curled up dimensions

Honestly do you feel like you're even trying?

So a bunch of Oompa Loompas can forcibly deport you and your crew on a rock

>when did Stargate have Battlestar style space shakey cam
>why isn't that 303 roasting those things with beams
If I remember correctly the ship was still under construction. The Hammond had most of its weapons on except the asgard beams..

>TFW you fuck up continuity so bad you have to teleport yourself 1000 years into the future.

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>be Janeway
>never mention this to anyone

Don't forget the dying leviathan john lives on in S4E1

webms like these are what keep me from even watching the first episode. they clearly have the wrong ideas about what star trek should be.